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19471336 No.19471336 [Reply] [Original]

Um, based Joe?

>> No.19471339

lit was bumping marty glass before it became popular in the cosmotech threads

>> No.19471342

Joe Rogan is retarded? No surprise here

>> No.19471343

>yeah men are so weak these days, I mean except me, I'm an exception because I go to the gym

>> No.19471345

It's been quite a mind trip seeing normies slowly get redpilled to the nature of the spiritual war being fought. Even libertarians like Rogan are waking up and realizing that the progressive left is not merely misguided, they're outright satanic.

>> No.19471350
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>> No.19471361

In every civilization there are subhumans who bitch and moan about muh degenerating civilizations. He should stick to being a hype monkey of monkey fights. Hype monkeys like him were considered pleb niggers and yet here he is enjoying the fruits of modernity while shitting on it.

>> No.19471376

seethe twink

>> No.19471382
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>we're in weak men times which eventually cycles back to good times
But this is totally inaccurate right? Kali Yuga isn't just one part of an infinite cycle that leads back to good times. The Yuga is the last phase of a spiritual degeneration that only gets worse and worse

>> No.19471383
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>hard times create strong men
>strong men create good times
>good times create weak men
>weak men create hard times

>> No.19471389

Please tell me he didn't actually post this, I am not going to be ready to have Joe Rogan watchers intrude on my subculture.
No, after the Kali Yuga comes another Satya Yuga.

>> No.19471390

What exactly were the "good times" of history, again?

>> No.19471398

The cool capeshit roman empire paintings created by 16th century Renaissance painters. Those were the good times man.

>> No.19471405

Same anon, just checked for myself. Oh god, he actually posted that. Time to get ready for the Roganbro invasion, I guess.
Every time when people aren't cynical, disgusting, worthless, pathetic, stupid animals, presumably.

>> No.19471407

>No, after the Kali Yuga comes another Satya Yuga.
let me get t his straight, you're telling me the yuga cycle is infinite and the universe isn't going down the gutter

>> No.19471409

Tell me you are so young you have only lived in 2010s without telling me you are so young you have only lived in the 2010s

>> No.19471410

>Every time when people aren't cynical, disgusting, worthless, pathetic, stupid animals, presumably.
>He really believes that there was such a time in history
Oh no no no no no

>> No.19471414

Cope and seethe. There was. And there shall be again. Will all men, universally, become good again? It is extremely doubtful. But there will at least be groups of good men again, and they will be in charge.

>> No.19471421

Tell me you're a nigger parroting nigger maymays without telling me you're nigger parroting nigger maymays

>> No.19471422

>There was. And there shall be again. Will all men, universally, become good again? It is extremely doubtful. But there will at least be groups of good men again, and they will be in charge.
Ah, the vanity of flesh.

>> No.19471428

Or perhaps you are just cowardly and defeated. One of the two.

>> No.19471431
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Seething because your whole life experience comes from 2010s

>> No.19471447

>''our current times''
Kali Yuga started 3000 years ago.

>> No.19471448

All the strong men > weak men stuff happens in the blue square and outside of that everyone dies.
I propose that there is a mauve square that floats above all the other squares where everything is good however we can never reach it or comprehend it.

>> No.19471458

>he doesn't know about the intuitive noetic comprehension of the mauve square

>> No.19471463

I'm a libertarian now

>> No.19471486

This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen. It's a victorian concept to promote the ideas of abstinence and Victorian virtues and it totally misreads how history actually happens and how things play out. Basically, it's wanking over the Roman empire, which was another major Victorian preoccupation
>Great, Victorian virtues are based and trad
Sure so long as you don't look at the dark satanic mills in the North of england, the drudgery of the vast majority of the human race or the fact that every fourth house in London during the Victorian era was a brothel.

>> No.19471493

Ecclesiastes 4:1
>Again I looked and saw all the oppression that was taking place under the sun: I saw the tears of the oppressed-- and they have no comforter; power was on the side of their oppressors-- and they have no comforter.
Ecclesiastes 4:2
>And I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive.
Ecclesiastes 4:3
>But better than both is the one who has never been born, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 4:4
>And I saw that all toil and all achievement spring from one person’s envy of another. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

>“Every generation, no matter how paltry its character, thinks itself much wiser than the one immediately preceding it, let alone those that are more remote.”
— Arthur Schopenhauer

"He who lives to see two or three generations is like a man who sits some time in the conjurer’s booth at a fair, and wit-nesses the performance twice or thrice in succession. The tricks were meant to be seen only once; and when they are no longer a novelty and cease to deceive, their effect is gone."


>> No.19471500
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>he thinks that the Victorians came up with cyclical time
>the fucking Victorians
>the people who had the strongest believe in Progress and historical time in the history of the world

>> No.19471509

Oh okay that explains it lol. Have a good one chief.

>> No.19471515

Tell me you've never read a book about Victorian England without telling me you've never read a book about Victorian England.

It's a constant theme through their writing, art and music that Civilisation was in decay.

>WHEN mighty roast beef was the Englishman’s food,
>It ennobled our hearts, and enrichèd our blood;
>Our soldiers were brave, and our courtiers were good.
> O, the Roast Beef of old England,
> And O, the old English Roast Beef! 5

>But since we have learned from effeminate France
>To eat their ragouts, as well as to dance,
>We are fed up with nothing but vain complaisance.
> O, the Roast Beef, etc.

>> No.19471517

>person quotes the Bible
>durrr he must be christian...
>ignores the fact he also quotes Schopenhauer, who is decidedly not a Christian
irrelevant anyway since that poster was citing textual evidence from antiquity in favour of his view, not citing the bible as a source of unique authority necessarily

>> No.19471547

Bruh, Solomon was the King of Israel and he was very learned and wise man. And Schopenhauer lived at the very start of industrial expansion/explosion of modernity and he was a contemporary of Napoleon.

>> No.19471550

Bro you literally don't know shit about Victorian England and are lecturing me on the topic lol.
>It's a constant theme through their writing, art and music that Civilisation was in decay.
This implies cyclical time how exactly? Not to mention the sheer insanity of you implying that the Victorians CAME UP WITH the idea of cyclical time. Utter lunacy. Ideas of decline and degeneracy are generally ubiquitous in all cultures and all eras (except the postwar period). Cyclical time was also ubiquitous but hasn't been such for maybe over 1500 years. Setting out a model and a storied origin to be imitated is just the nature of any and all myths, it is not the same as cyclical time. Even today you have retards who go on and on about "Western values" of "tolerance, democracy, women's rights" blahblahblah. Some go as far as promote return to ancient pre-Indo-European matriarchies. Those are calls to return to a mythical and imagined past, but not a form of cyclical time.

>> No.19471560

Bro I literally don't care and you're making no point so uhh do your thing I guess.
Ok? None of this has any bearing on anything I said.

>> No.19471565

>This implies cyclical time how exactly? Not to mention the sheer insanity of you implying that the Victorians CAME UP WITH the idea of cyclical time.
Except I didn't say that you tiresome faggot. I said it was a Victorian idea that they popularised. It was imported, along with a whole lot of other dumb shit, through Victorian Orientalism.
You are literally an ignorant faggot screeching himself hoarse and providing zero source cites or sources to back his bullshit up.

>> No.19471582

>None of this has any bearing on anything I said.
Bro there is ton of meaning in that wisdom but you're naively choosing to look the other way. Those wise men from ancient and modern world knew the nature of man.

>> No.19471612

That unbelievably cringy quote about craving men who are hard is from Those Who Remain by G. M. Hopf (a goodreads verified author, bravo!), which is #7 in the postapocalyptic series "The New World", which is, and I quote "THE FINAL CHAPTER IN THE VAN ZANDT SAGA", concerning:
>The war between the Republic of Cascadia and the rogue nation Western Canada is raging.
With support from President Cruz in the United States, Gordon Van Zandt has assembled a formidable army to march north and engage the forces of Western Canada, who have occupied much of the panhandle of Idaho. Gordon must defeat Jacques and his army swiftly, but to do so requires a final decisive battle.
>This battle will be do or die for Gordon and his fledgling republic, but is not the only problem Gordon is facing.
>With much of his attention focused on Jacques, he must also dedicate time to a political war brewing in McCall and Olympia. There he'll discover his adversary is the most cunning and cut throat of any enemy he has ever faced on the battlefield.
>When it all ends, some who've stood with Gordon will be lost and those who remain pray that their sacrifices will usher in the new world they've been fighting so hard for.

That quote is the right-wing equivalent of a liberal quoting Harry Potter, but much gayer, since the "le hard man" genre fiction is always quoted with such an air of austerity, severity and classical erudition. Incredibly gay.

>> No.19471622

Lol yea. So embarrassing seeing troglodytes LARP as defenders of Western civilisation and culture... Imagine the look on the faces of their 'heroes' (whom they know only by epic youtube vids and not via their works)

>> No.19471658

No, you said it was a Victorian idea, not that they popularised it, but nice attempt at backtracking nevertheless. Next time learn first so that you don't have to retract your statements later, however subtly.
Enjoy the seethe.

>> No.19471662

They knew the nature of one type of men, specifically their own. I do not contest that for some people that is the reality, and that they may even be wise. But they are not the only type of man possible, nor the primordial one.
tl;dr cope and seethe lol

>> No.19471724

Joene Guenon

>> No.19471736

All I'm going to say is that /lit/ is filled with kikes and so the idea of idealizing strong men is a bad thing to them. Idealizing great men and great times is a very powerful and important part of human nature.

>> No.19471747

You are objectively wrong on literally every level. "In every civilization" in what the last 200 years. Belief in a civilization is the only thing that makes it exist. If collective belief is lost it no longer holds up. The signs of decline are evident in all fallen societies. That of questioning the morality of the state and losing faith in it.

>> No.19471777

>Idealizing great men and great times is a very powerful and important part of human nature.
When you idealise these "great men", do you have your cock in your hand you closeted faggot?

>> No.19471780

>The signs of decline are evident in all fallen societies.
Really? Like, which societies? Which signs?

>Um, er like the romans empire and shieet

Every time.

>> No.19471785

Everything is controlled opposition, isn't it? Every form of thinking or discourse that's in our world today has been carefully hand picked and put forth as independent or organic when it hasn't been for a long time. Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Zizek, Harris.. everyone in the limelight; they are only given a platform because the powers that be willed it for some reason

>> No.19471790

Not that anon, but there's tons of examples - the Greeks, the Romans, the Greeks again, the Arabs, the Chinese, so on and so forth. Go read about it if you care. But you don't and you won't. Such is life.
I'm not controlled opposition.

>> No.19471854

>burgers literally see politics as some gay fairy tale
I am not surprised

>> No.19471949

You are so mentally fucked that you cannot understand admiration and aspiration without thinking about sex? I mean great men as people who are mythological and spiritual in nature. Who hold virtues for the sake of it and aren't just "muh policies n shiett". Go back to Idolizing Marvel, you have been filtered.

>> No.19471980

Roman Empire? I talk societies further back than that, closer than that and those that are entirely myth. It doesn't matter. Signs of decline are those of decline in faith in the nation. A loss in belief in the morals at the foundation of leaders and the society itself. Even if the worst policies exist in the government, even if the nation is blown from the face of the earth, so long as there are those who hold belief in it and hold it as true it isn't gone. Because civilization and nation is just that, shared belief.

>> No.19471998

Both these points play into each other, strong leaders needs to exist to unite, we live in a time of kikes and untouchable scum freaks ruling the world.

>> No.19472001

>Yeah bro, tons of societies, let me just list off a whole bunch, absolutely, destroyed by degeneracy
>What, you mean describe the signs of decay and explain how they're relevant and how they work? Are you really expecting to me to explain my reasoning, kike!?

Like pottery

>> No.19472011

I just explained them.

>> No.19472025


>> No.19472026

wtf i'm a libertarian now where do i get the taco bell stuff

>> No.19472053

Although you say
>muh roman empire
the point isn't discredited. But more interestingly and modernly simply look at the 18th century revolutions. The French revolution specifically completely encapsulates what I am saying.

>> No.19472061

Which as we know was caused by a change in belief surrounding the Kingdom due to "enlightened thinkers".

>> No.19472080
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>Like the signs, bro! The signs! THE signs! People not liking their government and shit means the society is in decline, always! Totally. Always. Unless you're a fucking kike and need to kill yourself because it's your fault I can't articulate my points at all!

Thanks for explaining it, I guess.

>> No.19472086

I feel retarded for buying into this bait.

>> No.19472090

one of the signs of a decaying society is people having fewer children
another sign is abandoning tradition at the drop of a hat
what do you want exactly

>> No.19472123

Cope with your inferiority better. Explain your positions. Defend your theses. If you can't do this, why do you hold these positions?

An explanation of how abandoning tradition means the society is in decline for a start. During the industrial revolution people abandoned tradition en masse when they moved to the cities. Not just traditional ways of life but cultural traditions as well. For example, a great many Christmas traditions were almost forgotten in England and America (particularly America) until Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol with it's references to traditions from his childhood at which point they came rushing back.
So we can see by this example that abandoning traditions is not necessarily a sign of a society in decline on it's own.
People having less children is a bit more interesting, however we are still currently in unprecedented times. 40 years is not a long time historically speaking. Previously when societies had less children it was because there was less food to feed them. There never was such a thing as mass contraception. Now we have that and are in uncharted territory, effectively.

>> No.19472133

I just find it so pathetic and obnoxious when Westerners turn to things like Eastern philosophies for explanations like this, even though various Western religions and not only Christianity but Christianity especially have always said this. These people will never have real answers because they don’t know themselves or their own.

>> No.19472208

It's an eastern religion

>> No.19472232

>An explanation of how abandoning tradition means the society is in decline for a start
a society IS its tradition
you abandon tradition, what do you have left? something entirely different
ship of theseus all over again

also it's extremely unwise to apply a blanket statement for such an enormous thing (saying that abandoning tradition is the sole reason for a decaying society, but it is definitely one of the major reasons) because outliers exist virtually everywhere so let's try to avoid that
people since at least the french revolution have noted that newer generations were having smaller families
indeed we live in a unique time never really before comparable with any point in recorded history which makes the task to track changes all the more difficult to gauge on a relative level but i don't see a smoking gun reason for a naturally declining society, if there is one - i only see a combination of different factors, the majority of which are the same

>> No.19472234

Why does me not explaining very basic assumed historical knowledge mean my logic is incorrect. You are basically saying because you don't understand the history you are wrong. You have seen examples, had the point explained to you and yet you still don't get it. Am I supposed to just list the beginning of human evolution to now? Or explain the basic concepts of government. No, I don't.

>> No.19472248

My logic is a simple one, without tradition and the shared illusion of government, it doesn't exist. If you cannot believe government is a shared illusion without any merit on it's own, then you are a fucking retard. Now it would follow that because of this fact, the established ideas of this established system need to hold together for the society itself to. Without it the society has only its basic function holding it together. Why is it that Rome fell? Because of it's problems that had lasted for a thousand years before? No, because why didn't it collapse then? It collapsed because ultimatly the illusion of Rome no longer existed, the traditions that upheld it were lost.

>> No.19472256

Why does the west no longer live under absolute monarchy? Because of its policies? Or because of the enlightenment which changed the way we view the world, disrupting previous beliefs?

>> No.19472261

Incorrect. Christianity is a Western religion.

>> No.19472265

Ultimately, you are not a smart as you think you are. You are probably overweight and use your "intelligence" as a way to cope with it. You have offered nothing of coherent thought that would provoke a discussion, rather you have baited into encouraging retards like me to preach at you. You should seriously just go and take a good look at yourself. Cause you are obese and need to do something about it.

>> No.19472432

Ok, so which traditions being abandoned are the great loss? You say traditions being abandoned is a sign of decline. I counter with traditions are being abandoned all the time, regardless of decline.

The basis for many traditions is practical. When that practicality is no longer practical, then arguably it becomes a tradition. What do I mean by this? I'll try to explain on a micro, individual scale. So in my family the tradition for Christmas is to open presents after noon.
Why? Well before, we used to go to morning mass and excitable hyped up children who've just received presents and mass don't co-exist very well. So we would go to mass, then my mom and sisters would take some time to bake sausage rolls and mince pies, and only then, when the goose was in the oven and everyone could sit for a bit would we get round to opening presents. Which because we were a large family took a long time.
So time passed and the church offered midnight mass, which had carols and was all around better. So my family started to go to that one instead. But we still opened presents after noon because that felt right. Even later still, my mother passed away and we stopped going to mass altogether, but we still open presents after noon because that feels right.
And here comes the interesting bit, my wife comes from a different tradition. They open their presents first thing and for her, sitting around waiting till noon while my family chats is incredibly frustrating. So we've agreed for our kids that we will open first thing.
The practical purpose for the tradition has fallen away, but we still practised it because it felt right.
So yeah this is on a micro level but it demonstrates how practical things become tradition and then fall away nicely.
For another example many English towns have a procession when a new sheriff is elected. This had a practical purpose in the middle ages because it meant the people could see their representative and know who to go to for redress of grievance. Nowadays, the practical bit has fallen away, so they still do it. Tradition.
By another token, many traditions are based in hunger ie. picking up the salt. When people are no longer hungry, the tradition has lost it's practical purpose. The people abandoning the traditions based in hunger and want isn't a sign of decline but the exact opposite.

>> No.19472447

That's not me bro. I went away to hit the gym and do some exercise. Although it is funny to me to watch you rant in fury at a random other person.
His point was an interesting one btw, why couldn't you address it with anything other than insults?

>basic assumed historical knowledge
No such thing. I think I see the problem though, you have put this premise at the bedrock of your worldview, the idea that culture is tradition and that the culture is in decline. If that premise is challenged, what happens to your entire worldview?
Thus the anger. Interesting.

>> No.19472462

1930s Germany.
Come on, man.

>> No.19472466

>Good times make weak men
>Weak men make hard times
>Hard times make societies of slave castes and warrior elites
>Civilization them crumbles under slave-driven charisma cults and a dark age ensues for centuries until a few entrepreneurs make Good times again

This is the real cycle

>> No.19472494

There have been many times in which societies have grown and prospered, but you probably wouldn't consider those good times because you're a narcissistic fuck whose conception of goodness and badness is entirely based on how comfortable individual bodies are.

>> No.19472506

The signs of decay have been enumerated in a myriad different ways by a myriad different thinkers, your hair-splitting is just a sign of your bad faith when engaging with this issue. Nonetheless, I will provide you with a basic formulation of the claim for the benefit of those who may be interested.

Essentially, the health or debility of a society depends on its capacity for virtue and idealism. These are not to be considered as "means to an end", but an end in themselves with absolute meaning for the people in question. Societies that live by the principles of virtue are harmonious, can discern good from evil, work together and sacrifice together. Societies that do not live by virtue will pursue their own self-interests, many of them twisted, warped and grotesque. Time accelerates this process and frays the basic unity of the civilisation, until it is in free fall and conflict in the society is mostly internal - squabbling over power and license for vice. Then, a society becomes depleted and collapses or is overthrown by a healthier civilisation. This is the fundamental claim and the explanation behind the dynamics of degeneracy. I do not think it is a particularly difficult concept to understand.

>> No.19472509

Middle East is in West?

>> No.19472515

I really wish brothels were as common now as they used to be. I was just reading some Emma Goldman who paints a picture of prostitution in new york as completely running amok, millions of young Jewish girls getting pimped out, 25% of all married men were said to frequent the whores. Of course she thinks it's bad but it breaks my heart to think about how oppressive the state has become. Imagine if you were able to just walk down the street and visit the Abby Shapiro Milk Farm for $2.50 with no consequences.
Even as late as the 70s we were so much freer in New York. I'd love to visit the prostitutes today but I just do not trust that shit to not be a honeypot. I don't know a single person who's ever done it, and I've hung out with a lot of seedy people and bought a lot of drugs. And if you get caught it's like a super felony, life immediately ruined, worse-than-a-DUI offense. Why can't I just fuck young Jewish whores in peace bros.

>> No.19472517

The Kali Yuga has been in effect for around 500-1000 years. Rogan is a brainlet.

>> No.19472713

Asking people to go in depth into their theories is a sign of bad faith?
You didn't go very far into academia, huh?

>> No.19472738
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Hahaha that rules, just used the search function on twitter to find trannies crying about it

>> No.19472742

*6000 years

>> No.19472802

Not exactly. Everything gets worse and worse, but each individual era has it's golden age of sorts, although each of them is more diminutive than the previous one.

>> No.19472821

I am pretty far in, actually. But that's not the issue. I do not think that you genuinely struggle to understand the concept of social decline - I think that is a very clear-cut issue, even to a child. I think you are deliberately playing a part in order to frustrate and ridicule a position you have - for some reason - chosen to dislike. In either case, I have given you a basic definition, so I hope that you are pleased now.

>> No.19472855

Yes, which is the point of moksha/nirvana. You've been on this ride for too long and want to get off.

>> No.19472940

This thread was moved to >>>/b/867506657