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19466237 No.19466237 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that seriously challenge anti-semetic assumptions and beliefs regarding jewish conspiracies. I can't take the pathetic wignat victimhood-mentality anymore.

>> No.19466254

There aren't any. Jewish power is self evident, hence you're not allowed to talk about it without consequence.

>> No.19466339

You can get jailed for hatespeech for saying nigger hence black people control the world.

>> No.19466347
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>> No.19466360

Unless of course another race had a vested interest in elevating blacks and lowering whites ; )

>> No.19466363

Try reading Kevin MacDonald's stuff, it's good for a laugh. Download it on libgen.rs and deny him the royalties.

>> No.19466374


>> No.19466405

It's funny how most of the nazi hierarchy prefered Puccini to Wagner

>> No.19466460

ffs this is just schizobabble speculation as to why anti-semitism exist written through marxian "analysis". I don't care about this shit. It doesn't challenge any of the convictions or data. You leftist retards always do this shit. You just assume the other side is wrong and proceed to write elaborate insults to their character. Fuck off with this shit.

>> No.19466471

Go tell someone that black people control the world. They will laugh. Tell them that jews control the world and they will get scared or angry.

>> No.19466474

What data is there to challenge? It's not as if anti-semitism is non-ideological or can in any way be justified scientifically. This text is simply detailing what the mechanisms that lead to anti-semitic belief actually are, in the particular context of national socialism.

>> No.19466479


>> No.19466483

what do you have against semen?

>> No.19466484

>What are some books that seriously challenge anti-semetic assumptions and beliefs regarding jewish conspiracies
The fact you think there needs to be a challenge speaks how much you've spent your time here. Burden of proof and all

>> No.19466486

yeah all that antisemites can point out is the power of the jew but they have never proved that their power is the result of some biological condition particular to jews

>> No.19466517

It's not so much as detailing as it is speculating based within the frameworks of its own ideology. It doesn't actually challenge the convictions nor the beliefs themselves thinking that writing baseless speculations about its mechanism will suffice. Maybe actually arguing ablut beliefs is "liberalism" or something. Its pure cowardice. Meanwhile anti-semites do bring up things that are undeniably true like many progressive organizations and university fields being almost overwhelmingly staffed by jews, but the question is whether it is a conspiracy or not. Thats what I meant by challenge. Not pseudointellectual masturbation

>> No.19466531

>Meanwhile anti-semites do bring up things that are undeniably true like many progressive organizations and university fields being almost overwhelmingly staffed by jews,
There's nothing that's 'udeniably true' there. It's not an argument nor a hypothesis, it's merely a fact, which in of itself means nothing

>> No.19466534

They usually point out jewish culture as a whole and the nature of judaism. Hell, I know an israeli jew who hates judaism so much she converted to christianity because she thought it was to supremacist.

>> No.19466540

>There's nothing that's 'udeniably true'
>it's merely a fact
Ok. The question is whether it is a conspiracy or not. I don't think progressivism is good either way and would just prefer to ban it. Jewish or not. But there are jews who share my sentiment

>> No.19466544

>It doesn't actually challenge the convictions nor the beliefs themselves
It does, by proving that those believes originate from personification and substitution, rather than any material or scientific basis, thus proving that anti-semitism is for lack of a better word COPE.

>> No.19466547

thats not antisemitic thats antijudaic and there is nothing wrong with it

>> No.19466554

Granted, most of those jews are not practicing jews but that doesn't seem to be enough for antisemites. At least Wagner just though they should've just renounced their jewishness

>> No.19466558

>never proved that their power is the result of some biological condition particular to jews
Yes we have. Read "A People Who Shall Dwell Alone". Judaism has created a race of people with specific genetic traits, and has had thousands of years to do it. It's the same breeding a specific type of dog, but they did it with people, and vilify anyone else who tries to do the same.

>> No.19466561
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>> No.19466565

Jews are a race, dipshit.

>> No.19466568

It doesn't 'prove' anything. It's just itself a cope for people to feel good about never actually engaging with antisemites

>> No.19466570

there are jews of many races

>> No.19466588

Because doing so would be futile, it's akin to arguing against believing in god(s) or ghosts.

>> No.19466590

In other words: leftists justify their cowardice in their minds by 'proving' to themselves that the other doesn't have any agency.

>> No.19466600

but the antisemites themselves don't have much proofs to deboonk anyways it's mostly speculation about some conspiracy

>> No.19466604

There are no jews without jewish dna. "Converts" are not actually accepted. Go ahead and "convert" to judaism and see if Israel will give you right of return.

>> No.19466612

>don't have much
What DO we have, in your estimation?

>> No.19466621

Maybe. They are weighing it all on correlation=causation even though the fundations of progressivism were usually spearheaded by a handful of europeans. I just think it's a waste of time. Jews may very well have a 'revolutionary spirit' but how will knowing that help topple progressivism? It just seems to put you on a list or something worse

>> No.19466630

what does this jewish dna consist of?
I just said it's pure speculation about the power of the jews and the ways they achieve it

>> No.19466642

Just dont like jews simple as'

>> No.19466653

You WILL eat the bagels

>> No.19466667

>what does this jewish dna consist of?
Past jews.
>pure speculation
In your previous post you said antisemites have proofs, not you're saying they don't.

>> No.19466675

"Nigger" doesnt imply they control the world, it implies low iq, violence, etc. Note that nobody cares if you say Jews are low iq and violent really, they care if you claim they run the banks and media etc.

>> No.19466704

>Past jews.
amazing truly groundbreaking
>In your previous post you said antisemites have proofs, not you're saying they don't.
they usually talk about the power of jews and some of their schemes but none of it actually proves antisemitism itself thus all their proofs are inconclusive

>> No.19466708

>how do I unredpill myself
You can't. Once you see it, it's over.

>> No.19466713

So what you meant was "proofs" in a mocking tone. I see.

>> No.19466803

There is indeed no evidence on the level of rigor even of the iq literature. You could plausibly make some studies about a "tribalism quotient" or something but it probably wouldn't work that well and nobody would fund it. So its circumstantial evidence really, I'd say the main points are:

>overrepresentation of js in industries, movements, and organizations(including criminal) which have negative impact on host country and make dubious claims
>overrepresentation of js in any industry beyond what their high iq should merit, indicating nepotism
>organizations like ADL which openly have double standards about Israel vs US, eg the infamous "israel must protect its borders so jews dont become a minority" vs "it is white supremacy to oppose mass immigration in the us"
>historical evidence: Jews live for thousands of years in foreign countries without assimilating, this is very unusual. This history is very troubled, with misbehavior from both gentiles towards jews and vice versa, leading to many expulsions and pogroms
>judaism itself names them the chosen people, and you can find some pretty blatant examples of their religous texts and rabbis calling gentiles cattle

It should also be noted that "antisemitism" can mean a few different things. The mildest version states something like "they are on average more tribal/nepotistic, somewhat to the detriment of their host countries, but they also contribute positive things to them", up to "they are cancer that destroys anywhere they go and they are almost all evil".

It is not actually possible to state with any certainty what role they have played historically and currently, because you simply cant isolate all the variables well enough or run experiments on history, and much of the situation is layered in secrecy. I'm agnostic about it myself, though I do think they are generally a bit more tribal than people like anglos, I feel like many jews would even admit that if you stated it the right way because its not entirely a negative thing.

>> No.19466869

You are weak and therefore search for ways to cope with problems instead of working on solving them

>> No.19466939

Learning how statistics works helps. 13% of an event which only measures less than .0000ggf1% of the population is probably not indicative of the population at whole (unless that percentage is spontaneously combusting into black holes or something odd) which leads to the next bit which is establishing causation. The correlation is not causation meme is funny because those same ppl usually use social constructs exclusively but in any sense social constructs are epistemological frameworks which don't properly map the ontology.
In any sense these frameworks (race, iq, etc) will be replaced going into the future w more accurate frameworks. Some were never used (race in medicine or anything which doesn't literally already presuppose race). Race is not the same thing as genetic diversity within a specie and either way humans can't necessarily be separated biologically or materially and expect that to encompass us all (I assume you're not a materialist).

As for conspiracies themselves, they're pretty god damned goofy. I never bought into the holohoax shit but the lizard ppl and bilderbergs just sounds out there and in case I can't distinguish between something I use "if it doesn't help me it's not real (or justified if my brain can handle it)". Even if lizard ppl control earth you win nothing by knowing it unless you have easy, hard proof (not correlation etc). Granted just off-the-bat these should show you how unstable these ppl are.

>> No.19466954

>I can't take the pathetic wignat victimhood-mentality anymore.
LMAO. Who could have predicted that. At the end of the day, they're just as whiney and annoying.

>> No.19466970

It took me awhile to realize they're mostly perverts w bad coping skills.

>> No.19466982
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i 100% support the idea that jews today are ultra-successful is because the holocaust killed all the dumber and slower jews

>> No.19467061

Unironically, you may benefit from what Kalergi had to say. He was indeed a philosemite, but the way he distinguishes between the fundamental differences between urbanites (embodiment of which are the Jews, but personally I'd also include Hakkas and such groups) and ruralites (the majority of every major ethnicity) was pretty enlightening to my understanding of attitudes towards Jews.

>> No.19467068

By this I meant his Practical Idealism.

>> No.19467070

Well, "antisemitism" ranges from basic observation of Jewish behavior to some fairly out-there theories, so you'd have to be more specific on what it is you think should be challenged.