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/lit/ - Literature

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19478780 No.19478780 [Reply] [Original]

Go build something.

>> No.19478802

There are few things as revolting as Silicon Valley “culture”.

>> No.19478810

VCs don't build anything. Fuck off.

>> No.19478828

Yeah that's what the world needs, MORE stuff.

>> No.19478832

>VCs don't build anything. Fuck off.
That's the point he makes in this book anon

>> No.19478836

How can anyone consider this man an intellectual when he can't even write a fucking book by himself? David Spade has written three books.

>> No.19478871

So, since he wrote this book, what "I'm not inserting a middle-man into a process to extract value" startups Thiel founded? VCs and startups are the parasites. People don't need their advice on making art or being craftsmen.

>> No.19478883

>VCs and startups are the parasites
Yes like I said this is what he says in the book that you didn't read.

>> No.19478889

Name the amazing startups, anon. Surely he's not just talking the talk.

>> No.19478895

I don't follow what Peter Thiel does how would I know, whether he's capable of solving the problem says nothing about whether he's right in addressing it.

>> No.19478898

In a culture where buisiness owners supported this mask game?

>> No.19478903 [DELETED] 
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this is an interesting book that points out how full of a shit a lot of vc shit is. it also has some hypocritical shade throwing on higher ed as the author is part of some lame for-profit education startup and also is a professor at one of the most expensive schools in the united states. read but be aware the author is just as full of shit as the dudes he's taking down.

>> No.19478933

> he's right in addressing it

"He started a conversation", epic. What an intellectual heavy weight. It's like reading meth-head insight into dental hygiene that never mentions quitting drugs.

>> No.19478955

99% of startups fail, but im sure yours will succeed

>> No.19478982

>said the dude who wants to be a writer

>> No.19479020
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>>How can anyone consider this man an intellectual
It's pretty easy if you take 5 minutes to actually listen to him talk and aren't a seething assblasted forever a man tranny communist raging their pink haired head off.

>> No.19479035


>"Steal this Economy"

Fixed it for you op.

>> No.19479087

What are good books on the rise of transnational corporations? This thread sucks btw

>> No.19479161
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>it's a /lit/ reads NYT best seller trash and impotently fumes about delusional political implications defending or attacking imagined icons
I bet you dunces haven't even read anything Thiel has actually published because it's for academic circles and not light reading sitting on the bus or toilet in between reddit refreshes.

Go read the Straussian Moment, then we can talk.

>> No.19479181
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>this thread sucks btw

>> No.19479202

doodoo thread

>> No.19479469

>can only think in terms of 21st century corporate speak
Truly your brain is rotted.

>> No.19479608

good book desu. good references desu. based christian apostle rene girard. only short book desu. prove me wrong.
paypal man

>> No.19479670

im too lazy
and everything we need online has already been built

>> No.19479691

Don't know if you're trolling, but Thiel says the exact opposite. He fully embraces creative destruction, and believes that Capitalism won't survive without it. Not that he, an open facist, would care if it did not.

>> No.19479695

Yeah but you know how many restrictions there are?

>> No.19479702

This thread is angry and can guarantee no one in it has read the book. If they had, they would be even angrier. Fuck this book

>> No.19479709
File: 157 KB, 1600x1080, 4ad23d8e-0001-0004-0000-000001025314_w1600_r1.4815533980582525_fpx58.59_fpy44.86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly based. Anyone who disagrees with Thiel's main arguments will unironically rot in the wastebasket of history. Thiel will be studied the same way the Greeks is studied. Humanity is lucky to have him, and we are luckier to heed his advice.

>> No.19481300

Thiel advocates creating monopolies in areas of low competition to rake in money. It's ironic that he then seethes about the lack of real progress in the sciences and technology. Imagine believing "find a way to be a rent seeking parasite so you can move on to do things you actually want to do" will result in the actually cool things instead of just endless bloated parasitism, middle men, ticket clippers, and other vermin.

>> No.19481377

Worked for Elon.
I mean, most of the people in the oligarch game are rent-seeking parasites and completely content with it, so at least having a desire to do something cool rather than using your money to buy another gay 100m long yacht or mansion is a step up.

>> No.19481407

>>Thiel advocates creating monopolies in areas of low competition to rake in money. It's ironic that he then seethes about the lack of real progress in the sciences and technology.
Why do you think this is a contradiction? Low competition literally means untapped, unexplored, and unbuilt territory -- that he is telling you to build in. How is that not progress?
The argument here is to do something new, not to blindly do what everyone else is doing and hope it works out. What kind moron thinks this is parasitic? It's pioneering.

>> No.19481418

Is it true that Thiel is secretly based and BAP pilled?

>> No.19481610
File: 24 KB, 415x415, peter-thiel-net-worth-415-415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the ass blasted pink hair isn't the turbo faggot on a constant crusade to sue anyone that points out what a massive fag he is. What pathetic, broken queer becomes a billionaire just to cover up what a gaped-ass queer he is? Then on top pretends he has insight into anything when it's all just cribbed bits of smart-sounding stuff (smart-sounding to him, therefore devoid of merit) actual academics have said to him in his personal, neurotic self-improvement personal best seminars. This guy is useless. He gave is frozen in the permanent grimace of the up-all-night motel room ice-fuelled orgy of the painfully gay.

>> No.19481619

>source: my schizophrenia, trust me bro, ok I do, thanks bro, good talk, you too bro, love talking to you bro, same bro, we are bros bro
You are talking to yourself, also crazy.

>> No.19481622


>> No.19481623

I should also add he actually dyes his hair. What a faggot. Imagine Socrates taking the time to dye his hair. Lol. That type of vanity is beneath anyone even moderately wise, especially someone as old as Thiel.

>> No.19481650
File: 136 KB, 1200x894, 1_86C6Ffx6oIlEX1bqxFwApA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Thiel-pilled. Just continue building anon. Build vastly new, strange, and meaningful things and take their money while you're at it. Use your monopoly profits to further build new things. And then use those profits to angel invest in other based-and-Thiel-pilled builders. If you want to Thiel-pill others, 4chiggers is not the place to do it: you're unironically better off hiring them. And if they're NEETs, feel gratitude that they have no influence on anything on this world, and thus have the most probability of becoming Thiel-pilled.

The Gawker takedown is perhaps one of the most based things a billionaire has ever done. Seethe, while builders and innovators form monopolies and take your money.

>> No.19481656

>0 to 1
>Most successful start ups receive hundreds of thousands from family members
So this book is straight up propaganda, right?

>> No.19481662
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What monopoly have you built? I tremble at the influence you yeild, Builder! Fucking losers.

>> No.19481669

You can tell leftoids are so completely intimidated and upset about Thiel that their best 'argument' against him is that he's a faggot, literally their highest virtue, or that he's well groomed. I mean shit, how desperate and intellectually bankrupt do you have to be to write this kind of shit?

>> No.19481676

The one "tranny kys" image I've saved, due to the ambiguity and interpretations of how that picture could be read.
You should definitely kill yourself for posting this, though.

>> No.19481677

>your entire family can’t scrape together the cost of a suburban home


>> No.19481681

>Elon musk
Gets memed online, is cool about it, somehow makes his stock go up
>Peter Thiel
Gets called gay once, can't stop seething, spends millions on lawyers to get a website shut down

>> No.19481682
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>he doesn't know.

>> No.19481689

There's no ambiguity there, but of course if you need it explained odds are you're in the joke.

>> No.19481700


>> No.19481703

>Gets called gay once, can't stop seething, spends millions on lawyers to get a website shut down
He literally made a profit from it, I'd take free money too if it was available.

>> No.19481704

A leftist... Haha. Even putting someone on a political spectrum clearly indicates you have no freedom let alone capacity for interesting let alone innovative---you may know the term innovative as 'intensive,' since you've probably only ever read Blake Master's book Zero to One, available in all airport book stands now. The implication of course being you put yourself on this spectrum that maps onto what some corporate media entity has made you believe are your 'values'. At once you have no real freedom, yet the highest value you 'rightoids' espouse if freedom. Is proverbially sucking old man liberal cock online how you express that active, engaged, productive freedom? How bankrupt do you have to be? Literally. Why is it you're the brokest person here?

>> No.19481710

Imagine writing all this shit and having the gall to talk about political spectrums, when you're clearly seething about Thiel as an ideological reflex lmao.

>> No.19481711

Why do you keep posting pics of Thiel when he was younger? Don't you like how he's aged?

>> No.19481723

That Blake Masters guy is the front runner for the republican nomination in an extremely competitive senate race. Complaining about it being a joint book is like complaining about George Washington not writing a book by himself when the co-author is actually John Adams.

>> No.19481724

Still seethed. Him buying a clever lawyer doesn't erase that

>> No.19481742

It was completely open and shut libel, you can try and trump it up as a special lawyer or something but the opposite is true.

>> No.19481743
File: 431 KB, 1920x2410, Blake_Masters_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This 35yo guy? Oh he is definitely Thiel's boy toy

>> No.19481839

Less than 30% of households have that amount of TOTAL wealth and you need to be able to gamble it on your business idea when new businesses have a huge fail rate.