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/lit/ - Literature

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19461510 No.19461510 [Reply] [Original]

Or one of the admin is Christian and that is why we have so many charts and threads of Christianity?.

I don't mind the Christian threads, but why /lit/ is so Christian compared to other boards?. In poetry atheists have always dominated, which is curious because in sciences such as chemistry, physics, etc., Christians have been the ones who have had the most contributions.

>> No.19461520

I feel that the admins are leftist af, because leftist /pol/ posts stay up while right-wing ones are taken down or moved as they should be.

>> No.19461525

Look at the sticky picture, OP
Literature is a Christian genre

>> No.19461593

Yes, one of the mods is a fundamental Christian, he keeps deleting posts that belong to other religions.

>> No.19461600

Funny because Dante was both a secular and divine poet at the same time, he is literally the Roman Empire made man, a pagan and a Christian. Christianity is both his faith and his tool.

>> No.19461683

>Or one of the admin is Christian and that is why we have so many charts and threads of Christianity?.

nah it´s just culture warriors from a decade ago who were once atheist.
it´s a cultural signifier nothing more

>> No.19461692

There’s literally four of them

>> No.19461695

They all disagree with each other so it cancels out

>> No.19461698

Keep your polygamy off the board

>> No.19461700

because the anons in /lit/ are intelligent and reasonable.

>> No.19461703

/lit/ is going through the same culture war shit as anywhere else on the internet, if you're on a mainstream forum you have to tolerate being colonized and taken over by literal trannies who are the only people sad enough to invest the time to moderate or take over an online community, if you're right leaning you are likely on 4chan or 4chan adjacent communities and everybody around you is either getting into Indo-European heritage shit or Christianity of some kind

>> No.19461754

Average C*tholic poster, using words he doesn't know the meaning of.

>> No.19461969

Because /lit/ rules!

>> No.19462009

There was a Catholic Literature General yesterday, which is what spawned the Orthodox one and occasionally spawns a Protestant one in response. Also, they're like this because jannies have repeatedly nuked them all or moved them to /his/, so they adapted by specifying "Literature" to their names.

>> No.19462033

its pretty marxist as well.

>> No.19462045

>In poetry atheists have always dominated

>> No.19462105

stupid anti-liberals looking for a foundational context, totally insincere, infantile and insulting, embarrassing to watch, part of a general process of loathsome young men looking for ceremonial robes to dress in, so as to match fantasies of nobility. shameful boys clawing for a suit of masculinity.

it makes me sick. And I like Jesus and Christianity.

>> No.19462113


>> No.19462162

I think it's a mix if what others anons said. Culture war, we read, and literature is Christian. I think it comes from the dubs philosophy thread where I basically only cited scripture and showed the power of Christianity for philosophy. Also, JBP is much more explicit about his religion as of late.

>> No.19462174

Even the "Christans" ones are atheists.

>> No.19462186

>Also, JBP is much more explicit about his religion as of late.
I hear actual Christians of all denominations are nevertheless rolling their eyes because he still doesn't really get it. He's seemingly incapable of taking the plunge.

>> No.19462195

Top right thread should be deleted

>> No.19462197

I honestly just think it's his academic pedigree that he still white knuckles. He's very clearly Christian in his latest podcasts.

>> No.19462199

>religion founded on a holy text and written about by philosophers and theologians for thousands of years is discussed on a literature board
Stop the press

>> No.19462210

>In poetry atheists have always dominated

>> No.19462218

>try reading bible because it's referenced in so much western literature that i'm missing a large part of the experience by not knowing it
>like it
>atheist but also love jesus now
my brain is broken i dont know what to do now

>> No.19462227

Read De Monarchia and Purgatory you imbecile
Thats what he himself implies when Virgil crowns him

>> No.19462234

In my moments of doubt, I generally just view the gospels as an alien technology / system of ethics that is perfect.

>> No.19462243

/lit/ is not that Christian, they're just loud. They stopped thinking and started talking as soon as they learned about Christianity, and now they can't hear anything else.

>> No.19462247

>Or one of the admin is Christian and that is why we have so many charts and threads of Christianity?.
The admin is not making post after post about Christianity. It’s just that the type of person who goes on 4chan is also the type to be drawn to the great western spiritual tradition (and the type to be drawn to 4chan for literature is going to be heavily influenced by the western canon, itself dominated by Christianity). The admin (?) is not making post after post about Christianity. Why would the admin liking something cause the users to post more about it? Did you think that through at all? Obviously not
>why /lit/ is so Christian compared to other boards?
It’s not. /his/, /pol/, even /biz/ are very Christian
>In poetry atheists have always dominated,
This isn’t quite true
>in sciences such as chemistry, physics, etc., Christians have been the ones who have had the most contributions.
Well this wasn’t I was expecting you to say, but you’re right. I think it’s more in spite of christianity than because of it, but all the same, the greatest scientists were Christians

>> No.19462251
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If you have not begun so already, try to get into a habit of prayer. At first it may feel like you’re talking into a void, but believe me, prayer works and is real. Remember that even people who saw Jesus in the flesh had troubles like this, read Mark 9:24—“I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

>> No.19462270

there's nothing i want to pray for. everything i want i can get for myself. i dont want to pester god over dumb shit.

>> No.19462274

>me, me, me
That’s your problem, you still have yourself as God in your worldview

>> No.19462275


>> No.19462301

so what does god want me to pray for. thats confusing man. i'm just a dumb human

>> No.19462312

Try praying to God for faith, for Him to guide you into Truth, to keep you from temptation, from sinning against Him, repent of sins that you have, etc. Things such as that are the most beneficial

>> No.19462441

They just can’t get enough porn and anime. Filthy hypocrites

>> No.19462524

The coof lockdown made everyone a christian due to isolation-induced schizophrenia and loneliness.

>> No.19462793
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>the type of person who goes on 4chan is also the type to be drawn to the great western spiritual tradition
kek someone here unironically believes this

>> No.19462906

THIS, I know a lot of people who now are more religious and maybe its due to the pandemic

>> No.19462989

surely has nothing to do with the jab being the mark of the beast and people notice

>> No.19463054

Based janny

>> No.19463070

It's not the mark of the beast, it's just a kind of test of compliance.

>> No.19463144

pray for salvation of your soul. also you might pray for others
wont waste my time arguing that greatest half of poets scientists etc u name it are non atheists.
On overproduction of christian(larp) threads I can say its in vogue now and will soon pass

>> No.19463219

been praying regularly for over a year and i dont feel any different, what do

>> No.19463307

Yeah same - I've come to view true Christian prayer as selfless. I pray for others and sometimes my family, rarely for myself.

>> No.19463422

Intellectuals like to be contrarian, it's a status symbol nowadays to not cohort with the lowly plebs. That way you gain social credits with your peers for your "original" thoughts. Because Christianity has all but died, it's now the new hip thing amongst high society to covertly be traditional.

>> No.19463640

You should be grateful, honestly. I was granted two minor experiences and they were really a double-edged sword for me. On the one hand, they gave me some genuine faith, but on the other, they led me to chase experiences from God and I started to feel upset at God that He wasn’t providing me more. It came to the point where it was a spiritual sickness that I’ve only gradually overcome.

>> No.19464191
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>Is it a coincidence that /lit/ is so Christian?

No; it is syncord.

>> No.19464284

>still-small voice
ourfathers Movements has this in a line. beautiful wording. christian inspired bands are always the most kino.

>> No.19464335
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>It’s just that the type of person who goes on 4chan is also the type to be drawn to the great western spiritual tradition