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File: 2.06 MB, 1629x2000, Somer_Francis_Bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19485968 No.19485968 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19485974

Refuted by Hume

>> No.19485979

He's /ourfag/

>> No.19486011

hehe, bacon.

>> No.19486378

Practically speaking, his ideas had an important influence on the development of the scientific method.

>> No.19486413

His name is Bacon and bacon is my second favorite thing in the world. What more do you need to know?

>> No.19486441

What's your favorite thing?

>> No.19486451


>> No.19486453


>> No.19486460

(i'm trans btw)

>> No.19486469

Okay, but which of you is>>19486413? Preferably prove it with a screenshot.

>> No.19486484

mmmmmm bacon

>> No.19486595
File: 101 KB, 713x556, Screen Shot 2021-11-29 at 21.29.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>19486460

>> No.19486615

Lmao this dudes name's literally bacon

>> No.19486618
File: 53 KB, 520x670, francis bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19486628


>> No.19486660

bacon o_0

>> No.19486663

Well it's bold of you to admit it here.

>> No.19488265

reason for our current materialist crisis

>> No.19488271

He was Shakespeare.

>> No.19488306

Fags will forever seethe at him but he's definitely based :)

>> No.19490027

What do you mean by materialist crisis?

>> No.19490052


>> No.19490059

He WAS a fag tho.

>> No.19490066

>On the question of the forces acting in the universe, Bacon developed a chimerical idea which has led to confusion in a host of thinkers: he supposed first of all material forces, then superimposed them indefinitely one on top of another; and the suspicion has often forced itself upon me that, in putting forward these genealogical trees in which everyone is a son except the first and everyone a father except the last, he made on these lines a god of the ladder, and that he arranged causes in the same way in his head; in his own way believing that one cause was the son of that which preceded, and that the generations, contracting as one goes back, would lead the true interpreter of nature to a common ancestor. Here are the ideas that this great jurist formed of nature and the science which must explain it: but nothing is more illusory.

>I do not want to draw you into a long discussion. A single observation will suffice for the moment. It is that Bacon and his disciples have never and will never be able to quote to us a single example to support their theory. Let someone show us this alleged order of general, more general, and most general causes, as they are pleased to call them. Much has been argued and much discovered since Bacon: let someone give us an example of this wonderful genealogy, point out to us a single mystery of nature that has been explained, not necessarily by a cause, but even by a primary effect previously unknown, reached by working back from one to the other. Imagine the most common phenomenon, elasticity, for example, or any other you care to choose. Now, I shall not pose any difficulties; I do not ask for either the grandparents or the great-great-grandparents of the phenomenon, but will be content with its mother: alas, everyone remains silent; and always it is (I mean in the material order) Proles sine matre creata

So, have the natural sciences exonerated Bacon?

>> No.19490080


>> No.19490117

More funny French man hating on Anglos

>The force which seduced Bacon was not by any means yet fully developed at the time when he wrote, yet it can be seen even then fermenting in his writings, in which it boldly nurtured the seeds that we have seen blossom out in our own day. Full of an unconscious rancor, whose origin and nature he did not himself recognize, against all spiritual ideas, Bacon fastened the general attention with all his might upon the physical sciences in such a way as to turn men away from all other branches of learning. He rejected all metaphysics, all psychology, all natural and positive theology, and locked them all up in the Church, forbidding them to come out; he relentlessly denigrated final causes, which he called the limpets on the ship of science: and he dared to hold openly that the inquiry into causes was harmful to true science, an error as gross as it was dangerous, and yet incredibly an infectious error, even for well-disposed minds, so much so that one of the closest and most distinguished followers of the English philosopher felt no compunction in warning us to take great care not to allow ourselves to be carried away by the order we see in the universe.

>> No.19490160

These arguments fucking suck holy shit, it's literally all just seethe.

>> No.19490213

Bacon was not translated to french until the late 1700's
you might like this
>Are you not afraid, Count, of being abused for such blasphemies against one of the great gods of our age? (Bacon)
>THE COUNT: If it was my duty to be abused, I would have to bear it patiently, but I doubt if anyone is going to abuse me here

>> No.19490612

terrorist pseud
go on...

>> No.19490647

He was a pansexual Rosicrucian

>> No.19490667


>> No.19490694

Bacon's inductionism was simply refuted by the problem of induction

>> No.19491926

Maybe in some abstruse philosophical sense. In practice, the scientific method works- we didn't get humans to the moon or wipe out smallpox by philosophizing about how induction is impossible.

>> No.19493110

But the scientific method turned out to be gay, tough luck mr. Bacon.

>> No.19493126

That was his plan all along