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File: 612 KB, 1007x1024, New-France-1007x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19473360 No.19473360 [Reply] [Original]

Any good reccs for books about the early history of American settlers and farmers? Fiction and non-fiction alike. I'm especially interested in anything that has to do with New France, basically the second half of the 18th century.

>> No.19473403
File: 68 KB, 423x725, Albion's Sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19473411
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Library of America has some good stuff of this ilk, picrel is good.

>> No.19473426


Yep, I've been reading Parkman's France and English in North America through the LoA version. Will check out Cpt Smith's writings


ty anon

>> No.19473735
File: 820 KB, 1536x1536, Spanish_North_America-1536x1536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19473970

Post the svg or get out.

>> No.19474152

Drums Along the Mohawk by Walter D. Edmonds
Northwest Passage by Kenneth Roberts
The Adventures of Jonathan Corncob, Loyal American Refugee By himself
Ponteach, or the Savages of America: A Tragedy

Read jonthanan corncob earlier this year, it’s very good. About a farm boy turn patriot solider turn British navy. It satirize much about colonial and navy life. But be warn, it’s incomplete and I don’t think the book is ever going to be complete since it was written just after the American revolution. Im currently reading drums along the mohawk which i think fits the bill, about the settlers in the mohawk valley during the American revolution. I haven’t read the other ones but they deal with frontiersman around the french and indian war. You should also read the deerslayer by james Fenimore cooper. That’s a good book about early American history.

>> No.19474167

post a higher quality pic so i can actually read it

>> No.19474196
File: 80 KB, 774x541, CQvjiysVAAAwAKL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm especially interested in anything that has to do with New France, basically the second half of the 18th century.

H. P. Lovecraft did a history and travelogue of Quebec in a posthumously published book known as To Quebec and the Stars. It's actually his longest written work. The history is solid, but it's highly unusual because a) it's written in faux 18th-century wording and b) it's incredibly biased towards the English, because Lovecraft enjoyed LARPing as a pre-Revolution American colonist. The travelogue is decent too if you're about to go to Quebec City, but otherwise a lot of it is outdated.

>> No.19474348


Wow, I had no clue about this and it's pretty much exactly the kind of stuff I'm looking for. Very cool


Thank you anon, will check all of these out

>> No.19474470

Anyone got any good books about the Spanish Golden Age?

>> No.19474506
File: 211 KB, 1000x496, DostoyevskyFindOtherEmployment1~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evangeline by Longfellow

>> No.19474532
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>That map

>> No.19474741


Awesome, this is great

>> No.19474983

Need some non pop history recs that also aren't full on 1000 page dry reads

>> No.19475005

>Yep, I've been reading Parkman's France and English in North America through the LoA version.

>> No.19475158

neat thread

>> No.19475777

It is

>> No.19475792

Check out Theodore Roosevelt's The Winning of the West: From the Alleghenies to the Mississippi. Covers some of that area though a little later in time. iirc there is something about French settlers in the old northwest writing to Congress styled as if it were a monarch and not a republican govt. Didn't understand the concept all too well

>> No.19475939
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>> No.19476659


Awesome, thank you

I've downloaded or bought every book in this thread. Can post my collection so far in the morning if anyone is interested- I've got about a small shelf's worth of stuff and I've got about twenty more books en route.

Does anyone have advice for note taking tools like Obsidian or anything similar? Or just researching in general. I've never done anything like this before and this isn't for school or anything. I've thought about xeroxing important passages that I can't find digitally and just building a "book" cobbled together from all the stuff I've been collecting and whatever I can find at the library/book shelf. It's shame that Lovecraft book is fairly rare, only printed once I believe.

Starting a history collection alone is daunting if you really want to get comprehensive but researching and collecting notes is a whole other level.


Already own a copy and can't wait to read. I might browse through some of it tonight because I'm interested in how Pynchon uses language and colloquialisms and such.

>> No.19476751

Also, any general advice as far as starting an actual history collection? I've been doing things chronologically but it often gets murky when it comes to books like "China: a 5000 year history."

Also interested in learning more about the American Revolution and filling in some of the gaps along with the New France stuff, would appreciate any reccs

>> No.19476790

I heard American colonies is a good one, never read it myself though so can't tell you for sure.