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/lit/ - Literature

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19482089 No.19482089 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of graphic novels?

>> No.19482111

Some are decent, this one was horrible. Made me antisemitic.

>> No.19482126

Worse than toddler garbage. The prose should invoke the imagery in the mind, the point of the novel is to get inside the charcters minds as they sluggishly reflect. How does imagery of the character doing panto faces assist that, what image can place you inside his mind moment to moment as he reflects on events?

>> No.19482140

>the point of the novel is to get inside the charcters minds as they sluggishly reflect
You can say that’s the point of novels if you want, sure, but the thing about graphic novels is they aren’t novels. They’re graphic novels.
You can’t just hate one medium because it isn’t a different medium, that’s retarded.

>> No.19482168

They posit themselves as novels, as a subset of the novel genre; graphic. They're garbage, there is no reason for them to exist except to trap boys in YA mediocrity and sell them products into their adult life within a prison of affected mental childhood. Escape the bonds of infancy and read literature, not pantomime on paper.

>> No.19482172

They’re not novels. You can’t hate something for not being something else. You can dislike it, but please don’t be such a Neanderthal that you’re reason for disliking it is that you’re just a pedantic faggot about certain terms.

>> No.19482226

I love Maus, it's comfy as fuck.

>> No.19482243

What a dumb cunt you are, read your picture books.

>> No.19482245

haha wow its like the nazis but for furries

>> No.19482266

It’s visual story telling, what’s wrong with that? Do you hate films as well? Just because it’s visuals rather than words?

>> No.19482292

Maus is good, so is Persepolis

>> No.19482296

Hate them. I only read comics.

>> No.19482322

I think that whoever uses the term in place of comic book, which is what they are, shows a deep insecurity about his hobby and a desire for validation. This in turn has lead to people propping up garbage like the op which is aggressively mediocre but also "mature" so it supposedly is more worthy of respect than say Donald Duck - A Christmas for Shacktown, which is stupid. The "best" and "most significant movies are not the ones that are more similar to literature but those who use the feature of the media to their advantage and push it forward to get where the limitations of literature can't get. The same should be applied to comic books
In conclusion, what do I think they're off topic. Make a general on /co/ and grow a pair

>> No.19482332


>> No.19482388

Is that it? Have words and thoughts failed you so much that you can’t even string together a sent a sentence anymore?

>> No.19482392

Do you get this pissy when someone refers to movies as films?

>> No.19482399

This anon gets it.
"Graphic novel" is a misnomer, used instead of the much more appropriate "comic" to make it seem like the medium you're producing/consuming is more fancy than it truly is. It's pretentious. Now I like comics, but to call them graphic NOVELS is lying, such a definition would only be adequate for books with the occasional illustration here and there, and even then it defeats the purpose of books as a medium, as rightfully stated by the anon

>> No.19482415

If they want to imply a difference between the two I'll probably just roll my eyes
What would make me pissy would be to see a thread about films on lit. Stay in your lane
Unlikely to happen tho. Comic book fags seem to be the only people left who are still so insecure about their interest being seen as childish they have to latch on to their more respected cousin literature in the hope to be taken seriously. Even video game fans aren't this needy

>> No.19482678

There is a rather distinct difference between graphic novels, which like modern novels are published as complete works, and comic books, which are published in separate issues. Still people who use "graphic novel" to mean a good comic book are posing faggots.

>> No.19482693

chris ware is what thomas ligotti would be if he could draw

>> No.19482705

I vos born in a bucket of ureen

>> No.19482832

Crime and punishment or the pickwick papers were published like comic books and you don't see anyone today make the distinction when talking about literature, nor do they make it when talking about say kraven's last haunt

>> No.19482951

lol how are you going to act like an insufferable faggot preaching about "Escaping the bonds of infancy" then immediately resort to dismissive insults in the face of a sound argument?

>> No.19482977

I thought that was okay.
I'm trying to read asterios polyp but it's taking some effort to get into.

>> No.19483033
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Not a replacement for actual novels, but I don't understand why you cannot appreciate them like you would do any art? Don't have a lot of them myself but I recently bought an adaptation of Dracula as a graphic novel and enjoyed it more than the actual novel.

>> No.19483044
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oi vei they even shoah'd the mice!!!

>> No.19483054

Any recent one-volume seinen mangas worth recommending?

>> No.19483070

I specified "modern novels" so I wouldn't have to deal with "uh ackshully" faggots such as yourself.

>> No.19483115

I suggest you to read "Umineko", a visual novel

>> No.19483227

That doesn’t change the fact that it was done at one point in time. Just because it was a long time ago doesn’t change anything. And besides, I’m sure there’s nothing stopping authors from publishing in that style today, they just choose not to.

>> No.19483237
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It's not a comic mum! It's a graphic novel!

>> No.19483238
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I preferred Subahibi.

>> No.19483239

this is what jews actually believe

>> No.19483240
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>> No.19483250

you mean comic books?

>> No.19483335

The one thing that stuck out to me was the old jewmouse trying to refund breakfast cereal boxes that were already half-eaten. And that weird shit about his mom killing herself in the bathtub. Overall 3/10

>> No.19483345

The Japanese are the only ones putting out decent graphic novels (or the rough equivalent of such for you pedants)

>> No.19483381

I've read the first 70 issues or so and enjoyed them thoroughly. I have to get back to it sometime.

>> No.19483462

That one is for faggots.

>> No.19483470
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Has anyone here read The Incal?

>> No.19483513


>> No.19483515


>> No.19483536


>> No.19483560

doesn't sound so far-fetched tbqhwy

>> No.19483868

>do you like coffee and twitter screenshots

>> No.19484005
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>"Graphic Novels are a wonderful medium because of-"
>starts listing Maus and Watchmen

>> No.19484011

This helps you understand the Jewish mindset better than anything else.

>> No.19484035

If the art is good I'll "read" it

>> No.19484074

Graphic novels are good. Comics are good. Are they the same as novels? No. But if you like art and visual storytelling then you might enjoy them. Of course they’re usually really juvenile, but I think they’re good mediums for artists who don’t want to do animation. Lol at people pretending there aren’t any good comics/graphic novels/who gives a shit what they’re called when tintin was the SHIT growing up. Love that guy

>> No.19484333


>> No.19484348

wherever did the germans find the time, whilst fighting the british, french, polish, russians, chinese, etc
fantastic work ethic, those germans.

>> No.19485594
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I had to read It's A Good Life If You Don't Weaken by Seth for a class once and I really liked it. Never sought out to read another until I saw the prof was now teaching Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth by Chris Ware--picked it up and it isn't bad so far. The good ones seem to be written/drawn by sad sap social outcasts and capture melancholy and self-loathing better than the average novel does. I'm probably going to check out Robert Crumb's The Book of Genesis sometime in the future (pic related).

>> No.19485628

>stay in your lane
This is 4channel (formerly 4chan), the lanes are little more than a suggestion.
Just look at this very board and all its flamewars over theology and politics, or how /tv/ is now about feeds and seeds.

>> No.19486605

These. I've been reading comics for over 25 years and adore the medium, but it's ridiculous to try and treat 'graphic novels' as some kind of separate entity which is equal to literature. Just grow a fucking spine and admit you like a medium which is primarily marketed to young teenage boys.

>> No.19486627
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The only graphic novel/manga I'll except as literature is Berserk.

>> No.19486820

I never fucking tried to imply a difference between the two I fucking originally WROTE THE FUCKING OP AS “What does /lit/ think of graphic novels/comic books?” BUT I LEFT IT AS JUST GRAPHIC NOVELS TO KEEP IT SHORT YOU FAGGOTS NEED TO SHUT UP

>> No.19487642

The Incal? More like The Incel!
Sorry, I had to do it.

>> No.19487712


"Comics" can be interesting reading/visual material if done right. The sticking point I suppose is on the label "graphic novel", which sounds pretentious and unspecific, and is by-design the central point of debate for this thread.

Related terms include "comic book", which conventionally describes a short, ephemeral, print installment in a given narrative (capeshit, ducktales, and so on). The term "graphic novel" seems to be more closely bound with what the comic peddlers refer to as "trade paperbacks": bound items usually over a hundred pages which get closer to a sustained narrative. It's around this point that the conceit "graphic novel" comes into play. Maus can be called a "graphic novel" because it is a self-contained, beginning-and-end serious narrative, and of course because the jews love it so that confers legitimacy on it too.

I'm actually reading some other graphic novels at the moment after years of not having done so. My way of "reading" is to focus on the text, skip from one unit of text to the next, while briefly noting the visual element. I bet the comics people are keenly aware of this, how their preciously illustrated panels are meant to illustrate en passant ,are not meant to be "read", but simply glimpsed during page turns.


I dunno, I enjoyed how the old holocaust survivor hated blacks, to the horror of his progressive son.

>> No.19487800

>briefly noting the visual element