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/lit/ - Literature

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19456035 No.19456035 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on this fella

>> No.19456262

Absolutely based.
The fact that the one previous reading you need to reasonably understand him is the Bible speaks for itself.

>> No.19456268

He's basically right about Christianity from a Christian perspective but Nietzsche has a better take.

>> No.19456995

where do I start with him?

>> No.19457404

Nietzsche is literally the Aesthete.

>> No.19457480

I wanted to read his works, but as an atheist, when I learned that his philosophy is heavily influenced by religion I lost interest.

>> No.19457524

A man who got so upset over a 19th century danish version of the onion mocking him, he blew his family fortune and put off living his dream in order to create a counter publication

>> No.19457618


>> No.19457619

As an atheist, i think you're a fag

>> No.19457831

wow, he sounds kind of like the Joker. that's someone I try to be like, I don't really get normies, I'm more that kind of archetype so maybe I would like Kierkegaard

>> No.19457861

When you're out of your teens you'll feel different

>> No.19458009

Fear and Trembling

>> No.19458057

Nietzsche is for teenagers still in their edgy phase, Kierkegaard is for adults who have matured past that.

>> No.19458101

You're depriving yourself from so much literature and philosophy if you try to dodge religion.

>> No.19458108

hes the Jokababy!
why you wearing all that makeup dude?

>> No.19458403
File: 104 KB, 768x768, Soren quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A very BASED Christian philosopher. Here's one of my favorite quotes from him.

>> No.19458467
File: 14 KB, 500x450, 1613705457122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19458480

Pope Ratzinger quotes this at the beginning of his weird incomprehensible and totally not introductory Introduction to Christianity

>> No.19458651

Tldr, read this bitch or your a bitch, bitch. No, the diary of a seducer won't help you get gf. But reading SK is one of the most enjoyable philosophical reads, if not the deepest. His 'existentential Christianity' is not atheism. It is 'being a Christian in Christendom.' meaning, when the default religion is Christianity (in his case Protestant) how does one go about choosing Christ?

>> No.19458672

Hype Apocalypse pepe. "You see doc, i am pagliacci!"