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1943317 No.1943317 [Reply] [Original]

My friend gave me these to read.
He's unificationist as you can obviously make out.

The books preach purity and family values, but I know that there is immense secrecy and lies within the group.

What does /lit/ think?

>> No.1943322


>> No.1943370

Consider the ideas, but do not consider joining the group. Like all other cults, it is a pyramid scam that exists to suck people out of their money.

>> No.1943371

Oh my God, I grew up in this religion and it's bullshit. Moon is stratospherically arrogant, as you could expect from someone who thinks he is the messiah.

Did he join the church or is he a 2nd Generation, aka Blessed Child (ie, born into the church).

If you have any questions, fire away.

>> No.1943372

Weren't these people called the Moonies? That's an amusing name.

Also, isn't 'family values' like, a right-wing dog whistle word? Does it actually mean something?

>> No.1943378
File: 142 KB, 680x1501, religion (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a religion.

No more must be said.

>> No.1943394


so edgy & independent not a sheep of the system hxc

>> No.1943406
File: 40 KB, 558x682, britta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, it's like you know me.

>> No.1943411

Take the books and beat your friend to death with them.

>> No.1943418
File: 8 KB, 250x322, hitchens5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mother theresa

>> No.1943419

yo bro we need to hang ot bro its been to long bro

>> No.1943428
File: 17 KB, 400x280, arab-kid-gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey how's that terminal throat cancer treating ya faggot??!??!?! LOLOLOLOLOL fuck mother teresa tho

>> No.1943443

This guy here.
Basically, the church discourages all sexual activity unless it is between a man and woman matched with the consent of the church and the blessing of Moon. So that means no girlfriends or boyfriends, no homosexuality, and if you get raped that's tough - you're not chaste.
>Like all other cults, it is a pyramid scam that exists to suck people out of their money
I largely agree with this. I think it may have begun honestly, but nowadays the way they treat their members financially is, at times, jaw-droppingly abusive.

My advice overall, as someone who lived with one foot on the Moonie world and one on normality, is to present to him reasonably reasons why you don't agree. Look him ex-member testimonies and learn criticisms of the church and of the Moon family. Be his friend, and disagree in a completely unmocking and uncondescending way.

Check out: http://howwelldoyouknowyourmoon.tumblr.com/

>> No.1943457

wow. moonies (former/contact with, whatever) on my /lit/. are you koreans?

>> No.1943467

I'm English

>> No.1943480

how does one become a moonie when english

>> No.1943494

It's actually quite a big worldwide religion. In the 60s and 70s there was this great wave of new religions that came about as a sort of reaction to the hippie era. Many of them died out and got forgotten, but the Unification Church was one of the few successful new religions.

Anyway, they became well known in America and Europe for fundraising and 'witnessing' in the streets - ie selling roses and trinkets, and recruiting new members. First they approach you in the street, and you agree to come to a conference. Then you would go away to live with a group of them for a weekend, unaware that they are moonies. Then a week, and a month and so on, until you feel quite attached to this group of unusually open, selfless people. Then they spring it on you - Moon is the messiah. And you live in a van for 7 years, selling trinkets and barely sleeping in order to finance the decadent lifestyle of the Moons, with the belief that you are working for the providence.

>> No.1943496

This is what my parents did. I was born into the church.

>> No.1943514


I'm finding that pretty self-contradictary. How is "genuine religious philosophy" superior to Liberal Christianity? How are we even defining it? Wouldn't Wittgenstein be a better image than Mother Teresa, who, even if she were all she might be, was not a philosopher?

>> No.1943525

... and while I'm on it, Tolstoy? Christian philosopher, arguably, but also an anarchist, and therefore in the scam tier? When was the last time anyone benefited financially from Deism?

I know it's just a dumb image, but it should be advancing some consistent editorial line. I find it hard to believe anyone would consider the belief in a non-interventionist first cause to be a scam in the same sense as Scientology.

>> No.1943540

I'd rather worship the sun. The sun is vital for all life on Earth. The moon is just a satellite of ours.

>> No.1943557


I picture you grinning like there's even any point to this "joke".

>> No.1944177

OP here, I'm Irish.
My friends father is also Irish but his Dad moved to Asia and met his wife there.
They moved back and had their son who was born into the religion.

It's extremely ironic.
He's extremely intellectual and wants to be an astrophysicist yet he devotes his life to this religion, even know he's off raising funds or doing charity work.

But listen to this, why is it that the only unificationist in Christian suberbia is also the only who cares for other people more than himself.

It's like the cult makes good people with it's lies,
Yet the philosophies of western civilisation make bad people.

>> No.1944203

Didn't they get huge appraisal from Nixon or Reagan?

>> No.1944237

I knew an Irish boy in the church named David. He's half Philippino and has a younger brother, the name of whom I've forgotten. Very nice people.

I think the church does make a lot of good people. Some of the mantras are "Live for the sake of others" and "Give, forget that you have given, and give again". These are much more clear cut and much more extreme than the airy-fairy things most people are taught as children - be nice, share stuff.

But these ideals are perfectly divorcable from the unification church. Don't forget the damage it has done too: the lives wasted on fundraising rather than developing careers, gay people born into a religion that deplores homosexuality, telling members their ancestors are suffering in Hell and causing them their earthly problems, and that this can be solved by paying thousands for "Ancestor Liberation". I've also seen bullying within the church as well.

Moon supported Nixon during the Watergate scandal.