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19470175 No.19470175 [Reply] [Original]

I want to read the bible should I get a study book or a normal bible? And if the latter which version? I want to understand the bible and possibly convert.

>> No.19470195

If you're ESL, get the NIRV version
ESV or NIV are good for native english speakers
King James if you want the epic thees and thous and whatnot

>> No.19470269

So the king jamed version isnt accurate?

>> No.19470272


KJV only. Only the KJV has the complete bible Doctrines.

KJV is the only accurate one.

>> No.19470295
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>> No.19470299

What about the new king James version?

>> No.19470539

I feel like having some good secondary helps. There's a general buildup of the metaphysics as it goes along.
For instance starting w God you have creation. Now what type of creation is there (creatio ex nihil, emanationism, emergentism etc) and what do those mean going forward? Is the snake evil, did it/can it trick her? Now in christianity and even judaism you have a similar accepted conception (although augustine has a more interesting, very rational one which gives you an interpretation of how sex, ethics happened in eden) but Islam has a different conception. You're not limited to these. We're given the story and we know God exists.
An example where this plays out is where Moses is told to speak to the rock to get water. He hits it and gets punished. Now why does he get punished? It's interesting that God created everything by speaking it. It's also interesting in terms of epistemology it would imply rationalism or even faith > empiricism. It could also imply no violence which is how they escaped Egypt. You could just say "well he got punished because God said do this and he did the opposite" but that still begs the question.
Anyways I think if you treat it metaphysically you can get a lot out of it. I haven't finished deep diving but I've found using christian theology as a litmus test for my philosophy has worked wonders and even advanced some of my metaphysical conceptions (like no holidays for jw etc).

>> No.19470548

It’s a different translation. So no.

>> No.19470551

Your an idiot.

>> No.19470566

How? It's what everyone and religion does. I left it a little open ended but some are clearly more correct than others. I haven't formalized my views on it yet tho.

>> No.19470573

You’re pointing to Islam which is a work based religion.

You need to understand Christ died for you, so you won’t be subject to the law.


Colossians 2:8
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

>> No.19470576

You must understand philosophy had a particular meaning there. Religion is a thing of first principles where you derive ethics etc from. That's what metaphysics is so I'm treating religion like religion which is implied by how you called Islam a "work based religion". Well what does that mean? We can analyze and find out. Again even Augustine had a different interpretation.

>> No.19470580

Your an idiot.

I’m not trying to make fun of you.

>> No.19470588

You understand this encompasses literally every denominational/schismatic split in literally every religion and between every religion right?

>> No.19470604

This is my point you are part of that group of idiots.
You seek wisdom and knowledge but not God.

>> No.19470606

There's christology (is Jesus fully man and fully divine, is he triune) there's evil (devil exists, hell exists, ppl can do evil, evil doesn't exist, what and how to deal w these things (hate the sin, love the sinner etc)). These are all very important. Granted I don't have the free time or ability to formalize it perfectly yet beyond the metaphysical structure I generally use (metaphysical structure [foundationalism], ontological relationship [emanationism], ontological dimension [monism]).

>> No.19470612

Wisdom and knowledge only comes from God. This was my point about the difference in philosophy there where they sought truth and value either from themselves or from other people. It makes no sense to separate wisdom and knowledge from God and I try to understand him as the foundation of those.

>> No.19470620

The idea of the metaphysical is a creation of Man.
Seek God.

>> No.19470628

There's only existence from God. Man cannot create anything. We need math and physics to get cell phones and those are from God. We can't do much of our own selves. There's only one God, you must see how this sounds

>> No.19470632

Ancient Faith Study Bible is a good choice.

>> No.19470647

Yes see the above passage I posted

>> No.19470651

What other God do you have that's creating these truths which lead you away from God for you?

>> No.19470660

Read the Bible.
There is only one God

>> No.19470665

Ignore the KJV-only guy. If you want to convert, a stidy bible depends on denomination. Protestant: ESV Study Bible, Catholic: Didache Bible, Orthodox: Orthodox Study Bible

>> No.19470674

I'm telling you that now stop telling me that philosophical truths are not of God. I'm not asking you I'm telling you, I said. Now he repeated those same words and I'll be damned if I didn't beat him before he raced towards the gun and I shot him right there. I did respect him but I always did things for him and I finally asked him once I said "I always do stuff for you now you're going to do this one thing and I said "I'm not asking you I'm telling you, I said, but he couldn't knock it off and I had always done help him for fun but it had been too much I said "I said I'm not asking you I'm telling you".".".

>> No.19470693

This and NWT for jehovah's witnesses. Very, very accurate. Gets criticized for being too literal.

>> No.19470694

>Colossians 2:8
>Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Begone Devil

>> No.19470700

Hissss, go fight the philosophical truth God-demon somewhere else with yo head canon bitch ass head.

>> No.19470705

If anyone is interested this is a parody of a charles manson interview but given some stylistic license.

>> No.19470715

The only Canon is in the Bible, fool.

>> No.19470721

So stop making up this crap where philosophical truths aren't from God. Truth is only from God so your distinction is inaccurate but truth with shallow foundations shouldn't try to be the foundation of reality.

>> No.19470726

Your not getting any truth from the Bible your making up your own. Idolizer.

>> No.19470732

You can't get objective truth/justice from the Bible, profligate?

>> No.19470737

Your only knowledge of God is through your philosophy, which is just an idol create from your knowledge.

You don’t know Christ, you don’t know the father. You can point at trail and see the evidence, but you don’t know him or his reasoning.

>> No.19470742

Nobody does dumbass. That's why we study and grow in our relationship/understanding of him.

>> No.19470744

The Bible disagree with you. Hence me calling you an idiot.

>> No.19470745

>inb4 you don't have any connection w him at all
Who is your other god you keep proposing?

>> No.19470748

You can't know God dumbass. That's sorta the whole point. John 14:6, you cannot know God except through me. This is an induction problem in philosophical terms. There's no framework more fundamental to God to measure him by.

>> No.19470754

Yeah, he is stating to know his Father you must know him. Which you do not.

1Jn 5:20And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.

>> No.19470758

It's kinda funny because I assume you're a trin too

>> No.19470766

I tried reading the bible for years and the one thing that finally got me started was, don't bully, this:

>> No.19470767

The Godhead is the proper term, anon.

>> No.19470769

That's not bad. Dramatization was actually not bad then.

>> No.19470770

Yes the thing not in the bible which you assert is part of the story.

>> No.19470777

Again… your an idiot.

Col 2:8Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
Col 2:9For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily

Your a Muslim devil

>> No.19470787
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If using aliteral translations is being christian then I think you misunderstood the whole story.

>> No.19470793

Wrong again. KJV is the preserved word of God.

You need Christ. Anon, do you think you can work your way to Heaven? You are a sinner and Christ paid the cost for you. If you accept his work on the cross, you will be made into a Child of God, and be given everlasting life.

>> No.19470803
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The KJV is literally a translation nimrod. It is an insanely flowery translation. The Sahidic coptic bible was an antenicene translation. That does not say Godhead in any implication.


>> No.19470809

>>19470803 Col 2:8Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
Col 2:9For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily

Anon, there is only one proper translation of the Word of God.

But this isn’t the issue your dealing with, the issue your having is facing the fact that you need Christ to even understand scripture in the first place, and until then you’ll never understand the Bible.

>> No.19470817

Ig the Latin versions of the bible were taking a seat until the english got around to doing it correctly.

>> No.19470824

Not exactly anon, there have been manuscripts through the ages that have carried the perfection of the scriptures, however today, for English speakers it is the KJV.
Why do you refuse to accept the Lord Christ Jesus?

>> No.19470832

Monogene means only generated. It's translated as only begotten in John 3:16.
Anyways the Sahidic translation uses the indefinite article and it precedes the kjv and was a bible that early christians used. The word was WITH god and the word was divine or a god.

>> No.19470835

Anon until you come to Christ your just going to stay an idiot in the wisdom of God.

Have a good night

>> No.19470858

Have a good night

>> No.19471185

The Geneva Bible is the only preserved English translation of the Bible. King James was a homosexual who got mad at it being too accurate and commissioned a new translation, banning the old better Bibles and persecuting all Englishmen who wanted to share God's true word.
Here's another "authorized version" by your idol; do you believe in werewolves, too?

>> No.19471202

King James didn’t write the KJV idiot.

>> No.19471209

Yes, that's exactly why I said "commissioned", not "wrote", you filthy anti-Christian faglover.

>> No.19471212
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The number of illiterates on this board is staggering. They're always the most combative posters too.

>> No.19471214

I'm not reading this thread because it's probably the usual shitheap, but if you want to convert you should go to the nearest church, of any Christian denomination as long as it's not completely pozzed by politics, and attend liturgy, or simply go there and stay a little if you find that awkward, as long as you do with an open heart. If you just ask for a direction without knowing where you want to go you will be sent to places you might not want to be in.
With this in mind you will probably know what you have to do, based on the things you see and the things you will know as you go. At this point it doesn't really matter what text you use. I think if you do not have a direction, it matters little if you study, or it can even damage you. Once things feel right, you should probably get a study Bible in English you can understand. The commentary is just commentary. If something puzzles you, you can bring it over to a priest.
It's inevitable that you may "waste" time, money and effort on things you disagree with. Right now you can choose to be anything, so if you only let theory guide you, you might go on forever especially if you expect to find a flawless institution. Or you might end up as what I call an internet Christian who's some sort of non-denominational who's never been to church.

>> No.19471217

You're comparing a text he wrote vs one he commissioned, you're the dunce here.
The KJV actually continues the tradition of the Geneva. I'll agree Geneva was once the proper translation for the english speaking people, however no longer

>> No.19471236

Both the KJV and Demonologie were published by the King, i.e. they were authorized by him, just as I wrote.

The only reason the Geneva Bible fell out of use was because reprinting it was banned by a tyrannical royal degree. Need I remind you that all Bibles carried on the Mayflower to America were Geneva Bibles instead of the unpopular heretical version that only became the standard English Bible after decades of persecution of the True Faithful?

>> No.19471323

Anon, are you a Calvinist by chance? I see no reason other than that to tie one self to the Geneva bible.

>> No.19471352
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>I want to understand the bible and possibly convert.
Greek- start with the 4 distinct forms of love horribly translated into english
Hebrew-start with looking up sense of time
אהיה אשר אהיה
Exodus 3:14

Old king james is fine but get some greek and hebrew for greater understanding.

Old King James + Charles Spurgeon sermons are what most English speaking immigrants had on them when they made the colonies here and there, especially so in America

>> No.19471372

No, this is a conclusion based on objective historical research and not on any denominational prejudice. But I do find it absurd that KJVO Americans who are generally anti-royalty prefer the cucked Anglican royalist version that a dude who fucked men decreed to be the only lawful Bible because it removed all the nasty footnotes that explained scholars' opinions of verses for the common man and that it was now sufficiently praiseful of earthly kings in its translation.
It's also been noted in modern scholarship that the GNV translates the underlying Textus Receptus far more accurately than the later KJV, so if you insist on an English translation of Erasmus' edition, the former is the far better option to read since it's earlier, more accurate, less ideologically driven, and only fell into obscurity because it was banned by the literal King of England.

>> No.19471686

If you're ok with an ecumenical translation and academic/non-theological notes, then the NOAB RSV with Expanded Apocrypha is a pretty good all-purpose Bible, as it has both Catholic and Eastern Orthodox deuterocanon. The deuterocanonical books are not placed throughout the Old Testament, but are at the back of the book.
This is what I recommend to secular people with an interest in the Bible, either that or the Oxford Revised English Bible with Apocrypha for a less literal translation, though it only has the Catholic deuterocanon and they are sectioned between Old and New Testament.
Orthodox Study Bible if you're ok with it not being formally approved by the church and knowing that it's NKJV+Septuagint additions rather than a full translation of the Septuagint.
Or, Brenton English Septuagint + Eastern Orthodox Bible New Testament (the one translated from the Patriarchal Text).
Douay-Rheims Challoner - older, traditional, Baronius Press makes one combined with the Vulgate if you want to practice your Latin, but there are plenty of other publishers still printing it as well.
Knox - currently sold by Baronius Press, different and less literal renderings, sometimes more interesting to read, preserves acrostics which is pretty neat.
RSV-2CE - Catholic revision of the RSV, sold in many different formats, it you're looking for a Catholic study Bible then I'd recommend checking out the Didache Bible RSV-2CE.
King James Version - older, traditional, can be found at dollar stores if you're on a shoestring budget or you can get very nice copies from various publishers with a range of different features, my personally recommended KJV is the Cambridge Cameo Reference with Apocrypha.
ESV - updated version of the 2nd edition of the RSV, the result of the NRSV going in a somewhat silly direction with 'updating' the translation by removing gendered words and replacing them with gender-neutral pronouns, lots of different versions available including a study Bible or a nice, fancy single-column multi-volume readers edition made in Italy, also very nice $7-8 vest-pocket NT+Ps+Pr (wish it had a ribbon bookmark though).
BibleTime is the program I've used the most. It's available on Linux, Mac, and Windows. There's also BibleTime Mobile for Android users.
You have access to multiple repositories and a ton of different manuscripts/translations, commentaries, and general books from various authors and different Christian traditions.
KJV with Apocrypha and the Douay-Rheims Challoner revision are both available free here, as well as lesser known versions like Geneva, Wycliffe, CPDV... There is also the World English Bible with Deuterocanon in the eBible repository, this includes the Orthodox deuterocanon. eBible also has the Brenton Septuagint and an updated version of it called LXX2012.
If you don't want to download anything, use BibleGateway and CCEL for scripture, commentaries, and books.

>> No.19471899

Just read the NLT

>> No.19471918

I'm thinking about a parallel bible, KJV/AMP.
KJV for the prose, AMP for a little explanation.

>> No.19471925

I cant believe you pseuds are pretentious about the Bible. KJV is harder to read, ESV is the most popular and is direct. NLV is good too

>> No.19471928
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Church slavonic version


>> No.19472474

read the daodejing
it's much better

>> No.19472483

i really like the kind of brainwashed morons these threads never fail to attract

>> No.19472495

scary thread ngl

>> No.19472653
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>comparing apples to oranges
get a normal bible, for example NJB
you have the internet (preferably over Tor) so you can look up a passage that is unclear or want to know more about, including the original texts etc.