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19467080 No.19467080 [Reply] [Original]

>explains fascism perfectly
why haven't you read it?

>> No.19467095
File: 326 KB, 1024x683, mourinho 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>written by a leftist boomer

>> No.19467097

because it explains fascism perfectly

>> No.19467115


Everyone always posts volume 1. No one ever remembers that it's a two-volume set.

>> No.19467135
File: 51 KB, 500x500, 560BDC30-9E1B-4B73-8655-2869EEDABD7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Male fantasies sets forward the jarring — and ultimately horrifying as proposition that the fascist is not doing ‘something else,’ but doing what he wants to do.

>> No.19467140

What about males that are monarchists?

>> No.19467167
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i just used that picture because i thought less people would recognize the new german edition which is both volumes plus a new long afterword. this is the edition i have

>> No.19467183
File: 465 KB, 1593x1600, 94-A804-BC-ACDA-4469-8327-1-E1-F142-FAC08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have

>When I hear Monika talking about her clinical experience, it is not only academic theories of fascism that begin to appear inane: the very idea of producing a critique of them seems equally trivial. In fact, the whole effort would be superfluous if we had a convention for understanding and behaving, a way of listening that sensed the significance of all this for the theoretical pronouncements we deliver from on high: children committed to psychiatric care, who articulate in the language of the "deviant" or the dumb a whole system of disabilities that make up this life and who carry that system about with them in their own helplessly rebellious bodies, expressing it in images that compel any viewer to perceive their sickness as a superior form of innocent wholeness, though their bodies are said to have "broken down." When she tells me of contact, true contact with lightning and rolling thunder, of the production of an intimacy through the feeling and exploration of distances—an intimacy that is not consuming, distance that is not far away—a place where caution is a beautiful word, related to foresight and to a feeling for the reality of a suffering that wishes for change but is caught in impasse and double bind, I think then of the studied or hectic nonchalance of all those (myself included) who are striving to combat fascism here and now, but are blind to the experience of the nonfascist .. . at this point, the sentence seems to want to continue, "I begin to despair" (but this is the reality of a frozen semantics, not, in the end, of any feeling I might have).


>Monika and Margret Berger, veterans of clinical work with children, [The conditions of some of those children have a lot in common with the predicament of adult fascists, as we will see.] were also the ones who gave me most support whenever I, a person with no clinical experience, ventured to reformulate accepted psychoanalytic views on the fascistic type. I was working with nothing but patients' reports—soldier males wrote their memoirs in that form without realizing it—and with the terror enacted by these men. I am especially indebted to Margret Berger for her generally positive reaction to my thought on the ego-structure of the not-yet-fully-born (volume 2), as well as for her references to the psychoanalytic literature.

>> No.19467204

>book putatively "explains" fascism
>isn't written by an actual fascist

>> No.19467214

the first volume is full of diary entries of fascists

>> No.19467230

I have, this shit changed my life.

>> No.19467231

It's impossible for left and right to agree about the causes of fascism because they have different empirical priors. The question of whether communists were a real threat in interwar fascist countries is what basically the whole issue hinges on. If they were a real threat fascism becomes rather understandable, if they weren't it becomes irrational paranoia and lust of power and whatever other thing. Even if both sides agree that communist revolution may have occurred they dont agree on whether that would have been disastrous or not, they dont even agree on whether it *was* disastrous in the USSR and elsewhere, again both in empirical terms and in whether certain things were justified, if they did occur.

>> No.19467235

You cant critique fascism without also being critical of communism, feminism or the neoliberal system.

>> No.19467247

>Makes up own definition of fascism
Yeah, its "perfect"
But yeah, its extremely faggy, protosoyboy rambling

>> No.19467248

Because I'm a fascist. Why haven't you read Industrial Society and its Future, with its perfect explanation of leftism?

Don't you like being explained?

>> No.19467255

>jewish mother and daddy issues
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.19467271

No, it's full of diary entries of Freikorps soldiers. Fascism didn't even exist as a unified theory during the Bavarian Revolution

>> No.19467279

>Fascism didn't even exist as a unified theory during the Bavarian Revolution
it still doesn't

>> No.19467280
File: 481 KB, 2000x1333, jewish fantasies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, totally debunked him bro.
nobody has ever compiled quotes suggestively.

>> No.19467284

>explains why fascism isn’t fascism
Wait what

>> No.19467285

Wanna know how I know you didn't read it?

>> No.19467288

His theory of fascism was retroactively refuted by Deleuze and Guattari, whose theory he tries and fails to mobilise in order to understand Freikorps members

Fascism is a kind of war machine that is best understood through Dumezil’s trifunctional argument, not some rehashed Freudian shit that Theweleit thinks it is

The book is an academic failure and just repeats the usual cliches of ”scholarship” on fascism

>> No.19467293

Exactly this, how can he explain fascism if he defines fascism as just "sweaty militaristic macho men"
If Norf FC is Fascism, your dad and the guy working as a security officer in the local mall is fascism, than nothing is fascism
The same goes for Adorno and the rest of the Frankfurt fucks that creamed their pants from prostate massages while screaming "Fascism!!!!"

>> No.19467303

If you want to get to know someone, do you do so by letting someone who doesn't like them tell you all about why they're a terrible person, or do you meet the person themselves and talk/spend time with them so you can form your own opinion?

>> No.19467310

Fascism is like the easiest fucking thing ever to explain. It comes from the desire for control and orderliness. Each time you clean your room you commit micro-fascism. Modern liberalism is a form of fascism too, I know that "libruls are the real fashusts!" is a meme, but it doesn't make it any less true. All people ultimately strive for fascist values, the "antifascists" are just anti classical, inceptional fascism

>> No.19467320

>Why haven't you read Industrial Society and its Future, with its perfect explanation of leftism
I have and think Ted is based as fuck. Also please don't assume I'm a virulent anti fascist. Agreeing with a definition/explanation doesn't necessarily have to mean I make the same judgements as the author or the usual readership. This book made me realize that I have quite a fascist bent to my thinking

>> No.19467327

>fascism is when incels are afraid of... le empowered women

Does this book ever address the issue of how every single advance in female "empowerment" in the 20th century came at the cost of massive centralization of power and state intrusion into private life aka more fascism?

>> No.19467329

Holding in your piss in order to get to a toilet is fascism

>> No.19467348

Ted's discussion of leftism is fairly short and found at the beginning of ISAIF. He also criticises conservatives later, and most of the manifesto is not really about his thoughts on left vs right. If you're going to use works you haven't read, maybe try Hayek, Nozick, or Paglia.

>> No.19467361

What does that have to do with whether his description is right or not

>> No.19467371

Doesn't need to be long if you're not being paid by the word.

>> No.19467374

>massive centralization of power and state intrusion into private life
So, socialism?

>> No.19467381

Why wouldn't I read the actual founding Fascists to understand Fascism?

>> No.19467382

Fascism is socialism

>> No.19467386

>state intrusion on private life in abusive manner
>socialism, fascism
We already had a word for this: tyranny. People also seem to use "totalitarianism" in a similar fashion

>> No.19467404

because theweleit gained deeper insights, by all means read what the fascists wrote. I'd love to as well but much of it is in Italian and hasn't been translated

>> No.19467421

Leftism is when you fantasize about getting assraped by burly bisexual fascist thugs. Leftists have internalized rapeism

>> No.19467441

The freikorps weren't fascist. Killing crazy communist catladies does not a fascist make. Read the letters of Ernst von Solomon

>> No.19467446
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>> No.19467486

the movement that was part of the same white terror wave as the italian fascists and set nazi policy for territories to the east had nothing to do with fascism, definitely

>> No.19467500

The white terror was royalist. You cant just call everyone who kills commies fascists

>> No.19467549

conveniently ignoring the fact that it happened after nearly every monarchy in Europe collapsed and existed in a complete political void

>> No.19467567

The same white terror that was a reaction to red terror, like always? The italian fascists and the freikorp were part of "the same white terror"? Fucking how? What the fuck is a nazi policy? I thought nazis didn't have a coherent theory but now they have policies? You guys just define basically anything that gives commies a taste of their own medicine as fascist and expect people to take you seriously.

>> No.19467579

Also it's no fucking wonder why normies call communism fascism. According to your own retarded definitions commies are just as much fascists due to their inherent control-freak personalities and short tempers. But no, fascists are like masculine and shit so they are different(lol).

>> No.19467584

i mean if the snivelling lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle are going to call you a fascist for the crime of reading old books not wanting children to get molested, or having thoughts unapporved by corporate media, then one cant help but start thinking, can 'fascism' be all that bad?

>> No.19467586
File: 993 KB, 840x683, ccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck is a nazi policy? I thought nazis didn't have a coherent theory but now they have policies?
it was a flux

>> No.19467589

It was literally th result of monarchists reacting to the recent overthrow of their monarchy

>> No.19467596

>it is whatever I want it to be
Also that picture gives of weird homoerotic vibes. Methinks fascism is at play here

>> No.19467604

the end result of feminism is a world were all women are prostitutes. the left just want to replace the family with a managerial state which is more intrusive than 'traditional values' ever were. you need a massive effectively totalitarian bureaucracy of experts, psychiatrists, media elites to ensure people are properly 'liberated' ie. ground down into a monoculture. the real reason leftists oppose traditional values because they get in the way of centralized control and exploitation. in a way its like going back to a pre-modern form of paternalism, before the autonomous bourgeoisie subject, but without any of the benefits of noblese oblige. leftists are like crabs in a bucket, trying to pull down anyone who tries to rise out of nigger status.

>> No.19467612

The end result of feminism is state mandated cuckoldry combined with that meme scenario in the Aristophanes play where the hot men have to sleep with all women uglier than the ones they want to get her

>> No.19467616
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"The success of fascism demonstrates that masses who become fascist suffer more from their internal states of being than from hunger or unemployment. Fascism teaches us that under certain circumstances, human beings imprisoned within themselves, within body armor and social constraints, would rather break out than fill their stomachs; and that their politics may consist in organizing that escape, rather than an economic order that promises future generations full stomachs for life. The Utopia of fascism is an edenic freedom from responsibility. That in itself, I think, is a source of "beauty in the most profound distortion." Meanwhile, communists and the left in general still stubbornly refuse to accept fascism's horrifying proof that the materialism they preach and practice only goes halfway. The desiring-production of the unconscious, as molecular driving force of history, has never entered their materialism—an omission that has had (and still has) tragic consequences."

This,so much this

>> No.19467621

technically true I guess
beautiful bit of stormfront vomit prose. would fit perfectly in Male Fantasies

>> No.19467632

how does that BTFO marxism in any way?

>> No.19467642

>tfw you will never be a Confederate soldier impregnating Anne Frank
It's over bros

>> No.19467645

the perverse thing about it its that its not being run by regular women(who are far too stupid), but by kike NGOs. its about engineering society, much like the lgbt or transgender movements. These people are not happy sexually liberated rebellious subjects, as the left would have you believe, but mindless, conformists NPCs with beady eyes, who have outsourced their minds to social media propaganda truly a sad thing to see essentially biopolitical clientele for NGOs. so if you are an academic feminist your job is to invent new forms of prostitution and promote the interests of the democratic party. these people are so psyopped that they think a woman who is happily married with children is oppressed but a woman who whores herself out to old dudes and shoots heroin is liberated.

>> No.19467648

I mean have you tried bringing up nietszche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been debunked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneyplus? your daily mandatory dose of ''ethically sourced'' child pornography? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your daily recomended dose of high fructuouse corn syrup your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.19467651

I'm not personally so sure on who or what were the cause(s) of modern feminism. The topic is really very complicated and doesnt make that much sense

>> No.19467663

um no. i’ve met plenty of commies that studied kant and greeks and etc

>> No.19467664

Either way it's based on the myth that women were somehow "oppressed" throughout history because they didn't own property or something.

>> No.19467673

Well they were oppressed in the modern liberal rights sense. The question is just whether unequal rights are bad or good

>> No.19467702

>I thought nazis didn't have a coherent theory but now they have policies
not a person on earth denies that the nazis had policies. do you even know what a fucking policy is you retard?

>> No.19467755

But now they have policies that are characteristically nazi? So much so that you don't have to be a nazi in order to enact them? The point is that the freikorps weren't fucking nazis you retard

>> No.19467766

proto-nazis. also they were a paramilitary faggot

>> No.19467781

So what, this guy is basically saying that fascism's appeal is that it caters to immaterial needs that Marxism and liberalism ignore? If he recognizes this why is he still an anti-fascist? This quote just seems to be him admitting that fascism is better than Marxism but uh that's bad for some reason

>> No.19467849
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>beautiful bit of stormfront vomit prose. would fit perfectly in Male Fantasies
I dare you to prove it wrong though.

>> No.19467851

Killing crazy communist cat ladies does not a fascist make.
A paramilitary does not a fascist make.

>> No.19467870

>The success of fascism demonstrates that masses who become fascist suffer more from their internal states of being than from hunger or unemployment.
Is he just going to ignore that German fascism completely eradicated unemployment and poverty, raised wages while simultaneously preserving German heritage and supplying meaning to the German peoples (something neither Marxism nor liberalism were ever able to do)?

>> No.19467874

It's pure speculation like all leftist "theory"

>> No.19467895

nice fanfic

>> No.19467903

>they were a paramilitary faggot
>more trained and better organized than the reds therefore nazis
What's a proto-nazi? Something cavemen do when they beat their mates?

>> No.19467913

Yes they absolutely refuse to admit that and then claim the Nazis went to war because their economy somehow required it. It is unreal how dumb the normie take on Nazi economy is

>> No.19467916

>How then did Germany “break the bondage of interest”? Few now know. Rearmament is not a sufficient explanation. Prof. A. J. P. Taylor, the eminent British historian, and hardly a Nazi sympathizer, writes:

>"Fascism, it was claimed, represented the last aggressive stage of capitalism in decline, and its momentum could be sustained only by war. There was an element of truth in this, but not much. The full employment which Nazi Germany was the first European country to possess, depended in large part on the production of armaments; but it could have been provided equally well (and was to some extent) by other forms of public works from roads to great buildings. The Nazi secret was not armament production; it was freedom from the then orthodox principles of economics . . . the argument for war did not work even if the Nazi system had relied on armaments production alone. Nazi Germany was not choking in a flood of arms. On the contrary, the German Generals insists unanimously in 1939 that they were not equipped for war and that many years must pass before “rearmament in depth” had been completed."

>Answering predictions of ruin by orthodox economists throughout the world, Hitler explained that Germany had not withdrawn from world trade but had bypassed the international financial system by means of barter, stating:

>"If certain countries combat the German system this is done in the first instance because through the German method of trading their tricks of international currency and Bourse speculations have been abolished in favor of honest business transactions. . . . We are buyers of good foodstuff and raw materials and suppliers of equally good commodities!"

>Taylor comments on German trade barter:

>"Germany was not short of markets. On the contrary, Schacht used bilateral agreements to give Germany practically a monopoly of trade with south-eastern Europe; and similar plans were being prepared for the economic conquest of South America when the outbreak of war interrupted them."

>> No.19467922

>Hitler next explained precisely the foundations of the new economic and financial system:

>"If ever need makes humans see clearly it has made the German people do so. Under the compulsion of this need we have learned in the first place to take full account of the most essential capital of a nation, namely, its capacity to work. All thoughts of a gold reserves and foreign exchange fade before the industry and efficiency of well-planned national productive resources. We can smile today at an age when economists were seriously of the opinion that the value of currency was determined by the reserves of gold and foreign exchange lying in the vaults of the national banks and, above all, was guaranteed by them. Instead of that we have learned to realize that the value of a currency lies in a nation’s power of production, that an increasing volume of production sustains a currency, and could possibly raise its value, whereas a decreasing production must, sooner or later, lead to a compulsory devaluation."

>More recently a professional economist, Henry C K Liu[18], who can hardly be suspected of Hitlerism, analyzed the methods by which Germany emerged from the Depression:

>"The Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, at a time when its economy was in total collapse, with ruinous war-reparation obligations and zero prospects for foreign investment or credit. Yet through an independent monetary policy of sovereign credit and a full-employment public-works program, the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas colonies it could exploit, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament spending began. In fact, German economic recovery preceded and later enabled German rearmament, in contrast to the US economy, where constitutional roadblocks placed by the US Supreme Court on the New Deal delayed economic recovery until US entry to World War II put the US market economy on a war footing. While this observation is not an endorsement for Nazi philosophy, the effectiveness of German economic policy in this period, some of which had been started during the last phase of the Weimar Republic, is undeniable."

>> No.19467935

>its a leftist "explains fascism" by projecting everything they dont like instead of actually explaining fascism episode

>> No.19467944

interesting. where is that from?

>> No.19467951

Leftist conception of fascism is on par with that of a punk with daddy issues.

>> No.19467954

Yeah and it seems like his basic definition of fascism is "anyone who opposes communism", which is embarrassing.

>> No.19467960

This is good, and it's hilarious that observations this straightforward are considered semi heterodox

>> No.19467974

so Hitler was basicaly an early proponent of MMT sans the progressive bullshit?

>> No.19467988

Mmt is even more insane than Keynesian economics, in the same direction.

>> No.19467989

>bunch of waffling
>no mention of slave labour
man why am i even doing this shit am i really this bored

>> No.19467992
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>Hitler was the jew all along

>> No.19468021

Commies have a very narrow worldview which places anyone who directly opposes them in the fascist thug camp who's protecting the burgeois regime, whether they know it or not. I don't think they believe in intentions or agency. It's all black and white

>> No.19468037

I dont think he ever denied it. just that the jews were jewing well while he wanted the germans to jew well rather than be jewed upon.

>> No.19468073

nothing is more exhaustive than this faggoty endlessly looping psychoanalyzation of fascism, ironically further mystifying pure id in some inane attempt to unlock the esoteric truths of Trve Fascism. just shut the fuck up

fascism in pedestrian discourse has been largely reduced to "thing i dont like," or even better, "when the ruling body exerts power in any meaningful way." and you know what? that's the best way to describe it. fascism is literally when bad people do bad things and any attempt to delve into the illusory intricacies of the system is academic pseud cope. you wasted a hundred grand on tuition for a degree i would blow my nose with. stop it. touch grass.

>> No.19468121

>you wasted a hundred grand on tuition for a degree i would blow my nose with. stop it. touch grass.
university is basically free in civilized countries

>> No.19468133

any truly civilized country wouldn't allow neoliberalism to exist

>> No.19468144

>any truly civilized country wouldn't allow neoliberalism to exist
holy based

>> No.19468146

holy reddit, more like

>> No.19468149

reddit is based sometimes

>> No.19468153

correct, but they wouldn't allow marxism or fascism either

>> No.19468160

>with its perfect explanation of leftism?
Its really not

>> No.19468162

>Why wouldn't I read the actual founding Fascists to understand Fascism?
What fascists say and what fascists do are two very different things.

>> No.19468174

Shall we apply this to all groups, learn about communism from people who hate it?

>> No.19468178
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You're crazy if you think fascism is somehow compatible with the critique laid out by Ted in that book. Do you not know what futurism was?

>> No.19468190
File: 236 KB, 1279x1615, 779FA8D4-9424-40DE-A00D-A989F0BE4FE1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is he just going to ignore that German fascism completely eradicated unemployment and poverty, raised wages while simultaneously preserving German heritage and supplying meaning to the German peoples (something neither Marxism nor liberalism were ever able to do)?
Lol no

>> No.19468199

Why would I want an ideology that's been dead for almost a century "explained" to me?

>> No.19468223

Where is that picture from?

>> No.19468242
File: 668 KB, 956x1804, fischer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From https://libcom.org/files/Daniel%20Guerin-Fascism%20and%20Big%20Business-Pathfinder%20Press%20(2000).pdf

Now let's have something not cherry picked from commie propaganda.

>> No.19468249

>hitler himself had to concede
They were coming out of an awful depression, the situation was improving not becoming worse. Whoever wrote that image was lying through their teeth

>> No.19468343

only civilized countries would do that. it's the natural order
neoliberalism is marxism taken to its logical conclusion

>> No.19468474
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>> No.19468535

Nazi Germany had the most spoiling welfare state in human history
Germans on the home front during ww2 had a jolly good time as the government turned all the loot from the war into provisions for your average German
Source: Hitler's Beneficiaries by Götz Aly (as a plus, this book made the rat Tooze throw one of Nazi historiography's greatest hissy fits)
This is different from your typical wehraboo thesis that it was Hitler's brilliant economic policies that saved the Germans from the depression and blablabla which is what the person you're responding to seems to be arguing.
The author Aly actually claims that this welfare state implies guilt for Nazi crimes for modern Germans because many of those items are still in random households around Germany

>> No.19468568

Psuedo-intellectual words salads made by overeducated and out-of-touch hooligans.

>> No.19468582

Yeah except the economy turned around long before they invaded anywhere you faggot

>> No.19468769

If this is jargon just wait until you read Zizek

>> No.19468787

But should it be considering the garbage it creates?

>> No.19468837

I mean its obviously just an excuse to shit on marginalized groups like queer people and sex workers and people of color. Marginalized folks have every reason to trust progressive bourgeoisie over fascist white settlers.we have every right to deplatform fascists and ensure safety for marginalized and vulnerable members of our communities. We have every right to demand decolonization prison abolition family abolition and an end to white supremacy.

>> No.19468972

This, book conclusively demonstrates that fascists have a real problem with being scared of pussy. Not hard to conclude from field observations of the average /pol/tard, but it explains everything from the homoeroticism to the dysfunctional personal lives to the extreme loathing and paranoia towards women filtered through a Madonna-whore complex.

>> No.19468997
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>this books demonstrates that [outgroup] are crazy and pathetic
imagine that

>> No.19469038

You dont even nees to do a pretentious jew psychobabble deconstruction of the trannoid marxist psyche because its all there in the open.you dont have to read a whole book to figurtgese "people" are pedophiles and have a victimhood complex

>> No.19469082

Go back to Slate Star Codex Scott (((Siskind.)))

>> No.19469127

yep this is bait

>> No.19469450

>i mean if the snivelling lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle are going to call you a fascist for the crime of reading old books not wanting children to get molested
This doesn’t happen