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/lit/ - Literature

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19478554 No.19478554 [Reply] [Original]

>want to listen to audiobook and have subtitles appear simultaneously for me to read while listening
>all links mentioning this method of reading talk about how that's a great way to help slow kids and the mentally challenged to read

Fuck you it just sounds easier.

>> No.19478606

>put audiobook on
>read book at same time
Does it give you double information retention?

>> No.19478731
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I dictate the book as I read and listen to it simultaneously for triple information retention.

>> No.19478765

It actually makes me retain less info for whatever reason, I think because the pacing of the audio book and my reading never match up, I'm either reading faster or slower or thinking about a line I just read or I decide I want to reread a paragraph or whatever and it messes the whole thing up. If I use an audio book I feel like I'm being forced along and don't really think about anything I'm reading beyond recognizing the words on the page.
t. Adhd

>> No.19478885

When you read along with someone (or something) else you're not actually reading. The auditory stimulus is dominant, and basically overrides your reading, because it's an external thing. Reading aloud is different, because the spoken and read word match perfectly, and the audio is internal (think how you sound different to yourself when talking vs a recording. The voice is yours, but you perceive it as an external stimulus)