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/lit/ - Literature

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19477010 No.19477010 [Reply] [Original]

The deeper I go the more my disillusionment with philosophy grows. Feels like it's been a bit of a fool's errand trying to break down these impenetrable tomes that either hide shallow insights under arrogant obscurantism, or deconstruct everything and leave nothing in its place. For someone just trying to find a way to live a better life, it's been quite underwhelming.

Lit what works of philosophy have actually had a real impact on your daily life?

>> No.19477034

Most philosophy isn't self help

>> No.19477047

I’m reading Epictetus right now and I guess Stoicism can help you lead an ethical life.

>> No.19477640

Literally all?

>> No.19477662

Don't read philosophy to "find a better life"
While I disagree that you shouldn't force yourself read sometimes, if it's too much of a chore I don't really see the point

>> No.19477663

>Lit what works of philosophy have actually had a real impact on your daily life?
Fragments of Cioran, Chamfort and Fernando Pessoa.

>> No.19478184

>le shallow insights, le arrogant obscurantism
you've been mainlining industrialized chemicals since you were born. It's too late for you, accept your ontological handicap.

>> No.19478226

Like with /fit/ness, it's really more about the process with me, which couples nicely with the fact that it's more of a hobby, so if I'm not having fun I'll just put the book down. At the end of the day the "real impact" it's having on my life is that I take pleasure in it. The insights are secondary, even, to that.

>> No.19478234

>For someone just trying to find a way to live a better life, it's been quite underwhelming.
Well there you go, you're an imbecile that has failed to comprehend the purpose of philosophy.

>> No.19478245

What were you hoping to find, OP?

>> No.19478246

>accept your ontological handicap.
Handicap, or evolution?
If philosophy (as you moderns understand it: thoroughly defined by the dominant power of the last 2000 years) has no benefits to its hosts, it will be removed from the gene pool naturally and without effort.
Will anything ov value be lost?

>> No.19478250

I just want to die

>> No.19478295
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Let the philosophy major cuck cope commence. Top-tier gymnastic performers, those ones

>> No.19478349

Minoring in it or studying it autonomously is helpful to any field you may go into.

>> No.19478370


>> No.19478394

so you skipped your greeks? what do you think philsophy as preparation for death means

>> No.19478425

The point of philosophy is to impress other people at dinner conversations and show how smart you are. You're not going to unlock deep secrets of the universe by reading a book.

>> No.19478452

My job is monkey tier manual labour and reading Plato on my own was one of the best things I've done for myself. Exercing? check. Socializing? check. Creative hobby? check. Prayer? check. And yet I still felt uneasy, it was because I didn't know how to think, and reading Plato (especially the Socratic dialogues) began to fix that.

>> No.19478460

You are an idiot.

>> No.19478468

Only practical philosophies are useful. Buddhism and stoicism.

>> No.19478491

Call me 'salt of the earth' or I'll wring your scrawny pseud neck with my caloused tradesmen hands.

>> No.19478505

Buddhism is a suicide pact, and stoicism is the cuckold’s friend.
Thought in general is pointless.

>> No.19478526

Call me a powerful sophist, and “right about everything”.
Because your only response is to make barbaric threats, and boy what I would give for a strong gentleman to help me stop breathing.

>> No.19478555

>Thought in general is pointless.
That, too, is a thought.

>> No.19478557

You're a sophist and ''right about everything.''

>> No.19478570

Epicuro-Spinoza-Nietzsche-French pedos

there, all you have to read

>> No.19478582
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Philosophy isn’t self help? Are you a midwit?

You might as well say “Cook books are bullshit, I read one but I’m still hungry.”

>> No.19478599
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And you're Einstein.

>> No.19479613

Yes and what else did your counselor say?

>> No.19479645


>> No.19479932


>> No.19481755

Diogenes has a lot of worthwhile advice on how to live a good life, that is, if you're willing to look over the pud stroking.

>> No.19481774

those who discuss philosophy in this century are losers

>> No.19481781

... and the cope begins

>> No.19481821

Philosophy is the pursuit of truth. We read philosophy not to better ourselves, but to connect with the truths of others. So, that we may better understand/realize the truths of our own essence. It is both an individual and collective process. In finding truths, we inevitably find goodness.

>> No.19481840
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Haven’t gone beyond Plato, I presume.

>> No.19481894


>> No.19481905

Why would you trust a degenerate that died of std and crazy degenerate pedos? my dog barking has more authority.

>> No.19481908

>what works of philosophy have actually had a real impact on your daily life?
Brothers Karamazov
On the Shortness of Life

>> No.19482118

Read The German Ideology whenever you decide to grow up. Saint Max was retroactively refuted by both Marx and Guenon (PBUH).

>> No.19482150
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have you tried theology?

>> No.19482159

It's a waste of time for me, I don't like thinking I like reading

>> No.19482200

Nice b8

>> No.19482229
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I've tried theology. I've tried philosophy. I've tried literature, I've tried coping really hard.
I've found only one thing that worked for me. Writing poetry.
Whether its art, music, poetry, writing, interpretive dance, it doesn't matter. Creation is the only way to overcome despair. It's how nature does it and it is how you need to do it too.
I'm not a smart man, I'm not even an artist. My poetry is shit, It would get laughed off /lit/ but I don't care.
I don't create it for anyone here, I create it for myself.
Create art for yourself and you find the impact you were looking for.

>> No.19482269

Obviously since only a small portion of philosophy is about the "good" or "authentic" life
Its like saying you read all of Darwin and it didn't help you get laid

>> No.19483174

Yes, it's a cope

>> No.19483514

post some of your poetry, dude

>> No.19483606

This is true, but there's balance between what you take in and what you create. Reading literature, philosophy, logic, poetry, looking at paintings, listening to music. These are all things you consume, they impact your inner self, and if you have a creative outlet your self is what is coming through.
I draw, write poetry, short stories sometimes, and I play music. I usually flip between these arts, focusing on one for a couple days at a time. But sometimes I get burnt out and thats when I find I enjoy ''consuming'' art or literature or philosophy etc. the most. After a while I come back to creating feeling refreshed, and I'll make leaps and bounds of progress (comparatively) in my various disciplines.
There was a time when I didn't have a creative outlet, and then yes, consuming literature will just get tiresome. Same goes for philosophy and all the rest.

>> No.19483683

I have recently been enjoying Pessoa an awful lot. I've read the book of disquiet before but these days reading him almost seems important to me.
Never heard of him before. Reading some quotes and he sounds enjoyable. Good recommendation.

>> No.19484705
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Extremely based

>> No.19484804

The purpose of the theoretical is to enhance the practical. I went through a similar phase and the solution is to identify that philosophy which can have a effect and that which can't. Don't bother with the latter which means you don't have to bother with 90% of philosophy