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File: 233 KB, 1024x989, general.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19438829 No.19438829[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This general will revolve around the culture, beliefs, deities and customs of the ancient pre-christian and pre-islamic traditions.
Try to keep the thread civilized without proselytizing, this is not a debate thread.
Invited: practicing Hellenic, Roman, Germanic, Celtic polytheists, Shintoists, Mzadaists, Hindus, Catholics & Orthodox
Also welcome: other Christian and Muslim denominations, Jews, people interested in the listed traditions

Some Handbooks and beginner guides to polytheistic theology:

>> No.19438834


>> No.19438838
File: 64 KB, 556x393, romulus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roman polytheism/Cultus Deorum Romanorum


Anglo-Saxon polytheism

Norse polytheism

Frankish polytheism

Gaulish Celtic polytheism

Welsh polytheism

Irish polytheism

Slavic polytheism


Baltic polytheism

Egyptian polytheism:
(the amazon link to the guide on Kemetism is no longer available.)

Etruscan religion

Mesoamerican religion

Mesopotamian religion


>> No.19438845

Cope atheist

>> No.19438849
File: 806 KB, 1984x1528, Apollo's_enchantment,_by_Henry_Howard_(British).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Neoplatonism

Late Neoplatonism

Julian's Neoplatonism



>> No.19438853


>> No.19438858
File: 326 KB, 1024x783, 4026981311_7048685e3c_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily rituals for Cultus Deorum Romanorum

Some examples of prayers adressed to the Hellenic Gods

Reconstructionist friendly rituals for Celtic polytheism.

Religio Romana
Celtic polytheism
NOTE: as highlighted by user @foxmulder this is a questionable calendar because the Celts and the Germanic peoples considered a day to start on sunset, not at sunrise, hence the real dates would be split.


>> No.19438864

Look everyone, it's coping!

>> No.19438876
File: 37 KB, 853x480, Forest-Spirit-Princess-Mononoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the caves. Read Bataille's The Cradle of Humanity

>> No.19438884

Cringe larp

>> No.19438902

What does Bataille say?

>> No.19438933
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Butthurt christrannies ITT

>> No.19438957

The only rituals I will be performing is playing my Nintendo Switch in front of my funko pop idols

>> No.19438979
File: 98 KB, 900x472, sorcerer-trois-freres-granger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In short summoning what is desired

>> No.19438983

If you're gonna do this the least you can do is not use Christchan to talk about Polytheism you fucking clown.

>> No.19438986

Delete yourself atheist.

>> No.19438992

>politics LARPing
>religion LARPing
>obsessing over e-celebs
why is the new generation so obsessed with finding some kind of group identity? do they really think if they cling to the right label it'll save them?

>> No.19438994

Imagine thinking Christian catholics aren't polytheists

>> No.19438997

Everyone interested in reconstructive polytheism should take a serious look at Hinduism and how it's practiced today as one of the last true major polytheistic religions. If you consider yourself a polytheist and don't know anything about Hinduism you should just quit the larp, pack up and go home.

>> No.19439010

Baudrillard - System of Objects
Just swap out the furniture catalog with the different religions. Orthodox/Catholic are antique or wooden, deliberately made to look dated. The Protestants are more metal or plastic, distant from the traditional furniture. And so forth

>> No.19439018

I don't really know in depth the state of Hinduism, but by asking Hindus around I gathered that:
-They banned animal sacrifice recently, brahmins want to introduce it back though
-They still make votive offerings to their ancestors (e.g. leaving a portion of your meal for your ancestors) on a daily basis
-They're split in many conflicting groups just like Christian denominations, I've seen too many Hindu shitflingings already

>> No.19439034

Btw the shitflingings are oddly similar to their Christian counterparts, eventually their argument devolves into petty ad-hominems and out of context quotes taken from their sacred texts

>> No.19439036

Looks like OP just watched Zeitgeist, how cute

>> No.19439045

Hinduism never fully recovered from Buddhism, in the same way new age neopagans haven't from Christianity. The religion you are looking for to base your museum exhibit theology upon is the pre-Buddhist Vedic religion, which used much of the same scripture as Hinduism but had a somewhat different pantheon and set of beliefs/practices as it was unconcerned with a universal soteriology or dealing with skepticism

>> No.19439046
File: 158 KB, 705x800, Good-Morning-Images-With-God-HD-Wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoroastrianism and Asian religions are still alive though

>> No.19439051

>Hinduism never fully recovered from Buddhism, in the same way new age neopagans haven't from Christianity.
Religions evolve over time, nice finding, faggot

>> No.19439071

>LARPing is when you adopt a set of beliefs that isn't accepted by the mainstream opinion
behold the normalfag cattle

>> No.19439078

Nope, larp more cringelord

>> No.19439101

I'm looking for an answer that relates more specifically to how the informational and communicative structures that make up the digital world have changed. Religious and political dogma clearly has taken on a different form and an extra dimension of self-aware performativity in recent years. >>19439071 A LARPer is someone who acts out a system of beliefs while being on some level aware that what they are doing is absurd and that they're playing a role. If you genuinely believe that there's a pantheon of gods and they deserve your veneration I won't call you a LARPer, I'll just say that you're out of your mind.

>> No.19439121

>Religions evolve over time
Yeah that's the point. Someone who thinks Hinduism is a pristine preservation of polytheism from 500 BC is wrong. And they can't pretend to be Vedic as a model for their Irish-German American paganism with rent-free Christian characteristics without being completely ridiculous, because the communal aspect of what they are copying is gone, hence the accusations of insincere larp. You can't actually start your own religion or revive a dead one by yourself. All you can do are personal devotional or contemplative practices. Everything beyond that is you being autistic. This applies to tradlarping e-christians who would be banned from church if the priest knew what they said about transpeople—their personal belief system is not a religion at all since it is just them in their own private world

>> No.19439136

أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ

>> No.19439148

What are we exchanging digitally that wasn't exchanged previously non-digitally? Text, sound, and images have long been in circulation before the internet broaded the power of data retrieval and extended our senses to be trans-global and trans-temporal. More speed, faster iteration and evolution... of the same old stuff

>> No.19439159
File: 36 KB, 960x574, 1606046516599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a rule of thumb, anything with the prefix "poly" is incredibly cringe and bluepilled.

>> No.19439175

Join the Matrix group for pagan/polytheistic religions if you're interested in paganism or practice one of the pagan religions. We need new members to rebuild the community after getting deplatformed by Discord for taking the piss out of their holy cows (trannies).
Download Element for a decentralized, secure and pro-free speech alternative to Discord:
/pol/tards stay the fuck out

>> No.19439178

Text was in circulation before the printing press was invented, people travelled before there were well-maintained roads, there was trade before there were standardized currencies. The ease with which something can be accomplished isn't just quantitive, it changes the qualities of what is being made more convenient. And the internet is ridiculously transformative as a medium for information-exchange, compared with the old paradigm of mass-media plus person-to-person telecommunication.

>> No.19439184

poly based pilled

>> No.19439235
File: 6 KB, 200x202, 10113F1D-60EB-451D-8225-9FA772973718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Catholics are polytheists
Imagine not being such a massive retard.

>> No.19439240

>the internet is ridiculously transformative as a medium for information-exchange
Then why are we just seeing the same old ideas of the last two hundred years bouncing off each other? All these religious revivalisms, reconstructions, syncreticisms, revanchisms, all have their antecedents last century or earlier. The difference is now anyone can pick them up and pretend they are still relevent, the catch is they need a critical mass of other people to imitate them for it to matter, and even then they will be doomed by the next circulation to a resumption of irrelevance

>> No.19439246

>Cult of Virgin Mary is derived from the Mother Earth cults of antiquity
>worship of saints and angels
>b-but it's not polytheism
keep coping christcuck, you're a pagan as much as the pagans you hate

>> No.19439248

Yippee, you can find some really fucked up people online. You are aware that you can as easily find fucked up pagans online too? So your post amounts to nothing, you're literally drooling.

>> No.19439254

catholics literally pray to a pantheon of saints who embody different aspects of the good.

>> No.19439259

If either of you have ever read a single one of the Patristic writings on the Saints and the Theotokos you'd have read them BTFO these same lame arguments spouted by dribbling pagans 2,000 years ago. You don't read though, so you know nothing.

>> No.19439260
File: 63 KB, 754x721, a523c90df954c60bb327dfac20b65022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Buddhists polytheistic?

>> No.19439262
File: 477 KB, 1200x1217, 1200px-Thecomingofbrideduncan1917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henotheism might suit catholicism better, but yeah, by religious standards they're not monotheists. Catholics even went as far as to turn some Gods into saints like the Celtic Brigid.

>> No.19439282
File: 431 KB, 1280x720, 1629390013081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are pantheons in Buddhism but these gods have gotten a downgrade vis a vis non-Buddhist theology, since they are dependently originated and impermanent, and in some scriptures Buddha or Buddhist adepts actually lecture the gods on the dharma from inside their own celestial palaces, making Buddhism a religion of both men and gods

>> No.19439287

>If either of you have ever read a single one of the copes used by Christians to LARP as monotheists
Yeah, no thanks, the trinity sounds already too much cope for me

>> No.19439302

You apparently can't make the argument yourself? You just mumble about dead sources? How the faith has fallen!

>> No.19439337

I think if all you see is old ideas bouncing off each other you aren't looking closely enough. Sure, a lot of the 'revivals' have roots in some tradition or other, but since they're reconstructions that evolve in a radically different information landscape, one where these contradictory doctrines are constantly clashing with each other, the way the adopters stylize their respective identities doesn't work the same way it did back in the good old days at all.
Eeligious belief, in most times and places, was, to most people, a natural aspect of their identity, something that happened to them. Whatever strange beliefs or customs they adopted, they had no frame of reference that would have allowed them to see those ways of being as an option and examine it against a larger cultural context. Only a savage can perform a rain dance in all sincerity, a modern human being who was brought up in a post-enlightenment society doing 'the same thing' is really doing something completely different, as evidenced by the way such people twist themselves into knots trying to reconcile the contradicting beliefs they're trying to hold in themselves at the same time.

>> No.19439377

>doesn't work the same way it did back in the good old days at all
Oh no I am not talking about the good old days. I am talking about things like the romantic period, the development of indology and the theosophists, the prediction that atheism would lead to nihilism if no one was allowed to evaluate except a dead god, etc. 19th, 20th century. These ideas and the impulses behind them are still with us and people think they are new because the internet has made them new.

>> No.19439406

awww are you upset that your cute little christian waifu is being misused?