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/lit/ - Literature

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19453929 No.19453929 [Reply] [Original]

So I have a CS degree and currently working a stable job. During college my studying was shit, I failed a lot of classes the first semesters and only for the final exam of my career (6 years into it) I adopted a system of notes that is decent enough to pass tests.
Since I finished college I tried to get more into the habit of reading, aside from recreation I tried to read books to enhance my career knowledge but I realized that reading books is not magic and you need to do actual mental work to really learn the contents (I know, shocking).
So I'm looking for systems to study effectively, I search in youtube and see a lot of techniques like mind maps and stuff, should I look into it? also searching for books on the topic and reading reviews it seems that all the books are like "study consistently and have fun :)", do you have any recommendations on that? anything is welcome

>> No.19453952
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go through this book

>> No.19453976

Read good CS books that have assignments in them and actually do them. Books like SICP and K&R ANSI C.

No starch also has good books like Practical Malware Analysis. Set up projects that make practical use of the topics you've read about.

>> No.19454175

Looks cool, looking into it
Yeah maybe that's the better approach for the field and the kind of books there are out there. I did that for a Python book I read and it worked really well

>> No.19454196




>> No.19454198

You'll probably have to come up w your own system. Speedreading is a waste of time, mental math is really useless even in math, extreme memory hasn't been shown to be helpful. There're a lot of dead ends out there. What I do is take ritalin, keep subjects all a part of each other so I can be working on them all at the same time in a sense and study just what I want to. You'll have inspiration going forward and it's pretty efficient.

>> No.19454208

Also, this:


>> No.19454259

Pomodoro method helps me when studying, and having a handheld timer rather than a digital one will keep you from getting distracted by devices. You don't have to stick to the 25mins/5min break either, just find a time that fits your attention span. Also, if you find yourself in the zone and don't need a break, skip the break and continue until you need rest.