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File: 23 KB, 200x306, Sexual_Personae_(Camille_Paglia_book)_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19474330 No.19474330 [Reply] [Original]

>btfo of literally everyone
How did she do it?

>> No.19474337

She accidentally added an e to persona, what a blunder

>> No.19474499

I have this on my to-read list. Is it actually that good?

>> No.19474522

Camille Paglia and "Sexual Personae" was refuted by the following peer-reviewed papers:

“ The Construction of Gender, Sexuality, and Lesbian Identity in Camille Paglia’s Sexual Personae. ”

by Holly Devor in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Volume 20, Number 4, Summer 1995, pp. 813-828.



“ Why We Need a Revolution of the Will: Camille Paglia and the Spectacle of the Other. ”

by Jennifer McCord and Margaret Rose in GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Volume 3, Number 1, 1997, pp. 73-117.



“ The Gender of Sexual Personae: Lesbian Sexuality and the Carnivalesque in Camille Paglia. ”

by Diane S. Sippel in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Volume 25, Number 4, Summer 2000, pp. 1251-1278.



>> No.19474543

Now I actually want to read it

>> No.19474544

What's the argument

>> No.19474558

Do you like nietzche and freud?
Then you will like this.

>> No.19474579

>was refuted


>> No.19474611

The less I know, the better, really.

>> No.19474719

Love Freud, tepid on Nietzsche. I've seen discussions with Camille Paglia before and was always interested in what she had to say. Might read this one over the Christmas holiday.

>> No.19474782

I'm also pretty tepid on neitzche and really enjoyed it. See what you think.

>> No.19474807

Paglia is refreshing because she is an anti-academic academic, ostensibly a leftist but much more concerned with refuting the modern liberal pipe dream of a society of safety. however, a lot of it is just contrarianism, an example of this is how as of late she's started to side with Jordan Peterson (who, in terms of positions, she shares very little with) because they have both drawn the ire of liberal society for saying naughty things.

>> No.19474814

Did you guys ever read what she wrote avout her experiences with female masturbation?
I coom'd

>> No.19475031

camille loves art too much to focus on ideological axe grinding

>> No.19475035

>Peer reviewed gender studies journal

>> No.19475097


>> No.19476141

I think being caught in a culture war for so long has hurt her integrity in her later years, as it has to many others. She certainly proves her own points about woman with how personally she takes some attacks on her and how much she turned to attacking specific critics rather than continuing her philosophy.
This is a great book though.

>> No.19476154

She would approve of you doing that.

>> No.19476230

red pill me on this, I enjoy listening to her speak

>> No.19477368

Her worship of Madonna was unfortunate, but this essay is fookin brilliant:


>> No.19477415

Lmao how mad did this make you to collab this claptrap group of gender studies majors together

>> No.19478066


Crash course?

>> No.19478272

>Degenerates criticizing other degenerates
>muh based dyke
>We need to go back to Fraud you dumb goyim

>> No.19478281

Glad you outed yourself as a third worlder because its not like we couldn't tell anyway

>> No.19478353

TL;DR Personae, what's the counter argument?

>> No.19478404

Hi Camille, you rugmuncher degenerate. Daddy issues should disqualify anything said by that person.

>> No.19478407

You know /our boy/ Paglia hit a sore point when so many people got butthurt.

>> No.19478537

And your clear oedipal complex should disqualify anything you say but here we are.

>> No.19478620

Didn't she become a tranny?

>> No.19478635

She opposes transitioning and puberty blockers.
I think she just took the current far-left definition of trans and decided it could fit her.

>> No.19478649

>I think she just took the current far-left definition of trans and decided it could fit her.
I'm glad she didn't get gaslit into butchering herself but it's sad when women think that being a tomboy means they are a man

>> No.19478655

Did she ever write about the tomboy? She deconstructed so many other feminine archetypes i'm curious to read her opinion on that one.

>> No.19478662

>people unironically value the opinion of a delusional tranny

>> No.19478666

I'm not sure, I need to look into it. Tomboy for me just means a woman who has stereotypically masculine traits, most often interests in sports or tech. I never saw it as a bad thing or a sign that someone must be gay

>> No.19478951
File: 186 KB, 590x629, 1637662156439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In 1993, Paglia signed a manifesto supporting NAMBLA, a pederasty and pedophilia advocacy organization.[80][81] In 1994, Paglia supported lowering the legal age of consent to 14. She noted in a 1995 interview with pro-pedophile activist Bill Andriette, "I fail to see what is wrong with erotic fondling with any age."[82][83] In a 1997 Salon column, Paglia expressed the view that male pedophilia correlates with the heights of a civilization, stating "I have repeatedly protested the lynch-mob hysteria that dogs the issue of man-boy love. In Sexual Personae, I argued that male pedophilia is intricately intertwined with the cardinal moments of Western civilization."[81] Paglia noted in several interviews, as well as Sexual Personae, that she supports the legalization of certain forms of child pornography.

>> No.19479219

You forgot the second half Wikipedia poster
>She later had a change of heart on the matter. In an interview for Radio New Zealand's Saturday Morning show, conducted on April 28, 2018 by Kim Hill, Paglia was asked, "Are you a libertarian on the issue of pedophilia?", to which she replied, "In terms of the present day, I think it's absolutely impossible to think we could reproduce the Athenian code of pedophilia, of boy-love, that was central to culture at that time. ... We must protect children, and I feel that very very strongly. The age of consent for sexual interactions between a boy and an older man is obviously disputed, at what point that should be. I used to think that fourteen (the way it is in some places in the world) was adequate. I no longer think that. I think young people need greater protection than that. ... This is one of those areas that we must confine to the realm of imagination and the history of the arts."[86

>> No.19479446

She has spoken a lot about identifying as a man and how she might have transitioned had she been born later.

>> No.19479463

Lesbians are women that were virilized in the womb by a hormonal mixup. Many tomboys are just bossy girls that grow up to straight women; real tomboys were masculine girls who rejected femininity at every turn.

>> No.19479536


>> No.19479541

Does this mean we can have sex with women again?

>> No.19479543

Always could. Woman are just following your beliefs remember.

>> No.19479706

super high iq
most published science is false and cannot be replicated

>> No.19479728

she's not saying it's wrong (normative), just that it's not possible to change the law (descriptive)
leftism is a disease

>confine to the realm of the imagination

how about we confine it to nonexistence

>> No.19479779


>> No.19479786

Thank you. Fuck this bitch.

>> No.19479799

I'm not defending pedophilia i'm just saying you should post her full opinion on it.

>> No.19479831

That itself reveals a problem, but she's too retarded to see that.

>> No.19480191

Is that in the book or is it in some other publication of hers?

>> No.19480480

How is this a problem?

>> No.19480484
File: 91 KB, 850x400, quote-homosexuality-is-not-normal-on-the-contrary-it-is-a-challenge-to-the-norm-nature-exists-camille-paglia-69-69-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19480498

I agree with this a lot and only hysterical wokegoloids disagree.

>> No.19480507

Homosexuality is inborn. Or at least one type of it. Androphilic males evolved to be "helpers in the nest", aiding their relatives by gathering resources. This is kin selection.

>> No.19480521

We'll see in a couple of generations if homosexuality is genetic because since it's now acceptable to live as one, they no longer get married to women and have children.

>> No.19480546

Yes, but the brothers and sisters of homosexuals get married and pass on their gay genes. So the genes will always remain. Look up the fraternal order birth effect.

>> No.19480552

There's very little evidence that this is true though and a whole lot of evidence that people who were diddled when they were young turn gay as adults.

>> No.19480570

>"Mothers can be fatal to their sons. It is against the mother that men have erected their towering edifice of politics and sky-cult. She is Medusa, in whom Freud sees the castrating and castrated female pubes. But Medusa’s snaky hair is also the writhing vegetable growth of nature. Her hideous grimace is men’s fear of the laughter of women. She that gives life also blocks the way to freedom. Therefore I agree with Sade that we have the right to thwart nature’s procreative compulsions, through sodomy or abortion. Male homosexuality may be the most valorous of attempts to evade the femme fatale and to defeat nature. By turning away from the Medusan mother, whether in honor or detestation of her, the male homosexual is one of the great forgers of absolutist western identity. But of course nature has won, as she always does, by making disease the price of promiscuous sex."

>> No.19480576

Little boys who act effeminate when young are singled out to be raped in many cultures. This is disgusting, but it does not turn them gay.
There is lots of evidence that this is true.
What is very perplexing is, why do the numbers of homosexuals vary so much? Why do around 12 % of Brazilian men identify as gay or bisexual, while only 3% percent of American men do so?
It seems that there are multiple pathways towards homosexuality.

>> No.19480578

I hear this countless times on 4chan and have yet to see a single piece of evidence for it.

>> No.19480583

Because Brazilian people are Latins that like to fuck and the United States is a hopelessly puritanical hellscape that find violence more sexually gratifying than actual sex.

>> No.19480589


>> No.19480601

Nobody has ever identified a gay gene either, but people keep repeating it as if it's established science.

>> No.19480607

They're both just as retarded ideas desu

>> No.19480614

>thinks the gun is bad
>but the penis is good
exposing yourself like this should be a commitable act.

>> No.19480617

Yes. But people are for sure born gay via the exposure of pre-natal hormones in the womb.
Paglia, for example, must have been exposed to testosterone in the womb, causing her to become viralized, chadified, and gynephilic. Look up lesbian face, its real.

>> No.19480622

Being raped is feminine.
Being sexualized young leads to being and seeing yourself as a hyper sexual receptacle.
Too many fags learn to late that they are victims of predatory retards.

>> No.19480625

Isn't this basically what Paglia agrees with too?

>> No.19480634

Visible or not, Chemical imbalances don’t account for the varied and widespread faggotry in the world.
Especially since most of them are aggravated conditions like allowing the mentally ill to cut to dismember themselves as a part of “treatment”.

>> No.19480637

She grew up in a time when butch, mannish lesbians had a very strong sense of identity. This community has almost vanished, or at least it seems, over the last few decades.

>> No.19480652

Yes you are right. There seems to be at least two types of male homosexual. One that acted effeminate as a child and one that did not.
As for transsexuals, one type is on a dimensional continuum with bottom gay men, while another is thought to be autogynephilic, i.e they transition to lesson dysphoria brought upon by their sexual desires.

>> No.19480655

>Look up lesbian face, its real.

It's not though. Homosexuality is a subjective predilection, if you're gonna say that lesbian face is real, you're going to have to tell someone with a that face that they are wrong if they say they are heterosexual; I hope I don't have to tell you how retarded this is.

>> No.19480674
File: 143 KB, 879x1317, Lesbian face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it is real. In the gay community, we call it "caneface".

>> No.19480679

I find this attractive

>> No.19480681

So if you meet someone with such a face and they say they are straight, you're going to psychoanalyze them as wrong about their own sexuality?

>> No.19480690

No. But there is dykey look, and there is a gayboy and tranny look, and if your are LGBT yourself, you will be able to see the signs with greater clarity than straight people.

>> No.19480700
File: 6 KB, 300x168, gay face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason, heterosexuals rate the faces of homosexuals as more attractive than those of heterosexuals.

>> No.19480711

Retarded predators go for “feminine” acting kids. Simple as. No ones born a fag.
I don’t care about whatever connection you feel like making with voluntary eunuchism and troons, but pretending that’s motivator for them all is as insane and damaged as they are.
A humorous number of coders torturing themselves into modern castratos, maybe, but everything else?

>> No.19480720

Isn't it rather the case they do it not to lessen the desire, but to fulfill it?

>> No.19480725

t. Has never seen a penguin or a giraffe

>> No.19480727

Because faggotry makes you more open to being fucked with. This is “attractive” in the strict sense of being an open resource.
Being socially or sexually available makes you more noticeable.
Marketability, pliability, neediness/dependence. None of these are foreign concepts to anyone familiar with modern markets or the world.
It shouldn’t be a surprise.
Doesn’t mean they are actually more genetically desirable.
Just socially available.

>> No.19480730

What do you define as feminine?
Effeminate male children are likely to grow up to be gay.

>> No.19480735

Would you ever sleep with a cute gay boy? Or a trap?

>> No.19480769

holy based

>> No.19480772

Why is she just talking about males? What was her stance on females?

>> No.19480774

is some people being born with birth defect or hormonal imbalance really that ridiculous?

>> No.19480775

Agreeable. Mutable (by deference).

>> No.19480779

Well considering she holds female virginity as being one of the most important virtues but thinks males should fuck as soon as possible, probably not well.

>> No.19480780

>your chemical imbalance excuses my degenerate behavior!!!!!
Hitler missed a few too many.

>> No.19480783


>> No.19480786

Some do it to increase the desire. But most do it to lessen dysphoria.
And some do it for style.
Autogynephilic transsexuals are on a continuum with normal, non-dysphoric transvestites.

>> No.19480788
File: 1.10 MB, 570x855, reminder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19480789

Oh god /lgbt/ is here

>> No.19480794
File: 49 KB, 650x401, hsts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19480798

We have always been here...

>> No.19480848


>> No.19480908

You’re suicide can’t come soon enough.

>> No.19480921

So much for the tolerant left

>> No.19481023

what hormone makes you want to suck dick. be specific and at what level?

>> No.19481028

>homosexuals having "clarity" on anything

>> No.19481803

You gotta stop avatarfagging

>> No.19481844

I know an unfortunately large number of people who were raped as kids and none of them are gay. I have trouble seeing that as a strict correlation, at least from this particularly anacdotal perspective.

>> No.19481848

The gun isn't bad but placing so far above the penis and purifying it so far above the penis is just degeneracy of a different kind.

>> No.19481989

>when you start with the greeks

>> No.19481996

Ask gay men about their first sexual experience with another man. Almost universally it a pederestic experience of young teen and old man at least 20 years the boys senior, often much more.

>> No.19482526

is that brotherman bill? lmao