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19429177 No.19429177 [Reply] [Original]

>Deuteronomy ch.28
What the fuck? Yahweh is a genuine psychopath

>> No.19429202

So? That sounds like most gods in Near East religions, just because after-the-fact the Jews made Yahweh into an anthropomorphisation of Plato’s Logos doesn’t mean that he wasn’t originally just another tribal god. The Old Testament very much demonstrates it’s god as a lowercase god moreso than it is the true God.

>> No.19429215
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Yes and if you spoke that obvious truth you were punished by psychopaths who owned the first printing press and decided the Popes and politics of Global trade and National identity.

>> No.19429273
File: 87 KB, 625x464, saint lawrence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is based as fuck. Might makes right omnipotent being that made everything and can kill whoever he wants all the time. Followers are a bunch of madmen who don't give a fuck about being brutally murdered and will fry alive before denouncing him. Has all the power and fleshes it in front of his own ant farm like a baller.

>> No.19429284

NOOOOO God has to respect me or I wont follow him!!!!

>> No.19429295
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>mfw all the curses came true when they rejected Jesus

>> No.19429300

Can you post the passage u fag

>> No.19429439
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based God

>> No.19429466

the printing press was used by protestants to subvert the Catholic old world retard. martin luther was basically the greta thunberg of the 16th century

>> No.19429473

Yet no they're back in the holy land and doing pretty well. Wat mean

>> No.19429503

They got wrecked in 70 A.D. with gorillions of them dying at the hands of the Romans, the Temple was destroyed, the Jews were scattered, sold into slavery, they spent the next few millennia wandering around Europe getting BTFO by Christians living as second-class citizens in ghettos and are pogrom’d by peasants, and then today Israel is a secular state filled with Arabs, dependent on the United States, filled with pedophiles, and has Tel Aviv as the gay capital of the world. If you measure success solely by worldly means, GDP, etc. you aren’t thinking spiritually

>> No.19429546

This would be based were it not for the “since Christ” herodotus’s histories indicates that the Jews were of such behaviour for centuries or perhaps millennia before the birth of Christ.

>> No.19429569


>> No.19429583

lol even the Bible says the Jews were degenerates long before Christ, read maccabees (oh wait prots got rid of those books, wonder why!)

>> No.19429586

Literally read the Old Testament

>> No.19429591

I agree you’re right but that doesn’t stop St Augustine’s statement being wrong

>> No.19429611
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>> No.19429615

I don’t see now. It’s important to understand ‘Judaism’ in that quote as being the religion which was fulfilled in Christ and is today known as Christianity. Any sect of pre-Christ Judaism that rejects Christ today is indeed corrupt.

>> No.19429628

Ezekiel 22:

"‘Because you have all become OVEN ASHES, I will gather you into JERUSALEM. 20 As silver, copper, iron, lead and tin are gathered into an OVEN to be MELTED WITH A FIERY BLAST, so will I gather you in my ANGER and my wrath and put you inside the city and MELT YOU. 21 I will gather you and I will blow on you with my FIERY wrath, and you will be melted inside her. 22 As silver is melted in an OVEN, so you will be MELTED inside it, and you will know that I the Lord have poured out my wrath on you."

>> No.19429633
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>I will gather you into JERUSALEM. 20 As silver, copper, iron, lead and tin are gathered into an OVEN to be MELTED WITH A FIERY BLAST, so will I gather you in my ANGER and my wrath and put you inside the city and MELT YOU. 21 I will gather you and I will blow on you with my FIERY wrath, and you will be melted inside her. 22 As silver is melted in an OVEN, so you will be MELTED inside it, and you will know that I the Lord have poured out my wrath on you."

>> No.19429641

woah this is kind of nazi yikesss

>> No.19429648

Normally I naysay biblical prophecies but I hope you got this one right
And I got a Christmas themed captcha

>> No.19429656

>I hope you got this one right
bruh it already happened in 70AD

>> No.19429659

checkt and rekt

>> No.19429685

>Then the Lord said to me, “There is a conspiracy among the people of Judah and those who live in Jerusalem. They have returned to the sins of their ancestors, who refused to listen to my words. They have followed other gods to serve them. Both Israel and Judah have broken the covenant I made with their ancestors. Therefore this is what the Lord says: ‘I will bring on them a disaster they cannot escape. Although they cry out to me, I will not listen to them. The towns of Judah and the people of Jerusalem will go and cry out to the gods to whom they burn incense, but they will not help them at all when disaster strikes. You, Judah, have as many gods as you have towns; and the altars you have set up to burn incense to that shameful god Baal are as many as the streets of Jerusalem.’

>”Do not pray for this people or offer any plea or petition for them, because I will not listen when they call to me in the time of their distress.
The Israelites being retarded and never obeying God is one of my favorite Biblical themes

>> No.19429696
File: 690 KB, 900x807, 52B0043E-0C42-4807-A77F-EE5E517C0B90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then the Lord said to me, “There is a conspiracy among the people of Judah and those who live in Jerusalem

>> No.19429723


>> No.19429738
File: 451 KB, 1057x1600, knnvpymz6r341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Martin Luther was based but contained and his output was completely encased and redirected to the same null pathways. He accomplished practical political change in Germany having its own castle rule by consistent violent defense. Gots Von Berlichingen is basically the best life and hero you can hope for in that setting. Still that is a ProtoHegelian Dialectic of false choice compulsory offerings.

>> No.19429823

martin luther was a fucking retard and so are you lmao