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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 92 KB, 813x472, banned for ban evasion permabal all boards mod doesn't read and is a fucking faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1948498 No.1948498 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when a mod deleted this thread because he's too fucking retarded to know that Josef K didn't get turned into a fucking bug

>> No.1948501

reported again. josef k. was turned into a bug--expressionism allows for irrational and shocking natural phenomena to reflect the emotional state of its figures..therefore, when people try to ''normalize'' it by saying it was all an allegory, they are wrong--nice highschool interpretation though.

>> No.1948509
File: 66 KB, 300x400, itseemedneat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>josef k was turned into a bug
im p sure the mod was trying to reference Gregor Samsa from The Metamorphosis.

it's ok tho i kno u need sum1 liek me 2 explain dat 2 u

>> No.1948512

The character's name is Gregor Samsa, not Josef K.

>> No.1948511

Is this the second time you posted this today? :3

>> No.1948514


srsly tho i was liek reading his post like 'wtf' i didnt know if he really was that stupid or was like just pretending to be ironic or smthin

but come on lol lmao what a loser lollolololol

>> No.1948517

Ah, but wasn't the mod showing a grander understanding of Kafka's body of work by positing that gregor samsa and josef k. are in fact the same person manifesting in different characters--you really are just one of those superficial readers and i hope there is some kind of ban that can't be evaded so easily because you shit up this board...seriously, I can take Deep because he at least makes a debate at times and even Fab seems to genuinely like literature, but you are attention whoring and that is pointless.

>> No.1948521
File: 6 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are my favourite poster right now anon~

>> No.1948522


I've been told I tend to write in an expressionist style and I quite enjoy Kafka's writing. Can you recommend any other expressionist authors as I'm only really familiar with Expressionism when it comes to cinema.

>> No.1948523

You're like the new brownbear. you are THAT pathetic.

>> No.1948525


wow looks like you got fucking leo TOLDstoy and now you're pretending it was all meant to be like that and in fact the mod was ttly right!

go read the wikipedia and then maybe we can talk about it, it seems to be all that you can really do anyway, take your time though, i don't want you skim-reading and messing up the characters with some from another book or something


>> No.1948526

Hehe, thanks :3
Nah but seriously though I actually read.

>> No.1948528

no: Gregor Samsa was turnt into an ungeheueres Ungeziefer or a monstrous cockroach. figuratively, K. is constantly getting reduced into bughood, bear.

>> No.1948531

That's such a Brownbear response. You're like Brownbear when he was fighting with capsguy, just being so pathetic about it.

>> No.1948532
File: 251 KB, 880x1120, Brownbear Ban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post this pic in every Brownbear thread you find.

>> No.1948534


he was turned into a monstrous cockroach?
where does it say that in the text?
the bug he turns into is never actually specified


>> No.1948535

But Capsguy reads...

>> No.1948536

Did u read any vico yet

>> No.1948540

Yeah I know ; -- ;

>> No.1948539
File: 7 KB, 125x125, 618497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you new to this site?
for reals?

>> No.1948537

You're actually more insecure than Brownbear, which is pretty impressive in a way.

>> No.1948544

>tells me to go read wikipedia
so sorry, but I find it more rewarding to come up with my own interpretations..and if I wanted an authority on this subject, I would go somewhere else.
Expressionism did not have many writers, it was more of a visual medium--but there were writers..poets like Georg Trakl and dramatists like August Strindberg..if i were you I would look at expressionist paintings and draw your inspiration from those..Edvadr Munch is a great expressionist painter--and I even read a story that he wrote (can't remember the title) about the first man and woman (or the last) anyway..I would love to see expressionist literature expanded on..i think there is a lot of potential there..the closest thing going today would be magical realism..and it's kind of like that but with more emotion/psychology..

>> No.1948550

epic win XD do not forgive do not forget!!

illegal content? really? go kill yourself.

>> No.1948551


but how can you come up with your own interpretations when you get so easily confused about characters from different books? you thought Josef K was Gregor Samsa, why would anyone value your own interpretation when you're making high-school tier errors like that?

>> No.1948553

Reporting a post for illegal content 5 times auto-deletes it. The mods then check the deletion cache, find out it's Brownbear, and range-ban him.

>> No.1948558

Like I said, they really are the same character--you're the one with such a spoon-fed outlook on Kafka...do you know why he used the same name in The Castle and The Trial..do you realize that most of these people are a sort of inverted mary-sue? Anyway, it's ridiculous..i make a mistake and then come up with a way that it works..it's called being creative, playful..vital..you come on here and suddenly you're some kind of authority--when really you aren't..fucking lame..this is why we hate you.

>> No.1948559

It's not that. It's that you are so pathetic to report his posts as illegal content. You have to ask yourself what you are doing. You are on an internet website with this internet vendetta and are getting this passionate about it. You fucking better not be over 18 or I will be upset and mad.

>> No.1948560

>Fab seems to genuinely like literature

pffffthbfffphh what the fuckk

>> No.1948562


>reporting a post for illegal content 5 times auto-deletes it

on /b/
this isn't /b/
this is /lit/
>thinks mods really go to the trouble of range banning people
only when they're actually really shitting up the site, do you really think they're going to give a fuck about me? or that i can't dodge the range-ban by using VPN?

>> No.1948566


>> No.1948567

Are you really pretending to know if someone enjoys something or not? On what grounds--don't go into shit about understanding or even ''appreciating'' it..

>> No.1948572

Was there ever a time when you actually wanted to contribute to a real discussion or the enjoyment of literature, and not just attention whore and shit this board up?

>> No.1948579


dude all i talk about is literature. r u blind?

>> No.1948588

>Are you really pretending to know if someone enjoys something or not?
besides the fact that it's fab that's being talked about here

>genuinely like literature
>implying liking to read is the same thing as liking literature

>> No.1948594
File: 117 KB, 1028x309, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fine example of a Brownbear thread.

>> No.1948597

>on /b/
It's a global effect.

That's a long-winded way of saying nothing.

>> No.1948598

Christ, I suppose you have some kind of grand definition of literature. I don't even know if what that anon said about Fab is true (I haven't really paid attention to Fab) but I just don't see how you would know if someone likes literature.

>> No.1948599


>it's a global effect

gonna have to disagree with you there champ