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/lit/ - Literature

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19481640 No.19481640 [Reply] [Original]

Sprawling Metropolis edition

Previous Thread:>>19465598

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.19481646

Are there any good litrpg books left?

>> No.19481652

Some people call Iron Prince litrpg. But the authors don't.

>> No.19481679

is it true Bakker once posted here

>> No.19481713


>> No.19481720

There never were

>> No.19481732

Glory Road, 1963 Robert A Heinlein

>> No.19481856
File: 1.84 MB, 1313x1600, kellhus_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LitRPG readers, either kill yourselves or read better books. Start with The Darkness That Comes Before. Stop clinging to novelized video games.

>> No.19481906

The Wandering Inn
Truth seeker: A litrpg timeloop.
The system apocalypse life in the north.

>> No.19481912
File: 3.10 MB, 2000x2000, bakker nelikenttä.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder to read Bakker. Start with The Darkness That Comes Before. The Second Apocalypse series is part of the /sffg/ canon. Not understanding Bakker memes renders you blind to most of the relevant discussion that goes on here.

>> No.19481962

Haven't read any litrpg yet, though I am planning to in the near future.

I was recommended:
Ascend Online
Arcane Ascenion
Divine Dungeon
Completionist Chronicles
Advent: An Apocalyptic LitRPG

>> No.19481975

Have you tried these
>World of Warcraft
>Elden Ring
>Super Mario

All great RPGs with text in them. Wow!

>> No.19481982
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>> No.19481986

>Advent: An Apocalyptic LitRPG
I’ll recommend you start with this one. It’s great. Personally, it’s my favorite litrpg book.

>> No.19481988

Cradle isn't litrpg
Arcane Ascension isn't litrpg. Also it's gay.

>> No.19481992

what is a litrpg. is it like those old adventure gamebooks

>> No.19481998

Literary role playing game. I dont konw which is worse, those or choose-your-own-adventure. I actually can't wrap my head around how people actually read those. Its like when one degenerate shit goes away from sffg another one replaces it.

>> No.19482000

LitRPG is any book where video game mechanics exist as an important narrative element.

>> No.19482008

so like an isekai anime? i get it
could be fun for kids i guess

>> No.19482015

Any good pirate fantasy type of shit? stand alone and series welcome. adult in nature as well, not any kid stuff

>> No.19482017
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I read this description and I am appalled. Why would anyone read this shit?

>> No.19482027

Been reading the Crafting of Chess and it’s been fun.

>> No.19482032


I will not believe there are so many LitRPG readers in /sffg/. This is some kind of ploy to trick people. A deliberate troll. No one actually reads those.

>> No.19482037
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Why is it nearly impossible to read reviews without encountering people whining about "pretentious" or "purple" prose? And not just for books written with an intentionally archaic style, you see the same "critique" smeared across even the most generic fantasy novels. It's almost as though people take any attempt to use anything more than the absolute basics of English as a personal insult.

>> No.19482040

Who else posts anime OP and complains about Bakker?

>> No.19482041

most people like things delivered in a simple and straightforward manner. it's why sanderson is so popular. it just is what it is

>> No.19482043
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King of /sffg/.

Simple as.

>> No.19482046

Not all isekai are litrpg, but a ton of them are litrpg isekai garbage yeah.

>> No.19482048

Its the current era. Have you not watched all those writer-youtubers. You have to keep your prose concise! Imagine how many people will drop your book if they have to look one word from the dictionary. On the related note: Here are all the accepted words for books, there are 200 of them.

>> No.19482052

There is one resident Zombie here who uses a VPN 24/7 in order to promote his shit animes. Don't fall for it.

>> No.19482056
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>> No.19482064
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>> No.19482074
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I enjoy reading and I really don't give two shits about what anonymous people think of what I read. Don't know why you find that so hard to believe.

>> No.19482079
File: 848 KB, 2000x1124, Tolkien 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say VPN-boy, but read proper books once in a while.

>> No.19482080

The fear of being an aging whore seems to have hit home.

>> No.19482088
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Will the Amazon LOTR series forever tarnish the series in the minds of normies

>> No.19482091
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>> No.19482097

Yeah, yeah, tastes differ and eye of the beholder and all that, but man, that doesnt change the fact that you are reading transcripts of youtube Let's Plays like an absolute double pillock lmao

>> No.19482098

Funny how she says that an aging hooker's life isn't profound. Has she forgot about feminist female empowerment?

>> No.19482100

that's a good top 3

>> No.19482102

>you are reading transcripts of youtube Let's Plays
Come on man he's not reading Sanderson

>> No.19482104

We accept your surrender.

>> No.19482105

>reading transcripts of youtube Let's Plays like an absolute double pillock lmao
Thanks, I'm gonna use it in the future.

>> No.19482123

This is funny cause further development of the aging hooker's story makes it look like Bakker ripped off low quality female smut for women, I thought all those hoes are supposed to like it.

>> No.19482161

>30% like bakker
>70% don't
Sounds about right, haha...

>> No.19482162

>People can only enjoy one author.

>> No.19482165

>People can only enjoy one author.
This, but unironically.

>> No.19482183


>> No.19482185

WHERE IS SCOTT? The man has completely ridden himself of any online presence.

>> No.19482186
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>> No.19482189

his website is RIP

>> No.19482190

Go back.

>> No.19482199

he visited /sffg/ for 10 seconds once and went in hiding in fear of what he has created

>> No.19482206

Anyone could write *Soon*

>> No.19482235

Who is the best author of fantasy adventure fiction currently working who is not Brandon Sanderson

>> No.19482285

Where is the based nonman poster?

>> No.19482293

Possibly Bakker, it depends on whether he's working or not.

>> No.19482299

I remember that poll. I voted for Bakker even though ive never read his books.

>> No.19482307

Malice by John Gwynne, its an absolutely amazing debut and I highly recommend it.

>> No.19482310
File: 128 KB, 878x416, Bakker_History_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so, 11 years ago it began.

>> No.19482359

Every time this gets posted I'm getting chills from how this is really similar to the real novel.

>> No.19482426

>B-but I swear that Bakker has only been on /sffg/'s radar for the past year or so.

>> No.19482438
File: 70 KB, 792x792, 1637801355168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, is Achamian the strongest Gnosis sorcerer in the world? Outside of the Anasûrimbor, that is.

>> No.19482443

Already read him and found him overpraised around here. He can turn a good sentence but the plot was just the crusades in a grimdark world with a protagonist so alien as to be wholly unrelatable, not to my taste. And I'm not even a leftist but that one critique about all the women being tedious whores felt accurate.

I bought this with cash money, you better not have steered me wrong anon

>> No.19482449

its funny actually, first /sffg/ thread is from 2015 so bakker in /lit/ is older than /sffg/

>> No.19482456

He is probably not even that powerful. An average gnostic sorcerer but of course all gnostic sorcerers are power houses. Seswatha or Titirga for example were much more powerful. I guess many of the nonmen magi were also more powerful. If you are talking about the living ones, I'd still say Serwe, Kellhus's daugther is stronger.

>> No.19482461

Not really, wasn't it mentioned that some people in Mandate were capable of using metagnostic stuff, albeit rarely and with great effort? He definitely got fattest plot armor tho, and that's the only thing matters in story and not power level. All the power level in the world won't save you if author decides that you forgot that you can teleport at the moment.

>> No.19482462

to add to this, Achamian is probably weaker than whoever was the leader of the Mandate during the Great Ordeal. There really isn't anything special about Achamian as far as his powers go.

>> No.19482463

Achamian is probably Seswatha incarnate. But that's just a feeling I have. Doesn't really matter if he's a shit sorcerer.

>> No.19482475
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Yes, I'm thinking based.

>> No.19482478

He is not the Seswatha incarnate. If anyone is, then Kellhus, wasnt Seswatha banging some Anasurimbor's wife? Every Mandate sorcerer in a way is Seswatha. I think in the second series Achamian's dreams changed when he was a Wizard in exile, but I think this could have happened to any Mandate Sorcerer.

>> No.19482479

>I'd still say Serwe
She's explicitly stated to be fucking dead. All of Kellhus' mutt kids are dead unless eldest one somehow outrun sranc horde on his feet.
But Seswatha was the one stealing other people bitches and not the other way around. It could have rubbed off at least.

>> No.19482481

And this was five years before /sffg/ was created. This whole general is such a new meme compared to the appreciation Bakker has accumulated for eleven years in /lit/.

>> No.19482484

>If anyone is, then Kellhus
Pretty sure taht if Kellhus is anyone's reincarnation, which I do not think is the case, it would certainly be Anasûrimbor Celmomas II.

>> No.19482492
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>> No.19482494

Kellhus will reeincarnate through Mimara's son.

>> No.19482498

>Anasûrimbor Celmomas II.
and by extension Kelmomas is the reincarnation of Anasûrimbor Nau-Cayûti for the reason that both were compatible with the coffin

>> No.19482503


>> No.19482509

Kek I wanted to post same thing seeing post about big space for speculation created due to Outside being atemporal.
Imagine Akka's face, faces of everyone involved really.

>> No.19482520

What I really want to know is what on earth does that one weird scene mean where Kellhus is in the Outside and the followint is said
>there’s a head on a pole behind you
And what the ciphrangs say
>the living should not haunt the dead
Which of course is a reference to Kellhus visiting Outside many times

>> No.19482573

I'd also like to add that the very first /sffg/ thread had eleven mentions of Bakker.

>> No.19482663

thanks, you killed the thread

>> No.19482664

Not him and haven't read him but what's wrong with will wright?

>> No.19482673

who's will wright

>> No.19482728

Only khellus can use metagnostic

>> No.19482765

I remember reading a fantasy series when I was a kid about two brothers, one of which was a frail, clever, unscupulous wizard, and the other was a good-natured warrior-type. The wizard brother took advantage of his kin and, gradually, became stronger. Does anyone here know there series?

>> No.19482780

This is incorrect, and you would know that if you've read the books.

>> No.19482802

achamian DID cuck kellhus by having sex with esmenet at shimeh

>> No.19482814

He decapitated himself to enter the Outside. This let him speak with the ciphrang, but remain entirely alive so they couldn't actually touch him. The reason he had to constantly remind himself is that the ciphrang feed on fear, so if the slightest fear started creeping into his thoughts they'd swarm him. Remember he's not entirely without emotions, just extremely controlled. If being crucified got to him, personally visiting literal hell and talking to demons certainly had the potential to go wrong.
Not only that, but remember there's no time on the outside, if he doesn't constantly remember he's not dead he could effectively spend eternity out there anyway.

>> No.19483006
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Just finished Blindsight. It was a very good first contact story, ending could have been better but it was nice nonetheless. I was just wondering about a few things (spoilers). First, did I understand correctly than Sarasti wanted the narrator to implicate himself in the system to be a better advocate for defense when he'll be back to earth? Was it the reason he attacked him or was it part for it and part because he was overcomed by murdering impulses? Was Sarasti lacking consciousness or was his consciousness "corrected" by his interfacing by the spaceship IA?

>> No.19483067

Kellhus isn't the protagonist, and who cares if he's relatable so long as he's consistent? Fantasy is about verisimilitude, not reproducing reality.

>> No.19483078

You might want to try the next thread. This thread is already lost.

>> No.19483141
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>> No.19483170

Wasn't it stated that vampires get their extreme brainpowers from their brain not having to process consciousness?

>> No.19483198

It's been awhile since I've read it so I'm forgetting details, but Sarasti is controlled by the ship AI and all actions taken by them are in some way intended to fulfill the mission. The vampires are like the aliens in terms of lack of consciousness, they're hyper-intelligent chinese rooms

>> No.19483228

All /sffg/fags must hang

>> No.19483294

I don't think that that was clearly stated, maybe inferred. If I remember correctly the narrator wonder if that was Sarasti or the AI that was calling the shots all this time, but has no definite answer.

>> No.19483360
File: 150 KB, 216x3021, Screenshot 2021-11-29 at 10-19-44 lit - sffg - Science Fiction and Fantasy General - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if we fight back.
Depending on personal preference, it could hide even more automatically.

>> No.19483372

Does it trouble you?

>> No.19483402

>Malice by John Gwynne, its an absolutely amazing debut and I highly recommend it.
Any woke shit in it?

>> No.19483413

>who cares if he's relatable
agreed. that's the problem with most new fantasy written by niggers, faggots, and women. they're meant for the readers to feel good, to feel "seen" in another world that isn't like their pathetic reality, at the expense of a terrible plot and mass marketing by retards on popular book forums/websites.

this is why wokeism in sff is a disease.

>> No.19483485

Someone mind tossing me a fantasy series to get into?
Something that deals with several fantasy races and is decently long.
I've read lotr and Im not looking to reread it for awhile.

>> No.19483491
File: 391 KB, 1600x787, 1637129406586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 7 books long

>> No.19483501

I am making a list of worth reading novels and series based on popularity, critical acclaim and the influence they had, what should I add if those are the first titles that come to my mind?

The Hobbit/Lord Of The Rings/Silmarillion
The Dune books by Frank Herbert
Conan The Barbarian
Elric Of Melnibone
The Culture Series
The Worm Ouroboros
Book Of The New Sun
John Carter Of Mars
Almost everything Jack Vance ever wrote
A Song Of Ice and Fire
Fafhrd and the grey mouser
The first 5 Chronicles Of Amber books
The Witcher
The Wheel Of Time
The Dragonriders of Pern series
The Riftwar saga/The Empire trilogy/Krondor's Sons/The Serpentwar Saga
The Dark Tower
The Realm of the Elderlings
The Gentlemen Bastards series
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
The Sprawl trilogy

>> No.19483508

Weak bait.

>> No.19483517

Those 17 anons should be ashamed of themselves.

>> No.19483522

So should you.

>> No.19483539
File: 511 KB, 1800x678, book of the new sun mural.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for Wolfe recommendations. I have most of the solar cycle, I'm asking for the last 2 in the series that I haven't got yet. Also thinking of asking for Latro in the Mist and Pirate Freedom. I've heard later Wolfe has more mixed reviews, thoughts? What's the period considered the cutoff? Home Fires sounds like an interesting premise, but idk if I should go for earlier works instead

I have a pdf of Fifth head of Cerberus, I do want a physical copy but I can wait too

>> No.19483578
File: 118 KB, 1200x675, auldnoir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from the previous thread because no one replied

>Just watched Arcane, and got an itch to read some steampunk. Need something played completely or mostly straight in terms of tropes and fairly entry-level. Not big into reading, haven’t opened a non-light novel book in God knows when, so I won’t be able to appreciate the deeper cuts anyway.

>> No.19483589

The Difference Engine, by Gibson and Sterling. All steampunk is inevitably shit, so you might as well go straight for patient zero, see that it's shit, and then snap out of whatever retarded state it is that you're in.

>> No.19483600

Does this deal with fantasy races and shit? The blurb makes me think not but i may be retarded.

>> No.19483612

Dagger and Coin

>> No.19483620

I kept shitting on it too, until I read it and became my favorite fantasy series of all time. Just look at this entire thread(or /sffg/'s history and even before that) and find out.

>> No.19483639

>Bakker doesn't describe the appearance of his characters at all
holy shit, he's the male Jane Austen, no wonder his books are so popular among masculine equivalent of a spinster

>> No.19483649

>All steampunk is inevitably shit
Why, anon?

>> No.19483658

Wheel of Time

>> No.19483663

>Dagger and Coin
Looks interesting. Are the characters mostly humans?

>> No.19483673

>Does this deal with fantasy races and shit?
Yes but not the way you expect. Almost all protagonists are human.

>> No.19483681

Yes, almost all that travel with the viewpoint characters are human.

>> No.19483689

There are thirteen races though and are featured throughout the series.

>> No.19483695
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please respond

>> No.19483698

I tried reading that like 3 years ago and found is cumbersome to read. Like I get it but eh.

aight I'll give the first one a go.

>> No.19483702

is Shadow of the Torturer any good?

>> No.19483712

Could be Raistlin and Caramon Majere.

>> No.19483723

The Commonwealth Saga
Ringworld series

>> No.19483734

Thanks. From the covers and art related to the series, there seem to be a ton of races, and I'm not interested in reading from the points of view of lizard people.

Are the races akin to those found in LOTR and other high fantasy novels, like humans, dwarfs, elves, orcs, etc.?

>> No.19483748

Yes and no. He drew a lot from Tolkien and Herbert.

>> No.19483770

Can you please elaborate?

>> No.19483786

Read the books.

>> No.19483815

No, they are mostly relatively original races. Each of the races were created from humans based on the whims of the specific dragon tyrant.

>> No.19483828
File: 206 KB, 771x804, Yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the whole series, Shadow is good but the other entries in the Book of the New Sun are better

>> No.19483853
File: 63 KB, 307x475, 26064257._SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stranger of Tempest, The God Fragments #1 - Tom Lloyd (2016)
If the book's cover makes you think "Is that a Balrog on the Bridge of Khazad-dûm?" that's because it's almost certainly meant to evoke that feeling. As for the name, the mercenary company that the book revolves around is based on a deck of cards. The protagonist is the face card, stranger, of the tempest suit.

The publisher describes Tom Lloyd's works as being commercial fantasy, and that's what this book is, so set your expectations accordingly. There's minimal depth and development of any sort along with a lot of nonsense. While there are ideas present that could be explored, they aren't. Although there's a wide cast of characters most of them don't matter in the slightest. Those that do matter are almost all a singular exaggerated trait. Expect various D&D, videogame, and fantasy tropes.

There's also a considerable amount of sexual innuendo and suggestive content. Characters have sex, but it isn't really described. The opening line is representative of the book as a whole: For a damsel in distress, she was rather more spattered with someone else's blood than Lynx had expected. And naked. Very naked.

The primary gimmick is the mage-guns. These guns reminded me of most of Final Fantasy Tactics because they're very similar to them and may have been one of the earliest examples, though there are many others now. The bullets so far are elemental and casts spells of ice, fire, lightning, earth, and light. Others are mentioned though not yet shown. There are also magic grenades and catapults. Mages exist but are enslaved by the religions to create magical ammo.

The first half is 3.5 star fun, the second half 3 star not-so-fun, and the ending whiplashed me with its pacing. Even so, I'll more likely than not read more from this series later on, as it's already finished and not that long. This is the kind of silliness I can go along with every now and again. It seems doubtful that I'll read other series by this author, but that's to be decided after I finish this series.
Rating: 3/5

>> No.19483866

If you haven't turned on "force long posts to wrap" on in the 4chan settings, you really ought to. It makes everything look so much better.

>> No.19483972
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>Waste of Time
>Dark Tower

>> No.19484002
File: 20 KB, 324x400, terry-goodkind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like Terry Goodkind it's because you aren't smart enough. This is not ironic. The people who don't like this guy think Robert Jordan is the pinnacle of writing.

>> No.19484055

Hainish Cycle

>> No.19484133
File: 75 KB, 1200x1200, jrr-tolkien-9508428-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually its because I hate smug atheists B)

>> No.19484146

He was a catholic actually.

>> No.19484196

The Evolution of Brandon Sanderson

>> No.19484199



>> No.19484215

So was Goodkind.

>> No.19484224

Do you have any proof of this?

>> No.19484241

Google it?

>> No.19484243

Not my problem.

>> No.19484253

You're dealing with a troll.

>> No.19484261
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That's it. Thank you.

>> No.19484264

No he wasn't. Terry Goodkind was an ex-mormon who became atheist after overdosing on Ayn Rand novels. He respects the power of religion as a storytelling medium, but he is explicitly against organized religion much the same as he is against an organized state, being a radical objectivist libertarian.
There's an interview here where he displays his contempt for both.

>> No.19484285

He was too smart to believe in such tall tails.

>> No.19484289
File: 220 KB, 1200x675, dragonlance-dnd-trilogy-covers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By coincidence I had found the first Dragonlance trilogy the last time I was in a Barnes and Noble and decided to pick it up so that's neat

>> No.19484293

I remember voting dozens of times on that poll.

>> No.19484295

I think it's very good, yeah. I agree with that other anon too that the series gets even better with the other entries. On Sword of the Lictor now and it might be my favorite so far.

>> No.19484307

Didn't ask.

>> No.19484313

How do these books compare to the standard Forgotten Realms stuff? I read the Azure Bonds trilogy and it was alright but didn't strike the same cord for me as some other "light" fantasy novels.

>> No.19484347

I don't know I haven't read it yet, I always got a backlog of books to read whenever I pick shit up from the bookstore or order things off amazon or whatever, but they strike me as relatively lowbrow wholesome high fantasy, palatable for readers of all ages. Considering Hickman and Weiss have written about a hundred of the damn things, I'm guessing the writing can't be too terrible.

>> No.19484386

Azure Bonds isn't really standard or representative of Forgotten Realms for starters. I read Dragonlance as well in my younger years, but I didn't care for it as much. One thing is that it has multiple and retroactive continuities. Not to the level of comic books, but it's present. The setting changes a lot depending on where in the timeline in it is. There's a central story to Dragonlance and also tons of other books. Forgotten Realms technically had a somewhat central series of stories that progressed the timeline, but overall it was more focused on just whatever its best selling authors were doing. They officially had a three ring tier system that novels were classified by.

>> No.19484389
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I just started these and they were surprisingly refreshing. Completely different from your stereotypical fantasy tropes.

>> No.19484395


>> No.19484396

I was wondering what the fuck litrpgs were.

>> No.19484408

That's not really an accurate description. Novelized videogames exist without being LitRPG in any way.

>> No.19484451

Still better than Bakker

>> No.19484465

Not according to the poll.

>> No.19484525

I'll be using this tripcode for rest of the year, mostly for my own benefit, to see how much else that isn't spammed low quality content is from others. If you respond to it, you're part of the problem, which may not be a problem for you personally.

Some, but not all, of my posts in this thread. I almost always post as anon in /sffg/, but not for now.


>> No.19484531

No one cares.

>> No.19484532

"Chase the Morning" by Michael Scott Rohan is exactly what you are looking for.

>> No.19484538

Was thinking of doing the same.

>> No.19484539

Nice blog post.
How do I unsubscribe?

>> No.19484546

Thank you. Now I can easily filter your posts.

>> No.19484555

Probably for the best. Was thinking of just lurking instead.

>> No.19484578

This desu. I wish to avoid the anime-shitter as much as possible.

>> No.19484589

Shame the bakkerfags are shitting up the thread. The last few threads were decent. Don’t know why they’re throwing such an autistic bitchfit though.

>> No.19484611

>shitting up the thread
I have never read Bakker, but posters like you give me a reason to post Bakker memes in these threads.

>> No.19484614

This desu.

>> No.19484622

>>19484589 (You)
>>19484555 (You)
>>19484538 (You)
>>19484525 (You)

>> No.19484784

What are you looking for?

Black Company is light reading, but has some pretty dark vibes. Only the first two books are really great so it's not a huge commitment.

Is phenomenal but quite dark, lot of violence, sex, etc. Not for everyone.

Red Rising is kind of soft scifi fantasy, very unrealistic plot but a fun ride. First book is a little weak, kind of a better Hunger Games meets Ender's Game, but it gets better from there.

Shadow of the Torturer is pretty good if you want something more literary. Wasn't a huge fan but it was good.

>> No.19484841
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I like my books to be the exact opposite of Reddit.

>> No.19484864

Fucking retarded.

>> No.19484876
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>> No.19484965

Dank je, anon. I won't be reading the book as its not my cup of tea but your text dump was appreciated.

>> No.19484985

I liked the Life Reset series. And I've only found one Russian series I didn't like.

>> No.19485001

Oh and Dungeon Crawler Carl is still ongoing and is a lot of fun.

>> No.19485007

You're welcome. I'm glad that it may have been at least slightly useful.

As note for everyone, my current plan only has fantasy books for rest of the year. For posting in this general anyway. If you think I should include a couple science fiction novels, let me know. I may anyway because my plans are always changing.

>> No.19485065

>Wolfe unseated
This is not something to be proud of

>> No.19485067

>flip a page
>+5000 exp

the state of zoomer lit.

>> No.19485072

Anon, Wolfe is dead.

>> No.19485081

Unlike Tolkien? The poll doesn't say favorite living

>> No.19485085

Anon, Tolkien is also dead.

>> No.19485117

ultimate incel fantasy?

>> No.19485131

Your diary.

>> No.19485148
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Why would anyone seriously expect him to finish his series? The story has been told, regardless of what he changes, it will ultimately look forced and out of place. Why would he go through the trouble of writing characters like "Hodor" just to please your curiosity?

I would feel like shit too if I was him.

>> No.19485181
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actually it's the Eyes of the Overworld but I fucked up the captcha

>> No.19485196

Dragonlance tried to be more trad, high fantasy while Forgotten Realms was more serial adventure.

>> No.19485287

/sffg/ is the only sff "forum" that isn't entirely pozzed.

>> No.19485365

>The Wandering Inn
Not sure about that. It was my go-to 4/10 audiobook backgrounder (like Super Powereds before it) but volume 5 just opened with ten hours of the King of Destruction revealed to be friendly grandpa. As a fan of the new pulp era I admire the writing pace, but at that rate what attracts a reader is sensibility, not quality.

>> No.19485382

>tolkien nr 3

Embarassing. Him and Lewis are shit.

>> No.19485500


>> No.19485532

>Super Powereds
Ain’t that the superhero novel? Is it any good?

>> No.19485574

No, it's not good. But for me it was executed just well enough to trigger the junk food vibe. One led to the other. Also I had the advantage of listening to it as an audiobook while I was working on other things so I could tune in and out as the story deserved. If you have that luxury then go for it. If you give it all of your attention and demand it performs for you you will likely be disappointed.

>> No.19485589

Reading the description of litrpg books on Amazon is fun but I also liked perusing DeviantArt way back and finding some truly awful shit.

>> No.19485593

The editors at the publishing houses and most of the authors think like this too. Is there any hope for pure escapism and imagination to return to this genre or will everything need to follow the Eternals model of a giant bloated inclusive ensemble cast of boring ass characters?

>> No.19485623

The mosh pit of self publishing is where you want to be. Unfortunately there's no taste correction authority right now but corporate publishers are more invested in supporting the status quo. At the same time it's easier than ever for an author to get his work out there.

>> No.19485629

>At the same time it's easier than ever for an author to get his work out there.
Being a genuinely good writer isn't nearly enough to make it these days.

>> No.19485631

Why do you pose this hard when you are anonymous?

>> No.19485639

I don't really care about diversity but I also don't mind it. That said as soon as those awful alien pronouns or any hint of progressivespeak appear, I drop books instantly.

>> No.19485651

All I care about are realistic narratives. I will drop a book immediately If I can't feel a sense of immersion because of the slightest hint of modern politics and/or social norms.

>> No.19485805
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Drop everything and pick up the Tales of Ketty Jay series it’s criminally underrated

>> No.19485807
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I dropped 150 bucks on this as a Christmas gift to myself

>> No.19485863

very nice

>> No.19485909

He writes litty books for the fans

>> No.19485971

/lit/bros i actually liked the last wish should i kill myself

>> No.19486010

Nah, it was fun.

If you want what those topics are bitching about then you'll be plenty happy with Bakker, but Bakker is also good and not just edgey like Prince of Thorns. Prince of Thorns was alright, just that edge was overboard.

>> No.19486021
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I'm deliberately making my fantasy world patriarchal and not in a
>oh isn't it awful? Luckily our plucky protagonist has a word to say about it!
No- women are barred from college and religious service (except as nuns); even the female prophet of the religion said women shouldn't be rulers or warriors. I want cucks to seethe when they read my work.
And there's different races sure, with different skin tones. But they're all pricks and have creepy beliefs.

>> No.19486032

This is /lit/ not /based department/

>> No.19486184
File: 34 KB, 243x400, legend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best movie I've ever read.

>> No.19486213

bros I am FINALLY enjoying Children of Dune. the House Corrino shit is a bit boring, but I'm definitely interested to see where shit goes with Leto. Should I jump straight to God Emperor next, or is it worth it to take a little break? I guess Children of Dune + God Emperor consist of Leto II's arc, yea?

>> No.19486271

I'm partway through Dune and kynes just died. The harnokens I assume or the saddukar let him die in the desert. But I thought the Baron wanted to borrow him from the saddukar and question him before making his death an accident. Am I missing something here or is this explained later and I'm not supposed to know at this point? Thanks frens

>> No.19486276

Just keep reading

>> No.19486292

Alright thanks.

>> No.19486326

Depends on how much you like Leto. Taking a break is fine if you need to. God Emperor takes place like, 3000, years into the future so its not a bad place to stop for a bit. Although, personally, I recommend just going straight into it.

>> No.19486350

I went right to God Emperor, I feel like it's a more logical place to stop. It's a very different book though. [Spoiler]Peak /lit/. Leto II is just a fat, immortal, genius incel slinging bants at people as they fail to assassinate him. He just lays on a couch and shit talks. Definetly /ourguy/.[/spoiler]

>> No.19486429

I'm curious what makes you say that, is it that Cugel frequently dodges any comeuppance whilst being an unrepentant thief, swindler and lech?

>> No.19486591

Daniel Greene hates Bakker

>> No.19486602

Daniel Greene is a faggot who rated Wizards First Rule a 0/5. Which is a retarded opinion. I understand not liking it, but to say it's a 0/5 is insane. He likely did it because he doesn't like the authors political opinions.

>> No.19486609

best sff that deals with the folly of striving for immortality?

>> No.19486694

Dnno about folly but xianxia shows that it’s tragic and lonely and without a solid as steel dao heart you will succumb to inner demons

>> No.19486697

>He likely did it because he doesn't like the authors political opinions.
That's exactly why.

>> No.19486715

Name a few.

>> No.19486727

I could name 100... they are all like that

>> No.19486763

Sounds pretty based and philosophical. Name me your top picks.

>> No.19486827

A Record of a Mortals Journey to Immortality
Is a recent story I read all the way to the end and enjoyed.

Mostly lately I’ve been reading machine translated garbage so I can’t recommend them

>> No.19486914

>A Record of a Mortals Journey to Immortality
Nice, I'll be sure to check it out next.

>Mostly lately I’ve been reading machine translated garbage so I can’t recommend them
Shame, I've read some machine translated stories, so I'm not averse by them.

>> No.19486948

Then I liked My Hair can Create a Demon Country and Fearsome Farmer
They are MTL but not really proper xianxia

>> No.19487017

Thanks again for the recommendation, anon.

>> No.19487124

>machine translated, machine written

>> No.19487188

>Not revered insanity

>> No.19487197

What is that cover art? It looks like a mix between frostpunk and steampunk.

>> No.19487228

The game?

>> No.19487280

Nonmen from the Second Apocalypse series.

>> No.19487284


>"George would fly to New York to have lunch with Plepler, to beg him to do ten seasons of ten episodes because there was enough material for it and to tell him it would be a more satisfying and more entertaining experience," Haas told Miller.

>"Dan and Dave were tired, rightfully so," Haas said in Miller's book. "They were done, and wanted to move on, so they cut it short and then negotiations became, how many seasons can we stretch this out? Because of course HBO wanted more."

>Haas added: "George loves Dan and Dave, but after season five, he did start to worry about the path they were going because George knows where the story goes. He started saying, 'You're not following my template.'"

>> No.19487290

Transcending the Nine Heavens by Fenglin Tianxia

>> No.19487291

Maybe if he weren't such a lazy fat fuck people would take him more seriously. At least I imagine that's why no one takes me seriously.

>> No.19487294

Should be it’s own literary genre.

>> No.19487304

>to beg him to do ten seasons of ten episodes because there was enough material for it and to tell him it would be a more satisfying and more entertaining experience,"
Didn't mean jack when he didn't even finish the winds of winter. He's been working on that shit since 2010

>> No.19487307

Would sympathize with him had he finish the novels. But since he didn’t, and he took his time with them, I don’t. Seriously the fuck was he thinking?

>> No.19487312

In the first draft of Game of Thrones Jon wants to fuck Arya so I know what he was thinking.

>> No.19487319

I know people here shit on George for not finishing his story. But, would his story had been better if he did the timeskip as he originally planned?

>> No.19487325

the series had too many issues just on premise alone for it to ever end up satisfying

>> No.19487348

I think you have it backwards. It was Arya that wanted to sleep with Jon and her being happy that he was actually her cousin and not half-brother.

>But, would his story had been better if he did the timeskip as he originally planned?
I thought he shat the bed when he killed someone fairly important early on. That was what I've heard.

>> No.19487353

Nah, the issue was Martin’s autism. The series needed a timeskip. There’s no denying that. Martin, himself, agreed. Saying something like a five year timeskip was needed, until he puss out and went with the mess we know.

>> No.19487371

>The HBO series began diverging from Martin's storyline around the end of season four. The show's ending likely didn't "spoil" Martin's own planned ending.
Then what the fuck was the point of doing that retarded question about Jon's mother? At the very least, it means Stannis might not kill Shireen.

>> No.19487379

Can /sffg/ honestly name a more terrible adaptation? It’s weird seeing it rise as some cultural juggernaut and fall to the wayside within the decade. Other series still linger, but not a song of ice and fire. That shit dropped off from the face of the earth so quick.

>> No.19487390

>Can /sffg/ honestly name a more terrible adaptation?
Depends, Wheels of time might be terrible.

>> No.19487395

Cowboy Bebop, Wheel of Time, Shannara, the list goes on

>> No.19487396

>You're not following my template
If only they had a novel or two that might have helped them. Anyways, any news on him fucking writing his novels at all? We had covid for two years now.

>> No.19487401

Hollywood’s ghost in the shell was downright horrendous. Don’t know what those hacks were smoking.

>> No.19487404


>> No.19487406

>Can /sffg/ honestly name a more terrible adaptation?
The Cat in the Hat movie.

>> No.19487411

>Cowboy Bebop

>> No.19487416

Dungeons & Dragons (2000 film)

>> No.19487423

Forgot the link.

>> No.19487426
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>> No.19487427

And to think, Lord of the Rings would come out a year later.

>> No.19487430

thanks anon

>> No.19487431

Did you watch it? It's terrible.

>> No.19487435

Oh fuck, you mean the Netflix garbage. I thought you meant the original.

>> No.19487453

Is BBC incapable of making a decent adaptation? Even the Soviet Film industry manages to make better adaptation.


>> No.19487455

>but volume 5 just opened with ten hours of the King of Destruction revealed to be friendly grandpa

Noo, he was a highly complexed and flawed character because he likes slavery... Yeah, that got a little monotonous. But to be fair it was still less than 1/5th of the book. I was only disappointed not to see a clown boy or rags chapter.

I know I could read ahead three books online but I'll wait for the audiobooks, because it makes for prefect listening for work, driving or exercising just zone out and flow with the book. 53 hours of quite edible content for 1 audible credit. The text version is literally free. You have to balance your expectations a little. Aba wrights just as much good content in a year as anyone, she just smears it out over 2500 pages/year. A good, demanding editor cutting down 1/3 the content in a skillful way would really benefit the series, but that's not compatible with her publication method and its not something the majority of her readers would accept.

>> No.19487462
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I want to start reading again so I'm looking at OP guide. How the fuck am I supposed to make out wtf the books are.

>> No.19487463

I skipped to episode six and jesus.

>> No.19487466

Are you on your phone?

>> No.19487470

Yeah. Are links from mega fucked on phone?

>> No.19487480

looks like it. Everything is fine on desktop.

>> No.19487481

anyone got any good mermaid lore or deep sea monster horror or fantasy books?

>> No.19487489

Dead Sea by Tim Curran. Also his short novel Deadlock.

>> No.19487492
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>> No.19487504

Why not just call it, Science-Fantasy?

>> No.19487516

Seconding this >>19487489 Tim Curran is the man you’re looking for.

>> No.19487520

Don't listen to the haters, that's a relatively solid list. I would recommend The Way of the Shaman and Reality Benders to be high on the list though. Some of the best stuff is Russian. Not that I've really read any litRPG so overtly woke it made me want to puke, but you can feel the mental restraint some of the western authors have baked in that just holds the stories back.

There are a lot of eastern style cultivation lit rpg books out there, some are ok but in general I would recommend avoiding them.

Also whoever recommended The Perfect Run; fuck you, I'm nine hours in and I honestly cant take it. One of the worst groundhog day stories I have ever had the misfortune to read.

>> No.19487532

>Some of the best stuff is Russian
Shame they're never translated. Russia always seems to have the best of these type of books.
>Not that I've really read any litRPG so overtly woke it made me want to puke, but you can feel the mental restraint some of the western authors have baked in that just holds the stories back.
Had the same feeling. It's always nice to see an author fuck up and put woke shit and see his readership and revenue plummet.

>> No.19487536

>One of the worst groundhog day stories I have ever had the misfortune to read.
Read Mother of Learning. It’s best Groundhog Day stories out there.

>> No.19487547

Relict by D.T. Neal

>> No.19487557

>Not that I've really read any litRPG so overtly woke it made me want to puke,
Wait, do self-publish authors really put woke shit in their stories? Then what’s the point of being self-publish?

>> No.19487562

The trans shit in ready player 2 was so botched that even the woke mob attacked him for it.

>> No.19487567

>ready player 2
That shit got a sequel?

>> No.19487572

A fucking movie and a sequel. Ready player one was readable but I can think of a hundred books more deserving of a movie than that.

>> No.19487576 [DELETED] 

>woke mob attacked him for it.
Was bound to happen with the type of poems he makes.

>> No.19487581
File: 512 KB, 2775x1322, Wheel-of-Time-books-black-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this actually get good? I choked my way through book one after being recommended it like fifty times and I'm just not really feeling it yet. If the rest is just more of the same I think I wont bother with it.

>> No.19487582

>woke mob attacked him for it.
Was bound to happen with the type of poems he makes.

>> No.19487593

Him being publish actually broke my fair in the publishing industry. I just don’t see how he could have made it, while others, who are more deserving, simply don’t.

>> No.19487597

Honestly, the worst part is the people cheering him on. I refuse those are actual people.

>> No.19487607

Didn’t he wrote that poem to marry some former porn star?

>> No.19487613
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It's a rigged game, always has been. It's just way back then the game was more rigged for friends and such and now it's rigged based off ideology.

New York times, all the awards, amazon recommendations and prime free books, they are all designed to pump up woman writers, colored writers and woke writers.

Aleron Kong for instance, except for the last one his books aren't bad. But they are still not all that great either. But he get's so much god dammed astroturfed support because he's a mulatto it's insane.

>> No.19487621

He's got normie armies of NPC's reading him. Kind of like Harry Potter light.

They believe the shit they say because they don't know better.

>> No.19487625

>Aleron Kong
Should have used N. K. Jemisin. That bitch is astroturfed that even normies and npcs are waking up to that shit.

>> No.19487634

A sequel that’s about the same as the prequel.

>> No.19487637

>It's a rigged game, always has been.
I don't fault people for self-publishing. You know, at this point, its just so stacked against them, why even try?

>> No.19487647

Don't you like giving away 40% to the publisher and another 30% to amazon (or 70% to amazon if it's an audiobook).

I want billionaires to make money off my work. Makes me feel good when Bezos talks about exterminating human life on earth and turning it into a planet sized nature reserve for the billionaire class. (I'm not even exaggerating, this is his stated goal)

>> No.19487654

>I want billionaires to make money off my work. Makes me feel good when Bezos talks about exterminating human life on earth and turning it into a planet sized nature reserve for the billionaire class.
Honestly, that shit has the makings of a science-fiction drama.
>(I'm not even exaggerating, this is his stated goal)
Once again, real life is nothing more than a boring mundane cyberpunk dystopia.

>> No.19487660

>(I'm not even exaggerating, this is his stated goal)
Source? I refuse to believe someone would say this so brazenly

>> No.19487661

Will Wight's first book (House of Blades) has some neat ideas but its generally pretty bad. I can see why he had to self-publish it. Then once he got enough sales for his first book to write a second, why bother with the publishers?

>> No.19487664

>why bother with the publishers?
I mean, at the very least, he won't have his books tainted and changed. Also what made his first book bad in the first place?

>> No.19487671

He wants Future humanity to be nothing more than wagies.

>> No.19487672

Story beat problems. Characterization problems. There's whole chapters that must've been cut out to make it better paced but he forgot to explain what happened during them. The prose is only so-so but I'm not gonna judge him on that. It really feels incomplete by the time you've finished reading it and not in a "this needs a sequel" kind of way.

>> No.19487676

>Story beat problems. Characterization problems. There's whole chapters that must've been cut out to make it better paced but he forgot to explain what happened during them.
Sounds like he should have hired an editor or something.

>> No.19487682
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haven't read it but thought i'd share.

>> No.19487688

Japanese sffg is very underrated.

>> No.19487693
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>> No.19487694

Completely works on my Android phone. I don't know what you're doing for it to not be working

>> No.19487697

We should really do a chart or something about Asian sffg.

>> No.19487698


Or if you don't have an hour and a half to watch the bastard opine and just want it ground up and vomited back to you.


>> No.19487699

Thanks. I’ll probably watch it during the weekend when I have time. It’ll be enlightening.

>> No.19487702

An editor cost around 300$ an hour.

>> No.19487704

It was interesting reading it after Cradle because he wrote 8 books between House of Blades and Unsouled and yet it really feels like a prototype for Cradle.

Except Cradle took 9 books to go from the hero leaving his home, becoming strong, and coming back (only to be dismissed by his village who only knew him as a weak loser), whereas House of Blades did that whole plot before the third act.

>> No.19487707

New thread

>> No.19487710

>Except Cradle took 9 books to go from the hero leaving his home, becoming strong, and coming back (only to be dismissed by his village who only knew him as a weak loser), whereas House of Blades did that whole plot before the third act.

>> No.19487718

What do you mean how?

>> No.19487741

You can get a quite good copy editor for far far less. This could easily be replaced with AI without any real loss.

But a good content or structural editor can take a quite shit story and make it really shine.

I think I could train a version of GPT-J to be a quarter decent structural editor if I could somehow get a decent corpus for it. I would like to build a tool that suggests areas that it predicts highlights areas that thinks needs work and gives serval examples of what it would change it to. You could choose to suppress these, use a suggested edit or use an edit as a starting place that you touch up. This wouldn't completely replace the need for a good content editor for professional grade work but it could reduce the workload on a professional editor and it could really help the budget authors get at least something worth having at an acceptable price.

>> No.19487764

>But a good content or structural editor can take a quite shit story and make it really shine.
Yeah, and how much do you think it’ll cost?

>> No.19488294
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No, retard

>> No.19488744

There is tons of translated Russian litrpg. Lots of it feels translated, but you're reading for story, not prose. I've read most of these and they're good: https://mrbookstash.com/litrpg/

>> No.19488751

Many Americans just can't help themselves. At a minimum their writing has to be about diversity.

>recommended fifty times
And each one of those there was someone warning you against it. If you don't like the first three you're certainly not going to dead zone in the center of the series.

>> No.19488830

> Does this actually get good?

If you did not like the first book, you almost certainly will not like the others.

>> No.19488842
File: 50 KB, 338x500, 1628752670424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read this?

>> No.19488924

And now the skellington changes pronouns.