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File: 10 KB, 192x192, Hipster-reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1945174 No.1945174 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that I feel that /lit/ is with just hipsters?
Anyone feel this way?

>> No.1945177

can you repost that in a proper sentence so we can parse out its meaning?

>> No.1945176

...is filled with just hipsters?


>> No.1945183

Think of it this way: let's say 4chan attracts 1% of the world internet users. Who is it going to attract? Mostly males, probably educated, probably socially lacking (ie not your typical alpha) and probably someone who emphasizes intelligence or wit as opposed to direct social standing.

Hipster is the natural outcome of 4chan's more "intellectual" boards.

>> No.1945186

Well put. Can you explain to me what the fuck is up with the /vp/ folks over there?

>> No.1945188

what do you have against /vp/? Everybody loves pokeymen.

>> No.1945190

not as much as this guy

>> No.1945202

yes, as I said

>socially lacking (ie not your typical alpha)

>> No.1945203

you don't



what a hipster is

>> No.1945206

we all know he means pseudointellectual poser
that's like the common definition of hipster nowadays

>> No.1945208

that's dumb, fuck you

>> No.1945211


Listen up, OP. Hipsters do NOT read fantasy novels and make twenty threads a day concerning books about dragons and shit.

There aren't many hipsters on here. If there were many, we would see many more William S. Burroughs/Kerouac/Bukowski threads.

>> No.1945215

more like David Foster Wallace and Pynchon threads, of which there are millions.

>> No.1945216

back to >>>/b/

>> No.1945217

Don't forget the "weekly updates on bullshit that none of us care about" from Tao and his urbanista bitch Megan Boyle.

>> No.1945218

deal with it
words and definitions change over time bro

>> No.1945226

Okay, this is correct.

>> No.1945228

While this might be 100% correct, I haven't felt the hipster vibe from the DFW threads as much as I sense a need to jump on the bandwagon of a guy who killed himself.

The Pynchon I just always classify as an in the closet sci-fi nerd.

>> No.1945233

but changing a word entirely in, like, a year is dumb

it's like, words change over time, yeah, that doesn't justify your dumb misuse of a word. apple gorb fishloop (that means "go to hell" now, DEAL W IT)

>> No.1945362


Yeah, but just because you're using it wrong doesn't mean the meaning of the word actually changed. A hipster is a very specific subculture of people. Any other use is wrong.

>> No.1945370

>Why is it that I feel that /lit/ is with just hipsters?
because it is

>> No.1945392

Nah, those are diet hipsters. They sort of fall into scenester, because they aren't pretentious enough yet to disband their admiration of The Devil Wears Prada, but aren't too gay to like My Chemical Romance. Real hipsters are smart people who have their annoying nuances.

>> No.1945523

"Hipster" has actually become a pejorative term for a variety of different kinds of people. While it is commonly used to describe pseudo-intellectuals, it's also used to call someone a pseud-intellectual just because you don't like their tastes in something, or because they schooled you in a debate of some kind(happens here all the time), or because they know more than you do about a subject (also happens here all the time).

The term "hipster" is almost never used properly on the internet, mainly because I think it involves some kind of a visual component that can't be derived on an anonymous image board. On /lit/, the people who use it are just buttmad subjectivists who had their favorite book/series insulted.

>> No.1945524

Why is that I feel this troll thread will be so successful?

saged and reported

>> No.1945526 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 1500x1500, 1050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is being hipster really that bad ? I mean there must be some actually hipster who are consider not to be pathetic wannabe.

>> No.1945535

>The Pynchon I just always classify as an in the closet sci-fi nerd.

The only sci-fi I've checked out, albeit briefly, was Asimov, and I found the general style too descriptive and timeline-based, as in fantasy. I could never quite grasp the entertainment provided by these dramas.

Pynchon, on the other hand, interests me. I've read Slow Learner, Against the Day and Mason & Dixon. I don't understand how even a detractor would be able to say that M&D is anything short of remarkable, but to each his own -- even still, I don't see the sci-fi -- science, perhaps, but not the sci-fi.

>> No.1945536
File: 244 KB, 1500x1500, 1050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is being hipster really that bad ? I mean there must be some actually hipster who is consider not to be pathetic cool wannabe.

>> No.1945537



Sorry, about that.

>> No.1945557

You must keep in mind that most who will detract from Pynchon some sort of sci-fi hate are those who are only familiar with Gravity's Rainbow.

I loved Mason and Dixon as well, but you're going to be hard pressed to find many who will "tough-it-out" until the end.

>> No.1945674

No, because what you describe is pretty much the current definition of a hipster. The hipster of the 40s-70s is a lot different from the modern hipster, at least in definition.

>> No.1945688

I wish the word hipster never existed

>> No.1945689

Hipsters are too mainstream for /lit/.

>> No.1945694

>Why is it that I feel that /lit/ is with just hipsters?

Is anyone else having trouble finding meaning in this sentence?

>> No.1945698


>> No.1945711
File: 279 KB, 776x588, 1307645280967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image should help everyone figure out what a hipster is.

>> No.1945712

I hadn't even heard the wors hipster until 2 years ago. On the internet.

>> No.1945735

God damn. That guy's a unicorn.

>> No.1945745 [DELETED] 

that looks like a screencap from a busy night at the /lit/club, not even trolling.

>> No.1945748


that looks like a screencap from a busy night at the /lit/club, not even trolling.

>> No.1945757
File: 30 KB, 498x374, smoknig dem mentos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


which one am i?

>> No.1945779
File: 48 KB, 675x612, itdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


definitely the nigga with the chalk at the top telling it like it is.