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1948011 No.1948011 [Reply] [Original]

i ship jon and arya and theres nothing you can do about it.

ADWD thread

>> No.1948018

except masturbate

>> No.1948057

they both die leon. without ever meeting again. thats what i can do about it.

>> No.1948064

I ship Dany and the Red Priestess, and there's nothing you can about except

watch their nipples harden as they rub together like four maces in the thick of battle.

>> No.1948062

stop posting on /lit/ and get back to writing George.

>> No.1948072


ok, mines leaky but i think your ship is just plain unseaworthy. wont even get out of the harbor. also, rubbing isnt the verb i think of when i think 'mace'.

>> No.1948077

...with nipples black as coal

>> No.1948085

and breasts like fully ripened eggplants

>> No.1948092

tell that to George, he wrote it

>> No.1948099

actually it might've been "clash" instead of "rub"

I guess that changes the meaning completely

>> No.1948101

her mound shone wet like morning dew

>> No.1948102

>jon and arya
>not arya and gendry

>> No.1948125


cause gendry was boring.

>> No.1948234

I ship Frankengregor and Coldhands.

>were tormend

You're right Captcha, it's not nice to read at all.

>> No.1948284

A lot of people hate on the fifth book for not advancing the plot too much, but so far I have been enjoying it. I especially like the Theon Greyjoy chapters.

Especially when he bends to his task.

>> No.1948304

if you don't ship sansa and tyrion get the FUCK out of /lit/

>> No.1948349

I think I'm the only one who likes Penny for Tyrion ;_;

She's basically what he wanted all along, someone to love him not for his family or gold, but for himself, what he thinks Tysha might have been (though Tysha probably noticed his family heraldry and ran with it).

I also ship Dany with the silent sisters. Because goddamn if I hear one more sentence with her craving cock in her holes I swear I'll just read summaries of her chapters instead of the chapters themselves for the future books.

>> No.1948442

so i've gathered that some people believe that those pies they ate at the wedding were the missing freys.

any idea where that came from?

also i was disappointed as fuck that the davos bran and victarion got so few chapters. The ones about Theon were a nice surprise though.

also if the Green Grace is not the Harpy i will suck my own cock

>> No.1948467


3 Freys go missing, Maderly claims they just rode off.

Manderly serves 3 huge pork pies at the wedding, seems highly amused by the whole thing.

Manderly requests a song about the Rat Cook (who served a king his own son baked in a pie).


Also, Martin said a few years ago that ADWD would future someone getting baked into a pie.

>> No.1948474

Well that clears that up. The only other theory that has me confused is the one where Davos is going to tamee a unicorn?

>> No.1948484


That's just because Davos is a total boss, I guess.

>> No.1948485

He was sent to rescue rikkon and that wilding bitch who apparently went to skagos for some stupid reason. Skagos is like skull island, except for instead of dinosaurs/apes it has unicorns, and instead of cannibals it has cannibals.

>> No.1948497

where was it said that skagos has unicorns

all i remember is one of the children saying that there are still a few unicorns around but that's it

>> No.1948633

no the fourth book was the shaggy dog story, the plot advances decently albeit slowly in five.

Vary's pulling Aegon out of his ass is the reason it gets any hate

>> No.1948648

>implying "aegon" isn't really illyrio's son aka mummer's dragon

>> No.1948650

>illyrio's son

>> No.1948666

two major flaws with that

first is that the Targaryens have very distinctive features that disappear quickly when they interbreed with others. Aegon might be a bastard of Rheagar or Aerys but no farther than that.

Second why spend all this time training someone most will suspect is a fraud to be the proper king when no one disputed that Visery's was alive and at large. He was only 8 when the rebellion happened, plenty of time to hide him and mold him into a proper king. And yet he and his sister were left exposed in the open almost as if they were bait.

>> No.1948689

Too many people's substitutes dying, not enough actual people dying. If this was the first book Eddard would just find a substitute to be executed in his place. This isn't what I signed up for.
Also having the whole book instist on how Daenerys is too good to leave Mereen to its shit despite everything being more favorable to her elsewhere, only for her to fly away alone at the end felt so stupid I facepalmed.

>> No.1948724


Have a feeling she'll take that Khalasar and turn it right towards Mereen, tidying up and then finally realizing it's nor her place and move the fuck on. Somewhere on that road she'll run into the Second Sons. And the Iron Fleet will be waiting for her at Meereen.

And it only took six fucking books. ashjdshjshjsjjh

>> No.1948737

>And it only took six fucking books. ashjdshjshjsjjh

and finally someone hits the nail on the head.

As well written as the series is there isn't enough here for seven books. Its five books with tight pacing.

It doesn't help that the Others effectively make everything that isn't about the Wall or the dragons largely pointless.

>> No.1948747

to go south you must go north, to go........to go forward you must go back
she went back, north to dothraki sea, that will end with her south in mereen then she will go east to asshai, pass beneath the shadow, sail the sunset sea and emerge under the walls of lannisport or maybe Pyke.

it is known

>> No.1948764
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>mfw I'm being bombarded by the Jon/Daenerys/Tyrion trifecta of chapters in ADWD

Fuck man, I wasn't annoyed by any POV in particular in the first 4 books but in this one I just wish more interesting characters had as many chapters as these fags. Them being always clumped one after another doesn't help either.

>> No.1948780

I really enjoyed tyrion chapters in all the books. Except for ADWD. And Whenever I got to daeny it was time to stop reading for the night. Reek was surprisingly awesome, and I loved everything about all his chapters. I hope the next book has Mance Raydar POV he's so boss.

>> No.1948792

>not shipping Jon and the fat pink mast

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.1948793

Thankfully Jon will be freed from the Brotherhood.

>> No.1948801

Am I the only one who thinks Jon Snow is a Gary Stu?

Gods be good, I hope he really is dead. But he probably isn't.

>> No.1948823

Of course he's a Gary Stu. Dany is a Mary Sue, Tyrion is an author insert and together their combined plot armor could even resurrect Eddard Stark. It can't be helped.

>> No.1948834

A faction exists that pretty much has the power over life and death and can see the future. Why the fuck isn't that said faction in control of both continents?

>> No.1948841

the night's watch serve for life, so if jon dies and is resurrected will he be free to rule the seven kingdoms?

>> No.1948844

Because their magic began to actually work only recently- see how Melisandre says in her POV that most of her "spells" were alchemist powders and such tricks.
Humans thought they could foresee the future from bird entrails or cracked turtle shells in history, so it's not that farfetched to think the fire visions before the comet and all that shit were just that, people looking into a fire and divining responses from it

>> No.1948855


Wasn't the comet meant to mark the return of dragons & magic and not the other way around? Did the red priest play pocket billiards during the dragon age?

>> No.1948863


Oberyn Chapters - I like this dud- fucking Martin.

Dany Chapters - Kill me now.

Jon Chapters - Yeah, like he's really dead.

>> No.1948875
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>Oberyn Chapters

>> No.1948880
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>> No.1948882

And whatever happened to that letter written by Rob Stark naming his successor?

>> No.1948891

Er, Quentyn, rather. They're both dead, I got confused.

>> No.1948895

probably will appear in the next book. maege and something whos name starts with a G were bringing it north, haven't heard about them since

>> No.1948897

Davos is out to save Rickon, watch as every other idiot kills each other and Davos and Rickon win the throne like a boss.

>> No.1948898

>5 fucking books
>No fucking Howland Reed

>> No.1948912

>he doesn't realize dany is going to Assai next book

>Second why spend all this time training someone most will suspect is a fraud

Because its his son and thats goal in the game of thrones, to establish his progeny as royalty. Although you make a great first point, which pretty much fucks up my theory.

>> No.1948916

Dany spents too much time in Mereen. Her chapters were the only ones you could basically skip without missing anything important to the story.
How is anyne supposed to care about some random characters named Huzdafan or other strange names when there is no way they have any significance in the main story.
You could have a volcano destroy Mereen and everyone there and nothing of value to the story would be lost. (As long as Tyrion, Dany and the dragons survive

>> No.1948919


>he doesn't realize dany is going to Assai next book

Nah. George has said Asshai, Yi Ti and other such places will probably only be seen in flashbacks or memories, if at all.

>> No.1948923


>implying Tyrion, Dany or the dragons are of value.

>> No.1948924




>> No.1948926

Aegon takes the Iron Throne and flies the green dragon.
Dany flies the black dragon, burns a lot of shit...and hopefully dies.
Jon is resurrected, flies the white dragon (he is really a Blackfyre and not a Snow), burn the a lot of ice demons, and a few Freys and Boltons. Then dies also.
The end.

>> No.1948933

bran will warg into one of dem dragons, and make it his.

all that shit about how he will fly, being a raven doesn't really seem to be significant enough to keep repeating it

>> No.1948948

what do all serious ASoIaF, Harry Potter and Twilight threads have in common?

no-one's ever interested in discussing the quality of the writing, just the story

>> No.1948951


Other than going into great length to describe even the tiniest things, I have no complaints of M's writing.

>> No.1948953


>Tyrion, Dany, and the Dragons
>Leaving out Barristan the motherfucking Bold

Seriously, the only character more bro-tier than Barristan is Davos.

>> No.1948962

Bran will find the giant falcons the Arryns had, and then he will simply fly into Winterfell.

>> No.1948961


What is the problem with that?

>> No.1948963


I'm sorry. I saw that as soon as I posted

>> No.1948973

There's no problem. For me, anyway. Of course, the discussion of stories is by no means literature-specific and thus not strictly /lit/-related, only peripherally, but that doesn't bother me.

>> No.1948974

So was coldhands just some wight that Brynden used to slip into to get Bran to him? How the fuck does that even work? Theories?

>> No.1948991


I think Coldhands is Benjen.

>> No.1949119


how about that:
benjen = stark = warg
benjen killed by the others
transferred to his animal
resurrected by the others
transferred back to his wight body

>> No.1949126

wouldnt bran recognize benjen?

also, isnt coldhands dead as fuck now? we are confirmed for eventually finding out benjens fate, so he cant be coldhands because there would be no way for it to resolve now.

unless martin lied.

>> No.1949432


I think Bran would recognize Benjen, but we never see Coldhands face, its covered by a scarf and hood, I'm assuming the cold would preserve it, but then again the crows could have pecked at it before he ressed. Coldhands is a wight, but some kind of greater wight, that remembers and has purpose, if thats the Greenseer controlling it or something else I have no idea.

And I think the reveal will be that Benjen got wrecked by the Others and became Coldhands...

Just a theory feel free to disprove me.

>> No.1949596


-Non-POV character introduced 5 books in.
-Final winner of this whole clusterfuck.


Still hoping for Jon to just say 'fuck this' and go fuck wildling bitches beyond the wall.

>> No.1949604

>-Final winner of this whole clusterfuck.

I think the final winner will be whoever doesn't get backstabbed or fucked by the Others.

>> No.1949847

I ship Melisandre and an Other, what now?

>> No.1949866

A Porn Of Ice And Fire

>> No.1949901

>Because goddamn if I hear one more sentence with her craving cock in her holes I swear I'll just read summaries of her chapters instead of the chapters themselves for the future books.

Eh she's a woman. I think her constantly craving cock is a fairly accurate representation of a woman.

>> No.1949905
File: 229 KB, 426x437, omar on throne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever I see a D&E post, I replace everything he types with " Blah blah blah blah blah"

"the quality of writing" lol

>> No.1950153

>if I hear one more sentence with her craving cock in her holes

While ASoIaF has a fairly large male audience, women still make up the largest chunk of the novel buying public. And women eat that shit up.

>> No.1950203


Fuck that, I'm a woman and GRRM can't write sex scenes for shit. If I read the words "manhood" or "teat" one more time...

>> No.1950217

Can anyone write good sex scenes? I had a girlfriend who loved (as did her friends) a book called The Outlander. It was basically harlequin and it had the most awkward sex scenes ever. I believe it once termed a penis a "burning life-spear" and used a battering ram metaphor more than once.

>> No.1950224

I was tricked into reading a gay water works fanfiction for The Mighty Boosh.

Man-spear, meat sword, love rod, erry where.

>> No.1950227

that's one helluva trick, dude

>> No.1950241

A friend said it was just funny, and it degenerated into gay water works very suddenly and then it was over. It bothered me less than it bothered them (I give no fucks about the mighty boosh) so I get to remind them of it by saying:

>And he put his hands down Howard's trousers!