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19442588 No.19442588 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Toni Morrison?

>> No.19442595

Pseud and fraud. Arrogant because rich and famous. Subject and slave to the vice of human respect.

>> No.19442689

Explain yourself

>> No.19442734

I think she was a good author

>> No.19443076

I think she's pretty good.

>> No.19443126

Gass really liked her.

>> No.19443493

are there any black authors who don't obsess over their skin color? I can't think of one who doesn't make it the central point of nearly every work they shit out, is it impossible for them to delve deeper than skin level?

>> No.19443500

>are there any black authors who don't obsess over their skin color?
> is it impossible for them to delve deeper than skin level?
Yes, this includes blacks in the UK, Africa, etc.

>> No.19444285

a good writer who isn't nearly as great as her reputation. she was elevated to GOAT status by american publishing's periodic need to have a Great Black Author whether or not one actually exists at the moment, like how some movies that win best picture are sheer mediocrities

>> No.19444318

I can't imagine how masochistic you need to be to willingly and voluntarily go out of your way to not only read a book written by a woman, but a negro at that. Like I genuinely can't fathom why someone would do that to themselves.

>> No.19444528

Mediocre at her best. Highly pedantic and distasteful at times.

>> No.19444716

are there any male writers who don't obsess over their masculinity?
are there any american writers who obsess over their nationality?

>> No.19444727

Yes thousands. Are you retarded?

>> No.19445665

She talks about this in an interview. No one complains that everything Joyce wrote was about his Irish identity. Whiteness has monopolized normality so white people can get away with writing about the same parochial things related to their identity but it's considered universal but when a black person does the same thing they get these kinds of complaints.

>> No.19446015

Rumor has it as a person she is a real cunt. When she does speaking engagements she has some ridiculous rider including like Cristal and shit. As a writer obviously I have no clue because I've never read her books and can't imagine I ever will.

>> No.19446035

She was a good in The Matrix.

>> No.19446060

who is this semen demen?

>> No.19446078

She radiates the same weird CIA-backed aura as a lot of women writers from her time
>Toni Morrison
>Joan Didion
>Margaret Atwood
>Judith Butler
>Joyce Carol Oates
Am I just a schizo or does anyone else see it?

>> No.19446109

Thomas Sowell does, but not nearly to the extent other black authors do. He only has one book whose main focus is on race.

>> No.19446121

a great adapter of English translations of the Old Testament into UnderGrad English material.

>> No.19446133

James Baldwin wrote about being gay

>> No.19446140

That's bullshit. She conflates national and white identity. African-Americans only have one identity, and they larp as Africans because they subconsciously know they completely cut off from there roots and have no cultural bedrock.

>> No.19446141

Have you, anon?

>> No.19446144


>> No.19446154

-ice gal

>> No.19446554

was going to say this. his works are pretty much "I'm gay and a francophile btw"

>> No.19446588

i dont. explain.

>> No.19446619


I think sage belongs in all fields


>> No.19446730

I prefer Toni Braxton

>> No.19446769

And yet there are plenty of Irish authors who have never written a word about being Irish or what it means to be Irish. Ignoring race to focus on the broader themes of universal humanity applicable to everyone isn't "whiteness" you seething, shallow dumbass.

>> No.19446770

More of a Cardi B. Guy Myself.

>> No.19446775

Out of all the stuff I had to read that was explicitly about Race in the USA(despite being Canadian), she was the most tolerable of the women.

>> No.19446791

>she was the most tolerable
This is your spirit breaking in real time underneath the endless stream of anti-White propaganda. Grow a fucking spine.
Never mind.

>> No.19446804

My spirit didn't break, I chose my words carefully there. Do you think I read that shit, or recommend her to anyone? Obviously not. But it remains a fact that I felt she was the least bad.

You want me to react with hatred and outrage at her self-centred sanctimony? I simply don't care enough about her or about the dipshits in the English department to do so.

>> No.19446805

Degrees anon. Getting to polemic makes a fool of yourself.
She looks like shes wearing a jesus outfit.

>> No.19447145

Her first several novels through Beloved are definitely worth reading. The Bluest Eye and Song Of Solomon are her best

>> No.19447278

i'm very fond of a lot of sequences in song of solomon but man it fucking annoys me when guitar does the whole "expository dialogue explaining everything in case you didn't get it yet" thing with milkman. reads like a hollywood producer insisted on it

>> No.19448492

I love her.

You don't put Sula above The Bluest Eye?

>> No.19448716

Thoroughly second-rate. Even tried reading her in french translation, just as bad.

>I prefer Anthony Braxton
fixed that for you

>> No.19448747

I get it bro but "least bad" is not deserving of mention, let alone praise. It's like complimenting a torturer for "only" breaking three of your fingers.

>> No.19448910

Not a fan. Had to read one of these American "classics" during glowie induction. Terrible, terrible stuff. Sick.

>> No.19449121

I personally cannot stand that Irish bullshit in Joyce. I put up with it because he's good.

>> No.19449126
File: 57 KB, 828x820, 012516C6-AC53-4A16-916D-072369CD2121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was hot

>> No.19449141

>Whiteness has monopolized normality
In white countries, just as Chineseness monopolizes normality in China, or Kenyanness in Kenya