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19475345 No.19475345 [Reply] [Original]

What books will teach me to meditate?

>> No.19475617

A blank piece of paper, desu.
~~~ deep ~~~

>> No.19475638
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Start with the jeets. Digha Nikaya or Majjhima Nikaya.

>> No.19475687
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>> No.19475875
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these can help you get started with breathing meditation

check this out too

you can also find a plethora of free ebooks on accesstoinsight by thanissaro bhikku discussing meditation as well as basic buddhist principles from a theravada perspective. it's best to start simple and build up a solid foundation.

>> No.19475885

Disregard any books by Abrahamists as they interminably misunderstand meditation, and think that it makes you a conduit for devils etc

>> No.19475913
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based roerich poster

>> No.19475921

An anon here recommended The Mind Illuminated and I find it to be quite good so far, though I’m just a beginner myself. It’s a straightforward but extremely detailed step by step method of how to establish a meditation practice, the journey you’ll take as you work on your practice, the challenges/hindrances you’ll face, and how to overcome them. Be warned that it is modern and written by a westoid so it is very much so not a primary source. As such, it isn’t a great way to learn about Buddhism itself, or other forms of spirituality and philosophy.

>> No.19476226

You mistook Abrahamists with Americans

>> No.19476247

I have been trying to meditate off and on for a few years, and after reading Mindfulness In Plain English in the first quarter I have been meditating pretty consistently and feel like I'm on a right track.
As the title suggests, it's written it simple English (though there are a handful of words that are a little dated; the guy is an old ESL). It doesn't go much into the philosophy of Buddhsim, it's mainly a practical guide on how to meditate, how to progress, and how to deal with problems when meditating. You could get it on Amazon or something, or just read it here: https://vipassana.com/meditation/mindfulness_in_plain_english.html

>> No.19476388
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Actually, OP, start with this meditation.


Especially if you can't sit still for very long. It's kind of challenging, but it "kicks you out the airlock" every single time.