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19434138 No.19434138 [Reply] [Original]

Me mum died early, i am diseased and i have no siblings. Why has God/existence smote me so? I wish i could talk to my mum again.

>> No.19434140

Mods please don't ban me. i was going to ask for books for this feel.

>> No.19434154

I'm sorry OP. I'll pray for you if that helps. Don't look for sense in such ugliness. Evil has a real effect on the world and you and your mum have been struck by it. But you need to stay strong and keep up the fight against it. I think when you do something insanely brave and completely against what evil "expects," like refusing to give in to the senselessness and ugliness of evil, it's such a victory over evil and has such a profound effect that your mum will know that you did it and she will be proud of you. Your souls are connected and she will know, even if you can't know what that means right now.

She would want you to keep fighting. I know that's not much to hear.

>> No.19434158

go back to /biz/ faggot

>> No.19434160

Really sending you my best wishes.

As my mother always said: You choose your family. You can find people who can become as close as a brother or an aunt.

Maybe Blue of Noon by Bataille is your jam, It's not his best book, but maybe you can relate.

>> No.19434168


Myth of Sisyphus as well

>> No.19434174

I guess we will see. Thanks for the encouraging words.
I don't frequent biz, i just saved the bear.
Thanks bro, i will check them out.

>> No.19434500
File: 81 KB, 500x667, 805FD8A4-9BE7-4AA3-8243-F744E9C020D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sorry that happened to you Anon. I don’t have any solid answers for you about why this existence has so much suffering and seems so unfair at times. I used to be super depressed and want to kill myself. The only thing that has gotten me through it is learning to appreciate the beautiful parts of life and to not focus on the bad so much. I started meditating and keeping a journal where I could pour out my feelings. It get very cringe at times but i think it really helped me. Life Is not easy and my situation wasn’t as hard as yours. Nevertheless I’m sure you can make it anon. You are stronger than you think. Remember that after the hardest of winters come the spring.

>> No.19434571

im sorry about that dude. I came to the realization a while ago that my parents are going to die soon and the same goes with me. Its scary but it also motivates myself with this weird style of ego and immortalizing my thoughts.

The dispossessed was a fun read for me. Its not focused on family fun but it talks a little bit about how people play their role in a society.

You could also read Flow by mihaly. It should help you find the mental strength to move on.

>> No.19435006
File: 18 KB, 302x500, 41zdZsS8kZL._AC_SY580_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to hear that anon, but if you made it this far you can make it even further. Keep Going.
Pic related might be a good read for you.
Also try psychedelics, I recommend you Psylocybin Mushrooms. Very transforming stuff and there's a lot of literature on that, also more and more scientific studies.
"How to change your mind" by michael pollan is a good entry into psychedelic self experience, also anything written by Stanislav Grof.
God speed Anon.

>> No.19435046

don't let something as little as the death of a family member drag you down into the depths of hell, brother
i too have terrible thoughts about my parents passing away and the dread that will follow but their deaths are inevitable so we have to steel our nerves to prepare for it
to answer your question why does god smite you? god is both a wicked joker and a superb blacksmith. he wants to twist and shape you into a piece of hardened iron, which is possible if you choose to be brave and embrace it

>I wish i could talk to my mum again.
as long as you remember her, she is with you forever, king