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/lit/ - Literature

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19438200 No.19438200 [Reply] [Original]

If you dont read Dante in original, dont bother. If you go and see for yourself the original and the English translation side by side...my God, the English is terrible and nothing alike those balmy verses of Dante.

>> No.19438214

YOUR English is terrible. I don't trust your opinion.

>> No.19438215
File: 95 KB, 380x470, Eino_Leino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think the original and English translations are the only two choices available?

>> No.19438225

You cant read Dante in translation.
My English is excellent.

>> No.19438233

How do you know? Have you read every translation there is?

>> No.19438240

I dont need to read a single one, reading the original is enough to know this not as a matter of opinion but fact.

>> No.19438254

Anything besides meaningless fiction does not work translated.
Poetry turns into poetry inspired by the one made, with few exceptions (like romance languages getting to keep some style), philosophy gets extremely dense, and prose is muddled.

>> No.19438293

>shakespeare is beloved across the world in translation
>dante has to be read in the original or is shit
Really makes you think.

>> No.19438300

Shakespeare is inferior to Dante. The more inferior the poetry, the easier to translate and retain popularity.

>> No.19438305

I can read and speak Italian you mongoloid anglo.

Shakespeare is shit, stop seething and accept than Dante is The poet.

>> No.19438316

Shakespeare's poetry isn't translated (translating any poetry is impossible). His characters, themes and ideas are.
Why are the translatable aspects of literature so bad in Dante?

>> No.19438340

Its the peculiarity of language and its intonations which Dante used to a much higher level than say Shakespeare. Dante sounds Divine and this is only possible by the exact language he was using and the manner by which he did it.

>> No.19438341
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>Have you read every translation there is?

>> No.19438342

Are Spanish and Italian close enough to make a more seamless translation?

>> No.19438344

>shakespeare is beloved across the world in translation
People's poet
>dante has to be read in the original or is shit
Poet's poet

Both are universal, but Dante is not for the groundlings. You can't compare Shakespeare classless universalism to the glorious Dante elitist universalism, Dante is not for the masses, that's why so many retards on /lit/ love Shakespeare, because they are anglos who haven't take a course in basic Italian. (I know Italian btw here is my comment >>19438305)

>> No.19438368

So his themes, characters, plots and ideas are all shit in translation but at least his language is good. OK lmao.
How do you know there isn't a poet better than dante in Abkhaz, Korean or Navajo who achieves superior effects?
>Shakespeare is loved by elites in every language
>Dante needs to be read by elites in italian to be good
is this supposed to be a recommendation?

>> No.19438385

I can't read Italian but I enjoyed Sayers, Ciardi and Mandelbaum's translations, Ciardi the most. Longfellow is meh and I read the inferno by Mary Jo Bang and it was bad.

>> No.19438433

If a work of literature can only be considered good in it's mother's tongue I would argue that it might not be as GREAT as people think. But that's besides the point, the Divine Comedy is good and it's English translations are good. Your English skills are likely conversational at best and you are incapable of understanding the same level of nuance as you would in Italian.

>> No.19438438

It would be no great exaggeration to say that any couple of verses plucked out of Dante's opus at random are superior to anything Shakespeare ever wrote, even if one were carefully perusing Shakespeare's texts to find him at his best. Dante finished poetry like Bach finished music, Aquinas philosophy and John of the Cross mysticism (incidentally, he too, is a better poet than Shakespeare). Everyrhing else is either a lead-up or a reaction and lacking the fullness that is superabundant in said men and their works. This is no slight to anyone else, a culture eventually finds its completion and there is nothing to be done beyond that.

>> No.19438446


>> No.19438495

>Your English skills are likely conversational at best
>the Divine Comedy is good and it's English translations
Not even the same anon btw

>> No.19438515

I just read it in French and it's kino

>> No.19438529

Post incipit

>> No.19438531

>mfw these lit posters question OP's English skills, not realizing he used very clearly Bible-influenced syntax, cadences and repetition in a Dante thread

Do you guys even read?

>> No.19438540

>Dante needs to be read by elites in italian to be good
Dante is good in translation.

>> No.19438558

It could very easily be read as a psalm.

If you dont read Dante
in original,
dont bother.
If you go and see
for yourself
the original and the English
translation side by side...
my God,
the English is terrible
and nothing alike
those balmy verses
of Dante.

>> No.19438586
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>> No.19438591
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>> No.19438599
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>> No.19438603
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>> No.19438611

Quite bad desu

>> No.19438843

Dante is honestly overrated. It's hundreds of pages of:
>And then I saw Buppo di Beppe and Beppi di Buppo suffering an extremely ironic torture because they once did something that made me want to post a basedjak face
>Then I found my oneitis and she took me to see Jeebus and Mary and it was super cool and now I'm not gonna be an incel anymore
>Thank you Virgil
The End

>> No.19438928

The fact that people really admire religious fanfiction capeshit like this is a testament to how pathetic we are as a species

>> No.19438956

Never happened, cope, kys, etc

>> No.19438967

Literally, 100% the exact plot of the Comedy.

Seethe and dilate Francesco.

>> No.19439005

It is conceivable that a translator could be possessed of such talent so as to create translation of the Commedia than which no greater can be conceived.

If this greatest possible poem exists in the mind, it must also exist in reality, because if it existed only in the mind, then an even greater poem must be possible—one which exists both in mind and in reality. Therefore, this greatest possible poem must exist in reality.

>> No.19439023
File: 155 KB, 1000x706, Beatrice_Addressing_Dante_(by_William_Blake).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19439044

An English translation of Dante might as well be an original work. And because it's an original work, it doesn't have to be compared it with the original anymore. It can stand on its own legs and be good regardless of its relationship to the original

>> No.19439470

>Its the peculiarity of language and its intonations which Dante used to a much higher level than say Shakespeare

Shakespeare is far more imagery-dense and metaphoric-creative than Dante. He was being original almost non-stop with his use of language, while most of Dante it’s just like prose, but with metric and rhyme. Dante is mostly a simile guy, but even his similes are of a more normal and traditional kind.

>> No.19439477

It’s still a beautiful story of a man trying to make sense of his life and his faith. I can’t read Italian, but obviously Dante’s legacy speaks for itself. There are still beautiful renditions in English. Ultimately it’s up to the reader to decide what is beautiful and worthwhile

>> No.19439553

>Dante elitist universalism
He literally decided to write, in opposition to nearly all serious poets for over a millennium before him, in the non-elitist, "vulgar" Italian language, rather than elitist, learned Latin. Did you even read his letter to Cangrande?
