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19442887 No.19442887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books do I have to read to understand the CIA and their philosophy? What is their endgame?

>> No.19442894

Check Jay Dyer's globalist books series on YT

>> No.19442899

no books is necessary, anon
they are pretty open about their aims, as any accountable government institution is.

>> No.19442909


>> No.19442914

This, if they're representative of America then if they have more power then usa does

>> No.19442916

>What is their endgame?
It’s unironically to bring about the socialist stage of development.

>But they opposed the USSR and other “socialist” states
Revisionists must be crushed and erased.

>> No.19442927
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>accountable government institution

>> No.19443009
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>> No.19443019

martin lee

>> No.19443057

Lackeys philosophy is to do as they’re told.
Higher-ups have tended to go their own way and that’s always to dominate the globe. Their long game seems to have slipped in the past forty, fifty years.

They assassinate socialists, you absolute tool. They soft fascists imperialists.

>> No.19443828

Blowback is a good one

Also check out tales of an economic hitman

>> No.19443897

>They assassinate socialists, you absolute tool. They soft fascists imperialists.
They are purging revisionists and crypto-reactionaries, and helping us achieve the socialist stage. They are anti-imperialists.

>> No.19444242
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>accountable government institution

>> No.19444262

>Programmed to Kill, the Politics of Serial Murder
>Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties
>Satan's Silence: Ritual Abuse and the Making of a Modern American Witch Hunt
>We Believe the Children: A Moral Panic in the 1980s

>> No.19444464
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sorry - what I've posted here largely concerns domestic matters i.e. how the elite are composed of pedo rings, so it's FBI-related. I still strongly recommend them either way. Programmed to Kill changed my life. serial killers are psy ops. the fact this was written before Netflix and the obsession with serial killer media docs makes it more foreboding. and yes I know I sound like a schizo. as for CIA - Devil's Chessboard and Washington Bullets are good I guess
he's right anon. look at every single person overthrown in the Cold War by US-funded coups. ALL left-wing socialist leaders from castro in cuba to allende in chile. name some right wing free market-minded ones, here, I'll make it easier for you:

reagan almost got impeached over funneling money to supply arms to right wing guerilla armies (the contras) fighting socialists in a shithole like nicaragua. see: iran-contra affair. if you're right, why is the US and the rest of the global community trying to destabilize Venezuela? finally, ask yourself why the US never cared to depose far more dangerous right wing dictators (Middle East doesn't count, we're just doing Israel's bidding by handicapping their threats). see picrel - the most relevant gem is when OP responds to an anon like you with the following:
>what you're calling socialism is more state capitalism on a global level
I'm trying to be helpful and educate you but you might be the only person in human history to take the stance that the CIA is anti-imperalist. jesus what do you even read dude??

>> No.19444521

The “leftists” the CIA opposed were all revisionists and reactionaries. The CIA is anti-imperialist as evidenced by its efforts in opposing the socialist imperialism of the Soviet Union and its allies, and in its efforts in aiding decolonization after WWII. The CIA, in other words, is the true fist of socialism, the true guardian of Marxism. You will live to see my position vindicated as the United States reveals itself to be the first country in which socialism will emerge from capitalism, in the way Marx intended.

>> No.19444548

A Very Thin Line: The Iran-Contra Affairs by Theodore Draper

>> No.19444592

This is terrifying

>> No.19444601

Power, that is it. It's about as philosophical as fascism
Tankie cope, scratch that, its literally fascism

>> No.19444664

Isn't PRC already the country that you described?

>> No.19444679
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>> No.19444692
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>t. has never read a book about fascism by an actual fascist

>> No.19444697

The Americans have helped their Chinese comrades build up the productive forces within China, of course. But that only serves to emphasize the devotion to Marxist principles amongst American governmental and industrial leaders. The foundations for the transition to socialism within the USA have long been laid, and sooner than you think, it will occur. I think the USA in 2030 will be a socialist state, while China aims to do so by 2050.

>> No.19444722

The CIA's philosophy is heavy-drinking and putting up with whatever bullshit whatever sitting president tells them until the next one shows up to do the same. Sometimes in their spare time from drinking and bitching they fly drones in Pakistan and half the time it goes wrong. They also dabble in handing off huge pallets of cash to other people to do their work for them and well over half the time that goes wrong too. The big bad scary CIA is a psyop by the CIA: they've actually done very little of any significance that you would have heard of since the early 2000s and nothing of any significance domestically since the mid 1960s. Everyone ITT is stuck in a teenage Cold War delusion.

>> No.19444870

I have. It's literally not a coherent ideology. Gentile was just a socialist who believed nationalist fervor could unite the country. Mussolini was just a bureaucrat. Hitler was a retard. Cordenau was a militarist anti-establishmentarian who didn't live long enough to do anything. Franco and Salazar were just a generic junta and generic autocrat, respectively. Evola was an aristocratic larper.
The best is easily Gentile, but nobody actually adhered to him, so that's all bunk