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19480701 No.19480701 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about gullible retards on an anime imageboard falling for hoaxes?

>> No.19480706


>> No.19480710

Manufacturing Consent by Chomsky
Techniques of Persuasion by Brown
Propaganda by Ellul and Bernays

>> No.19480712

jason stanley is a jew btw

not that that matters tho

>> No.19480782
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12 rules for lyfe

>> No.19480793

I wonder whether anyone would be willing to put their money and power in the service of denying the existence of threats to free speech, the validity of talking about such threats, as well as the very existence and desirability of free speech in the first place. Probably not. Surely this journalist and this article and this tweet are just telling the truth for disinterested reasons.

>> No.19480799

It doesn't. W or without jews this is still an issue we haven't ethically moved past yet.

>> No.19480801

I'm pretty sure they've accepted they're evil and are now playing damage control (academics).

>> No.19480811

the man who was Thursday

>> No.19480859
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>> No.19480862
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>> No.19480870

nice falseflags but it’s time to take your meds now

>> No.19480874

>Due to pressure
Shouldn't this be "despite pressure"? God it annoys me so much

>> No.19480879
File: 85 KB, 219x229, Mrbones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'm retarded, it's referring to pressure from the alt-right

>> No.19480900

>Affirmative, Mr. Stark.
>Subject: Jason Stanley
>Early life and education: “Stanley was raised in upstate New York.[5] Both of his parents emigrated to the United States from Europe—his father from Germany in 1939, and his mother from Poland. Stanley cites his Jewish heritage as having informed his writing on fascism: "To me, my Judaism means an obligation to pay attention to equality and the rights of minority groups."
>Shall I continue reading Mr, Stark?

>> No.19480909

are we pretending to be in 2007

>> No.19480917

Are we really pretending like all sides of the culture war aren't funded by the billionaire class? All opposition is controlled opposition.

>> No.19480928

>fascists and wignats are funded by the billionaire class
based retard

>> No.19480946

>The father of these famous rightwing billionaires was Fred Koch, who started his fortune with $500,000 received from Stalin for his assistance constructing 15 oil refineries in the Soviet Union in the 1930s. A couple of years later, his company, Winkler-Koch, helped the Nazis complete their third-largest oil refinery. The facility produced hundreds of thousands of gallons of high-octane fuel for the Luftwaffe, until it was destroyed by Allied bombs in 1944.
>In 1938, the patriarch wrote that “the only sound countries in the world are Germany, Italy and Japan”. To make sure his children got the right ideas, he hired a German nanny. The nanny was such a fervent Nazi that when France fell in 1940, she resigned and returned to Germany. After that, Fred became the main disciplinarian, whipping his children with belts and tree branches.

>> No.19480953

This. The Koch brothers decided to never step foot in politics again years ago.

>> No.19481098
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>big business support [for the Nazis] was virtually zero prior to the election of 1933
>it is only through gross distortion that can big business be afforded a crucial or even major role in the downfall of the republic

>> No.19481111

I do not need to read The Atlantic for that. This is an experience I live on a daily basis.
I am not sure what this is trying to prove.

>> No.19482328

None of this would be a problem if dumb fucking burgers had actual libel laws
Smashing the fash will become a lot less popular if it starts costing 500.000 and a public apology
Heck, you could even advertise such a law as being there to protect minorities from hate

>> No.19482877
File: 732 KB, 1538x2325, Stanley - How Fascism Works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone sum it up? As a matter of principle, I refuse to read any author that wrote a book about "fascism" between 2015-and 2020 in any context.

>> No.19482896

A few American companies helped the USSR build their economic infrastructure. Magnitogorsk was built with the help of a American consulting company modelled after some of the Steel Belt cities.
Pretty smart of Stalin, really.

>> No.19483016

Yeah, I figured.

>> No.19483027

>hates speech, freedom, truth, whites
Every time.

>> No.19483182

They see both sides of frothing at the mouth idiots as threats and gladly pay for the outcome where you hate each other. "They" being the absurdly wealthy, not (((them))). Jewish fixation is a scapegoat because they only fund one side while alphachuds like the Koch family and old money WASPs fund (((their))) opposition. They are friends with those in their class and don't give a shit about race, only you do because they paid a lot of money to occupy your mind with race distinction over class distinction.

>> No.19483216

based 80 iq commie dunning-kruger example

>> No.19483297

You don't even have to drag communism into it. The French Revolution happened before Marx was born. The elites only fear class identification, it doesn't matter what the accessory ideology pushing class identification is called at the time.

>> No.19483310

Anything Jason Stanley dislikes or disagree with is fascism.

>> No.19483314

so true holy shit

>> No.19483338

I mean, I'm sure it's better than that. It's just hard to take someone who jumped on the Drumph fascism bandwagon seriously when they're complaining about articles being published to whip up panic.

>> No.19483339

just say jew

quads of truth

>> No.19483365

It is not

>> No.19483398

Fair enough, I've long held the belief that the left today uses the label of "fascism" to describe any position they can justify the use of violence against in non-revolutionary settings.