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/lit/ - Literature

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19483603 No.19483603[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book about learning to not give a shit?

>> No.19483617


>> No.19483618

You should read a book about shitting. Imagine her taking a stinky shite every morning and sniffing her farts

>Excreting is the curse that threatens madness because it shows man his abject finitude, his physicalness, the likely unreality of his hopes and dreams. But even more immediately, it represents man's utter bafflement at the sheer non-sense of creation: to fashion the sublime miracle of the human face, the mysterium tremendum of radiant female beauty, the veritable goddesses that beautiful women are; to bring this out of nothing, out of the void, and make it shine in noonday; to take such a miracle and put miracles again within it, deep in the mystery of eyes that peer out-the eye that gave even the dry Darwin a chill; to do all this, and to combine it with an anus that shits! It is too much. Nature mocks us, and poets live in torture.

Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death

>> No.19483622

what dress is she wearing? I'd like my gft to wear it too.

>> No.19483625

Women like this don't even excite me anymore, they just make me depressed. She'd be repulsed by my neglected NEET visage and awkward incel demeanor. Not to mention she already had 50 Chads stretching every hole she has, I'm less than a leper in comparison.

>> No.19483627
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>> No.19483629

Letters from a stoic
Fuck off coombrain, go back to /qa/

>> No.19483632

/qa/ is dead you fucking retard nigger faggot

>> No.19483636

How can I not give a shit when I'm painfully aware of the fact that I will never caress and worship her feet with my tongue?

>> No.19483650

holy fucking sex
mamma mia I want SEEEXX with this Godess. I would caress her feet and suckle her motherly breasts. SEX SEX. I would work 4 jobs 15 hours a day to come home at 2am just to hear her sweet voice. Then I would RAPE her.

>> No.19483651

Then go join it and stop shitting up slow boards

>> No.19483657

why can't he see shitting as an equally beautiful process that is part of human nature?

>> No.19483668

I think it'd be interesting to scan a male brain when he's having these thoughts and typing them out. The results will be intriguing. It's incredible how much influence just the existence of women have on male brain

>> No.19483669
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>> No.19483677
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You could come home to this if you ever change your attitude and lifestyle, but you choose not to and dread.

>> No.19483687

No, realistically I'd get far inferior female than the one in OP - but one equally self-absorbed, bitchy and used up. Futile endeavour.

>> No.19483692

Every fucking thread with a good amount of replies these past 2 weeks has been coom bait
Have we been getting constantly raided? Can it fucking end so we can talk about books instead of women?

>> No.19483709

Boob > book

>> No.19483713
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>> No.19483716

There are dozens of better boards for talking about boobs or how you can’t get laid

>> No.19483721

Yes but this is the smart incel board, elsewhere it's either dumb incels (/pol/, /tv/) or trannies (/r9k/, /mu/)

>> No.19483725

i can't get laid though

>> No.19483741

this triggers a part of me that I don't understand
I want to worship her
holy shit if women aren't the highest form of art, I don't know what is
seriously, all the lit in the world is just word mumbo-jumbo to distract ourselves from the fact that we're sharing a world with actual nymphs

>> No.19483751

Literal coombrain

>> No.19483753

I would sign a deal with the devil and sell him my soul for one night with her (he could take me to hell immediately after this night)

>> No.19483759

>holy shit if women aren't the highest form of art, I don't know what is
Try reading literature and getting off this fucking board then

>> No.19483761

Probably "hehe the boys are gonna like this"

>> No.19483762

I have a gf and don't watch porn regularly
it doesn't matter, when I see a beautiful woman it's like I'm a kid reading about Io and Europa or the naiads again, it's like magic

>> No.19483766

you fucking incel fags diluted the meaning of this word. earlier it used to apply to people who jerk off their cocks 10 times a day until their cockskin burns and they can't feel anything anymore. thanks to you sexually repressed faggots it means basically any functional human male with a sex drive

>> No.19483769

Terminal stage of simping then, even worse than solitary cooming. Many such cases.

>> No.19483771

We're your mother a big part of your life? Maybe a dumb question but I grew up without one and I'm pretty much the opposite

>> No.19483776

>this is the smart incel board
No it’s the board for talking about books, of which there has been a noticeable lack of since /qa/ trannies came here
Every board on this site is some incel variation

>> No.19483787

Shut up faggot, go snitch to jannies if you're seething so much

>> No.19483795

She was and still is. I have a healthy relationship with my family.

>> No.19483801

what if you regret the deal the moment you are in hell?

>> No.19483805

>mad that somebody is deriding his constant need for cooming and shitting up boards with off topic garbage
Go cry in your discird or to the gf you’ll never have, faggot