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/lit/ - Literature

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19475008 No.19475008 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone want to just vote IJ over and over to make buzzfeed seethe and write articles about how sexist everything is? Or should we just vote for A Little Life to make them go all in and shill their diversity inclusion?

>1984 (Orwell)
>All the Light We Cannot See (Doerr)
>Beloved (Morrison)
>Catch-22 (Heller)
>The Catcher in the Rye (Salinger)
>Charlotte’s Web (White)
>A Confederacy of Dunces (Toole)
>The Fellowship of the Ring (Tolkien)
>A Fine Balance (Mistry)
>A Gentleman in Moscow (Towles)
>Gone With the Wind (Mitchell)
>The Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck)
>The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)
>The Handmaid’s Tale (Atwood)
>Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Rowling)
>Infinite Jest (Wallace)
>To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee)
>A Little Life (Yanagihara)
>Lolita (Nabokov)
>Lonesome Dove (McMurtry)
>One Hundred Years of Solitude (Marquez)
>The Overstory (Powers)
>A Prayer for Owen Meany (Irving)
>A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (Smith)
>Ulysses (Joyce)


>> No.19475024

Beloved will win. Why bother.

>> No.19475060

it’s Ulysses and if they don’t pick Ulysses they’re just delusional
definitive book of the last epochal literary movement, laid the foundations for pretty much all fiction after it, everything lives in its shadow
i love infinite jest, i love catcher in the rye, there’s a lot of great novels there, but the best novel is Ulysses. it’s not a question.

>> No.19475066

The Pale King is the superior David "Based Dave" Foster Wallace work.

>> No.19475079
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>a confederacy of dunces
Why? I mean there's some chortles to be had but it shouldn't be in contention for the best book of the last century and a quarter.

>> No.19475085

this is a list with Harry Potter on it. it’s not a serious literary inquiry, it’s a bunch of shit trying to convince us to expand the canon and include a bunch of modern shit.

>> No.19475138

Ulysses won't win. It’s a readers poll so people are only going to vote for novels they have actually read. Since most people who spend their time reading the NYT and also participate in these types of polls probably don’t do as much reading as they claim, they probably haven’t read Ulysses. This poll is just asking readers “what is your favourite novel from this list of novels”. Joyce is not aided by the fact that he was a white guy whose book came out 100 years ago, that’s a bad thing to be in today’s literary world. Beloved will probably win, but I think 1984, Harry Potter, Handmaids Tale, and To Kill a Mockingbird will be up there as well. I haven’t even heard of a few of these books. I'd be surprised if none of the novels I listed end up winning. They have the combination of being popular and “topical” (for lack of a better word). But Toni Morrison is a black woman who wrote a book about slavery. I’m sure it’s good, but it will win because of those three things, if it does win. It doesn’t matter though because reader polls are made by, conducted for, and participated in by idiots.

>> No.19475228

This list makes me hate liberal white women so much it’s unreal.

>> No.19475232

You haven't read it, shut the fuck up

>> No.19475243

definitely. fat black woman writes sad slave story. its everything they want literature to be.

>> No.19475272

>no corncobner
>no corncobthy
>no pynchon
>no memingway

The answer is Ulysses regardless but cmon

>> No.19475458


>> No.19475480

For me, it's gotta be one of the Horror's Call books (they're great because you can read them in any order)

>> No.19475524

To answer it somewhat objectively, it has to be Ulysses, right?

I haven't read all of the books (only 12 so far), but imo the "best" book has to be something that transcends itself: where it plays with form and themes and content and rules. Something that experiments with not only story and character but also emotion and form and still manages to succeed. It just does whatever it does and somehow works. And the only book that comes to mind with this in mind is Ulysses.

But if it's Americans voting it's def gonna be Beloved so rip

>> No.19475525

Gotta admire the balls for nominating GWTW.

>> No.19475546

They want to generate contrived "discussion" and talking points related to it are well known and easy for midwits to regurgitate.

>> No.19475560

Unfortunately you're probably correct

>> No.19475750

I don't recall any discussion involving GWTW that was in regard to the book itself. Everything is just a footnote save for what Scarlett represented according to feminism (up until recently because it was replaced by...) and why the book is a problematic as a false romanticization of the South (because the only acceptable mythologizing of the Civil War is that which adheres to the mythos that is was a heroic and noble conflict to end slavery in the name of freedom).

>> No.19476778

A Gentleman in Moscow sounds interesting. Has anybody read it?

>> No.19476865
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Unironically "Becoming" by Michelle Obama.

>> No.19476889

>It’s a list that reflects the submissions we received
>people in the comments sperging that muh special book didn't make it
>not enough nigger literature
it's all so tiresome

>> No.19476904


Yes. Remember to hate leftists and niggers, harness that hatred. Teach others to hate them with a burning passion, spread the hate as much as possible. Eventually all of this hate will explode.

>> No.19476920

I dont' hate them (niggers). I just hate the people that act like the list should just be 25 books by black authors just because of their skin color, even though they don't deserve it (a certain brand of leftist).

>> No.19476935


Then you should hate them. It's the only solution since leftists try to push their agenda like this.

>> No.19477218

You're going to add Infinite Jest rather than Blood Meridian??

>> No.19477308

Correct opinion

>> No.19477330

too many americans
the very good 1930s/post-war period brit lit oddly absent

>> No.19477338

God damn a primarily US-centric list of the greatest literature of the past 125 years is pathetic.

Thomas Mann alone makes everyone on that list except for Joyce look like an absolute clown. Even meme-of-the-decade european authors like Knausgaard are better than 80% of that list.

>> No.19477362

>New York Faggot Times
>tries to be woke
>doesn't even include Woolf in the selection, the only author who could belong on a list with Joyce in terms of artistic merit
NYT needs to be cancelled with extreme prejudice.

>> No.19477371

>white guy
He was Irish.

>> No.19477386

Resurrection by Leo Tolstoy is obviously the best book published in the last 125 years

>> No.19477451

It's comfy but I didn't get as much out of it as normie friends that read it.

>> No.19478283

>The Overstory (Powers)
Has anyone here ever read anything by Richard Powers? I recently purchased Plowing in the Dark because it was added to a literature course I really liked back when I was in uni--haven't got around to reading it yet though.

>> No.19478311

>The Catcher in the Rye

I only hope i could have time i spent reading that garbage back.

>> No.19478553

>>A Prayer for Owen Meany (Irving)
ive never heard of that book but a quick synopsis sounds interesting
anyone have an opinion on it?

>> No.19478757

It’s fantastic! Started me on a whole Irving kick.

So well paced, memorable characters and scenes, all these strange things and odd references throughout build to a great final act.

>> No.19478777

Someone gave it to me at my old job and I honestly thought of just giving it away; I was surprised to see it on the list. I'd heard of John Irving before but I figured he was just bland feels shit produced by the silent generation to appeal to (((thoughtful))) boomers in their early adulthood. He also wrote The World According to Garp and The Cider House Rules

>> No.19479451
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>tfw you lived long enough to see people on lit start taking IJ seriously

>> No.19479579

It isn't my list retard. If it wasn't pre-set we'd all just be voting for L'Academie or enlisting /pol to help us fuck it up by spamming Mein Kampf.