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/lit/ - Literature

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19472269 No.19472269[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>16th century had Shakespeare
>17th century had Milton
>18th century had Wordsworth and Blake
>19th century had Byron and Whitman
>20th century had Eliot and Yeats
>21st century has…

>> No.19472275

R.C. Waldun

>> No.19472280

we're barely 30 years in faggot

>> No.19472285
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>> No.19472290

>>21st century has…
only been 20 years

>> No.19472295
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>>20th century had Eliot and Yeats
imagine actually believing this

>> No.19472301
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>it’s only 20 years…
>it’s only 30 years hahah..
>it’s only 40 years heh…
>it’s only 50 years….
n so on and so forth

May I remind you that Yeats and Eliot were already famous by this point in the 20th

>> No.19472333

Imagine believing Eliot and Yeats lived in the 20th century?

>> No.19472340

No, they were not "famous", fame is the slutty cousin of esteem. Fame is a modern phenomenon, how many people read Eliot outside of the Anglosphere would you say?
how many have done so presently? Not everything has to be in its neat little convenient chart and category so babby could finally conceptualize a Belle éducation. jeses fucking christ, read something for fuck sake

>> No.19472342

Rupi Kuar

>> No.19472346

David Foster Wallace the author of Infinite Jest

>> No.19472354

also, the author of the Shitkickers

>> No.19472356

Out of all these names only Byron wrote inspired poetry that didn't put me to sleep. In my headcannon Byron really WAS a greek, he's got too much soul for a b*ngistanian

>> No.19472362

They were famous you fat faggot

>> No.19472370

shakespeare is the only worthwhile out of those. an english republic of letters, what a joke

>> No.19472382

Is it a running joke on this board for ESLs to pretend like English literature isn’t better than every other language when it obviously is

>> No.19472391

Holy shit it's Anglo hours

>> No.19472394

Tao Lin

>> No.19472408

Eliot and Yates didn’t exactly leave us with much to work with. Eliot for his part wrote a tremendous essay on the importance of inheriting a literary tradition…and then he wrote The Wasteland and left us with nothing…

>> No.19472413

Who really gives a shit what spics and guidos read? Do ESLs really think natural born English speakers ever once have a thought about whether swarthy low IQ mutts are reading what they read? Is that what you think we think? Unless you’re Italian or Greek, Eliot is superior to every single poet from your language, as well as every other listed. Run off and cry brownskin

>> No.19472417
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Is it a running joke on this board for ESLs (english as a single language) to pretend like English literature is better than every other language when it obviously isn't

>> No.19472423


>> No.19472444

famous for being hacks

you need to understand nothing about art to put them on a list with Shakespeare or Blake

>> No.19472457

Esls actually get offended if you mock their continual childish insults aimed at English literature, the anglosphere, etc. It's as though they think they have some right to just be constantly unpleasant about it and it's somehow below the belt to turn it around on them. They will then accuse you of being an arrogant Anglo, after they just spent 5 posts being extremely rude for no reason whatsoever.

>> No.19472480

>some mutt kid from Iowa thinks he is "anglo" now

>> No.19472488

You're samefagging, and no one really cares you're an Anglo, it's just that you have a really myopic view of literature and literary history, it can only be regarded as uneducated if you weren't a monolingual, but you being just that makes it very embarassing

>> No.19472512

Eliot and Yeats are both better than Blake, Blake is probably the worst of the poets listed. You need to Get a better grasp on English

Nothing sweeter than seeing someone you’re arguing with respond to someone else claiming it’s you

>> No.19472513

>it's just that you have a really myopic view of literature and literary history
I find it hilarious when A*glos will try making objective lists of who are the best writers of all time and 90% of them will be literal whos to anyone that's not a native English speaker.

>> No.19472524

Yes I suppose a dumb swarthy Spanish speaking nigger wouldn’t know much about good literature, doesn’t change the actual quality of it.

>> No.19472536
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>> No.19472538

There will be no more great English writers. Any notion of someone being a "native English speaker" is moot. The ESLs outweigh the pasty products of England and her colonies by such a large degree that there is no chance for any sort of culture to exist anymore. It has turned into analytic pidgin trash useful only for commerce.

>> No.19472543

80 years left

>> No.19472545

Name a great contemporary poet from another language. Any one will do

>> No.19472557

I'm a native English speaker. Cope more Nigel.

>> No.19472561

Fucking hell, imagine being so insecure you see this post and, being a brown skinned person who had to learn English in grade school, you decide you’re going to take a stance against!… Eliot and Yeats being famous literary figures? It never ends with these people. Every day it only reassures me that you cannot have intelligent thoughts in retarded languages like French and Spanish. Something about those faggy words being in your head all day keeps you in a womanish, mongoloid headspace.

>> No.19472565

Why do you pose this question to me? It bears no relation to what I wrote.

>> No.19472573

The implication being that there will be no great poets in English because the language is denigrated so therefore there will still be great poets in other languages which have not become universal. If that is the reason there are no good English poets now, we can then assume there will be good poets in other languages. Do I have to explain your own fucking post to you?

>> No.19472575

lol at all the seething mutts in this thread trying to desperately present themselves as a continuation of far greater culture

>> No.19472581

Monolingualchads, I KNEEL

>> No.19472595

>far greater culture
This semi-repressed sense of inferiority towards the English is the obvious cause of the esl pathology on here.

>> No.19472618


>> No.19472621

embarrassing post

>> No.19472623


>> No.19472630

Your pitiful attempts at reasoning are like buzzing of flies. How would the existence or the lack of great poets in other languages change the validity of my argument? And besides, what use would there be for me to name such a poet, as you would have no way of validating their quality as you only speak English. And even if you managed to learn an actual language, you would still always be at a disadvantage as having grown up in the abject poverty.

>> No.19472636

stop projecting mutt

>> No.19472652

Do you think the English went extinct, or have all mixed with other races? Are you unaware they are one of the larger ethnic groups on earth? This fixation on the concept of a mutt makes me wonder a bit about you.

>> No.19472661

What are the reasons other languages do not have great poets then? Since they don’t have the same issue as the English language. Is it their natural inferiority since the dawn of time, perchance? Ah, monsieur… you play a dangerous game

>> No.19472662

Shakespeare lived in the very late half of the 16th century and didn’t become famous until after his death

>> No.19472670

>What are the reasons other languages do not have great poets then?
Not that guy but how retarded can you really be to say shit like this?

>> No.19472672

1. Shakespeare
2. Milton
3. Melville
4. Spenser
5. Browning
6. Swinburne
7. Blake
8. Philip Sidney
9. Matthew Arnold
10. James Thomson (1834)
11. Thomas Middleton
12. Dante Rossetti
13. Thomas Wyatt
14. Fulke Greville
15. Geoffrey Chaucer
16. Christopher Marlowe
17. Walter Raleigh
18. Samuel Coleridge
19. Alfred Tennyson
20. Thackeray
21. Richard Burham Middleton
22. John Henry Newman
23. Thomas Hood
24. Ford Madox Ford
25. Thomas Moore
26. Lord Dunsany
27. Robert Louis Stevenson
28. Anthony Burgess
29. Wb Yeats
30. John Keats
31. Lewis Carroll
32. TS Eliot

>> No.19472681

Homer, Virgil, Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Eliot*

>> No.19472686

j.k rowling

>> No.19472688

This is bait but if your top 10 even slightly resembles this you’re probably the dumbest motherfucker to ever live

>> No.19472720

You haven't read majority of the list

3/4 aren't English

>> No.19472743

True but the 20th Century had Eliot, Joyce, Woolf and Pound at this stage.
De Profundis
The Waste Land, The Cantos
To the Lighthouse
We are fucked.

>> No.19472752

Retard. Shakespeare was famous when he was alive. His long poem Venus and Adonis was a best seller. Read James Shapiro's books on Shakespeare.

>> No.19472760

Dan Brown

>> No.19472777

>The Cantos
The Cantos was completed in like the 60s

>> No.19472794

Yes, but the first 16 Cantos were published in 1925. Don't act like many people have even read beyond that point anyway.

>> No.19472798

>21st century has…
Cormac Mccarthy.
Be prepared for the trail of destruction and abyss this century is going to face.Holden will forever kek.

>> No.19472820

Because Pound is intentionally trying to be unreadable, he's not writing Ring and the Book or Clarel which are both a product of earnest autism.

>> No.19472984
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I don't know if we can assign Mccarthy to the 21st century as his best work was written in the 20th.
However he is the greatest living author.
I've almost finished Suttree for the 2nd time and its brilliant.

>> No.19473005

sally rooney and zadie smith

>> No.19473048

If the publishing industry is to be believed, Sally Rooney. I listened to a podcast with some british editors discussing the business of publishing and one of them said Normal People is now part of the canon.

>> No.19473097

Probably, hence why you ought to shun the canon and find your own taste. If some hack like Hemingway or Camus is 'canonical' there's no reason some modern day hack wouldn't be 'canonical.'

>> No.19473106

Seamus Heaney and Me I guess.

>> No.19473147
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The bestsellers of today are rarely the classics of tomorrow.

>> No.19473215

Is it even possible to find the truly great pieces of literature in all the noise? Thousands upon thousands of books published every year.

>> No.19473264

just gotta get lucky. like that daft punk song, stay up all night to read some~~

>> No.19473311

Is this the /idontreadanycontemporarypoetrybutiknowitsawful/ thread?
Paul Farley's last was alright. But threads like this are retarded
>why don't contemporary works have the same patina of approval that older works have

>> No.19473319

not only that. you can actively participate in the making of the canon.

>> No.19473336
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>he is the greatest living author.
Nuh huh

>> No.19473427

Do you think Paul Farley is comparable to the people op listed, I'm guessing that's his point. As for it taking time for prestige, modernism was pretty much immediately a big deal

>> No.19473694

I'd take him over Blake and Wordsworth, who are mediocre imo.
Contemporary poetry *is* a big deal to the people who actually read it, rather than just bitching about it online. The nostalgia on this board is not representative of the respective reputations of poets ancient and modern in the poetry reading community.
Because smart people do a little more thinking than >old poet good, new poet bad

>> No.19473706

>I'd take him over Blake
Shit taste tbqhwy

>> No.19473708

I skimmed through his new collection and he is embarrassing relatable modern life free-verse garbage written in this online blogger style. He is terrible, and yes Wordsworth and Blake are obviously a lot better.

Even turds like Kerouac took more risks than that retard

>> No.19473824

Do Kudos and Transit follow the same extended conversation form as Outline or does she mix it up some? Been curious about these for awhile and have almost ordered them a few times, but the form does not interest me enough to go through three books of it.

>> No.19473885

I think it's just easier to enjoy older works because they have already been curated. While modern literature requires the reader to do the curating themselves.

>> No.19473951

>Contemporary poetry *is* a big deal to the people who actually read it
Please name 5 contemporary poets who will actually be read and enjoyed a century or two from now.

>> No.19473971

>i'm right because you cannot predict the future

>> No.19473976

The wasteland was published in 1922, dummy

>> No.19474078

This is a pretentious argument. Nobody knows who will be remembered or why.