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1945772 No.1945772 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/, /mu/ here.

Assuming you listen to music while you read, what do you listen to?

>> No.1945776

kilimanjaro darkjazz ensemble

>> No.1945778

I seldom do. I once put a classical station on in the background when I had to read three novels in one night to avoid a library fine, but the circumstances weren't ideal.

>> No.1945781

Either BBC Radio 3 which plays Classical music or BBC Radion 6 which plays indie/alternative.

Not to say my tastes are intentionally quirky or catholic, for my favourite music tends to be middle-of-the-road, mainstream rock music (The Killers, Rolling Stones) - I just cannot listen to this and work/read at the same time.

>> No.1945786


>> No.1945788



>> No.1945791

I don't, because my headphones are so good that any sound would distract me from my reading. If I did though and had a record player, it would most likely be ambient.

>> No.1945792

While I read I listen to the sound of babies dying

they're pretty good, they're like pre-post techcore, possibly anti-muzak

>> No.1945793


This. I almost never listen to music while I read anymore but I did when I was a kid. There are songs that whenever I hear I think DARK TOWER.

>> No.1945801
File: 26 KB, 316x400, Squidward%20by%20Megan%20Beavers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like leaving the TV on, because silence for long time cause me to go crazy.

>> No.1945802
File: 35 KB, 415x275, andy gray likes what he sees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brian Eno - music for airports
Brian Eno - Discreet Music
Brian Eno - Apollo (Atmospheres and Soundtracks)
Beethoven: Symphony #9 - Beethoven (Eugen Jochum)
William Basinki - The Disintegration loops
Johan Johannson - IBM 1401 A Users Manuel
Tim Hecker - Ravedeath
Stars of the Lid - The Tired Sounds of...
Fennesz - Endless Summer
The Kilamonjaro Darkjazz Ensemble - Mutations [EP]

>> No.1945848

Beethoven's 9th doesn't distract you? What the hell?

>> No.1945853


not really, i keep the music on a low volume so it blends into the background, it's quite low down on my actual playlist in my mediaplayer anyway so it rarely gets to it

>> No.1945858

Vexations by Erik Satie (the long version)

>> No.1945877

Gorgoroth and Venetian Snares from two separate stereos plugged at the same time full blast standing next a switched on Hoover vacuum cleaner and a surround sound TV system blaring taped reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond

>> No.1945887

I just looked up Brian Eno's Music for Airports and I'm crying now. Damn you Brownbear!

>> No.1945890

matt lange

>> No.1946011

I usually put on bach, because if I'm doing something else while listening to it the music ends up sounding the same(I have to pay attention to bach to actually listen to it) and filling the silence.

>> No.1946029

>while you read
>while you read
>while you read


>> No.1946042


>> No.1946054

I'm surprised at the already quite big number of Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble (3, me included) here in /lit/. Have you guys ever checked Bohren & der Club of Gore? It's basically the same thing, maybe even moodier than the previous band.

>> No.1946062
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Eno, Mansell, Bach and The Cinematic Orchestra.

>> No.1946069
File: 37 KB, 840x727, i know that feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that feel
one of my favourite albums of all time

>> No.1946089
File: 66 KB, 406x599, hank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>videogame music

give it a listen ringo.


>> No.1946094

>videogame music
>neckbeards with their heads too deep inside their asses that they can't do anything without leaving their videogame comfort zone

>> No.1946100
File: 31 KB, 300x400, lewis_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


clint mansell...so you listen to movie sountracks while reading?

i guess the requiem for a dream soundtrack wouldn't be bad if you had to have some reading noise...there will be blood soundtrack was also good

>> No.1946103


I was aware of the gamer stereotype, that's why I had the greentext disclaimer.

Calm down, the musician has work independent of videogames.

>> No.1946108

Not the same guy, but why not mention the musician instead? The game, while very good in itself, has nothing to do with the songs.

>> No.1946117


I probably should have done that, but the tracks are from the OST, it seemed appropriate.

Besides, the youtube links make it pretty clear.

>> No.1946130

i also have the Moon OST and Requiem for a dream OST but haven't tried them out with reading yet

i guess they could count tho

>> No.1946136

As long as the music is not interesting enough to listen to, I can have music playing in the background while I read. But then again that would just be a waste of electricity.