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19468214 No.19468214[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books that tackle marxist materialist science larping intelligently?Not looking for anything praising the ''free market''.

>> No.19468238

you need 300 IQ to understand what Pol Pot said

>> No.19468243
File: 81 KB, 384x576, yqzkew-front-shortedge-384 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Philosophy of Marx by Giovanni Gentile

>> No.19468269

hide stormfag threads
ignore stormfag posts
do not reply to stormfag posters

>> No.19468293
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Pol Pot is the only based communist

>> No.19468387

kek saved

>> No.19468397

Thomas Sowell - Marxism

>> No.19468407
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>> No.19468761

Communism is just a cope for the poor to steal from the productive and rich. You policies are just genocidal non-sense that make everyone poor, and that's why its rejected you social outcast.

>> No.19468774

communism is a cope for the elite to stay in power forever and prevent new elite from rising up with capitalism

>> No.19468793

>This many words words words to explain a basic concept
Pol Pot (pbuh) only ever saw himself as a revolutionary and just wanted an agrarian society. All the Marxist LARPing was to get funds. He explicitly admitted this in regard to the Vietnamese deboooonking his grift.

>make everyone poor
If everyone is poor, then everyone is also rich. Poor and rich are relative, you stupid faggot.

>> No.19469316

actually d&g did it in a thousand plateaus, though i guess you're not that smart to understand it

>> No.19469324

Workers make everything, therefore they own everything. Porky is a parasite

>> No.19469330

>If everyone is poor, then everyone is also rich. Poor and rich are relative, you stupid faggot.
You have no idea how revealing of a thing this is to say clearly lol

>> No.19469344

Workers exchange future goods (products of their labor) for present goods (aka wages). Present goods are more valuable than future goods, so the worker is not being robbed.

I used to think in the way you do, believe me. But after reading capitalist writings, I realize that the Marxist perspective, while based in correct observations, draws incorrect solutions.

>> No.19469391

>thread asking for book recoms that oppose marxist gribble
>immediately sidetracked and shitted up by marxists