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/lit/ - Literature

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1943849 No.1943849 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we post our Myers-Briggs type and our favourite books

use people with the same type as you to look for book recommendations or some shit.

inb4 nofunallowed
inb4 notarealscience

I am ISTJ apparently
my fav book is pic related

>> No.1943863
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The Bell Jar

>> No.1943862
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ISTJ - The Duty Fulfiller or Detective
Characteristics: Quiet, cautious, meticulous, responsible, strong and silent type
Good occupations: Administrators, inspectors, researchers
Acronym: I Save Things Judiciously
Half empty or half full? “It’s half empty now and it wouldn’t surprise me if it dried up completely.”
Motto: “I do everything right”

ESTJ - The Guardian or Overseer
Characteristics: Friendly, realistic, analytical, organized, very driven and enthusiastic
Good occupations: Executives, analysts, managers
Acronym: Execution Saves The Job
Half empty or half full? “Hey! Whose job was it to fill up this glass?”
Motto: “I am in control”

ISFJ - The Nurturer or Defender
Characteristics: Cautious, hard-working, thoughtful, careful, very dedicated to causes and relationships
Good occupations: Health care technicians, accountants, customer service representatives
Acronym: I Serve Family Joyfully
Half empty or half full? “I bet my friend would like to have some water right now…”
Motto: “Nobody can get along without me”

ESFJ - The Caregiver or Loyalist
Characteristics: Talkative, practical, empathetic, decisve, very harmonious
Good occupations: Counselors, coaches, nurses
Acronym: Extra Special Friendly Joiner
Half empty or half full? “I can’t believe someone would leave this dirty glass out here! Clean up this mess right now!”
Motto: “Everyone likes me and wants to be like me”

ISTP - The Mechanic or Artisan
Characteristics: Independent, practical, realistic, adaptable, very skillful with tools
Good occupations: Programmers, operators, pilots
Acronym: I See The Problem
Half empty or half full? “So? It’s water. Big deal!”
Motto: “I can make anything work”

>> No.1943870


Inbvisible Man

>> No.1943867
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The Trial

as a psychology graduate, you should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.1943874


:( sorry.

>> No.1943877
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here's a link to the test
knew i forgot something


i am ashamed :(
it's pseudo psychology
sweet, delicious pseudo psychology

>> No.1943884


>> No.1943886

Not a real science.



>> No.1943888
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Tie: Picture of Dorian Gray and Mother Night

Couldn't explain either of those choices if I tried.

>> No.1943896

Also, the Big Five are far more reliable. But most accurate tests for that are about 200 some odd questions.

>> No.1943898


I like Milton, The Duchess of Malfi, and long walks on the beach.

>> No.1943928

INFP - Idealist or Healer type

>INFPs are usually talented writers.
>INFPs are able to express themselves in lyrical, poetic ways.
Well, clearly this stuff is accurate.

Favorite books for the moment:
The Magus
Infinite Jest (hipsters gonna hip)
Death on the Installment Plan
Ted Hughes' Crow
The Dispossessed

>> No.1943931

Thanks by the way, I was trying to argue with someone that the Myers-Briggs is bullshit and couldn't remember what this was called.

>> No.1943932


Favourite books: Metamorphosis, The Trial, Homage to Catalonia, Notes from Underground, The Prose Edda.

>> No.1943949
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The Wasp Factory

>> No.1943967


Invitation to a Beheading
The Castle
Invisible Cities
Deniro's Game

>> No.1943968


The book I'm currently reading is "Alas, Babylon" by Pat Frank. There are too many books for me to pick a definite favourite, though.

>> No.1943969

>same type as brownstain and tom herpes

>> No.1943970


>> No.1943975
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>> No.1943976

don't worry bro i didn't actually take the test
and wasp factory isn't my faveourute book i just chose first one i saw on my shelf im sofucking fucnny

>> No.1943978

there... is another like me

>> No.1943982

Yep! Did you have any book recommendations? :D

>> No.1943986


Weirdly, my favorite book is "The Last Beagle" by Peter S. Unicorn.

>> No.1943987

Lost Illusions/Illusions perdues
In Search of Lost Time/Something french-y
A Staggering Work of Heartbreaking Genius

>> No.1943989

Bookly, my last weird is "The Favorite Peter" by S. Beagle Unicorn.

>> No.1944010

The collector - John fowles
If on a winters night a traveller- calvino
I think these are my favourites..

>> No.1944020

We seem to have a fairly large number of INTJs compared to other boards.

>> No.1944025


To the Lighthouse, by Virginia Woolf

>> No.1944027

What about you, other guy?

>> No.1944035


Steppenwolf, Hesse.

>> No.1944037 [DELETED] 

i can't be the only INTP on /lit/

>> No.1944054


Never trust these things are each time I do it something is always slightly different. Anyway, good to be only extrovert on /lit/ apparently.

Favourite book would have to be between catch-22 or of human bondage

>> No.1944091

Brother's Karamazov

>> No.1944105

The Magic Mountain

Don't believe anything Myers-Briggs tells you, they're 20th century quacks.

>> No.1944121
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Siddartha and Steppenwolfe, both by Herman Hesse.

>> No.1944134

we INTPs are so pretentious.

I like cormac mccarthy and hemingway and faulkner and philip k dick

>> No.1944144

I don't like to name my favorite books, but rather my favorite authors. They are DFW, Borges, and Faulkner.

>> No.1944145
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I fit categorizations for both E and I, so I don't know what the fuck to do there, but otherwise, I'm NTJ.

I'mma say Baldwin's Another Country, just for some very nicely crafted, non-purple prose, couched in an acutely developed impressionism.

Other than that, I liked Gravity's Rainbow, the Recognitions and the Tropic of Cancer and am enjoying Ada or Ardor as we speak. Earlier stuff, maybe something from H. James' later period (Wings of the Dove or the Golden Bowl), Moby Dick and Vergil in general.

>> No.1944226


Blood Meridian.

>> No.1944248



>> No.1944266

if you lurked /r9k/ when it was still around, you'd know 75% of all 4chan users are INTJ or some one-letter variation therefrom

>> No.1944271

Which is actually an interesting phenomenon since INTJs are arguably the most rare type.

>> No.1944279


Jude the Obscure
Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Spring Torrents

Entry level but I don't have many books under my belt.

>> No.1944281

Probably a troll, but this makes so much sense, shit tier all around.

>> No.1944292


I know the INTPs are pretty numerous on 4chan, but there always seemed to be few INTJs.

>> No.1944307
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INFJ today. The last two always seem to switch around depending on my mood. Favorite book is Pale Fire.

>> No.1944309



>> No.1944315


Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

>> No.1944317

>Myers Briggs
>People still believe this trash
Oh well
INFP and my favorite author is Dostoevsky

>> No.1944322

F was here. Fuck T

>> No.1944327

Numerous people have already posted that it isn't accurate, including OP. It's just for funsies. Calm down.

>> No.1944329


can't name a definitave book for me...

The woman and the gypsy (think that is the title) was a recent standout.

So was Tintin and the secret of literature, that was funny and insightful.

Just finished the great gadsby was shit I left it on the train for some other poor fool to find.

>> No.1944333

ENFP. Every time.

Snow Crash
The d'Artagnan Romances
Anarchism & Other Essays

>> No.1944396
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T here

I shrug impassively at your choleric outburst and return to my studies

>> No.1944485

i chuckled

>> No.1945681

MPD much?

>> No.1945691


Amores I - Ovid