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19474915 No.19474915 [Reply] [Original]

I bought this book and I'm pretty disappointed by the quality. The front matter has none of the usual info, or even the name of the translator. I'm only on page 15, and I've found over a dozen typos.

Does anyone know a better edition of this book? I'd like to buy it.

Also, does anyone know anyting about Wewelsburg Archives? Are they still in business? There's no info online. In fact, there's not much info online about Evola's work at all. I want to find a good translation, but that's proving dificult.

>> No.19475170

Doesn't Arktos publish him?

>> No.19475178

Pagan Imperialism is available from Gornahoor, or was (Gornahoor isn’t pagan). Metaphysics of War is available from Arktos. I have both, never even read them. I’d send them for free if I could.

>> No.19475227

They did a version of the bhagavad gita called "the pocket gita" which was pretty poor

>> No.19475460

He spams the Devi and Serrano threads.

>> No.19475743

I don't spam anything. If you're a janitor looking at my IP address, I want you to know that I'm rural and I share an IP with my ISP's other customers. I've had "banned" messages on this site for things I've never posted. It is, however, somewhat nice knowing that there are people in my area who visit 4chins

>> No.19476004

I have a few of their PDFs and they're not bad. They're also probably the most redaliy available editions some of these works have. So I'm grateful.

>> No.19476215

I got his lulu.com publications for Ernst Junger's Eumeswil and The Forest Passage and Serrano's Nos Book of the Resurrection. I don't believe he translated them, just published them for a reasonable price in English on his own and I'm happy for it. They're acceptable quality and they look good, the writing is all fine obviously as well. I appreciate the effort.

>> No.19476580

Wewelsburg Archives is no more, although the original editor is still somewhat active and intends to put out The Ultimate Avatar at some point.

The project was mainly spearheaded by Finns, Hungarians, and Serbians so the typos are to be expected. The “later” published editions like The Lightning and the Sun and Nos are better edited though.

>t. knew the editors and publisher.

>> No.19476593

same anon as >>19476580

I don’t remember exactly which books were home-translated and which were just republished but the primary objective of WW Archives was to publish books of this particular strain which are difficult to find in English, whether it be because there aren’t very many English translations or because English translations are prohibitively expensive.

>> No.19476622 [DELETED] 

Fucking wild to see a Gornahoor reference on here. Cheers, mate.

>> No.19476632

Wild to see a Gornahoor reference on here. Cheers, mate.

>> No.19476677

Yeah that's what I figured I don't care who translates what as long as they're good and understandable translations with well edited books.

>> No.19476696

You can buy Pagan Imperialism in a translation by Cologero Salvo from amazon, or Heathen Imperialism (different version of the book) by Cariou from lulu. I've only read the first which has more than decent quality.
They did their own version of Metaphysics of War which is great, but not Pagan Imperialism.
There's a Christian Evolafag who claims he converted to Christianity on his death bed who always refers to Gornahoor.

>> No.19476715

The quality improved as time went on. There was a lot of stuff planned (Serrano’s entire catalog, Gold in the Furnace and other Devi books, etc) but it didn’t quite work out that way. Server migrations and peoples’ lives got in the way and ultimately the project fell apart.

The reason why there are no translator names is because it was done anonymously.

>> No.19477282

Cologero seems to be much better than the average "traditionalist" in his understanding of those authors shilled by them (Guenon, Evola, etc.). Yet, he has some weird unexplainable takes on some topics. There is something special about his blog, probably his writing style, really nice to read it from time to time.

>> No.19478123

His books are bad, (Samefag).

>> No.19478612
File: 1.35 MB, 1800x2400, 1623468459833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what their version of The Gold Thread looks like.

>> No.19478640

Yeah he's ultimately pretty gnostic in his takes on Christianity but I do find his writing refreshing and thought-provoking if at times abstruse.

>> No.19478651

The writers at Gornahoor are proponents of Christianity, specifically the type of the Middle Ages but I’ve never seen that claim there. Still, it’s not beyond belief imo.

>> No.19478660

Poor choices of words with “Gnostic”. A “Catholic pagan” in the truest sense maybe. Anyway, he’s just a blogger but I agree a good one.

>> No.19478747

I'm pretty the 55 club and Caribbean Thule have published their own editions of Ultimate Avatar.

>> No.19479044

Is this the esoteric hot dog fingers syndrome?

>> No.19479057

>Wewelsburg Archives
Oh, jeez. Just by the name, you should have known not to buy from them.

>> No.19479061
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>> No.19479065

Gnostic comes from gnosis (wisdom), nothing wrong with it but "catholic pagan" is bad

>> No.19479084

Not beyond belief but still improbable since he kept on publishing revised editions of his work until shortly before his death which did not indicate any such leanings. The anon I referred to always refers to his letters to Guenon but can't back it up.
Caribbean Thule have the W edition. I didn't know 55 Club had also done a translation of it.

>> No.19479089

Evola, Schuon, Guénon -- Castes and Races is a pretty good collection of essays.

>> No.19479102

Guenon's chapter is contrary to those of Evola, I don't see why they put them together. Guenon rejected the opinion that varna means racial colour, unlike Evola.

>> No.19479106

I wouldn't be surprised if both editions are the franz berg translation

>> No.19479146

That's a good reason to put them together, for different perspectives on the same topic by these related writers.

>> No.19479154

I think is better to just read each author separately. Book are meant to be coherent.

>> No.19479155

http://55clubbooks.com/ says their version is an updated franz berg translation

>> No.19479177

This reads like it was written by a 13 years old, maybe due to the translation.

>> No.19479190

I doubt Serrano sounds better in spainish or any translation

>> No.19479195

so he was just schizophrenic, ok

>> No.19479208

You obviously haven't read much Serrano. Schizophrenic is default Serrano. And I say this as a someone who enjoys reading him.

>> No.19479209
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>> No.19479223
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>> No.19479224

Anyone who thinks Hitler was god is retardeded.

>> No.19479234

The intention was always for the books to be readable, but I believe a lot of the awkwardness of the translations is that some of the translators themselves were ESL.
One of the motivators was how poorly edited the 55 Club ones were, plus I think it was hard to get them shipped to Eastern European countries.

>> No.19479370

He can't beat Karl Young of hermitage helm corpus.

>> No.19479430

This glows

>> No.19479442

Dude is Australian. Think of it as a novel length schizo-post

>> No.19479443

>Karl Young's elusive work claiming the Third Reich, WW2 and just about all wars in history were staged
Yep I'll be reading this. Based

>> No.19479484

Read the articles on the site. The writer is a proponent of the idea of two Romes and not a proponent of Gnosticism, Gnostics.

>> No.19479490

But he suddenly disavowed all of his work sometime after

>> No.19479512

He went fuck all insane around 2016/17 and deleted his website sometime afterward. I regret not getting his Serrano editions. He also was in an autistic slap fight with Alex Kurtagic over the translation to The Gold Thread.

>> No.19479574

He was also a member of a group called Aryanism in the early 2010s. He left because he thought they were faggots, which they are.

>> No.19479657

Can someone write up an overview of who published what translations of Serrano? I wasn't around at that time.
Also what Serrano books did this guy translate before he went insane besides Golden Thread?

>> No.19479677

Here's Karl Young's other book. Piss poor scan but what can you do.

>> No.19479694

He published Serrano's Maya, Manu, Son of the Widower, and Adolf Hitler: the Ultime Avatar. Translations were done by someone named Franz Berg I believe.

>> No.19479803

Their Kurt Eggers : Collected Work is quite good.

>> No.19479842

Are those still available anywhere?

>> No.19479865

Here's one site. Also give ebay a chance.

>> No.19479910

Sadly they don't ship internationally, and the prices on ebay are outrageous. Here's to hoping 55 club or CarThule or someone else will make them available at some point.

>> No.19479946


Here's some pdfs hope this helps.

>> No.19479999

Thanks I appreciate it. I hope I'll be able to get my hands on hard copies some day.

>> No.19480430


>> No.19481927
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>> No.19482240

How were the authors so based? How did Serrano knew all of these important people? Evola also was in contact with all sort of authors like Carl Schmitt, Guenon, Eliade. I also want to know relevant people which are into esoterism. How do I do that?
>touch grass
I did it and it doesn't work, if you don't have certain interesting people to meet, you will only find normies.