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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 43 KB, 600x589, best engine in the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1948475 No.1948475 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe I'm a retard for not understanding the sticky, but I can't get any book downloads to work. Are the e-books only for kindles or smartphones? If possible, I'd like to just be able to read a book on my computer.

Pic obviously not related.

>> No.1948488 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 204x248, jglwink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay what you need to do is actually get the book to download, to do this (the sites are self-explanatory, you just click the download button on your book) you're gonna want to get yourself an IRC client, download MIRC. from there you're gonna load it up and be pretty confused. click 'File' and 'Select Server' from here find Undernet (in the top 10), click on the country that best describes you and then let that bitch load nawmsayn? alright so now a lil box is gonna pop up 'n' shit and its gonna say 'enter channel' and you'll be like wtfmangidontevenknowwhatchanneliwannajoin you wanna join '#bookz# mah nigga, so type that in, hash tag and all. Now its gonna load a motherfucking chat up thats gonna be busy as fuck.

The first rule of #bookz
no fucking talking you fat slut, you get what you need and go, you don't wait for no after fucking cuddle or some stupid shit like dat, #based

so you're gonna look at what everyone else is typing, then you're gonna decide to give this a go for yourself.

let's see. you wanna download 1984 right? shit's good
so you're gonna go like this
@search orwell
search for demo orwell titles

now you're gonna get a file transfer message (make sure dat file transferring is eabled in yo options and shit dawg)
then you gonna accept dat file and open it up, it's gonna be a list of books with some random shit on either side.
you're gonna find one of those you like the look of, copy the whole entire line and then paste that shit in the #bookz chat.

anudda file transfer thing'll come up after this nawmean and dats when you accept dat file.


aight i gets you homie, you either trying to get a book fromm a bot who ain't even in da fucking chat rite now nawmean (in which case you wanna liek choose anudda line from that text file it sent you) or you copy and pasting too much or too lil info. Look @ what everyone else is pasting to get an idea.


>> No.1948491

Assuming you're actually downloading the files, you can just use calibre (a program) to convert them to whatthefuckever form you want to run them in on your computer. PDF, word, you name it.

>> No.1948503

You are the tits. Thank you.

Trying this now.

>> No.1948506
File: 27 KB, 118x155, jglwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


part 2 coming up niggas u better stay back ya dig?
ebooks are for da PC and da MAC'S and da other home entertainment computer device's too mah ngga, don't choo worry, but i ain't gonna tell you no lie aight, it's p hard on da eyes when u reading off da monitor, so a kindle is probs da best thing to read it off #nohomo

u can just right click and open da file and there should be a program on your PC or Mac or w/e dat can read it 4 u but idk if dere isn't then u just head off 2 >>>/google/ lookin 4 a PC ebook reader nawmean. i used one by microsoft and it wasnt v good but man it got da job done u dig? or u can use Calibre (link in da sticky u muddafuckin bitchnigga) to convert da files 2 one u can just open

HaV fUn OP


>> No.1948507
File: 32 KB, 627x325, jason-schwartzman-rushmore_jpg_627x325_crop_upscale_q85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like bb is trying to save face after being banned 2 times this morning xD

>> No.1948513
File: 54 KB, 630x630, 011429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah thats why i posted a pic of my fucking ban you stupid fucker

inb4 you posted it after you posted this thread


>> No.1948516

stuck at the #bookz# part
when I join that room, I'm the only person in it.

>> No.1948518


okay make sure it's just #bookz
and that you're definately on the UNDERNET server
(look at top left of the screen and down a little for your server)

if it still ain't working i'll come on and help you

>> No.1948519

tried it with just the first one and it seems to put me in the right room

>> No.1948530

Okay I have everything working, and I'm looking at book titles here, and I don't know which one to get. None of them have worked so far, and I don't know the difference between one with html on the end or epub. What would the best option be? Also, I see that the majority of people are talking to idiotbot. Should I try to get a book from that bot instead?

>> No.1948542 [DELETED] 


listen bro im in there, what's your username and i'll talk you through it

>> No.1948546
File: 246 KB, 880x1120, Brownbear Banning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1948554

I tried to invite you to chat but it just said it was waiting for you to accept.

>> No.1948556


oh boy i really do wonder what ever i will do with this thread looming over my head.]
it's not like i can, ooh idk, change my name and tripcode or anything

>> No.1948557

dude wtf is your problem? he's helping me get books so that I can read and support lit and the intellectual community as a whole
don't be a dick

>> No.1948573

Brownbear is kind of awful most of the time. In this thread he's being a good person, though... so... yeah, seems like silly time to attack.

>> No.1948584

Lol you're so pathetic

>> No.1948585

Are yuo seriously?

>> No.1948590

kind of awful?
you're going to have to explain if you want me to consider your opinions

>> No.1948602

I thought this was /lit/?

>> No.1948604

General attention-whoring, unwarranted self-importance, and regular off-topic-ness in his threads. It's not like he's much worse than your average user here (and he's certainly not the worst), it's just that we can see his name so we know it's him every time he does something that the user base doesn't like.

>> No.1948623

well before you guys try to ban him, you should know that he just spent like half an hour helping me figure out how to get books through the irc program, and he asked nothing in return.

>> No.1948641

He was paid in attention.

That attention-whoring bastard should go back to being banned