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19456735 No.19456735 [Reply] [Original]

What are your 3 most hated books? And why? You can’t list a book you never attempted to read for ideological reasons. Dropped books count if you are a decent way into it

>> No.19456766

I don't think I can hate a book. I may hate the author, or his ideas, but the book is unable to harm me

>> No.19456767

Gravitys rainbow
Normal people
Catch 22

All suck

>> No.19456776

>The Idiot from Dostoevsky
Just a waste of time. Love all his work, but this just went nowhere. Part 2 is absolute filler. Dostoevsky should stick with writing evil people doing evil things to one another, the moment he tries to introduce the Prince, the story just becomes an unsalvageable borefest that he tries to end by distracting you with better writing that comes in the form of the characters telling stories that we are not reading. The fact that the Moscow plot was completely offscreen is enfuriating, it is like the events of the book already happened and we are just reading the characters talking about them.

>The general in his labyrinth from Garcia Marquez
Another case of a fantastic author writing a baffling novel, except it is not nearly as bad as The Idiot. It is just hard to read after you've read his great works like Cholera and Solitude.

>The 5th Wave from whatever-YA-author
What the fuck is this shit? So dull.

>> No.19456790

>Just a waste of time. Love all his work, but this just went nowhere. Part 2 is absolute filler. Dostoevsky should stick with writing evil people doing evil things to one another, the moment he tries to introduce the Prince, the story just becomes an unsalvageable borefest that he tries to end by distracting you with better writing that comes in the form of the characters telling stories that we are not reading. The fact that the Moscow plot was completely offscreen is enfuriating, it is like the events of the book already happened and we are just reading the characters talking about them.
You sound retarded

>Catch 22
Yeah this was horrific, Jesus Christ.

GR I read like a page or two kek.

I'll ignore obvious memes, and do 'literature'

>Maggie: A Girl in the Streets
Obvious poverty porn, annoying accents

>Catch 22
Just horrific in every way

>Remains of the Day

>> No.19456797

Umberto Eco (anything)
Brothers Karamazov (Brothers Seinfeld)

>> No.19456803

Culture series: I hate it with a passiono fr what is stands for. But great reads never the less.

Story of My Life: denies free will, and I just find it repugnant

Les Miserables: I love Jean ValJean and JAvert and most of the characters but I hate the character of Colette and every revolutionary of that book. Also you can tell he was paid by the letter and all that superfluous shit abut the weather at Waterloo and the Parisian cisterns while interesting are mindnumbingly bring.

>> No.19456806

I was somehow able to finish the twilight series back when I was a teen, and I don't even know why....I hated them so much.

>> No.19456811

Under The Volcano- just turgid and rambling, unfocused like the drinkers in the book

The Confidence Man- Love Melville, hate this book. Just not fun to read like most of his stuff. It also felt elusive or something

The Recognitions- struggled through this during my postmodern phase in my early 20’s. Was just a slog most of the time. Outside of Gogol, Chekhov and Arthur Miller, I am not a fan of plays, so Gaddis’ unattributed dialogue held no attraction for me. It also got to esoteric at times

>> No.19456819

This is me >>19456811
I want to add Catch 22. Completely forgot about it. I tried to read it twice years apart and dropped it both times. The humor got old quick

>> No.19456855

>Under the Volcano
I respect your opinion, but know that you were filtered by a writer more talented than Joyce.

>> No.19456881

Anything YA and mainstream like Harry Potter and shit.
At the top of the ones i like the least of all, self-help books.

>> No.19456896

Never tag me with a post that contains something like that Confidence Man retardation of yours. I read it in 3 days and loved every page. You were also filtered by Lowry, fuck off.

>> No.19456904

>says he loves Melville but hates his best prose work and probably never read his Poetry
You like Moby Dick, like every other pleb. Now do not lump me in with your retardation.

>> No.19456909

The Chocolate War and it's sequel
50 Shades
The Spic House on typo Street

>> No.19456930

Breakfast of Champions is easily the worst thing I have read recently and Vonnegut is generally miserable.

>> No.19457046

Not that anon but The Confidence-Man sucks. It’s like a shitty mysterious Canterbury Tales. And yes I have read some of Melville’s poetry, short stories and novels. The book would be forgotten if it was written by anyone other than Melville

>> No.19457066

Les Miserables is magnifficent, you can literally skip historic parts and the novel keeps the same, not as War and Peace.

>> No.19457125

>read some of
Anyone could read some of anything, I've read all of them you worthless tranny, including Clarel so fuck off with your 'some of' when you clearly are not familiar with any of his work and no that novel is clearly unique. I'm not debating canon-worshipping tards.

>muh Canterbury
I guarantee you haven't read it with this banal singular criticism, that is only speciously the case.

>> No.19457240

The humor in catch 22 I agree gets repetitive but the ending I think is the strongest part of the book

>> No.19457249

I did not care for Lolita. No Longer Human gave me buyers remorse, not sad and poorly written. Can't think of a third

>> No.19457293

Naked Lunch
Confederacy of Dunces
Jitterbug Perfume

>> No.19457303

I don't have any "hated" books. If I'm reading a book and I dislike it I just throw it away and forget about it.

>> No.19457320

try reddit

>> No.19457412
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>Pamela, Samuel Richardson
Boring, over elaborate and too long. I only read 100 pages before I dropped it and I normally pretty good about finishing, but it was one of the worst books I've ever attempted to read. I remember Pamela as a character was just one of those typical Victorian weak woman, with no personality, who fall hopelessly in love with someone out of her rank, and thats just it for 500 pages. I think it takes a lot of skill to make that interesting, and impossible over such a long book.

>Wise Bloos, Flannery O'Connor
Plot is boring and uninteresting. O'Connor relied too heavily on the Bible for theme and inspiration, so if you haven't read it or if you aren't Catholic, most will either go over your head or won't apply to you anyway. Overrated and shilled too hard by gross C*tholics.

>The Dying Animal, Philip Roth
Got tired of the creepy old Jewish guy trope after a few Roth novels. It really felt like he was inserting himself into a smut where he got to fuck teenage college students and it just made me feel dirty and uncomfortable.

Honourable mentions: Howards End, EM Forster and anything by Chinua Achebe

>> No.19457445

had a crush on this egirl in late high school, mainly because i found out she liked the same niche game as i did
i have thankfully moved past my days of focusing on women i'll never meet

>> No.19457451

>Boring, over elaborate and too long. I only read 100 pages before I dropped it and I normally pretty good about finishing, but it was one of the worst books I've ever attempted to read. I remember Pamela as a character was just one of those typical Victorian weak woman, with no personality, who fall hopelessly in love with someone out of her rank, and thats just it for 500 pages. I think it takes a lot of skill to make that interesting, and impossible over such a long book.
Haven't read but it's been on my list. Was going to call you a pleb anyway so I don't lose enthusiasm for it, but absolutely agree about every other book you posted, so Richardson might just suck :(.

>> No.19457482
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I assumed she didn't have a personality desu, I just think she's really pretty.

>focusing on women i'll never meet
I'm still holding out on a date with Dasha but I'm not hopeful.

I got is assigned for University and I'm pretty sure the only one who read it fully was the annoying bookish girl in my class who was ugly and spoke too much.

>> No.19457494

>was the annoying bookish girl in my class who was ugly and spoke too much.
Sounds like my type of lady, she have a discord?

>> No.19457505

It should be illegal for women to show their shoulders in public.

>> No.19457508

>gets 50 pages into a book they don't like and still continue to read it

I don't understand any of you. Do you all feel some desire to finish every book you start? There are thousands of books and so don't feel the need to finish any book that I don't like.

>> No.19457515

I don't finish a lot of books. If a book isn't great, then I won't finish it.

>> No.19457522

Last I checked she has a pretty popular TikTok account where she reviewed books and stuff. I won't link it because I know someone will send her this thread but she was really irritating though, it wasn't annoying in a cute way.

>> No.19457531

>Do you all feel some desire to finish every book you start?
Yes because I never quit. I also finish every anime and tv show I watch even if I despise them by the end

>> No.19457532

>she has a pretty popular TikTok account
completely lost interest, oh well

>> No.19457564

I agree to some extent. I always try to push through the first or second time I feel like dropping a book. Often it’s been me just taking a little time to adjust to the book’s style. If I’m just not enjoying a book or dreading to read it, then yeah I’ll drop it. I probably finish 80-90% of what I start

>> No.19457712

Infinite Jest

>> No.19457724

>Netochka Nezvanova
Absolute fucking garbage
Pathetic, amateur writing.
>The Da Vinci Code
I know it's an obvious choice but I can't think of another

>> No.19457781

Only one that really sticks out is Atlas Shrugged. Everything about it is just so fucking hackneyed. Every allegory has to absolutely smash you over the head. It's long as fuck but, despite obviously being a book written to present a political ideology and being written by a philosopher, it has little by way of nuance. It's a book centered around economics and yet all the obvious issues of externalities, natural monopolies, etc. are ignored. The prose was ok at least, nothing great but not bad either.

Still, it boggles my mind that adults take this book so seriously and that it tops "greatest novel ever" lists. It's ideological YA that keeps repeating itself.

>> No.19457801
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>> No.19457810

If it's political agenda wasn't so obvious, it'd be a decent sci-fi story, instead it's complete garbage.
Never even read.

Yeah this is terrible, I thought it was a satire desu.

agreed on the first 2, never heard of the third.


no idea what these are

Self-help should be number 1

>> No.19457818

> Ulysses
> Finnegan's Wake
> House of Leaves
> Love in the Time of Cholera

>> No.19457841

I've realized that pynchon is an extremely reddit writer. All the idiots there love him. It's almost become a sign of pseudointellectualism.

>> No.19457857

1: Henry james's turn of the screw
2: Bukowski's love is a dog from hell
I don't have a third. Those are the only two books i've found no redeeming value in. Part of it is definitely that after 20 pages, their style convinced me to not give them the benefit of the doubt and everything after that i'm predisposed to hate. With james it's his prose style and lack of personality. Add onto it that the framing device is useless beyond a message that goes something like "oooooooooo watch out for female sexuality!!!!!" and a mercilessly tedious and idiotic main character who, when combined with the thoroughly bland yet labyrinthine prose style, bleeds any interest i may have otherwise have had for the plot. A true stinker.
Buk' is thoroughly incompetent on nearly every level: sentence and detail, lineation, small scale thematics, collection-level thematics, deployment of metaphor, ability to invoke feelings, valuable insights, etc. It goes no farther than that. His vulgarity is fine, but he's really too shitty a poet to merit explanation.

>> No.19457885

So is Cormac, and any writer after WW2 universally beloved. Try Anthony Burgess, Raymond Chandler, and Graham Greene.

I don't like the first 2, but they're better than most novels.

Why? Even if you dislike him (as I do) his craft is generally respectable to at least find value in that regard. You can't judge prose, especially James or Joyce, solely by storytelling or themes.

Easy number 1, yeah he's bad.

>> No.19457890

I read Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson in my late 20s. He's the dumb person's smart Sci-fi author anyway, but in this book he combines a childish callousness with the inability to write an interesting character and the intense boredom of describing in detail how someone sets up an IT company in the Philippines (iirc). Literally threw this book into a fire and watched it burn with satisfaction. Fuck you, Neal Stephenson.

>> No.19457904

>You can't judge prose, especially James or Joyce, solely by storytelling or themes.
I'm not judging him by anything singular, really. All i've read is turn of the screw and it was ass piss. Useless framing device, prose that is paradoxically labyrinthine yet lifeless, shit characters, a decent plot that james takes every opportunity he can to bleed my interest in it.
I do agree with borges's view of him where he says something like "james has tons of subtlety and layers, he just lacks life" and woolf where she says something like "i try reading him and only find faintly tinged rose water."
That is what turn of the screw was like. It is also isn't scary whatsoever.

>> No.19457920

My point is all that still puts him head and shoulders above Bukowski. I don't like James, mind you.

>> No.19457929

I have to be in the mood for Henry James. I can’t just pick him up. I tried to get into him earlier this year with little success. I like some of his earlier short stories. He’s very stuffy at best though. At his worst, which is late James, he is uncompromisingly turgid and completely lacking in emotion or passion

>> No.19457931

Yeah, he's objectively better from a technical standpoint, but i'm mostly going on how infuriatingly tedious each reading experience was. Something about his sentences drove me silently apeshit. Buk was less visceral in its shittyness

>> No.19457944

>The Great Gatsby - Fitzgerald
The definition of purple prose, painfully self-affected, and despite all the painstaking labor Fitzgerald put into making a forgery of early Hemingway it's still brutally unfinished.
>The Unvanquished - Faulkner
Not surprised to find this was written as a serial first because goddamn does it read like Faulkner was paid by the word. The story and characters aren't nearly complex enough to justify the density of Faulkner's writing when he's perfectly able to write more complex material more succinctly, and the only interesting part of the story is the niggers drowning at the river crossing.
>The Awakening - Chopin
Absolute bald-faced hypocritical drivel that actually reads like a demonstration of horseshoe theory in which the story wraps around to arguing against its own point.

>> No.19457949

Gatsby is pretty good. It creaks a bit, but the last chapter is some of the best writing i've ever read. Tender is the night seems to be fitzgerald's best novel though.

>> No.19457976

How does Garcia Marquez do this? I read fucking Autumn of the Patriarch this year and it was the worst fucking thing I’ve fought through since high school

>> No.19457987

If you read The Great Gatsby when you were younger, read it again in some years. If you don’t like Fitzgerald’s writing, then he’s just not for you. Everyone brings up prose with him, but I think a lot of people don’t realize how dark his writing is. He was a tragic figure and it showed

>> No.19457997

>Couldn't read past the first sentence of criticism of Gatsby to see that the novel's biggest flaw is being blatantly unfinished/unpolished
>J-just read it a-a-again, it g-gets better!!
As expected of Gatsbyites.

>> No.19458023

Autumn of the Patriarch by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- Sentences last pages. Reaches its purpose after 100 pages, but drags on for another 200.I love some of his other work though.

Catcher in the Rye
- Read it when i was too old. Couldn’t relate. Understand its influence as a novel in the 50’s but it’s like watching Friends nowadays. “Holy fuck was this entertainment”

Jane Eyre.
- I have tried to read it several times. Partially trying to get at chicks, i guess. I ultimately just find it so teeth grinding that i have to put it down and cant finish.

Honorable mention: Deep time reckoning
- Cool anthropological study with the most brutally condescending author. Acted like he was Jesus Christ the entire book when he was espousing natural ideas about nuclear waste disposal.

>> No.19458147

Have you actually read any of those?

>> No.19458222

How do you figure it's unfinished?
I think the last chapter caps the thematic concerns of the novel nigh perfectly

>> No.19459286

Anything by that self-masturbatory fart-huffing pedo James Joyce

>> No.19459350

>100 years of solitude
>the catcher of the rye
two shitty written books

>> No.19459352

in the*

>> No.19459768

I always comment "Interview with the Vampire." I read it after Dracula trying to get some more vampiric lore, albeit from differing authors. The whole fuckng book is Louis convincing the interviewer that being a vampire is not a gracious thing, and that it ruins the experience of life, that Louis is never to turn anyone into a vampire again. In the last two pages, the interviewer asks the interviewee to bite his neck, which he does without a second thought, thorwing literally everything the vampire stood for for some hundred years out the window. Fucking stupid.

>> No.19459787

>The Name of The Wind
Author's self insert Mary Sue is a D&D 5e bard that gets cucked by some whore.
>The Archer's Tale
Author accomplishes his rape fantasies and makes a whole book out of it
Can we stop teenagers from writing books, please?

>> No.19459790

Jude the Obscure
The Grapes of Wrath
Berenstein Bears and the Green Eyed Monster

>> No.19459811

There's huge holes in the basic structure of the story as well as in the execution, anon. For one, none of the characters have any character development whatsoever, including Gatsby himself. The characters are all just figurines being moved around a diorama to tell prettily written scenes of melodrama, which is a low bar considering works like The Sun Also Rises were the standard of Fitzgerald's day (to draw a closer comparison between Hemingway's genius and Fitzgerald's... not).
Stylistically the novel just loses the plot at random moments; the entire sequence taking place in the ash wasteland just reads like nonsense spliced into the text from a wildly different book; scenes between Gatsby and Nick have wildly differing prose that feels exaggerated and doesn't pay anything off, and of course there's the infamous "Deux Ex Motorcar" which ends the story with nothing being resolved.
It all just reads like a Fitzgerald was seriously mentally torturing himself to finish a story that had no feet or teeth.
Which, to be honest, I feel was likely the same case with Hemingway in A Movable Feast.

>> No.19459819

I only have 1 book I've read thats shittiness has stuck with me: On the Road by Jack Kerouac. Absolute drivel. The cunt is extremely boring but thinks hes cool and interesting because he hangs out with other artfag boomer cucks that jerk him off. Can't explain how much i hate it, reminds me of the people from high school who clung to the 'artsy/edgy trope because they were incredibly boring otherwise and needed something to counteract their distinct lack of personality

>> No.19459820

I've clicked on this thread on and off for the past day just to see the boobies.

>> No.19459847

When I saw this picture I said "very nice" out loud while my smile expanded

>> No.19459871

She looks remarkably like my ex who I walked in on fucking my friend, all three of us had known each other since primarily school. I distinctly remember the 5 seconds or so I saw her playing with his hair and how unaffected and happy she seemed running fingers through his long locks, we made eye contact right after that. He apologized later and claimed she'd told him we were broken up, but he certainly didn't seem very conflicted or concerned while he thrusting on top of her like some Viking out for his daily rape games.

I haven't spoken to either of them since.

>> No.19459873

>Mothman Prophecies
Author tries to retain "rational" position while also claiming he's been on a ufo before. Ultimately too reined in to be any fun, too unhinged to be a reliable source of documentation. Also no mothman! Sad!
>Any Murakami ever
Murakami might be one of the best light novel authors I've ever read. I love it when the characters just tell each other what they're feeling, and when the main protagonist gets to fuck every female character. I also don't feel like hearing about how much Hemingway you've read, what kind of whiskey you're sipping, what piece of so-famous-it's-stock classical you love so much when you're just trying to live a simple quiet life! but all these girls are busting your door down trying to get a piece of you.
>Richard Brautigan's poetry
Holy shit I wasn't prepared. Bought a collection of this guy's writing since I liked Trout Fishing, feel like I got my ears boxed, like I got jumped in an alley after reading what this guy considers "poetry". I don't have any productive criticism here, and that's alright, I don't need any. Just read it for yourself and see if you don't find yourself cringing at his hippy-dippy doggerel, try it, i dare you

>> No.19459875
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>When I saw this picture I said "very nice" out loud while my smile expanded

>> No.19459917

I wish I were as satisfied as the soijak, but the sentiment was similar

>> No.19460046

>House of leaves
too many ideas cobbled together without effect or reason. at the time i thought it was at least original but now ive read a few influences and it seems derivative and ameteurish. i was also expacting to be spooked and i wasnt :( the mystery fell flat
>the sun also rises
felt like his travel journal. ive even related to the brett stuff but i found it mostly lacking in artistic joy
>daisy miller
mediocre. i have a much closer relationship with the sun also rises even if i think daisy millers a better book

>> No.19460062
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All women are whores, had nearly identical situation happen to me. Don't dwell on it and just remember the lesson learnt - plenty of men only find out once they're divorceraped and existentially ruined halfway through life.

>> No.19460078

>anything by Brandon Sanderblob
He's a cancer and spawned many many evil trends also, he’s fat
>anything by Neil Gaiman
Hack plagiarist who only got anywhere because of his Scientologist father
10000000 onions faced quoter's could’ve been prevented had this never found publication

>> No.19460092

This. It's worth getting through for sure. That ending as Yossarian walks through the city, Snowden, Alphie (I think it's his name)... damn, goosebumps

>> No.19460118

>A Shadow in the Glass
Bad bad writing and characters. It has this weird stilted style to its prose, as if you're reading a plot synopsis rather than a book.

I dropped this book even though I tried to push through it. It promises to give you the answers to 2001:A Space Odyssey but does really nothing interesting to hold your attention.

>100 White Women
Awful feminist drivel. Was forced to read it in Uni and the plot was unironically "white woman wants to get fucked by injun cock, cucks her white, bigoted fiancee". Or something like that

>> No.19460122

This girl looks delicious, btw. I would let her sit on my face, desu

>> No.19460151

I don't remember the books name, but I have the faintest memory of having been subjected to some boring autistic slog by I think it was Garcia marques. Chronicle of an anounced death or something like that.

>> No.19460252
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>Man's Search for Meaning
Nothing of substance.
>Existentialism and Humanism
Attempted plagiarism, but mostly misunderstood the originals so reads as an awkward hashing together of 'concepts' which a five year-old could pick apart.
Frustrating to read due to its surface-level themes, particularly given Hesse's evident talent (I read it just after Steppenwolf which I loved).

>> No.19460263


>> No.19460279

The Bible, Communist Manifesto, Song of Achilles

>> No.19460312

> Nightflyers by George RR Martin
One of the worst written book by all metrics. Should not have been published by any means.

>Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein
What could have been an interesting idea takes a back seat for the proselytizing of a fake ideology. Epitomizes the worst sub-genre of science fiction: that which is essentially a tool to talk about some dumb ideology that is either real or, worse, completely fake, where all else that makes a story good is forgotten.

>Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
After loving Wind up bird chronicle, I have read nine other of his novels hoping to similarly like them. This was the last straw. Same main character in every single book. All characters are static, one-dimensional. The themes cannot be sympathized with because they are either trivial or not realistic. The dialogue tries to be didactic, but it is so stilted and formal that you have to suspend disbelief every time the dumb characters open their mouths. Basically, Murakami has never met another real person or has engaged in a real conversation in his life. The worst part is that he hasn’t developed as a writer whatsoever because people eat his shit up and he is content with being a mediocrity all because westerns eat up anything with a Japanese atmosphere that is accessible and not too Japanese-y

>> No.19460324

I really liked everything in Les Mis except that Cosette / Marius storyline, both were very unlikable characters and desu sucked dick. The revolutionary plot however was fire

>> No.19460330

Fair enough, but i disagree with the lack of character arcs.
Is this the first time you hear of a story that is only written to suit thematic purposes and doesn't conform to traditional story structure? If that's your taste then fine, but the novel is less about the surface and more about the thematic concerns that power the story. There is a place in literature for story structures, but i find gatsby quite impactful without completely adhering to one - even if there are far better american novels.

>> No.19460336

Why are you posting my betrothed?

>> No.19460399

What is your opinion on The Devils?

>> No.19460403

Oh you mean jamie joyce? I love him

>> No.19460419

I’m a little surprised by Les Miserables. Sure it dragged in parts, and certain arcs were better than others, but it was one of the most emotionally impactful books I’ve read

>> No.19460460

>Anything by karl marx
>Catcher in the rye. by salinger
All of it pure trash filled with nothing but delusions.

>> No.19460497

I too despise Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.19460535

>retards hating on Bukowski
you guys suck

>> No.19460549

Quit avoiding the question, faggot. You must have a reason for hating an author, and a book is the likely cause.

>> No.19460563

Moby Dick

Anything after that first chapter introduction is just boring filler horse shit. This book, I read it twice, AND COULD NOT bring myself to finish the last twenty or so pages. This book was a massive disappointment for me, and the opening chapters were so interesting and kept me on edge, but then I'm not sure what happened but the author just stopped presenting the rest of the story in the same wondrous fashion. I'll never read that trash ever again.

The Gulag Archipelago

I actually liked some of it but Solzhenitsyn goes on these rants that are just so blatantly psychotic and delusional I just can't stand it. Sometimes he sounds like he's trying too hard to sound like Dostoyevsky and he acts like he's emotionally wounded to the depths of his very soul. Maybe that was the case considering the atrocities he had seen. Regardless, I hate the way he writes, otherwise the Archipelago is good book.

The Idiot

This was disappointing. Another anon already touched on why.

>> No.19460602

>Case Histories - Kate Atkinson
couldn't stand this book, made me unreasonably mad
>SCUM Manifesto - that retard who tried to kill Warhol
femanazi cunt spouting drivel
>Head Full of Ghosts - Paul Tremblay
pure garbage

>> No.19460625

I once literally tore apart a copy of Fromm's The Art of Loving because I hated it so much. Can't remember why exactly, though.

>> No.19460626

Moby Dick felt like a non fiction book about whales with bits of a story here and there. I feel like I know a lot about whaling now, which is totally not useless, but honestly this could've been a 50 page short story

>> No.19460633

>I feel like I know a lot about whaling now, which is totally not useless
definitely not useless to know a lot about fish!

>> No.19460658

>there was an attempt against Warhol's life and it failed
this is truly the worst timeline

>> No.19460685


I know exactly where this photo was taken.

>> No.19460704

>sees articulate, accurate reasoning into why somebody doesn't like the pseud king
>you guys suck
Nice one chief

>> No.19460793

no need to waste effort on tards who have tarded opinions, you still suck

>> No.19460813

everything about the situation sucked because both of them lived, would have been better for everyone if she akbar'd his ass

>> No.19460841

I dropped it in the middle of book 4 but I agree, I just fucking did not care for Marius and for the little girl. I really like the first book, Jean Valjean was amazing and so was Javert but as it went on the metaphor was less and less hidden until he has entire chapters where he just spells it out repeatedly. Jean Valjean was basically shifted to a side-character by book 3 and a complete non-character by book 4

>> No.19460882

He literally wrote the same novel five times. Not going to lie, I loved him when I was 17, but don’t lie to yourself that he is any way exceptional.

>> No.19460894

Jimmy Joyce.

>> No.19460940

Gravity's Rainbow is great, you're filtered

>> No.19461036

Misery. Only Stephen King I’ve ever read and it was butt cheeks

>> No.19461071

I loved Kerouac and Salinger when I was in my early 20s, always hated Bukowski. Kerouac and Salinger are better than Buk though.

His books are just one-sided blog posts. Singular and shallow.

>> No.19461180

Not lying, he's great. Don't care if you guys are too retarded to agree.

>> No.19461274

Haroun and the sea of stories
The old man and the sea

>> No.19461280

>the chocolate war

I have never seen someone mention Robert Cormier on here before, and you were absolutely filtered

>> No.19461301

>Not lying, he's great
What is 'great' about him? He's some retard boomer ranting about useless shit in a boring style, while depicting himself as always in the right. He's totally uninteresting and a projection for weak men. He also isn't that edgy; he's edgy in a way that'd make him look cool.

>> No.19461395

>man on 4chan enjoys a writer who puts underage girls getting raped in all his books


>> No.19461908

So you’re 17 years old

>> No.19461959

>a story that is only written to suit thematic purposes and doesn't conform to traditional story structure
Gatsby is not avant-garde or postmodern, anon. Fitzgerald just told a story that had no point with characters who don't matter. Gatsby wasn't even a standout in its own day; it wasn't until after the Great Depression that deliberate attempts to revive Gilded Age optimism saw Gatsby and other Fitzgerald works pushed in schools and as popular sellers. Fitzgerald could not hack it as an author or as a screenwriter.

>> No.19462005

You just now she's blacked

>> No.19462017

More evidence cuckposters are Chinese ESLs. Leave the board Chang.

>> No.19462019

Tender is the Night is his best work and is shit.

>> No.19462098

ive been pretty careful about what i chose to read, i dont think ive ever read anything that was down right unenjoyable according to my tastes and interests

>> No.19462563

NL is great though

>> No.19462588


>> No.19462617

>No Longer Human (...) poorly written
And you read it in the original japanese, I assume?

>> No.19462643

A book by a prolific sci-fi hack whose name was piercy, pierce?
A collection of African folktales I bought as charity that was so terrible I'd rather have just donated
The Enchantress of Florence

>> No.19462784
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A Game of Thrones by GRRM. I don't remember anything from the book itself, only that I had gotten about 100 pages in before abandoning it. Reading it felt like crawling through thick, dogshit-stinking November mud; later I realised that it was Martin's soul.

>> No.19462790

Absolute retards

>> No.19462794

Game of Thrones was alright plot-wise but the prose was dogshit. Probably why it was more popular as a TV Series than a book

>> No.19462830

What is your opinion on his other books?

>> No.19462868

The first 3 books are very good; a lot of plot/character conflict that's enjoyable to go through. Again, prose isn't good but the characters and world make up for it imo. Everything outside the Daenerys chapters felt like they belonged in the overall story.
Book 4 is incredibly slow and felt like it was focused on the least interesting characters of previous books. Some like the slower pacing but I don't. That fat fuck GRRM dedicated way too much time just describing various foods the nobility was eating.
Book 5 was better than 4 but still felt unfocused compared to the first 3, which is because the story has now spread so far with so many different characters that it feels less engaging than it did before.

I'll read book 6 when it releases but I don't expect it to compare to the earlier books where things felt more focused.
Book 7 never ever

Haven't read any non-GoT book from GRRM

>> No.19463004

I'm not saying it is avant garde. It isn't avant garde to pursue theme at the cost of traditional structure. There are hundreds of years of poetic traditions in japan constructed around this premise. Haibun and renga are prime examples.
Another one of them is moby dick.
I'm not saying it's the best shit ever. I'm saying its pretty good. Chill out with the clenched energy

>> No.19463044

He doesn't frame himself as always in the right, he frames himself as the everyman who acknowledges human nature in himself then has to cope. It's pretty pitiful stuff desu. Add onto it that his poetry is inept in almost every way a poem can be inept and you get a true stinker, torture-porn-writing faggot author who must get by on the cache of his self destruction alone.
Well argue with my critiques bud. His lineation stutters the rhythms to shit, his poems are mostly unfocused trashheaps and there is no music to the language. He is the epitome of the poet who uses free verse as a shit crutch and therein dooms himself to a career of shit prosody.
The collection is shit. There are no good poems. He doesn't get to any sort of universal truth about human nature. He is stylishly incompetent, but more importantly he is uninteresting.

>> No.19463308

Who's the slut

>> No.19463336
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Why are there so many cucks on 4chan? Serious question. This board in particular has an affinity for them.

>> No.19463357

>dead souls by gogol
a bloated, poorly written """comedy"""
people say it's funny, but i found more humour in the holocaust

monkey by wu cheng-en
stupid mary sue monkey jumping around wrecking shit. i don't care for it.

>> No.19463374

You are too young to understand that if you have had a shred of a romantic life, you will have inexorably been cheated on at least once.

>> No.19463379
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>A concise history of Hungary - Book by Miklós Molnár
Not the author's fault, but somewhere during the middle of reading this, I finally snapped. Had been reading history non-stop for way too long. Finally found joy in fiction, which I picked up the first time in my life 4 months ago.
>Susan Sontag - Against Interpretation
God, I have developed a whole "theory" around writing like this. For those of you who don't know, she's an art essayist. The use of language in these books is so unfathomably snobbish, I despise it. I live in Belgium and have noticed that culturally, Belgium has a bit of a minority complex in regard to the Netherlands. Probably due to the fact that the Netherlands has gone on fine without Belgium, while Belgium (still doing fine all in all) is a fragmented mess that could never compete with the Netherlands. Japan and China have (or had) a similar relationship, where most of Japan's culture was imported from GREAT SUPERIOR CHINA. And I think this "minority complex" somehow is also prevalent in art, as a "science". With that, I mean art philosophical writing, essays, studies in peer-reviewed journals etc. Because they've always been on the fringes, use floaty speech, are made up of pseuds and generally looked a bit down upon by the scientific cumminty, they feel like they have to somehow compensate with their language in order to "sound smart". It's super cheap, notice how nuclear physicists can write a more cohesive, relatable article than an art-writer. It simply comes down to a quote from Einstein "If you can't explain it simply, go back and study." Or something like that. In prose, I find this acceptable, in non-fiction you want to be as clear as possible in order to get your point across. That's why I find it despicable. I brought the book back to get my money.
>Anna Frank's diary
Hella boring, probably cause it had been so hyped up for so long to me. I understand the whole war context, but I really didn't care about everyday domestic struggles. Maybe I should read it again, though. I was young when I read it, maybe I can relate more now.

>> No.19463424
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Mein Kampf.
Read it for historical interest but he is absolutely insufferable and writes like a child.

>> No.19463445

Can someone please give me some more reasons why you should hate Hitler? Like his crookedness and lying, backstabbing, snakelike ways of contorting truth. Like a child crying wolf. Provoking, getting hit, then crying about it, manipulating masses. Starving and killing masses of people in the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, which he deemed "Germanic peoples and friends" beforehand. What else? And how does he compare to leaders of his time, were they just as bad in other regards? I'm curious what you think.

>> No.19463495
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Hebrew Bible
In Defense of Looting

>> No.19463578

Nope, almost double that. I just enjoy his stuff, his novels are mostly good, some not so good, but his poetry is my favorite. It's gritty and real. He was an alcoholic, womanizing, gambling addict and doesn't try to paint himself as anything else. He's obviously no Whitman, and he's fine with that. At the heart of his poems, beneath all the vulgarity and surface level nihilism, there's a humbleness and a beauty that resonates with me to this day, more than a decade and a half after I discovered him. Also, sometimes he makes me laugh with the way he'll go on pissing and moaning about pedantic shit. It's not like I can't be objective, the dude was an ass and a glutton for punishment, but he was an honest ass and I think he's great.

>> No.19463736

Pretty based defense of the shitty writer i've read.
I genuinely admire the way you don't even acknowledge the criticism.
Thanks, chad

>> No.19463766

The hobbit; first time I read it I was pissed that after the whole journey and defeating Smaug mother fucking bilbo ends up with the trolls treasure from the first few chapters.

>> No.19463855

Catcher in the Rye. Read first at 16 in high school. Teacher thought I'd connect with Holden but no, I found to him to be pretentious and faggy.

I have disliked everything I've read by Charles Dickens. I find his narrative sensibilities to be turgid (I understand this is by design as he was paid by the word) and also insultingly moralistic and childishly simple.

Jane Eyre was fucking boring.

>> No.19463863

Because your criticisms are generic and it's obvious somebody who is saying Bukowski is great wouldn't agree with any of them. Saying there's no "music to the language" doesn't actually mean anything. I obviously think his work is interesting, and I obviously like his lineation, rhythm, prose and style or else I wouldn't like his work. You say his style is unfocused and I agree, but I see it as a positive where you see it as a negative. As for universal truths, I already talked about how he doesn't try to put on airs or be anything other than genuine, if you want pretentious ramblings about the nature of man then you'll have to look elsewhere.

>> No.19463865
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John Maynard Keynes - The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money
Bukowski - Ham on Rye
Stendhal - The Charterhouse of Parma

Keynes' ideas are overtly despicable. He talks about people without any sense of humanity. The only book I've actually thrown into the garbage after reading because no one should see its wretched content. Pic rel is the most despicable man to ever live.

Bukowski's prose is boring & the plot is even worse. That "novel" is nothing more than a series of "lol I can drink more than other people" scenes over and over.

Charterhouse of Parma was just boring and hard to follow. It was the first novel I didn't finish because I simply lost interest.

>> No.19463883

This. Great Expectations became unbearably boring when it went from "kid and ruffian have swamp adventures" to "cruella deville's moral treatise and law practice"

>> No.19464228


>> No.19464242

>He doesn't frame himself as always in the right
I got the impression he did

>there's a humbleness and a beauty that resonates with me to this day
That's all you, he's a piece of shit

>> No.19464263

>Saying there's no "music to the language" doesn't actually mean anything. I obviously think his work is interesting, and I obviously like his lineation, rhythm, prose and style or else I wouldn't like his work.
There is no music to the language of that book though. There are no beautiful phrases. He had a bad ear. That is something that's pretty objective, but reading different kinds of metered poetry is what tunes a reader's ear to it. When you understand meter, you can construct and determine musical freeverse better.
Buk shows no such understanding, and neither do you.
You're a faggot. You've backed down from your assertion of buk's greatness and exposed the dipshittery lurking at its core. Take the complement next time, nigger

>> No.19464340

>(Brothers Seinfeld)
but that's why it's good lol

>> No.19464385

no he's still great and you still suck, but we can be niggerfaggots together, because that's what 4chan is all about.

>> No.19464418

>Divine Comedy- Dante
A fanfic than got canonized. Too much Italian politics. I spent 4 years learning Italian and I was greatly disappointed
>Iliad- Homer
Superhero cape book. Corny and faggotry aplenty. I spent 4 years learning Ancient Greek and I was greatly disappointed
>Ulysses- Joyce
Too schizophrenic and Irish. Too many word and linguistic games. Incoherent and rambling most of the time. Pretentious. English is my native language and I was greatly disappointed

>> No.19464461

call of the crocodile

>> No.19464484

>Ahh yes, let me carry 1/14th of all the gold and jewels in Erebor back to the shire on my own
The real treasure was UNIRONICALLY the frens he made along the way

>> No.19464562

Yes it's true there is a Pynchon subreddit just full of pseuds...but you're retarded if that has any effect on your opinion of P. himself.

>> No.19464584

Cute soijak :)

>> No.19464591

Low hanging fruit, but same

>> No.19465158

If you're looking for deep themes and stuff, sure.
But Catch 22 is a funny book, and more inspired by real life than most books, considering the author was a ww2 bombardier.

>> No.19465186

Sex is the only value they have. Makes me sick.

>> No.19465276

The Mill on the Floss, never made it past the first chapter, immense yawn.

>> No.19465332

Not true. You’re getting sick all over yourself for no reason, Wendell

>> No.19465651

I have read years ago that some 30% of college girls did some form of camming to make extra money to buy shoes etc. That was before onlyfans
I wouldn't be surprised if more than half of young women engaged in some form of prostitution.

>> No.19465682

There are only two books I have read that I have truly hated.
>To Kill a Mockingbird
Flat characters and a contrived predictable plot. with no moral ambiguity whatsoever. Why millennial faggots are so in love with this book is beyond me.
>for whom the bell tolls
Its slow and boring. Very little happens up until the end.

>> No.19465688

That sounds more like an unhealthy addiction, not a virtue to be proud of

>> No.19465694

goddamn look at those tiddies.
too bad she looks too frail and weak to raise the 9 children i need on the farm while taking of the cattle, i would breed her otherwise.