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/lit/ - Literature

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19451265 No.19451265 [Reply] [Original]

Is Alan Moore /lit/?

>> No.19451289

>Is Alan Moore /lit/?
Comic books aren’t really literature, his are pretty good as comic books go I guess, I like Asterix more though.
Wait a minute, that’s not Alan Moore, that’s that behavioural biologist guy who works at Standford and has that lecture series uploaded to YouTube.

>> No.19451332

Sapolsky is pretty /lit/, and anyone who disagrees got filtered hard.

>> No.19451349

I don't really know how he's that /lit/ though i do like him, but that's because biology and medicine is what i do in real life, literature has some intersection with it but it's still more of a hobby.

>> No.19451351

why was he so butthurt over Nixon?
A centrist Republican who got America out of JFK/LBJ's Vietnam war and created the EPA to stop industrial pollution in the US?

>> No.19451428

Alan Moore has also written a few novels, so I guess that would make him /lit/.

>> No.19451442

Jerusalem is pretty based.

>> No.19452030

JFK wasn’t going to go to war there and that’s why they killed him. There are LBJ recordings of their knowledge of Kissinger (private citizen at the time) and company sabotaging the Paris peace talks. Nixon ramped up the war and it only started to wind down under Johnson.
The shadow state gets a new figurehead ever since, but generally boomers hate Tricky Dick most because he was there at the time

>> No.19452050

kennedy was the one who invaded south vietnam you delusional tranny

>> No.19452089
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Yeah. He was going to pull back apparently. The MIC lied to him and caused the Missile crisis, and lied about Tonkin. Not painting him out to be a hero, but he was bumped off because Johnson offered to do what they wanted

>> No.19452104

How can a self-proclaimed Nietzschean and Stirnerite be such a slave moralist faggot? Serious question.

>> No.19452131

Am I supposed to be pro Military Industrial Complex/neoliberal empire/senseless slaughter of war when egoist or aspiring übermensch?
You believe Stirner would approve of a shadow state?
Weird post, anon.

>> No.19452135


>> No.19452146

Answer the question, tranny.

>> No.19452175
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You have some explaining to do, child.

>> No.19452219

Stop dodging the question.

>> No.19452546

what? kennedy inherited it, it was LBJ who ramped it up into total war

>> No.19452567
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Interesting thread. I sure hope it doesn't get ruined by namefags.

>> No.19452728
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>We don't have free will
>Religion is just schizo ramblings
You have to go back

>> No.19453857

This isn’t your christian haven, blowjacker

You can’t say he inherited it though. LBJ inherited it, welcomed it.

>> No.19453885

I like From Hell and Promethea is kind of alright

>> No.19453889

Not really, no. He's higher than most comics, but I'd say he's only about on par with ambitious genre fiction. I still love reading his work, but it's silly to pretend it's some world-changing shit.

>> No.19453921

Have you read Jerusalem or Voice of the Fire?

>> No.19453950

>This isn’t your christian haven, blowjacker
Amen lol

>> No.19453987

He makes middlebrow comics for redditors.

>> No.19454008

No, I forgot he wrote novels actually. Any good? I remember the premise of Jerusalem sounded like a shitty version of Joyce though. Maybe that was harsh of me.

>> No.19454011

Sapolsky is pretty based (for a jew that is)
Don't give a shit about Moore

>> No.19454044

I like them.

>> No.19455606

It was kinda shit.

>> No.19455609

It was fashionable at the time.

>> No.19455619

Not a thing.

>> No.19455639

Prove it.

>> No.19455955

What an insufferable mouth breathing pseud. Guy literally wrote a fucking 1200+ pager.
Fuck yea he is lol. Anyone who disagrees is a salty crank. Sapolsky is great too, though some of his last book is haunted by the replication crisis.

>> No.19455976

>Guy literally wrote a fucking 1200+ pager.
Writing long masturbatory novels doesn't make you a genius.
>Fuck yea he is lol

>> No.19455988

>Writing long masturbatory novels doesn't make you a genius

>> No.19456030
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>Everything i dont like or comprehend or get filtered by is le reddit ree
Alan Moore is an objectively good writer. Anything more from you is pure cope. Do you know how pathetically pseudo intellectual…jealous, even, you come off as? Seething contrarian. Ironically it’s (you) who is a reddit/twitter fag.

>> No.19456119

watchmen is both more ambitious and more succesful than most other "masterpieces" ive read. league of extraordinary gentlemen was really fun. neonomicon had an intriguing plot but really awful dialogue. providence for the most part didnt fulfill the potential of neonomicon and the prose entries were a slog.

he is /lit/ even if just by virtue of being well versed in lit. haven't read his joyce slashfic

>> No.19456135

Alan "I support Occupy Wall Street but don't you dare my intellectual property rights" Moore is /lit/ but a moron

>> No.19457042

Watchmen is overrated

>> No.19457061

Watchmen is good
V for Vendetta is shit

>> No.19457475


>> No.19457609

Too bad for you that what the world has turned into to