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19465116 No.19465116 [Reply] [Original]

Not baiting, I'm looking for the Cicero quote in pic related. Does anyone here have a source?

>> No.19465177

>cites pederasty as a cause of the decline of Greece
oh no no no no

>> No.19465190

That picture is the most disgusting example of self insert, it even gets wrong what /pol/tards believe. Have you ever met one who DIDN'T believe Rome fell through degeneracy? Besides, it hardly accounts for the fact that Jews have had and still have an enormously damaging effect on modern culture.

>> No.19465197

I don't know, but it's an auspicious time to start reading through Cicero's collected works, perhaps?

>> No.19465234

It's from Pro Flaccus
>to despise the multitude of Jews, which at times was most unruly in the assemblies in defence of the interests of the republic, was an act of the greatest wisdom.

>While Jerusalem was flourishing, and while the Jews were in a peaceful state, still the religious ceremonies and observances of that people were very much at variance with the splendour of this empire and the dignity of our name and the institutions of our ancestors. And they are the more odious to us now because that nation has shown by arms what were its feelings towards our supremacy. How dear it was to the immortal gods is proved by its having been defeated, by its revenues having been farmed out to our contractors, by its being reduced to a state of subjection.

>> No.19465250

Believing the corrosion of certain forces and believing Jews are disproportionately responsible does not require believing Jews are the sole cause.

>> No.19465260

The enemy has never been Jews, it has always been communists. In fact, the Jews are (on average) a good people, and this is evidenced in Marx's "On the Jewish Question". If Marx thought Jews were bad, then Jews were and are surely good. I will also point out that AIPAC has many conservatives who are opposed to communism. You may have your gripes with the Jewish people, but we must set those aside to unite and defeat the true enemy: communism,

>> No.19465268

Feeble bait but will still probably work.

>> No.19465271
File: 428 KB, 1440x960, 1629633577720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19465275

Fuck off. The only person acting in bad faith here are the communists trying to redirect righteous anger away from them towards other groups, like the Jews.

>> No.19465279

It's actually somewhat backwards. It's jews and women in classics who have pushed the pederastry and homosexuality beyond it's limits by foolishly or deliberately misinterpreting texts.
Homosexuality in all forms was not tolerated as much as Classicists would have you believe

>> No.19465283

The Op picture obviously believes Jews are of no responsibility.

>> No.19465284
File: 1.74 MB, 1900x4400, greek homosexuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's jews and women in classics who have pushed the pederastry and homosexuality beyond it's limits by foolishly or deliberately misinterpreting texts
Any proof/examples?

>> No.19465285

Can you fuck off back to your middle aged 'twink' discord already faggot?

>> No.19465301

/pol/tards unironically believe that Christianity caused the fall of Rome. They also believe that Christian morality ruined Europe, and that Jews are an amoral people. And that homosexuals are disgusting, and that an aversion to homosexuality is a result of jewish christian influence.
Not all, of course, but the type that aren't satisfied keeping /pol/ in /pol/ do.

>> No.19465374

kek. I like you.

>> No.19465405

>>to despise the multitude of Jews, which at times was most unruly in the assemblies in defence of the interests of the republic, was an act of the greatest wisdom.
/pol/ confirmed for the wisest board

>> No.19465668

>t. tradcath performing mental gymnastics
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