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/lit/ - Literature

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19450994 No.19450994 [Reply] [Original]

What substances does /lit use? It seems like every great writer took at least one drug, from nicotine to mescaline. For me personally it’s nicotine and caffeine, as well as alcohol/cannabis from time to time.

>> No.19451018

been experimenting with 2cb. i don't know if it's any good for inner-work, but it makes me nut hard and that's what the literary life is all about, yeah?

>> No.19451057

I have been sober for two years but I might start drinking spirits once I turn 21.

>> No.19451069

The Shitkickers guy has a donation link with liquor and pot as options to send money for

>> No.19451071

Ritalin and cigarettes and sodey pop

>> No.19451124

Caffeine, dip. Occasional THC and wine/champagne/whiskey/scotch. Occasional self-rolled cigarette.

>> No.19451152


>> No.19451159

t. waste-oid

>> No.19451164

alcohol is the only good drug but i can't have it anymore

>> No.19451168

cigs coke and ketamine

>> No.19451181

This picture irritates the hell out of me. This fella looks like some model they hired to pose as a moody intellectual for one photo.

>> No.19451188

Alcohol, caffeine, and thc are my drivers. Weed makes one hate getting fuckfaced on booze, but I sip on whiskey from time to time. Tried shrooms and lsd once each.

>> No.19451189
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Coffee, daily.
Tea, frequently.
Cannabis, daily.
Cigarettes, when socializing.
Alcohol, yes. But only the finest.

>> No.19451190
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>> No.19451195

How long have you been on stimmys?

>> No.19451259

Acid and lots of it.

>> No.19451272

alcohol, xanax, klonopin

>> No.19451278

Used to drink 5 coffees a day, now it's a weekly treat. Quit alcohol completely. Never tried cigs or other drugs

>> No.19451284


>> No.19451300

cringe. just read the books faggot

>> No.19451366

I mean I've taken them in hs but I took concerta + ritalin on and off for a year then took ritalin every day for 8 months. I have like 30 but I haven't taken any cause I can't do a lot. Just trying to rot in peace

>> No.19451376

Used to shoot heroin years ago. Fucked up my life. Found I like reading in jail. Still clean 7+ years later. Just smoke weed and drink kratom sometimes. I’ve learned that life is actually okay if you know what to look for. When I step outside of myself, things are great- car, own apt, girls, job, etc

>> No.19451387

Chahh brah

>> No.19451480

Communion wine.

>> No.19451489

I've done drugs for 20+ years and I've only known 2 people who did heroin and "made it" while like 10+ others died and fucked their lives.

>> No.19451511

I did many drugs but I stick with cigs and coffee. I used to smoke weed almost daily. I quit though because it made me a filthy, lazy and depressed wreck. At one point I used to smoke around 2 grams a day. My apartment was filthy, I started eating once a day at most and instead of reading I played vydia and compulsively visited /gif/. The only sleep I got in that period was when my body literaly shut itself down by force. I felt like I was on the road of becoming a hobo so I stopped. I cannot do anything in moderation. My idea of a balanced life is going from one extreme to another and pray that those extremes balance themselves in the end. It's a shit way of living but I'm incapable of doing things in any another way. I will only indulge in such things when I know I have a few weeks to burn. Until those times come I will live like a monk for my own good.

>> No.19451523

>Lexapro right when I wake up
>2-3 cups of coffee a day
>4-5 cigarettes a day
>alcohol 4 times a week typically
>tried shrooms once
>used to smoke a lot of weed, got tired of it

>> No.19451530

A study shows that most ppl who do heroin get off it themselves

>> No.19451545

It’s a battle of life and death, no doubt, and everyone leaves with scars in the best case scenarios. The thing is, once you “make it”, life’s problems seem trivial in comparison when you’ve been destroying yourself in a battle. It made me more empathetic, more comfortable and confident in myself, more spiritual, and more likely to see the glass being half full. Basically, surviving a habit made me a better person. It’s amazing how just doing the right thing makes good karma come around. Never give up though. There was a period where it was literally impossible to imagine living without drugs, and yet wanting to die at the same time. It’s literally hell. I wish you the best, as I wouldn’t wish addiction on my worst enemy

>> No.19451574
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Every heroin user I've known has been very intelligent, they seem to use heroin because they can't live up to their potential.

Struggling to be a writer, I understand that life is stacked against me and failure is to be expected.

Every heroin user I've known has come from a wealthy family that doesn't really believe in "art" or "artistry" so I actually believe the entire fent/OD epidemic is mostly of artists and those of creative / dissenter backgrounds.

2 people OD'ed and died at my last workplace, and they were both very "counter-culture" type folk.

>> No.19451583

adderall + kratom

>> No.19451592
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Vape all throughout the day
2-3 cigs a week
A drink after work, many drinks on friday if I'm hanging with friends
Cocaine once or twice a year
Caffeine all day

>> No.19451688

Yeah. Opiates tend to be abused by people who don’t want to feel, or can’t cope. I’ve always wondered if there is any correlation between depression and intelligence. A lot of depressed people are very analytical and high emotional intelligence usually. It’s crazy how fast the opiate epidemic hit. In the 80’s heroin was very taboo and generally confined to the ghetto. 20-30 years later and there are empty dope baggies and Suboxone wrappers on the sidewalk in suburban neighborhoods

>> No.19451750

Cop here. Heroin/opiates/meth are very big where I’m at. A lot of tweakers have sketchbooks and journals with their stuff. Some I’ve met are very intelligent, while most are dumb trash.

>> No.19451753

Aside from tea, I've never drank nor used other substances despite being of drinking age. I once took hydros after surgery, but switched to ibuprofen after the first day. This has been a hindrance when making friends but I don't feel compelled to stop

>> No.19451762

My ex's brother is a cop, I dated her for 4 years, she told me flat out that her bro has so much sympathy for herion addicts because at least 50% are highly intelligent people

Hell, look at the studies, intelligent people are drawn to drugs

>> No.19451769

only coffee

>> No.19451778


>> No.19451794

>Cop here.

>> No.19451800

That's be a good mug... If it were clear!!! Duhhhh

>> No.19451803

Has it fried ur brain yet?
Y can't u do a lot

>> No.19451809
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Training for the DTs Olympics

>> No.19451838

Cigars and coffee.

>> No.19451843

Where the fuck do people find psychedelics? Online? The stuff around me is weed and party drugs. Also do you ever get scared that you might have a bad trip one day and you never recover from it?

>> No.19451848

>Cannabis, daily.
No brain fog? The whole day is a write off after I smoke weed

>> No.19451855

No, I smoke small one hitters of high quality sativas. Combined with coffee, it's good work fuel, at least for me.

>> No.19451857

Don't do drugs. Every single writer might've took them but they died sooner as well. Just take caffeine. Alcohol sometimes maybe.

>> No.19451863

I just can't do much rn in my life and I take ritalin when I have more freedom

>> No.19451873
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Here for a good time not a long time amirite?

>> No.19451890

yes, as i don't associate with other druggies irl. no, that isn't a concern of mine at the dosages i currently fuck around with. nearly ever trip ends up bad or at least has a bad portion, but that's the joy of it all. spent a good amount of my adolescence trying to fry my brain on purpose to no effect, so i'd be shocked if i did it on accident.

>> No.19451893

monopoly market is legit

>> No.19451899

Weed and meth

I've never read anything by Nick Land but I follow meme channels on tg

>> No.19451965

phenibut dxm alcohol caffeine cigs weed tried coke once we like to use again

>> No.19451968

I smoke weed bi-weekly at most. I've got childhood trauma related to alcohol though, does that make up for not drinking?

>> No.19451974

several grams of phenibut

>> No.19452017

That’s a pretty high dose anon are you addicted

>> No.19452036

no i just do it to get high at a biweekly rate. not really for any productivity thing.

>> No.19452044

How is thread up? Jannies do your fucking job

>> No.19452150

Coffee, thc, shrooms, dmt, and some research chem pyschedelics but mainly enjoy shrooms

>> No.19452174

How is Tao lin's trip? Describe dmt well?

>> No.19452201

Untill very recently I would get drunk a lot. Basically whenever I had the house to myself, which is two or three days a week. A few weeks ago I almost burned my house down while passed out which did give me quite a scare and just a few days ago I almost did it again. One of the reasons why I want to cut back, ot's a miracle nothing bad happened. Plus my mental state and physical fitness aren't super great right now and I've realized that shit is too unhealthy to keep using like that.
Back in high school I smoked a ton of weed but nowadays it makes me feel weird when I smoke alone and almost none of my friends smoke so I only use it very rarely. Still grow it though because it's fun but I now have more than I could smoke in years. Would be a shame to throw it on the compost pile but I also won't sell because being a dealer is gay and for foreigners.
I smoke a pipe sometimes and drink a few cups of coffee every day even though I actually felt better when I cut out the morning coffee.
Seems like life is slowly turning me into a straight edge faggot. I'm not gonna make it, am I?

>> No.19452241

>died sooner as well.
In that case, I'd like some drugs please

>> No.19452250

This is the best way to consume cannabis.

>> No.19452301

caffeine because i don't presently have a hook-up for ritalin or adderal.

>> No.19452312

acid and alcohol

>> No.19452329
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Has anyone else had a brain orgasm when consuming cannabis?

It usually happens when I'm watching a film or video lecture that's very good, for example it's happened when I was watching 2001: A Space Odyssey, lectures on Greek Philosophy, or Kung Fu movies. After smoking multiple bowls, I'll sit on my laptop and watch something, usually about 20-30 minutes in I will start making lots of connections and having ideas/realizations I don't normally make, and this slowly builds, more and more connections, my vision starts to blur a bit and my head gets heavy, at which point I experience something I can only describe as an orgasm. I never touch my dick when this happens, nor is there any sexual element. I do not get an erection or ejaculate. I'm not a virgin and I'm not nofap.

Has anyone experienced anything like this? I am 100% serious.

>> No.19452337
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>> No.19452378

LSD and shrooms are the only drugs worth consuming
just about everything else is utter garbage in comparison
some weed/alcohol is fine with friends and in moderation

>> No.19452430

For me it's shrooms and sometimes speed. The true /schizolit/ drugs

>> No.19452555
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antidepressants and coffee

>> No.19452672

I tried around 60 different drugs and research chemicals from the age of 17-22. I'm 28 now. I pretty much quit after it took one or two experiments with opioids at age 20 before I said fuck it and became a full-blown pill and heroin addict for some 18 months. I read so many books during that time, and if you subtract all the absolute existential horror that comes from being an addict, it was peak comfy snorting a line of heroin mixed with cocaine and then intensely reading Moby Dick.

I've still got a gram of mescaline hcl that I am saving for a special occasion, I'll do MDMA once or twice a year, and I'll microdose LSD or psilocybin mushrooms once a month on average.

Apart from that, nicotine and coffee daily, red wine weekly, cocaine perhaps 6 times a year. Can't stand weed. It has exactly two modes for me: neurotic bitch or barely conscious retard, and I dislike both states.

>> No.19452704

everyone drinks caffeine retard

>> No.19452863

I've been on it 25mg adderall almost daily for I cannot recall how long
Over a year
My brain is fucking rotten and I fear I'll never get it back
Can't even hold a conversation with my gf when I'm not on the stuff

Lord God Christ in heaven please forgive me

>> No.19452883

Sorry to hear that man. Have you talked to your doctor about it? Maybe they can help you taper off or temporarily put you on another med as you are tapering off. Adderall is literally meth so it'll be better either way.

>> No.19452889

Can you expand on your problem? I've been on 30mg adderall for 5 years and I only ever feel a lack of motivation for a few days after stopping then I'm normal again

>> No.19452900

>don't do drugs
>except use this drug

>> No.19452913

Torrez market is much better than monopoly. Esp if you are Aussie

>> No.19452922

these days it's a trinity of weed, pregabalin and coffee with the pregabalin being a 3 day on 1 day off routine (I use it mostly now for the light stimulant quality so I can read for hours). early twenties was a rc benzo habit on top of recreationally shooting up heroin and crack for a few years (yes you can recreationally use those drugs). I turn 30 next year though and I need to clean up my act this year because it's been an almost decade long juggling act of substances.

>> No.19452967

A cocktail of Abba, Kate Bush, Celine Dion and red wine

>> No.19452976

Hi mom

>> No.19452981

ciggarets and coffee

>> No.19453043

Hey son, I regret having you x

>> No.19453082
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2-3 cups of tea a day, and 1-2 units of alcohol a week in the form of cider, vodka, or champagne. What tea does everyone drink?

>> No.19453090

>Adderall is literally meth
No. Desoxyn, which is very rarely prescribed, is literally methamphetamine. Adderall is a racemic mixture of amphetamine salts with a different placement of the methyl-group, meaning that it is significantly less potent. This is the same drug as europeans call "speed", because in Europe, outside of the Czech Republic, meth is quite rare.

Methamphetamine is 5x more potent as a dopamine releasing agent than amphetamine. Methamphetamine is only limited in this releasing action by the physiological properties of the neuronal membrane, which is exactly why it is much, much, much more poisonous than regular amphetamine.

I get that you are trying to help anon by painting an ugly picture of what adderall is, nnd you are largely correct that daily amphetamine use is a ridiculously bad idea, but the problem is that some other anon might have tried adderall, thought it wasn't all that insane, who will then read your post and think meth isn't that insane either. But it is. It is absolutely insane.

>> No.19453093

Earl Grey, I'm basic and I don't care.

>> No.19453111

Can you explain to me why daily adderall use is a ridiculously bad idea? I'm this anon >>19452889
I have been on the same 30mg dose since 2016, and I take it 4-5 times per week during school semesters. After the semester is over, I stop taking it and it takes a week or two of sleeping/doing nothing and I feel normal again. Am I fucking my future self?

>> No.19453131
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/fit/lit/fa/ here
>4-5 cigs a day
>over the counter meme pills
>coke socially
>occasional hydros

was drinking vodka every day up until this spring when i started my cut.
have never smoked weed cuz almost every weed smoker i know is utterly worthless.

you actually want to live and have a good time?

>> No.19453143

It mainly comes down to prolonged oxidative stress. Monoamine releasing agents (that's drugs that work by releasing neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, from the presynaptic neuron into the synapse - amphetamine/adderall is a releasing agent) come with a lot of oxidative stress, as opposed to reuptake inhibitors, such as methylphenidate (ritalin) which prevent the neurotransmitters from being removed again from the synapse.

Oxidative stress is thought to play a significant role in a host of illnesses (in terms of oxidative stress on neurons, specifically Alzheimer's and brain cancer) as well as in accelerated aging.

Much of it can be mitigated by a healthy lifestyle, eating clean and healthy, and supplementing with antioxidants, which are so called because they counteract oxidative stress - when I was doing amphetamine daily myself back in 2012, I'd simultaneously eat a tablet of melatonin (at night) because it is a very, very potent antioxidant. A small study has since somewhat vindicated the idea: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5562346/

If melatonin is unavailable to you (it's OTC in the US as far as I recall, but rx many other places), I'd eat vitamin C supplements 3-5 times a day.

>> No.19453144 [DELETED] 

Alcohol (red wine-- italian and french mostly, cognac\armagnac and whiskey\scotch), nicotine (i own a Peterson pipe and smoke german aromatic pipe tobacco), caffeine, cocaine and ethylphenidate (methylphenidate+ethanol).

>> No.19453168

Alcohol (red wine-- italian and french mostly, cognac\armagnac and whiskey\scotch), nicotine (i smoke usually pipe and sometimes cigars), caffeine (espresso mostly), cocaine and methylphenidate.

>> No.19453170

I take a nightly melatonin supplement. I eat fairly well (in my opinion) and also supplement with a daily multivitamin and fish oil. I also also run and lift weights frequently. Is there anything more I should be doing?

I don't know much about medicine but for me I have always been worried about the longterm effects of regular adderall usage (even though I don't notice much harm in the present). Why did you make the decision to curb your amphetemine usage?

>> No.19453264

>longterm effects of regular adderall usage
>Increases oxidative stress, and metabolic rate
>In turn, it speeds up the production of energy-- citric acid cycle process
Oxygen is the molecule that responsible for cell maturation and apoptosis (cell death), albeit your cells cant live without it. Hypoxic cells can lead to necrosis of an organ, or just kill the cells that are lacking O2.

>> No.19453276
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Coffee and a good pipe, just like the best of them.

>> No.19453281


>> No.19453290
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Psychedelics. Lots of psychedelics. To explore the interstice between what is and what can be known is comfy for me. Helped me rediscover the symbols of humanity and sacred spaces.

>> No.19453328

Alcohol: 2-5 days a week
Weed: 2-5 days a week
Psilocybin: 1-2 trips a month
MDMA: 2-8 trips a year

>> No.19453375

I drink a cup of coffee in the morning. If I'm going to write anything decent, that's when I'll do it.

Later in the day I might drink hot chocolate. This gives me a sugar buzz and the warmth is emotionally nourishing.
Occasionally (once or twice a year) I drink alcohol. I'm very susceptible to it though. After one pint of cider I run from room to room wobbling my finger in my lips like this:


and then get a terrible headache. Plus alcohol kills writing (or any other mental activity) stone dead. It doesn't even facilitate random unfiltered free-association stuff. It just makes everything foggy.

>> No.19453397

This is why you shouldn't take psychedelics, once you've taken enough and dived deep enough in the psychedelic culture you become a mumbling new age spongebrain. I've seen many people in my surroundings get dumber after every dose.

>> No.19453519

you must feel so whacked out of your mind. Has this helped you function better in any-way?

>> No.19453527

>mumbling new age spongebrain
Give us some examples will

>> No.19453534

book is my drug you pseuds

>> No.19453557

Caffeine as a gentle stimulant, booze occasionally.

I already quit smoking and never bothered too much with cannabis. Multivitamins are fine, in moderation.

>> No.19453571

Shrooms and MDMA has been extremely positive for my mental health. Weed probably not so much, I've been smoking less and less and will probably end up only smoking when partying and on shroom/ma comedowns.

>> No.19453595

>Acid once a year or two
>2-3 rolled cigs a week
>Cocaine and speed 2 or 3 times a year
>Weed very sparingly, less than once a month
>Coffee depends, sometimes over 3 cups a day at the peak but I have long periods where I barely drink any at all
>I dislike alcohol and benzos so never

>> No.19453598

I’m convinced the graph between intelligence and depression is U-shaped. I’ve met depressive stupid people and depressive smart people, but never in my life have I met a depressive-tendencies person of average intelligence.

>> No.19453600

Except for uppers.
People that take uppers for recreation (not productivity) are usually aggressively stupid.

>> No.19453616

choline cocktail II + oxiracetam

>> No.19453623

>caffeine from preworkout powder or pills constantly
>longtime daily adderall (prescribed), but quit 6 months ago
>racetams most days
>modafinil a few times a month
>mushrooms full dose annually, small dose every few months
>testosterone injected weekly
>HGH every other day
>alcohol a few times a year socially
>won’t take most drugs as I’m weak and would get addicted, and seeing family degenerate on drugs/alcohol has left me with an irrational burning hatred for druggies

>> No.19454009

>>testosterone injected weekly
>>HGH every other day

>> No.19454351

Erectile dysfunction, and cardiac and vascular diseases at sight xD

>> No.19454364

>For me personally it’s nicotine and caffeine, as well as alcohol/cannabis from time to time.
yeah you and the rest of the entire western world

>> No.19454388

Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, ketamine, and occasionally speed. I'll probably die before my 40s but at least I have good thoughts now.

>> No.19454397

>2-3 rolled cigs a week
Literally what is the point of smoking 2 cigs a week, just quit or pump those numbers up

>> No.19454405

None of those substances are particularly harmful at small dosages desu

>> No.19454414

I only consume the Holy Spirit.

>> No.19454422

True. Also I wonder if sometimes it’s a coping mechanism for people suffering from depression to believe they are intelligent. It doesn’t help that a lot of pop culture depicts depression and suicide as deep and romantic when they are anything but. I’ve always swung back and forth; sometimes I think everyone is a retard and that I am “better” than them, other times I feel that anyone can teach me something and that I’m nothing special, with same thoughts as everyone else

>> No.19454465

I’ve been meaning to try this, any tips? What dosage should I start with

>> No.19454804
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>he thinks getting addicted to drugs/alcohol will make him a great writer
You're retarded, OP. Those writers weren't great BECAUSE they were doing drugs and drinking; they were great, and they happened to indulge in those things as well. For every one single genius-drunkard, there are 10,000 retarded-drunkards. You are one of the retarded ones, and sadly you have literary pretensions.

I'm of the literary elite of the world and I workout intensely an hour a day, eat extremely cleanly, don't smoke or ingest drugs, and only very rarely drink alcohol, and even then only wine. I don't need drugs to tap into a hyper-creative and aesthetically sensitive state; I simply exist within it at all times. Enjoy coping and destroying your physical beauty and health so you can stare at a blank page, burp drunkenly and crawl back into bed to watch anime until you fall asleep and wake up dehydrated and hormonally disturbed; rinse and repeat, you'll be a non-entity in two to three years.

>> No.19454808

nice LARP

>> No.19454812

start with a gram with alot coffee

>> No.19454821


>> No.19454825

Alcohol and adderall

>> No.19454839
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>always said I wanted to be a writer
>find out many of the writers I admired drank a lot and said they would write drunk, edit sober
>end up becoming an alcoholic who does not write at all

>> No.19454843

If you ever admired Hemingway, you were never going to make it as a writer in the first place.

>> No.19454853
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Even worse, it was Stephen king I looked up to

>> No.19454858

I have basic store-bought Stash-brand tea. I like it; used to drink a ton of coffee but switched to tea for lower caffeine. I enjoy the different flavors one gets with tea

>> No.19454862

You lack oxygen is what’s happening.

>> No.19454869

I drink several cups of orange pekoe in the morning / afternoon and at night I drink some peppermint tea to get comfy.

I used to drink 3-5 cups of coffee a day, and now maybe have a cup of coffee once a week.

Tea is the true gentleman’s drink

>> No.19455130

Ahmad Tea, Chai tea, or PG Tips

>> No.19455202

This is retarded. Experimenting with drugs and alcohol for a period of time is a good thing to help gain experience and maybe form unique ideas but taking them regularly will only fuck you up and it seems like a lot of i/lit/terates itt only want to take them to seem like a cool writer rather than actually write.

>> No.19455355

I enjoy cigs on occasion, such as on a night out or when I’m smoking spliffs with my friends

>> No.19455769

Regularly drink alcohol and coffee. On occasion (maybe once a month or so) I'll smoke tobacco.

>> No.19455832

weed rather often 2-3x times a week.
dmt, shrooms, lsd for occasional fun.
coke, ketamine, mdma when partying.

>> No.19455885

Most people are too confused about what being a great writer means. A great writer is someone who writes what he wants and if he is lucky a few others enjoy it as well. As for writers that are cherished by all...Only a minor part of them actually wrote what they wanted, they rather wanted to be tgought of as great writers and that entails writing for others. To be a "great writer" one most completely debase himself.and train himself that his every word and every sentence fulfills the criteria of "great writing". To want to be a great artist is to train oneself to smell even to the nanoparticles, the spirit of the times and emptying onself completely, again down to the nanoparticle, of any identiy, so that one becomes an empty vessel for the world and the spirit of the times. To be a great writer, that is an exceesingly high price to be paid.

>> No.19456022

Smoke a pipe and drink coffee daily. Pipe smoking really helps you think.

>> No.19456212

Are you sure? It's maybe possible but I don't think it's that. It goes away immediately after and I go back to feeling normal.

>> No.19456254

>putting phallic objects in my mouth helps me concentrate

>> No.19456306

It's hardly phallic anon, unless we're thinking of different kinds of pipes.

>> No.19456486

What’s the best drug for productivity? Preferably one with few side effects

>> No.19456745

If I'm reading, I drink vodka and water. If I''m writing, which I rarely have the balls to do, I abstain from anything but coffee and cigarettes. I don't consider those serious. Most of the time, i'm fucked though. so vodka

>> No.19456764

Dust off and jenkem

>> No.19456879

Been trying to get sober (par coffee) for a while now, 7 days deep so far and I feel like I can actually think / comprehend shit again so nada

>> No.19456943

Quit cigarettes at 16 and now I just vape constantly. Looking to one day quit vaping by substituting it with a coffee addiction.

>> No.19456986

Every day I jerk off and afterward I swallow my cum. It's calle semen retention, look it up.

>> No.19457144

>Quit cigarettes at 16
Damn when’d you start

>> No.19457182

13. My mother was a heavy smoker and I’d snag some of her cigarettes from time to time. She eventually just started buying me packs and didn’t really care that I smoked. At least I never got into some of the harder drugs.

>> No.19457449

The girl in your picrel has a mannish but attractive face, interesting picture.

>> No.19458253

Do you really do drugs because "my favourite writer looks SO COOL doing drugs!!! Better get addicted and romanticize it"? or Is this board swimming with underage?

>> No.19458330

Heroin destroyed me creatively. Everything I wrote when I was high was so emotionally bankrupt and uninspired. I don't know how people do it. Glad I got away from the stuff.

>> No.19458374

As a teenager I was a stimulant and pot user, as an adult I was more into dissociatives and opiates. But, I am sober now.

>> No.19458660

A good night's sleep, plenty of water, and food and tea.

>> No.19458867

>No one has said hock and soda water...
I would to heaven that I were so much clay,
As I am blood, bone, marrow, passion, feeling -
Because at least the past were passed away -
And for the future - (but I write this reeling,
Having got drunk exceedingly today,
So that I seem to stand upon the ceiling)
I say - the future is a serious matter -
And so - for God's sake - hock and soda water!

>> No.19458989

doing coke every time i go out & every other week at work. i like it a lot.

>> No.19459149
File: 27 KB, 236x335, c302369cb53cbd78577fd9384f56a7ca--marijuana-art-medical-marijuana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowadays I only use cbd oil. It helps me de-stress and focus and overall just makes everything a bit nicer. I like it because it improves cognitive performance just a bit and takes the edge off me. It's kind of like being high but without the loss of control and focus. All in all I've found that being sober is the best for overall balanced performance. Stimulants increase my productivity but make me really stressed out and anxious and they ruin my creativity. Downers are relaxing but make me feel lazy and sluggish.

>> No.19459177

True, they are good to make you see the other side of what is possible, but using drugs on the daily makes it very difficult to a balanced life. As Alan Watts once said: "When you get the message, hang up the phone."

>> No.19459898

I'm a stone cold sober guy. (this is after doing and abusing pretty much every drug in existence, oh I'm also in AA)

>> No.19460066

I don't need drugs, I just need a mirror! Looking at myself gives me a boner

>> No.19460101

drinking coffee right now

>> No.19460354
File: 325 KB, 1280x831, 1280px-Discovery_of_the_Mississippi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, its nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, mescaline, amphetamines and occasionally cocaine.

>> No.19460610

Tea and Yerba mate I drink a few times a day. Coffee only when I have something to do in the morning for my job and I woke up too late to make tea. Alcohol once a week or less, and I haven’t been more than buzzed in over a year (something in my brain refuses to let me get ‘drunk’ anymore) I would occasionally vape or use a nicotine pouch when I served tables but i don’t use any nicotine anymore since I graduated and work from home. I was never addicted to nicotine in the slightest. Weed about once or twice a month if I’m around friends or going out. Doing anything harder than what I’ve listed is silly, and regularly using nicotine for no reason is plain stupid.

>> No.19461018

Moderation is key. You wanna end up like Hunter?

>> No.19461029

Grow up faggot.

>> No.19461044

I AM drugs
t. Wanker

>> No.19461051


Every man of note in history understood that normies were retards and felt contempt for crowds

>> No.19461620

>Cope here

>> No.19461730

But would a large group of geniuses simply be a mass? Do positive individual qualities disappear and defects become more prominent when in a herd? IMO, masses of people are generally bad, regardless of who is in them, and positive qualities are much easier to find in a single individual

>> No.19462136

Other people were posting lexapro and such, so I just posted everything.

>> No.19462257

tobacco and sugar

>> No.19462265

>Do positive individual qualities disappear and defects become more prominent when in a herd?
No. It’s just that when you analyze a herd you only look at qualities shared by each member of the herd which define the herd as one entity. It’s just a perspective shift, and not actually material.

>> No.19462609

am i gonna become permanently fucked if I continue to use the vyvanse my doctor prescribed?

>> No.19462626

I think crowds give people courage, where they wouldn’t normally have it. A bunch of pissed off Ivy League grads would be as destructive as a group of poor pissed off pajeets. There is definitely a mentality shift when it comes to crowds

>> No.19463236

i will pray for you anon

>> No.19464176

Please do
I don't deserve it but I appreciate it

>> No.19465298

Earl grey on the daily, lapsang souchong when I'm feeling adventurous

>> No.19465889

Stop listening to people on the internet for medical advice.