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19445317 No.19445317 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to boss
>Ask him something
>He says I'll have to talk to f*moid in office

>Go to f*moid
>Tells me to go to boss

>> No.19445329

>get an email saying your package has been delivered when it hasn't

>> No.19445352

Saw a bug on the wall yesterday. Absolutely kafkaesque. I tried to throw an apple at it but I missed. My life is like a novel bros

>> No.19445361

> Go to DMV.
> Closed because it's a Sunday.
A kafkaesque nightmare.

>> No.19445371

>package arrived, but no notification
>gets stolen
>Amazon customer support robot sends a new one free of charge
>but now my package is technically 3 days late
Let me out of this nightmare.

>> No.19445374

>open book
>it has words on it
>words everywhere
Think this might be Lovecraftian tho.

>> No.19445375

If I leave food or dirty dishes rats come out of the wall and shit all over the place.

>> No.19445381

>see some kids playing in a field
Was Salinger writing about my life? I'm freaked out guys.
Also my teacher molested me.

>> No.19445409

>slip on a banana peel and die

>> No.19445445

>office is now inhabited by a single mother desperate in raising her two young children all alone and having to do laundry by hand.

>> No.19445489

>black man tells me they're serving seafood at the restaurant down by the pier

>> No.19445678

>grocery store near me started selling pasta
Unspeakable premonitions...the mind recoils, refuses to bring together the implications, to imagine what might be portended in the near future...but even still the awful starchy spirals, defying the geometer's ken, leave in my soul an unshakable impression, a dark symbol of racial experimentation too horrid to firmly hold in thought...

>> No.19445683


>> No.19445756


>> No.19445798

>go to work
>"anon, we're concerned because you are not keeping enough tabs on your clients. the department expects a variety of tabs be kept, including grievances."
>"ma'am there are no complaints."
>"the department expect a variety of tabs are kept in order to ensure thoroughness."

>> No.19446046

>create folder/document "grievances"
>leave blank
>every day go in and edit/unedit it so that it remains blank but the system displays "last edited: today"

>> No.19447641
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>mom says ask dad
>dad says ask mom

>> No.19448542


David Foster Wallace?

This board is fun. Like /mu/ used to be 6 years ago, now it's dead.

>> No.19449306
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This is a true Kafkaesque nightmare, all other situations described in this thread are incomparable to it.

>> No.19449435

>open door for girl
>she doesn't have sex with me

>> No.19449457


As long as you're clearly trying to help the business and can clearly explain your thing, just do it. It's easier to get forgiveness than to ask permission.

>> No.19449576
File: 139 KB, 457x474, chbargfuhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grandmother dies
>leaves me apartment
>17 years old => have to go to all authorities with BOTH parents
>grandmother had name in all documents in Russian
>I have have name in all documents in Ukrainian
>have to send request to linguistic university in the capital to prove it's the same name
>street name was changed 3 times because of antisoviet autism
>different authorities have different name of the street in their documents
>have to go different offices hidden in some basements in different ends of the city to prove it's the same street
>every office has obscure working schedule
>to get this paper you need that paper, go to the other office 5km from here, btw it's closing in the 15 minutes
>ughm, we have lunch break, come later
>repeat last two steps 6 times

Independence from Russian Empire was a mistake. I fucking hate this country. I hope that fucking catacombs collapse and all this fuckery fells into the black sea.