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19436476 No.19436476 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone of you read Mitchell Heisman's Suicide Note in its entirety? Those of you who did - what did you think of it and could you give a quick rundown for the rest of us? I don't want to embark on reading a nearly 2000-pages long manuscript without any recommendation

>Mitchell Heisman, the man who shot himself September 18, 2010 in Harvard Yard, killed himself as ”Experimental Elimination of Self-Preservation,” according to an extensive suicide note he has published online. The note, found at the domain http://www.suicidenote.info/ , is over 1,905 pages long, and divided into complicated subsections. In its totality, the document sketches Heisman’s dense, heavily-cited social, political, and ethical philosophy, and promotes his book, heretofore unpublished. Heisman worked in several bookstores throughout the area, and consulted with Harvard professors in the process of writing the document.

>Most arresting of all: the note — tome, really — is probing, deeply researched, and often humorous. Heisman personality and erudition shine through every page, as he traces the philosophical steps that have led him to suicide: not really desperation or depression, but rather, intellectual curiosity, and a desire to test the limits of the unknown. After a quick read, comparisons to Albert Camus’ “The Myth of Sisyphus” abound. All the more sad that such a deeply intelligent young man would choose to cut his scholarly output off at one, interesting book.

>> No.19436509

>neurotic westoid kills himself in a quirky and attention-whoring way with le sassy wordplays and wit

great stuff OP!

>> No.19436523

The thing is that even if billions of people like you die, man is not worse off for it, if anything we're probably better off for it, because you are a worthless leech upon society. However a single genius can push the boundaries farther than billions of you in thousands of years. So a loss of a genius is always tragedy, but loss of people like you is always celebrated with a feast.

>> No.19436533

>clearly unstable teenager starts asking a bunch of professors questions about death
>None of them do anything
>Kid kills himself
Really this just makes me wonder what happened to the expectation of stewardship from university professors to their students.

>> No.19436540

>le technological breakthroughs doode
>o em gee le archetypal high IQ genius I bet if I smell his farts I will advance humanity
your takes are too midwit tier to not make fun of you anon, keep them coming

>> No.19436560

Yes, I've read it twice. It's constantly with me, and I keep updating it and nuancing the points in my mind as time has started to pass farther from when it was published.
In the way of recommendation there really isn't much to say, start reading it, if it grabs you in some way, continue.
I've seen some not get the humor at times, maybe it's too dry or something, I don't know. There's also what may seem like repetition, but it's really weaving a point, and covering multiple angles, until you realize a bigger picture emerges.

>> No.19436592

I would assume this includes you, Mr. Pseud? You haven't accomplished anything

>> No.19436620

It's poorly written, unedited, and generally most people are going to close it within the first few pages. The ideas around the book and why he wrote it are infinitely more interesting than the content, which is just pseudo-intellectual raving.

>> No.19436627

No, I'm just an average idiot like you.
No. I'm just self aware enough to understand the truth.

>> No.19436641

Are there any prerequisites? I'm 30 pages in and I noticed he was very appreciative of Leo Strauss

>> No.19436698

I honestly don't know how to answer that, I lean towards no. I wasn't that well-read when I first found it, but I had a passion for "truth". Second time I read it, I'd matured more, and had read more, and it resonated differently. I haven't read Strauss still, for example, but I know enough about him and some of his stances to where it makes sense in Heismans context.

The issue of Jewishness is a central one, and he admits it was the hardest one to grapple with in his attempts to approximate objectivity.

>> No.19436831

It’s literally just schizo ramblings. I wish retards who just discovered this trash would stop making threads about it

>> No.19436842

I take it this includes le suicide man since only morons legitimately think there is anything of substance in his suicide note. He embodies the retards who insist on talking when they have nothing of value to say

>> No.19436865

In Phaedo Socrates also says suicide is dishonorable and immoral. Starting to think this Heisman guy might be a hack

>> No.19436893

>but loss of people like you is always celebrated with a feast
Kek what a pseudy thing to say

>> No.19437288

>he admits it was the hardest one to grapple with
Never seen a jew even approximating objectivity when it comes to jewishness and its (mostly parasitic and self-serving) influence on gentile societies. They simply refuse to admit how toxic their in-group favoring strategies are to out-groups. (Except when they're bragging about how they own media and control finance, but then if you quote them on that, they accuse you of antisemitism.)

>> No.19437321

I'm Jewish and I admit to all this. Although, how is that different from any other race apart from modern whites?

>> No.19437334
File: 126 KB, 658x639, jews-hate-jesus1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>approximate objectivity
He's just your garden variety Jesus-hating jew.

It's incredible the logical leaps and the conclusione they're willing to jump to in their eternal effort to vilify a guy who exposed their repulsiveness 2000 years ago. Straight up slander with a thin veneer of historical research.

>> No.19437356

It's just a high iq + high tribalism combination that nobody else has quite as much, reinforced by religious and cultural constructs.

>> No.19437370
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>how is that different from any other race
Come on, jews use a distinctively different strategy from other non-whites (admittedly, simply because other non-whites are legit retarded).

Instead of waving flags that say "Death to the West" like a muslim, or recording yourselves screeching "Death to wypipo" like a basketball american, you jews are more subtle. If other non-whites behave like roaches swarming a stronger animal, you behave like a parasite entering its brain.

You take control of its financial system, then you change its legal system by relentlessly lobbying it, then you take control of their media and start subtly pushing negative stereotypes about white society while pushing positive stereotypes about non-white societies, all in an attempt to make white societies as multicultural as possible, because historically jews have fared VERY BADLY in racially homogeneous and racially aware white societies. But they perform very well in multikulti ones where they can hide among the many different subcultures and spin their webs.

Really, the writing is on the wall. It's bloody obvious, once you start to look at things objectively. This is the only strategy that makes sense from an evolutionary point of view for a small, historically weak but smart ethnic group like jews.

>> No.19437392

>I'm Jewish and I admit to all this.
And I bet you feel very brave and honest. Bit too easy to do it on an anonymous ice-fishing cilean forum. Say it out loud IRL. Write articles and books and release interviews where you denounce the greedy plotting of your jewish brothers, just like they always denounce white people's supposed and (unfortunately) non-existent racism.

>> No.19437657

Billionaire old money Anglos like the Rockefellers have been funnelling billions of dollars into globalist multicultural NGOs since last century tho, so when people say that the decline of Western society is the fault of the Jews I don't see it. I do admit that Jews do generally hate white people though and are very subversive and I can't stand typical Jewish behavior, entitlement, bitching, inauthenticity, greed, and manipulation. I'm Jewish and I want to ask other Jews what their problem is and if they realize or not that they act exactly like the stereotypes, but as this faggot >>19437392 said, I'm not going to. Why would I though?

>> No.19437695

The story begins a long time before the 20th century. At least with the 17th century Dutch banking scene, Cromwell, the French Revolution, and 19th c USAs banking reorganization, though it might stretch back to the crusades even. It's pretty much impossible to tell who was really responsible though.

>> No.19437719

>ask other Jews what their problem is
subhuman goyim

>> No.19437723
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>I do admit that Jews do generally hate white people though and are very subversive
>I'm Jewish and I want to ask other Jews what their problem is and if they realize or not that they act exactly like the stereotypes, but as this faggot >>19437392 said, I'm not going to.
Because you're as self-serving, cowardly and devoid of honor as any other jew. The concept of doing the right thing even when it's not convenient simply because it's the right thing to do is utterly alien to your jewish mind. You were shaped to be a parasite, after all. You're only going to do the right thing when it's convenient for you, which means that you basically never do it, just like everyone else.

>> No.19437737

>I do admit that Jews do generally hate white people
Straight from the nose's mouth.

>> No.19437765

>the Rockefellers
The difference being that richn goyim do it out of profit (third world immigrants = subhuman servant population that you can exploit and manipulate at will) while jews do it because of the immense INFERIORITY COMPLEX they have towards white people. This is the real root of their hatred. They know that white people are better than them. Just as intelligent, much stronger, and capable of creating a civilization worthy of that name, that the jews could only infiltrate and parasitize (and could do it only by exploiting the natural generosity and honor of white people, who don't abuse nepotism and power like jews do).

>> No.19438067

Kek, you know nothing about me bro. I saved someone's life a few weeks ago and I never fuck people over, I have very little interest in material goods and I support the right of nations and cultures to preserve themselves. Running around telling people that we should genocide or expel Jews is not the barometer for what makes you a good person.

I didn't say I hate white people, I consider myself white, and most of the Jews I know personally don't have anything against whites nor do they see themselves as different from them, I was mostly talking about media Jews, politics Jews and entertainment Jews.

That's not an important difference though as they both have the same result and they're both doing it for immoral reasons. That's why I think upon close inspection many of the arguments asserting that Jews are responsible for the decadence of Western civilization and the slow genocide of whites are weak.

>> No.19438089

It's a multivariable historical counterfactual it is impossible to say much about with anything approaching certainty. "Was x element necessary and or sufficient for the development of y situation" good luck untangling that especially when the subject matter is necessarily shrouded in secrecy and bias.

>> No.19438106

I've been interested but I imagine it's full of american political garbage and that's what keeps me from reading it
honestly 2000 pages is not THAT much

>> No.19438189

In my honest opinion the problem with you Jews has always stemmed from your religion, in particular its core concept that maintains an overzealous racial/ethnic superiority over other peoples which invariably conceives the notion of intrinsic mental attitudes such as predisposition to usury and reluctance for physical labour. I believe that your whole 'We are God's chosen people' schtick will in the end conclusively backfire against you if you don't change your attitudes and worldview and take major steps in either reforming or entirely renouncing you religious doctrine system.

>> No.19438210

Prerequisites? It’s just a schizo libertarian manifesto. Nothing worth reading. About as merit as any claim by sovereign citizens

>> No.19438227

You dont have even the slightest clue what this is do you lol

>> No.19438232

>honestly 2000 pages is not THAT much
Yeah it is. If you can't make a concise statement in 300 pages or less why should we be reading it at all. It's always jews who overthink the fuck out of suicide too, like Weininger and Michaelstadter

>> No.19438846

Pauvre petits saxons...voici les meilleurs extraits du livre.

In post-Conquest English culture, the Normans were both
patriarchally superior and a foreign “race” with a foreign
culture. As whites realized the formally feministic principles
of their regime, the so-called “nigger culture” of the inner
cities began to fill the vacuum left by Norman slave masters.
Black athletes, like boxer Mike Tyson, have taken part of the
psychological place that William the Conqueror won in the
boxing ring of Hastings as the warrior-fighter of fame and
fortune at the very top of his world. Black ghetto-gangster
culture has, for many younger whites, taken the psychological
place that Normans once embodied in English culture. Inner
city gangsterism has retaken the Norman’s throne as a
foreign cultural-political conquest of native Anglo-Saxon
culture. Historical progress led to the evolution of whigs into

>> No.19438855

Le jew boy y vas fort la dessus...

''American femocracy fails to understand the manliness of
William the Conqueror. William the Conqueror is manliness.
Defeated and conquered Anglo-Saxons are not.''

>> No.19438871

One cannot understand the Normans, and especially the
social-cultural difference between Puritans and Cavaliers,
without recognizing the sexual potency of the latter. The
Normans married the “blond beast” masculinity of Vikings
with the gentlemanly social delicacies of the French. The
famous sexual repression of the Puritans fed off revulsion
and contempt for the long-haired sexual prowess of the
Cavaliers who intimidated them on this social and political

>> No.19438881

''Here in lays the general truth of female equality:females
can aspire to be the equivalent of emasculated men. The
feminine moral and legal norms and values of the West are
the condition of Western feminism. Only within such norms
is it conceivable that there be a normative expectation that
women should rise to positions of political power. Sexual
equalizing means that men must be emasculated in some
way before women can be masculinized. This is the
foundation of its common gender ground and its justice.''

>> No.19438941

The schizo is literally a self-described "libertarian," you fucking mong. How about you research what you read before you sperg out.