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File: 364 KB, 1470x1913, hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19443603 No.19443603[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is it about him that produces the biggest fucktards in the world? Does reading him rot your mind to the point of no recovery?

>> No.19443627

Demonic literature

>> No.19443650

Schopy was right along

>> No.19443675

Hegel's phenomenology bullshit is pure autism, but his writings on history and aesthetics are pretty great.

>> No.19443762

The fact is that Hegel is not meant for amerifaggot.
Btw when did you get an english translation of his works? 50 years ago? Lol

>> No.19443770

Why even read philosophy if it’s going to turn you into an annoying faggot like picrelated?

>> No.19443772
File: 38 KB, 740x182, 1637611651485_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally /lit/

>> No.19443773

The savior of Europe will almost certainly be an American. We care more about European culture than actual Europeans.

>> No.19443809

You're more delusional than the guy in op pic.

>> No.19443860

OK, keep that attitude. Stay complacent while packs of feral sandniggers rape your women and you become a minority in your country.
You do realize that the whole "I'm superior to Americans" schtick gets increasingly more absurd and laughable with each year?
Like, imagine the arrogance and audacity of you, living in some shitty commie bloc apartment building in East Berlin, with the view from your window facing on the wall of the next building, telling me that you are somehow superior.
The difference between Europeans and Americans is that Americans at least know something is not right. Europeans are living in this delusional fairyland that you still think Europe is a bastion of democratic freedom. Once you have the realization that you are no better than America and we are both equally fucked, then and only then can you make a change. Until then, enjoy the sirens and girls getting raped by Ahmed while you laugh and shitpost about European superiority.
Dumb fuck.

>> No.19443874

Populism and far right politics have seen a resurgence in Europe too.

>> No.19443892

America wanted Europe to get fucked over by Ahmeds because America destroyed Syria and assassinated Gaddafi. Both Assad and Gaddafi warned about all of this.

>> No.19443901

low meme force

>> No.19443902

American culture is literally what Europe is heading for in 50 years.
We may be going down the drain but your already in the sewer.

>> No.19443906

No, that's Jews anons. Jews.
Incidentally, the same Jews who run the European Union and all the European think tanks.
Again, once you break free of the "my country is better than your country" shackles, and realize we are both fighting the same enemy, then we can make a change.

>> No.19443916

It makes me sad. Euros take their culture and history for granted, they throw it aside so cheaply.

Everything wrong with america is because of the culture clash between a lower white population and a rising POC population and Europe Is *actively* importing an ethnic minority.

They are asking for this. Europe in 15 years will be just like USA

>> No.19443932

At this point, I don't see much of a difference between the average white American and Jews. Both are obsessed with scapegoating.

>> No.19444006

i cringed physically. which one of you faggots is this

>> No.19444016

>the whole "I'm superior to Americans" schtick gets increasingly more absurd and laughable with each year
Nigger you're already only 54% white. Niggers have straight up colonized many of your cities. They rape your women at a ridiculous rate, commit most of violent crimes, kill white people at 20x the rate white people kill them, and none of you even dares to point it out.

Not a single european country is in a situation as bad as yours. Not even meme countries like Sweden.

>> No.19444027
File: 37 KB, 419x630, Culture_of_Critique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. The culprit is always the same. Has been for centuries.

>> No.19444038

Sounds like he's a sperg and she's just kind of a midwit.

>> No.19444063

I don't even know what to say you you man. People like you are just far gone. When you are rounded up and put in a camp for being white you'll say "Our camps are more sanitary than American gulags. Murrica btfo."
People like you are just doomed to mediocrity and will never see the big picture.

>> No.19444069

America birthed the whole anti white shit
How delusional are you people?

>> No.19444070

This, but millennia.
Jews are the final boss and always have been. Jews are so cartoonishly evil, that they have to be a test by aliens or something. When we finally beat them, the curtains will be raised, aliens will come down and say "Congrats, you passed the test, welcome to the Galactic Empire."

>> No.19444079

Stop willfully confusing America for Jews.

>> No.19444084

>implying your country isn't full of self-hating good goys

>> No.19444088

And Europe isn't?

>> No.19444138

This is clearly a high IQ troll post. Top high IQ for Reddit. I refuse to believe it's real

>> No.19444141
File: 142 KB, 1260x560, 1_kZ8wg-Of7cRKrIpdvyzeLA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These 'jews' behind everything, are they in the room with us right now anon?

>> No.19444152

Freud is a Jew so yes

>> No.19444159

I’m glad that you care about mittel european culture, but caring about something is different to understand it, we live in a society where even the school system is based on Hegelian Panlogism while America an the Uk refused to import Hegel works because of muh individualism.
Also if you care so much about it it will be great to see you people contribute to the conversation instead of shilling /pol/ copypasta every fucking thread.

>> No.19444160

Yes indeed I suppose so

>> No.19444182
File: 53 KB, 700x420, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Mother of Cope

>> No.19444187

Last time I checked it was mostly white Americans promoting mass immigration etc

>> No.19444190

>Whites really believe this.
No wonder you are becoming extinct. Life isn't comic books you disgusting virgin

>> No.19444218
File: 116 KB, 500x782, happiest of merchants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>denies the very real existence of the jewish problem
>brags about whites becoming extinct
>pulls the "virgin" card
I wonder qui could be behind this post.

>> No.19444228

It must be easy and comfy to blame all of your country problems on a minority, instead of blaming it on you culture, your education and your voting tendencies.

>> No.19444231

Yes they are listening to us using our phones

>> No.19444236

Damn, you guys are really scared of some big nosed people. White americans are really that pathetic.

>> No.19444265


So many kikes holy shit. Look how many came out of the woodwork to reply to this guy once he mentioned the Jews.

I personally live in a city infested with them and I've experienced kikery first hand. This isn't a meme they really do have a ton of capital and power.

>> No.19444277

The quickest way to get redpilled on Jews is to actually meet and talk to them. You find out that not only are all the stereotypes correct, but they're actually worse.

>> No.19444306

It's basically making a religion out of science out of religion out of science ad infinitum. There is never a basis to stand on besides Hegel's own autism.
It's the kind of thing that gives rise to these /pol/tards. If Judaism was such an all powerful evil then its forces could've overwhelmed other society centuries ago. The problem is there is no conscious unity of people. Jews are literally not special.

>> No.19444308

I would sympathize with your anti-Jewish sentiment if you weren't scapegoating a bunch of other non-whites from Chinese, Arabs, Iranians, Indians, and Latin Americans. It's like you hate the whole world except for the West and Japan. You pretty much behave like Jews already.
I don't like Jews or black people either, but I think you white Americans can be pretty hateful and annoying too.

>> No.19444356

The West is literally the only thing that matters.

>> No.19444360

The west literally doesn't exist. There are like 3 very different civilizations involved in it. Read Spengler

>> No.19444366

This is exactly why I call you Jews.
Kys. You're not funny with your hypocrisy.

>> No.19444376

Spengler was a retard and his book is schizo babble. The only reason he's still taken seriously in (((academia))) is because he says stuff that corresponds to the Jew world view.

>> No.19444384

Seethe more Shlomo. If you genocide us, do you think chinks and africans are going to keep you around? What is your end game here?
White people are the only thing holding this shit together, and once we go, the world is going to enter an eternal dark ages. Have fun with that. And just like the other 109 times, it won't end well for you.

>> No.19444401

The thing about philosophy in general is that it's all about the history of philosophy and not about philosophy itself. People read outdated ideas when they read "philosophy." When people read physics they don't read outdated information that has been proven false. Nobody starts physics with "Earth is the central of universe" but people do that with philosophy.

Philosophy is not centralized in anyway so almost anything counts as philosophy even if it's outright incorrect.

>> No.19444405

Screaming about niggers raping white women does not mean you care or know anything about western culture, Carlos.

>Europe Is *actively* importing an ethnic minority.
So you're not following the news much? Currently the only one actively importing sandniggers is Lukashenka (literally organising airplane routes from ME) backed by "trad" Putin, who /pol/iggers jerk off to. Poland is nicely running them back from the border. And in general not even the dumbest leftists around the continent want much immigration anymore.

>> No.19444407

You lack reading comprehension. I was agreeing with your vehement dislike of Jews. My issue is with how you scapegoat other non-whites from Chinese, Arabs, Iranians, Indians, to Latin Americans. I can sympathize with your antisemitism and even white nationalist sensibilities, but I do not agree with white supremacy.
Also, if you hate Jews so much, I sincerely hope you're not a Christian.
>White people are the only thing holding this shit together, and once we go, the world is going to enter an eternal dark ages
Well, I don't want white people to go extinct, but other races can be competent too...