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19443423 No.19443423[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do women think this is poetry? It’s just vain and vapid lines stringed together in free verse.

>> No.19443428

Because women are genuinely retarded. This is only posted for likes. love from kazakhstan

>> No.19443433



>> No.19443449

Blame Whitman.

>> No.19443459

>Why do women think

>> No.19443467

what do americans mean with "speak your truth". truth is
1. never yours
2. not subjective
since we're here:
why do americans always use "safe" and "secure" together? wouldn't be just one of those enough?

>> No.19443472

Why do euros let sandniggers overrun their country and not behead every single member of Parliament

>> No.19443475

Women view any justification for their bottomless narcissism to be something profound.

>> No.19443481

you do the same with latin americans and africans, retard

>> No.19443483

Ironically, women like this are always the biggest conformists.

>> No.19443487

Yeah, except when we have our revolution, we won't be fighting with spoons and butter knives. Enjoy 1984.

>> No.19443496

Decades of postmodernism
In vain

>> No.19443497

no fucking rhymes
thats so bad
what are these times
and they ask why we're sad

>> No.19443530
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Fill this!
Be this!
Know this!
Love this!
Praise this!
Validate this!
Speak this!
Admire this!
Experience this!
Enjoy this!
Extend this!
Create this!

>> No.19443542

>when we have our revolution

>> No.19443557
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>stringed together

>> No.19443559


>> No.19443566

Women are subhuman. I thought at least this point was pacified here,

>> No.19443949

Should it be strung together?

>> No.19444039

Why do you let niggers and spics infest your cities and rob/kill/rape you and your women?

>> No.19444215
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>> No.19444282

It seems to be a brand of what William James called healthy-mindedness, which I recall as a ferocious and axiomatic optimism of the will in the face of private evils/trials and lacking any kind of general soteriology. The good part of it is the optimism of the will. The bad part is its failure to grasp the extent of evil in the world.

A lot of these sorts of poems, from women, are sincere testimonials: I struggle and I yet resolve. It would be extravagantly arrogant to assume they are meaningless or deaf to the human condition. Expressions of the human condition need not be prosaic or philosophical. In fact it is often best for them not to be, since most of humanity does not read or think that way.

Now it is a rare thing for women to articulate their life of mind to a man, to say as it were a woman's thoughts in a man's language. She might be his mother, his friend, his wife.

And it is a very common thing for a man to say, upon little reflection, "This is nonsense. I am entirely familiar with its contents and have already come to understand they are in error. And here is why." Supposing himself to look smart, and taking her silence for awe, he remains oblivious to the hurt and the resentment he has given her.

So it often happens that women are afraid of being judged in this sense by men. And at the same time men are constantly trying (aware in the moment or not) to demonstrate the heroic virtues they suppose they have, and that women ultimately judge to be true or untrue. So men respond to women by saying "this is nonsense. Listen to me instead. I know of these things."

Tragically this makes women less apt to share their minds with men, who always complain that women keep their minds to themselves. And at the same time it shows rather glaringly that-- whatever the contents of the man-critic's heroic self-understanding-- it has little of love, patience or kindness. The pettiness of the judge is then grounds for harsh judgement. A strained silence between the sexes endures.

It is hard for women to do what men do better, and hard for men to do what women do better. If it was her virtue of courage to speak, it must be his virtue of humility to listen.

Her pronouncements are translations of true, unspoken conviction, offered up at great risk and with great trust. His response must be of the same order.

If it is hard for a woman to speak heroically, it is even harder for a man to drop the act for a moment, for the sake of a human connection.

>> No.19444329

>please read this
Stopped reading there.