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19484973 No.19484973[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Philosophies (except skepticism) tell more about the authors than anything else.

Grumpy old man philosophies about pessimism (who would guess)

>> No.19484988

It’s impossible to completely separate an author’s personal life from their philosophy
What makes skepticism an exception?

>> No.19484992

because its anti-philosophy

>> No.19484995

So? It still says more about the author

>> No.19485019

That's because your philosophy in determining that is existentialism.

>> No.19485059

This take about philosopher’s thought being determined by their own natural prejudices is in Beyond Good and Evil, a work of philosophy ;).

What does that say about Nietzsche’s life? That he’s from basedasfuckville

>> No.19485073

I am skeptic of this.

>> No.19485087

Au contraire, I think skepticism offers by far the most clues about the person that upholds it.
(It's the Reddit bugman.)

>> No.19485132

Philosophies are about bulding systems based on dogmas and skepticism is about debunking dogmas with a couple of modes

>> No.19485403

skeptics are bugmen yes
I'm just point that its a tool to know yourself by your philosophy

>> No.19485414

This tells me all I need to know about you OP: you're a pseud and a teenager.

>> No.19485417
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That's a fun thing about philosophy.

>> No.19486528

What about Confucius? What do the things he said tell you about him?

>> No.19486601

Traditional philosophy is an advanced form of sophistry. Socrates was wrong. On the absolute level, there (does not seem to be) an absolute. Consciousness creates subjectivity in the subject, from values to morals to interpretation of truth. Socrates took his own subjectivity and elevated it to the objective.

Cue 2000 years of ultimately circular reasoning for the alleged existence of transcendentals that always reflected the biases of the individual and their place in time. Enlightenment bludgeons these ideologies out with the measureable of the once unmeasurable, but to this day we still frame things in terms of Absolute Good vs Absolute Evil. At least Schopenhauer was a break into a more Atheistic philosophy, though his personality leads to a rejection of life instead of a healthy acceptance. Nietzsche developed his ideas, but goes too hard in the opposite directions himself.

>> No.19486619

Reddit would never be skeptical about the holocaust or age of consent though. That's not true skepticism

>> No.19486661

One of those is an empirical claim (an 'is') and one is an ethical one (an 'ought'), they're not in the same category.

>> No.19486662

I'm skeptical in multiple dimensions you pleb

>> No.19486683

Okay, but like... what if I've considered the case for and against both and concluded that they're a thing that actually happened, and a good idea, respectively? Or is it only real skepticism if I get the answer you wanted me to get?

>> No.19486703

No if you considered the cases and that's what you concluded based on the evidence you found and trusted then you still applied skepticism to it. Reddit literally bans holocaust denial, that's overtly anti-skeptical, and I dont know but I'm assuming they ban aoc stuff as well.

And pretending to allow discourse but never actually considering the possibility you are wrong is not real skepticism either of course.

>> No.19486728

Is there anyone who thinks (or claims to think) the Holocaust didn't happen who doesn't think it should have?

>> No.19486740

I'm agnostic about whether it happened but I unequivocally think its evil. I think even relocating the Jews is completely immoral because they were almost all just civilians who had nothing to do with the specific industries Hitler was mad about.

>> No.19486749

yes BUT

>> No.19486863

This, I'm a skeptic mainly because I'm a spinless coward without ambition or certainty

>> No.19486868


>> No.19487457

ya but if you reduce your statement even more it becomes so plainly obvious and true that even saying it it seems odd

>> No.19487505

yea we read Nietzsche too anon

>> No.19487530

You've gone very badly astray somewhere. Philosophy is preparation for death.

>> No.19488173

Or in short, a Nietzschean.

>> No.19488188

That's because you're a surface-level reader who's got filtered by philosophy itself. When I read Schopenhauer, I disregard the pessimistic attitude and focus on how magnificently he added to and synthesized Hinduism, Platonism, Kant, and Goethe.

>> No.19488192


>> No.19488274

Another criticism of Schopenhauer is that he wrote about the need for ascetic practice/withdrawal from the world and yet there is no evidence that he himself ever practiced this. So that is the inverse of your critique as here the philosophy tells us nothing about the man. Both critiques are reductive nonsense, attempting to achieve a lot (explain an entire philosophy) by doing little (a selective psych profile of the thinker) which is the hallmark of sloppy and sophomoric thinking. It rests on an unspoken premise of the unknowability of the objective world, or the inability of man to describe it, which I suppose is why you put skepticism in a special box. Yes, Kant's severe autism was a necessary condition for him being able to advance philosophy in the way he did, but in no way is his thinking reducible entirely to his personality. You basic bitch.

>> No.19488301

>had nothing to do with
Bold claim when it comes to jews desu, no matter the industry.

>> No.19488766
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