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File: 22 KB, 610x310, 610_ginsberg_about.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19442303 No.19442303 [Reply] [Original]

Is /lit/ a yeah or nay for Ginsburg?

>> No.19442314

Gay cringe. Read the Bible

>> No.19442363

he's "oh shit nigger what are you doing" tier

>> No.19442372

Biggest pseud and worst "poet" of all time.

>> No.19442400

Some trivia for you:
The TMBG song
>I Should Be Allowed To Think
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NgztPP_CWNQ [Open]
opens with a direct quote from Ginsberg's Howl (1956)
>I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical
however, TMBG prudently don't include
>naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix
anywhere else in the song. Is it because The Communists Have the Music?

>> No.19442404

Kiddy fucker

>> No.19442608

jewish pedophile. par for the course, of course

>> No.19443877
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, EFCAE948-A849-4FD9-A7CA-47046330D88D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A literal pedophile communist jew absolutely disgusting

>> No.19444586

Why do I like beards that look like that so much? he kinda looks like weev desu

>> No.19444599

I don't understand his form at all, it seems identical to me posting on discord. His content is repulsive.

>> No.19444631

I'm glad that walking caricature Jews like Ginsberg exist.
If someone ever asks you why you hate Jews, all you need to do is show them a picture of Ginsberg's repulsiveness and give them a quick summary of his Wikipedia article and they will 100% get it and be on board.

>> No.19444651

God I hate anti-semites

>> No.19444668

Has anyone here actually read him?

>> No.19444670

Ginsberg is like an exaggeration of even the Jewish stereotype, even among Jews he's an anomaly.

It's funny that he visited Celine in Paris

>> No.19444674

Literally all you have to do is just not bother us and not inject your jew shit into everything and we won't hate you. It's literally that simple. But you can't resist jewing at every opportunity.
>oy vey what happens when i poke this beehive with a stick
>oy gevalt i got stung, i never could have imagined this would happen!

>> No.19444693

Yes I've read 3 of his collections. Howl, Reality Sandwiches and The Fall of America. I don't understand his form and find his content juvenile at best. He doesn't have clear political positions it seems to just be senseless moralizing and sexual deviancy. I'm this anon >>19444599. I don't really see the appeal other than being a voice for a sort of specious rebellion college-educated type in the 60s. The most baffling thing is the form, I don't see much of an overlap with Whitman or the Psalms and him, and see zero aesthetic uniqueness or intrigue with him. Kerouac, who is also, terrible at least creates a sort of Jazz cacaphony, and William Carlos Williams is at least readable/enjoyable, if not outright good (which I don't think he is good).

>> No.19444707

he's a major poet. don't know why he makes retards seethe. kaddish, howl, etc are major american long poems and acting otherwise is retarded.

>> No.19444713

Disgusting paedophile.

>> No.19444714

So are you going to tell us why they are good?

>> No.19444718

Imagine being this Jewish. The worst throwaway sonnet that Keats wrote is exponentially better than this kike.

>> No.19444734

Yay he helped out Krasznahorkai after the revolution
Nay he was affiliated with Nambla

I'm conflicted

>> No.19444735

deepstate asset helping turn usa degenerate, very talented


>> No.19444736

>The worst throwaway sonnet that Keats
Even the worst poem from a minor poet like Cowper or Thomas Hood or Robert Louis Stevenson is significantly better than Ginsberg's best without a doubt. Ginsberg is Bukowski/Kerouac tier, and honestly much worse than Kerouac.

>> No.19444752

Poetry essentially died with Eliot. Modernism was a mistake.

>> No.19444762

I never really cared to actually look into him beyond a few minor discussions in a literature club I informally attended senior year of high school.

He just seems like the prototypical example of a postmodern Jewish beat hippie. How much substance to him is there beneath that?

>> No.19444769

eliot was a modernist you troglodyte

>> No.19444782

Which is why I said poetry died with him dumbfuck.

>> No.19444793

And if you want to show the repulsiveness of whites, you show Oskar Dirlewanger who was a monster who raped, tortured, and dismembered other whites (Slavs).
All of mankind is vile as a whole.

>> No.19444849

Insanity in whites is deviant and an anomaly. Insanity in Jews is basically hardwired into their genetic code. Cope.

>> No.19444862

>Insanity in whites is deviant and an anomaly
Nah, insanity is prevalent in all of humanity.
>Insanity in Jews is basically hardwired into their genetic code.
You behave like Jews in modern times. It's not just Jews you're hating. We were debating in another topic before it was deleted due to your autistic screeching.
Why don't you say Jews "and all non-whites"? You don't just hate Jews. You hate the whole world except the West and Japan.

>> No.19444874

It could be that you're a Jew or Freemason yourself since the biggest promoters of antisemitism come from them which largely ties into the Kaballah or Talmud.
Hitler was backed by Jews for example. Celine was not wrong to say he was probably changed with a body double. Hitler was used to fulfill Jewish messianic prophecies as controlled opposition much like how Trump was controlled opposition.

>> No.19444887

Very rich imagery, good understanding of the rhythms of free verse and also meter, ideas and themes which were original at the time.
Essentially, the things that make a poet good. Do that (you can't) and you'll be a good poet.
The same people who hate him are the ones praising BAP and Mike Ma. These people know nothing about writing.

>> No.19444890

I don't dig him. I don't dig the vibe brings on a set.

>> No.19444912

A few good lines here and there. Pretty overrated and shitty when compared to people like Eliot or Pound. He does not deserve his status.

>> No.19444918

the jeffrey epstein of poetry

>> No.19444924

As someone who, when I was 20, used to write one sonnet a day, using rhyme, meter, and up to three languages, let me tell you that you know nothing about poetry.
You can't explain to me why Shakespeare is better than Edna Millay. If you knew how to do that, you'd know why Ginsberg is good.

>> No.19444937

Well for starters, Shakespeare is literally poetry and follows poetic meter.
Ginsberg is just strings of phrases separated by commas. It literally is not poetry.

>> No.19444987

>As someone who, when I was 20, used to write one sonnet a day, using rhyme, meter

Again, let me tell you: the presence or absence of so-called meter (which actually contains so many variants that it's often hard to say when meter ends and free verse begins) does not determine if the writing is actual poetry. It's just a type of pattern, one of many.
I have written ~300 sonnets, so I should know.
Thank you for confirming that you Ginsberg haters know nothing about poetry.

>> No.19445015

I know you're larping because no one who would value the poetic form of the sonnet would hold kike Ginsberg in high esteem. Larp more though.

>> No.19445041

He's clearly garbage and you're clearly a retard

Your poetry is garbage

They are all terrible and you are too embarassed to post them

>> No.19445049

It died with Tennyson and Swinburne and Whitman.

>> No.19445081

Swinburne is basically the final boss of poetry. Nothing else matters after him.

>> No.19445085

you can like two things moron

>> No.19445087

Yup, pretty much

>> No.19445091

that's a kike

>> No.19445099
File: 123 KB, 684x932, 1612178167774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone made a 100% historically accurate biopic about Ginsberg it would be denounced as one of the most antisemetic films ever made.

>> No.19445103

He's great. Makes /pol/tards seethe. His poems are good too desu.

>> No.19445110

You're funny.
May you also know I have written sestinas too.

They're in Portuguese, so it would make no sense to post them. Furtheremore, if they are terrible (which many of them are, and if you had a brain you'd know that's my point), what is the difference between a good and a bad sonnet and what does that tell us about poetry? Won't that confirm what I have been saying? That the true quality of poetry lies somewhere else, other than in meter, but rather in the images, sounds (whether following a repeated pattern or not), and ideas?
As I said, you can't tell us why Shakespeare is better than Millay.

>> No.19445116

>Very rich imagery
Of himself giving head and fucking animals?

>good understanding of the rhythms of free verse
It is tumblr/discord tier. Online conversations on like aim surpassed him formally.

>ideas and themes
He did not come up with any new ideas, other than subversion which is not original for him.

>Me a good poet
I'd rather be a 'bad poet' writing my own way than be a 'good poet' like Ginsberg.

>BAP and Mike Ma
Who? Are they even poets?

>know nothing about writing
Ginsberg basically made up his style from a mix of Kerouac and Whitman. Look at his influences, he's not responding to the history of poetry, in fact his poetry is a result of not knowing anything about writing.

>> No.19445127

>As I said, you can't tell us why Shakespeare is better than Millay.
Because I said so

>> No.19445128

Awful poet. Even worse human being.