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/lit/ - Literature

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19435239 No.19435239 [Reply] [Original]

>In 2007, Neiderman, et. al. at Oberlin conducted an extensive review of literary works published in the west from 1750 to 2000, screening for the physical characteristics of heroines and female love interests in an effort to trace changing beauty preferences of high status or educated men. Intriguingly, they found that from the mid-19th century onward love interests were overwhelmingly described as slight, dark haired and dark eyed, a far cry from earlier western works which idealized fair haired, light eyed women. The authors offered several explanations for what they half-seriously termed the 'snow white' effect. First, growing Orientalism that led European men to see these features as exotic and desirable. Second, interest in the Mediterranean and Balkan Christians during the period of the Russo-Turkish War and Greek War of Independence, which brought a darker, 'Hellenic' woman into the public mind as a personification of Christendom and the west. Third, and finally, beginning in the late 19th century, the increasing proclivity of European writers to take Jewish woman as wives, mistresses, and muses - this leading to an intensification of the 'la belle juive' stereotype already present in literature at that time. Neiderman wrote: "the typical Ashkenazi woman's features, long disregarded, became a sort of niche beauty standard among Europe's elite during the Belle Epoque." Interwoven with all of this was a growing belief that women who fit the pale/dark archetype "felt more deeply, were more intelligent, and less superficial." In a 2010 follow on study, Neiderman asked 200 people who identified as heterosexual males and were considered high status in the creative fields to describe their ideal woman: the vast majority reported a preference for the same pale/dark type.


>> No.19435242

>Social "science" """studies"""
I sleep

>> No.19435244

What if i prefer more tanned skin but still like blonde hair and blue eyes the most?

>> No.19435247

Always knew I was patrician.

>> No.19435249

reminder that if your real muse doesn’t look like she’s from one of the following:
>a baroque painting
>an early impressionist painting
>classical greek art
you’re ngmi

>> No.19435250

Why don't women let me touch their asses and breasts

>> No.19435256

She looks like a Pre Raphaelite painting.
Millais, specifically. What does that say about me?

>> No.19435278

black hair pale skin petite >>>>>>>>

>> No.19435284

and moderate pubes.

>> No.19435291

Thread ruined

>> No.19435303

yeah you might make it

>> No.19435426
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Makes sense to me. Who had Jewish wives and mistresses? I can think of Lovecraft and Robert Graves off the top of my head.

>> No.19436945


>> No.19436965

Well I'm a blonde man so I just like dark-haired females, I can't help it.

Problem is that zero women like blonde men.

>> No.19436992

i think it was mostly frenchmen (and you have to remember this was when france was still really the cultural center of europe/the world)

>> No.19437040
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>dark hair
>big tits

>> No.19437053

Trailer park tier taste

>> No.19437072
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Red-haired women are the most beautiful creatures on earth.

>> No.19437075

>blonde hair
>blue eyes
>small naturals
>bubble butt

>> No.19437076

Gingers are repulsive, but the hot ones are top tier.

>> No.19437096
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Now we know why she's spammed here

>> No.19437103

It does feel good to like dark colored hair, there's no shortage of these woman anywhere lol

>> No.19437126

She's not Jewish

>> No.19437141

why not just fall in love with painting then

>> No.19437150 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 475x675, Azazel2Notes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm not really into blondes

That being said I knew a weeb girl who was nicknamed Snow White because she had black hair, pale skin, and icy blue eyes. (Looked like pic-related and also had thick eyebrows). She even dressed up as Snow White on the last day of school. I didn't exactly have a crush on her but found her phenotype attractive. Maybe I probably would've been if she was a bit shorter. She kinda reminded me of Anne Frank as well but wasn't Jewish although that's what I thought at first. I think she had Irish-Norman blood judging from her surname.

She was a very eccentric person and literally thought of herself as some kind of slice of life anime protagonist and acted like one including sitting back of the classroom next to the window. She also got nervous every time when teachers asked her questions despite having a rowdy personality with her circle of weeb friends.

Saw her working at a pizza shop in front of my house 2 years ago and her breasts were way bigger than I remembered in high school. Not sure why I didn't notice those back then. Seems like she always had a nice body but sort of hid it.

>> No.19437167
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Yeah I'm not really into blondes

That being said I knew a weeb girl who was nicknamed Snow White because she had black hair, pale skin, and icy blue eyes. (Looked like pic-related and also had thick eyebrows). She even dressed up as Snow White on the last day of school. I didn't exactly have a crush on her but found her phenotype attractive. Maybe I probably would've been if she was a bit shorter. She kinda reminded me of Anne Frank as well but wasn't Jewish although that's what I thought at first. I think she had Irish-Norman blood judging from her surname.

She was a very eccentric person and literally thought of herself as some kind of slice of life anime protagonist and acted like one including sitting back of the classroom next to the window. She also got nervous every time when teachers asked her questions despite having a rowdy personality with her circle of weeb friends.

Saw her working at a pizza shop in front of my house 2 years ago and her breasts were way bigger than I remembered in high school. Not sure why I didn't notice those back then. Seems like she always had a nice body but sort of hid it.

>> No.19437443

My ideal woman is sad and sickly looking, frail, pale and with black hair. I like this waifish kind of beauty. The slider in each of these categories is set on max. I've dated two girls who were into witchcraft

>> No.19437637
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pretty much

>> No.19437655

Why not both?

>> No.19437674

This, so the real question is who is head wife of your harem

>> No.19437698

read Pygmalion

>> No.19437710

who is this girl? feel like i remember seeing her for years but can’t put a name on her

>> No.19437725

>the increasing proclivity of European writers to take Jewish woman as wives
God I just want a 130+ IQ jewess as a wife, I'd buy her fur coats and eat her pussy all day.

>> No.19437767

>risking ginger sons
I know danger is enticing, but there are limits anon.

>> No.19437801
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I'm ginger so if I do impregnate a redhead there's prety much a 100% chance my offspring will be all ginger. I'm not ashamed of preserving my race!

>> No.19437816
File: 506 KB, 750x913, 1BF9B069-1CE7-4411-95C2-A28E39C2AEA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will never be an author in my late 20’s in a turbulent relationship with a beautiful dark-haired woman who loves me but fears commitment
am i truly never gonna make it

>> No.19437840

Are we talking 'bout gyaru here?

>> No.19438031

Why does Zizek allow himself to photographed in such demeaning settings?

>> No.19438033

There are almost no natural gingers anyway

>> No.19438035

most men aren't picky at all

>> No.19438525
File: 688 KB, 2560x1624, download(48).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you've basically described the woman in the OP

>> No.19438605

Hair color doesn't matter as much to me as style. I don't like hair that's too short, and I don't like permed hair.