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19426428 No.19426428[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will Anna Karenina help me come to feel less like a pathetic cuck for dating women in the year 2021? That is to say, will this book help me come to terms with the fact that any girl I have the option to marry has suck, fucked, and swallowed a series of morons before me in one-night stands, and if not what book will?

>> No.19426470

>any girl I have the option to marry has suck, fucked, and swallowed a series of morons before me in one-night stands
Who cares. It might bother me a little out of jealousy, but honestly if I like a girl it's irrelevant in the scheme of things.

>> No.19426472

I don't know and I haven't read Anna K yet, but the best way to deal with that is to fuck as many women as you possibly can so that you have a higher "body count" than every woman you get with. That's what I did.

>> No.19426486

This was a pretty sick freestyle

>> No.19426491

>just pay $50,000 for the wedding and the chimeric baby bro, it’s not big deal. just brush it off when she gives you shit after a long day and you know she’s fucked twelve guys while drunk and high

>> No.19426494

How's some socialist podcaster gonna help with that?

>> No.19426501

I don’t know, I’ve heard it was about love and forgiveness but I’m not going headfirst into a 1100 page book for it to be about a bunch of Russians running around in a soap opera

>> No.19426502

don't bother dating OP. Other dudes are able to get in about five minutes with enough booze or drugs what you would get in a matter of weeks or months. Also stop listening to nigger music
Okay Chad, anyone here could totally pull

>> No.19426753
File: 437 KB, 1280x959, 50D90DDF-27EA-4F6B-8901-FAB8D6FD8DC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are fucked. We all are. I’m saying this as a man who has slept around and is currently in a relationship with a woman who has done the same. Dating and relationships have been ruined for good. The damage that has been done to both men and women in sexually “liberated” societies is irreparable.
If you’re a young man, you have two main options. You can either do what most men (who are “lucky” enough to be considered dateable) do and accept the fact the women you meet are likely to have had several sexual partners, with whom they’ve done stuff you don’t even want to imagine. Some of their past partners probably had bigger penises, better technique, higher social status, more muscles and so on. Conversely, if you’re a man with a high body count, many of the women you meet will experience retroactive jealousy and insecurity if you decide to tell them about your past. This can put a strain on your relationships, and don’t get me started on the shame and regret…
Many men, especially conservative and/or inexperienced men, don’t want to accept this, so they either go looking for “pure” women or drop out of the dating game altogether. That is if they’re not already single against their own will, which is the case for an increasing number of men now that most women are free to choose who they end up with.
Some men in sexually liberated societies (Muslim immigrants from conservative families, men in small Christian communities and so on) are married off to relatives of family friends, something many of the men mentioned above see as a good solution. Personally, I wouldn’t want that, since the men from these communities usually live boring lives. Your wife may be your cousin, your community is filled with retards and your life will probably be less fulfilling in many ways.
So yeah. In short, you’re fucked. Just accept it. I’m not sure where I’ll end up. I’ll admit that, in spite of my own high body count, my girlfriend’s body count bothers me quite a bit. Knowing I’ve fucked more people than her makes it better, but it still doesn’t heal the wound completely. I know she thinks about my past a lot, and that the number of girls I’ve fucked and dated bothers her. As fucked up as it may sound, that’s what keeps me going.
I haven’t read a book that really captures these feelings, but this is kind of relevant
>It's a fact...that in societies like ours sex truly represents a second system of differentiation, completely independent of money; and as a system of differentiation it functions just as mercilessly. The effects of these two systems are, furthermore, strictly equivalent. Just like unrestrained economic liberalism, and for similar reasons, sexual liberalism produces phenomena of absolute pauperization . Some men make love every day; others five or six times in their life, or never…
cont. next post

>> No.19426760
File: 564 KB, 1552x1793, 5FA2601C-70F0-4C60-A61D-B1D102413BF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some make love with dozens of women; others with none. It's what's known as 'the law of the market'...Economic liberalism is an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. Sexual liberalism is likewise an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society.

>> No.19426799

Have a bump. This is something I'd really like to read about. Fucking girls is one thing, but actually dating someone who has done these things with several other men... no thanks. I guess one rec I have is Knausgaard's books, especially the parts where he dates women

>> No.19426806

All memes aside, the fact that the woman I'm supposed to venerate and protect for the rest of my life formerly gave herself away to guys who didn't even respect her is jarring to me at a level I can't even access consciously

It's too gross for words, it's like looking down and realizing the food you're eating is actually rotten

>> No.19426812

For me, it's the opposite. The more I like a girl, the more difficult it is for me to accept her sexual past. Especially if she talks about it like it's no big deal and doesn't even regret it. I read the Iliad, and the part where Agamemnon tells Achilles he never fucked Briseis really hit close to home. This is obviously something that's important to men on a deep level

>> No.19426837

imagine caring lmao

you retards will die lonely with "confirmed virgin" on your gravestones because youre too socially awkward to get any, meanwhile the rest of us dont give a shit about body counts and just fuck whoever, whenever...having a great life in the process

>> No.19426839

Have you read any books about this, or where one of the characters deals with a similar issue? I've read many books about sexual dynamics between men and women, jealousy and so on, but nothing that touches on this.

>> No.19426844

The thread finally has a roastie tourist! Congratulations on getting mad at seeing the truth for once. Return to twitter any time to be shielded from it.

>> No.19426854

>the truth

what truth? that youre a seething retard?

im married with a beautiful kid and my or my partners sexual past is literally the least of my concerns. empasis on literally. if i had to list all of my concerns, "sexual past" would be number infinity.

anyone who is past the age of 14 who doesnt also have debilitating autism doesnt give a shit. like imagine if your dream (((virgin))) girl rejected you today because you kissed someone in 2nd grade. thats how stupid and inconsequential your concerns are.

inb4 some retarded incel BuT LoCkS aNd KeYs analogy. get rekt

>> No.19426865

>i'm a man btw tHiS iS wHaT yOu SoUnD lIkE fr fr ummm hella uncool tee bee eytch :S o__o
Sure you are. Write me another novel about how you're not a woman, written in woman. Or are you an overcompensating tranny, and you think writing like a child is the essence of femininity and outweighs your trillions of Y chromosomes?

>> No.19426879

>waaaah why cant i find a good womaaaaaan waaah. also ignore my seething rage, hatred for women and incessant focus on transgenderism
jesus christ dude get some help lol

>> No.19426890

>if i say seethe enough times and repeat that everybody who disagrees with me is a virgin i'll finally have made a real post on 4chan and belong
No, your molten asspain at seeing dime a dozen misogynistic shitposts outs you as a tourist, whether you are a terminally humorless roastie, or a sad tranny daytime browsing social media and defending women (who despise you) as a substitute for just being one.

>> No.19426904

I don’t see how AK won’t just make you more certain that women can be awful.

>> No.19426921

>if i say tranny enough times i win! ill even accuse the other anon of not being a GeNuInE anonymous image board poster for the ultimate fatality!

>> No.19426932

Not really since Levin gets a pure qt wife just for being an autist

>> No.19426959

Correct, you are a tranny and a tourist and I have won so thoroughly that I will forget it in 30 seconds but you will still be "seething" about it in an hour. Because the difference between you and me is I belong, and you go to places you don't belong, because you don't have a place where you belong, just to shake your fat masculine fist at the locals who barely notice you. Tranny.

>> No.19427006

This, and he was fitpilled.

>> No.19427051

I don't know about the guy you're responding to, but I'm not a virgin. I've fucked over a dozen women, and I deeply regret it, mainly due to the damage it is doing to the best relationship I've ever been in. My girlfriend is deeply insecure about it and will say things like "You probably did this with other girls" or "So and so probably had a better body than me". It's even worse when she starts questioning my love for her because, as she has often pointed out, she is far from the first woman I've been with. She knows I've shared intimate moments with other women. Made plans with them. Gone on trips and spent holidays with them. I could go on forever. The point is that knowing I've shared what we have with other women makes her feel shitty. It breaks my heart. I feel the same way about her past, but I don't tell her because I'm too insecure and afraid of opening up. My girlfiend can't be blamed for my feelings, and I'm not interested in blaming women for their decisions either. If I can go on Tinder and have sex with dozens of women, so can they. That doesn't mean promiscuity can't lead to issues later in life. If you can deal with knowing these things about your romantic partners, that's fine. For most people, that's not the case. Human beings are jealous, especially when it comes to romantic and sexual partners. We have been this way sinc the dawn of time, and we share this trait with many other species. OP framed it in a childish way, but "LOL why do you even care virgin" is a brainlet tier response.

>> No.19427058

I mean the fact that you yourself ride the vagina carousel takes away any right you have to bitch.

>> No.19427088

The Elementary Particles by Houellebecq

>> No.19427108

your posts have already been marked as cringe. any further comments will be left unread in the trash. cheers

>> No.19427123

i dont get the point of this spiel
>my gf is extremely insecure, therefore i regret my sexual past
i guess in that sense youre perfect for each other since who else would want to be with someone so pathetic

>> No.19427134

Men who fuck plenty of women are usually superior to other men. They’re either more physically fit, more charismatic, better in bed, smarter… you name it. Usually a combination of many traits. Women are also more picky than men, which means fucking many of them is usually considered a feat. Men, on the other hand, fuck anything that moves. Both men and women know this. Being a man and knowing how difficult it is for the average man to bed a woman, you can’t help but envy, admire or in some way respect men who pull it off. It’s different for women. Women have way more options than men. They are the givers, not the receivers, of sex. This is why men who don’t get sex are angry at women who get plenty of it. Not women’s fault, though

>> No.19427138

The point is that young people do stupid shit and sometimes pay for it later in life

>> No.19427157

yea but the payment youre paying is just someone else's mental problem
why are you projecting someone else's problem into your own psyche

what if you and your current gf break up and your next partner feels even more insecure about you having been with your current gf. should you break up with your current gf now to lessen the pain of some potential future partner?

dont retcon life experiences because someone else isnt mature enough to accept them

>> No.19427172

if you had read his posts instead of just refreshing and replying to everybody stupid enough to give you the time of day, you would see he already addressed this

>> No.19427183

see >>19427108

>> No.19427189

Thank you
I already said I'm not the guy you were replying to at first

>> No.19427226

didn't read lol

>> No.19427233


>> No.19427236

The poster that willingly came into this thread to have an insecure breakdown about how they DEFINITELY DONT CARE about anyone’s sexual past is a lot more mature than everyone else. They have two beautiful non-chimeric kids (probably) and it doesn’t matter if they did.

>> No.19427241

Hamlet unironically

>> No.19427308

Is she your dream car? Does she just need a little work, or is she out of alignment, breaking down at every bump in the road. Did her previous owners take care of her? What’s her mileage?

>> No.19427356

You either accept the fact that the mother of your children will be what since forever has been considered a whore, in a quite literal sense, or die alone and miserable.
There's a someone I call my wife in my life, but I don't care about her. She's here to give me kids, whom I love more than I ever will her. I consider her an oven for my offspring and an expensive maid. That was my choice, and I'm happier than I imagined is possible, because of my kids. But I can never respect her.
Women turned themselves into disposable cum rags, there is no reason for you to feel guilty to treat them as much. And for the love of God, don't EVER forget this.

>> No.19427498
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>My girlfriend is deeply insecure about it and will say things like "You probably did this with other girls" or "So and so probably had a better body than me". It's even worse when she starts questioning my love for her because, as she has often pointed out, she is far from the first woman I've been with.
Sounds like you fucked up. You’re not supposed to talk about exes, anon. It’s crass, and it invites your current partner to compare herself to them. You don’t have to pretend that you’re a virgin, but have the courtesy not to mention past lays by name (or act). Put yourself in her shoes, for fucks sake.

>> No.19427562

What would you say was the average body count of the girls you’ve been with?

>> No.19427568

Average women’s body count doubles whether she’s told she’s strapped to a lie detector or not, so just take whatever she says and, at minimum, double it

>> No.19427586

Whats her body count?

>> No.19427590

The Kreutzer Sonata

>> No.19427613

Something by Warren Ferrell maybe?

I think we just have to accept that this is society now. It's not changing for the better anytime soon.

>> No.19427645

You are coping on some level obviously. Maybe it's the best option now available but you're just lying to yourself if you pretend you dont care at all

>> No.19427664

What I remember from that study was that it increased from 3 to 4 (it was done in college students), that doesn’t seem a lot to me, is something that I could tolerate. Even in the most “sexually liberated” countries only 1 in 3 women get a 10+ bodycount and knowing that the average age of first intercourse is 15 that would be one partner for year until they get married. It’s not very alarming, I would rather It was less but is not the disaster that many people think

>> No.19427729

Already read. Doesn’t help, it’s just about his anger towards his wife’s infidelity as well, not about her past whorishness.

You’re crazy if you don’t think the average body count of girls who’ve been through college isn’t upwards of 10. Freshmen girls in college in the US usually have sex with at least ten guys just in their first year of college.

>> No.19427742

So bitter

>> No.19427781

Yes, and rightfully so

>> No.19427794

my feelings exactly, that's why im saving myself for marriage

>> No.19427798

> In a study interviewing actual or former college students, researchers found out that the mean average number of lovers was almost the same for both men and women – 4.98 vs. 4.90.

Furthermore, the results of the survey show that, for women, 43% of their total number of sexual partners came from the time they were college students. In comparison, the college years brought only 35% of the total sexual experience for men.

>> No.19427800

>Sounds like you fucked up. You’re not supposed to talk about exes, anon. It’s crass, and it invites your current partner to compare herself to them. You don’t have to pretend that you’re a virgin, but have the courtesy not to mention past lays by name (or act). Put yourself in her shoes, for fucks sake.

I can guarantee you that she wanted to know and in fact she needs to know. Lying by omission is still lying.

>> No.19427811
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>I can guarantee you that she wanted to know and in fact she needs to know. Lying by omission is still lying.
Are you gonna tell her that the wedding dress makes her arms look flabby, too?

Honestly even by Kantian standards this is autistic.

>> No.19427822

Yes and I’m sure those women told the truth. And did they include all the times they sucked someone off? All the times they “think they were raped” when they went to a frat blacked out on weed and alcohol and got slammed like a pig and disposed like a tampon? Did they include the two or three times someone finished too early so it really WASNT sex technically? You have never investigated a woman’s past if you don’t realize they exclude about half of their sexual experiences. They come out later the longer you date them. Fuck you, and fuck your “science.”

>> No.19427827

>self-reporting from the gender that invented lying
Hahahahaha ahahaha let's let them vote next HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.19427869

The number of previous relationships you've had, sexual or otherwise, and their contents are not in any way equatable to reassuring your girlfriend that she looks pretty.

>> No.19427901

Modern women are fucked up, but they’re are still women and their nature is the same, women have not the same inclination of men for casual sex, they experience more regret, less orgasms and expect much more than men that their last hookup turn into a relationship. They desire way less sexual partners than men in their lifetime (20vs5). What’s happening now is that, thanks to feminism, sex became a perfomative act charged with ideological meaning and birth control changed the importance of pair bonding in a bad way, it’s not that women nature changed

>> No.19427910

I know how many men my girlfriend has been with and she knows how many I’ve been with. When she acted insecure I told her to stop. When she ever came close to mentioning past men in detail, I stopped her and told her to have some respect for her new relationship. She learnt to. You just have to be a man and realise you have to be firm with women. If you are a good man and firm they fall into line. If you’re with a BPD schizo who doesn’t just leave her.

>> No.19427920
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>women have not the same inclination of men for casual sex, they experience more regret, less orgasms and expect much more than men that their last hookup turn into a relationship

>> No.19427962

you moids are so fucking pathetic and sad. i laugh ahahahahaha

>> No.19427965

Another day, another anon who's never heard of Otto Weininger (pbuh), never read Sex and Character, and still holds an unreasonable amount of rancour and ressentiment towards a sex which behaves exactly how its nature and its every single fibre entails it to.

>> No.19427972

How many?

>> No.19427993

Do you have daughters? What are your thought on their futures?

>> No.19428004
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My greatest fear is that I will have several daughters and no sons. I know three families who have 3 or more daughters. Nearly every one of those daughters is a whore and/or a coal burner. They are all irresponsible prodigal babies who think that life is about doing whatever you want until you're 25 while daddy foots the bill, and then magically finding a man who will take over for daddy from there (after you've "had fun" by fucking 5+ other men first of course).

I am engaged to a girl right now and we want to start a family as soon as possible. If I have daughters I will begrudgingly raise them the best I can. I will do my best to try to save even one of them. But the odds are not in my favor and I know it. I will therefore make a dread pact with myself, to cut any daughter loose and stop loving her the instant she reveals herself as a thot. From that moment forward I will not be her provider except in the barest sense required by blood relation. I will no longer encourage her to play the violin or follow her dreams, because it will be clear she has traded in her violin for instagram likes, and her dreams for cock. Every daughter of mine will have an emergency eject lever installed, except when I pull the lever it ejects them from my life.

I will also continue having children until I have at least two sons, because I assume that only 1/10 women will be good humans on average (if that). I need at least two sons. At least if you fuck up a son, you can take some responsibility for it. With a daughter, you can do everything right and she'll still become a thot.

If you are someone's daughter reading this post right now, know this. Every man feels this way unless he is blind, and if he is blind, he is just a pathetic slave. Do you want your father to be proud of you and really love you? Or, if he's too blindly indulgent to judge you, do you at least want to avoid humiliating him and treating him like your slave? Then do not become a whore. Do not act like a thot. Every time you do, you not only make it impossible for good men to love you, you humiliate your father and break his heart.

>> No.19428009

I got my first girlfriend at 18(right now) and she is also 18 and a virgin like me. You just have to look in the right places.

>> No.19428019

Gonna have to speak English, Chester Cheetohead

>> No.19428077

how many men have you been with?

>> No.19428176
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Listen Anons, I usually don't post here but I'm gonna do it this one time, in hopes that my message might help some of you guys. You are making it unnecessarily hard on yourself getting caught up in thought patterns that are not rooted in confidence and trust but in in insecurity and despair about the current state of society, which shifts your mind away from truly important aspects of love.
At the end of the day the only one thing that matters between you and the woman you love is: As long as she's not some degenerate whore who got passed around at parties sucking new dick every week, it doesn't matter what her body count is, because after all, she chose to be with YOU and none of the guys in her past. It is YOU she loves, YOU she chooses every day to be with. You might be the last and most important man she ends up with, and if you love her you will do everything needed to make it go that way, everything that came before will not matter shit at that point if she loves you.There might always be someone she's loved in the past who she couldn't get over and would take back in an instant, but that's not the case for most women. Only exception is when she does have an unusually high body count, which is a clear indicator of massive mental instability. In that case you're the idiot for letting someone like that into your life though, you choose who you dedicate your time to. Figure out how many guys a woman had during the first few times you meet, it's not hard to do especially when alcohol is involved and you're not a complete sperg. If her bodycount is to high for you, then ditch her and go search for someone more suitable, there are enough wonderful women who have been raised in good families that don't go around riding every dick that has been offered to them. Yes, western society is going downhill very fast and most women (and men) are complete degenerates without any values or virtues, but it would be a fallacy to focus on those groups just because they present themselves more. Don't get sucked into the abyss of despair, it's easy to do so when spending time in places like 4chan. I was blessed with a couple of wonderful women in my life who showed me that there are enough pretty, caring and loyal women who haven't had their backs blown out by 30 guys by the age of 25. Just open up your heart and see who's gonna come your way. Good Luck Anon.

>> No.19428185

this. AK herself will redpill you to the moon

>> No.19428188

>As long as she's not some degenerate whore who got passed around at parties sucking new dick every week
Oh okay. So as long as she’s not 99% of young women in 2021? Thank you for this advice!

>> No.19428196

I do. I love her very much and fear for her, but I doubt she will escape her nature. I'm expecting a son soon and I'm looking very much forward to it. I will do my best to upbring my children to decent humans, but I am not entirely sure I will be succesful. We shall see.

>> No.19428223

Not even 1/3 of the posts are /lit/ related. I hope everyone of you pathetic faggots give birth to nothing but crack whores, cum rags, coal burners, homosexuals and drug addicts you miserable, sexless, impertinent monsters of ineptitude.

>> No.19428238

Is coal burner a new term? I’ve just hear it today and now I can’t stop noticing it

>> No.19428259

I just used it to tick the brains of redpill degenerates, it refers to caucasian women who are attracted to negroes

>> No.19428402

I think you're extremely naive and out of touch my friend. Women want the best and will settle for nothing less. They are ruthless cold-hearted killers with social media pumped ego. In fact, if a woman does not wanr every fiber of you, which is actually impossible, she will marry you only to divorce you. But only after ruining your life and livelihood. Both out of sheer spite and ill will, because you do not match her demented preteen fantasies. Anon, please, consider what the fuck you are saying. There is a reason women have historically been second class citizens. There's a reason women have historically not been allowed to vote. There's a reason why every society that has allowed for women to reach that prominence has collapsed.
>I !WAS! blessed with couple of women...
And blessed no longer I take it? Can you imagine my surprise?

>> No.19428423

this is our cross to bear.
I fucking hate this cross, it's killing me, it's heavy as fuck, heavy on my mind. Knowing that my wife fucked 3 guys before me? Yeah that's fucking killing me inside.
I've been in a long term unhappy relationship for 7 years myself before her but it does not make matters easier still.
The only way I can cope with this is that at the end of the day, even if she fucking cheats, leaves me, takes my children away, I still cannot take any of these things she'd take to the grave with me. So fucking be it. I'll find another cunt to pump if necessary if that ever occurs, or not, or I'll die early and that will spare me from seeing this world going down even further. I'm after the high hanging fruit, I'm hoping for the second coming of Christ and my own resurrection. Nothing else I can do but cope and hope.

>> No.19428594

Enjoy the wall

>> No.19428612

>t. Empathylet

>> No.19428615

good afternoon i hate women

>> No.19428623
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It only means as much as you decide it means. If you view sex through this quasi-spiritual lens, then of course you’ll agonize over it. But if you decide not to let it rule you, it won’t. The beauty analogy actually works well here. If my self-concept or my evaluation of a relationship depends on other people finding me beautiful at every waking moment, then a partner who’s honest about my faults will drive me away. But since my gf is the one who feels that way, and not me, I can keep certain observations to myself, knowing that it will benefit us both in the long run.

If she cares deeply about anything, no matter how trivial, don’t say something to upset her. Let her believe what she wants to. She’ll feel better, and you’ll spend less time arguing. Obviously anything that could result in real harm (eg STDs) or actual moral transgressions (eg cheating) need to be aired out. But otherwise, your past is immaterial. Why let a story ruin an otherwise wonderful relationship?

As an aside, this “tell the whole truth at all costs” meme is fucking terrible advice for any relationship: parent-child, friend-friend, and especially partner-partner. Again, even Kant, king of the artists, recognized that sometimes it’s better to keep some information to yourself. Odysseus, king of the Chads, was famous for his wit and ability to deceive. It’s ok, anon. You can keep some things to yourself.

>> No.19428627

Kant should be an autist, not an artist. I fucking hate phoneposting at work.

>> No.19428644

>You can keep some things to yourself.
the more neurotic the person, the harder it is.
t. became a neurotic over the past couple years, cannot keep my mouth shut

>> No.19428658

The solution is to raise them so they become complete social outcasts, this is what my father did, and all four of my sisters were kept safe from all that stuff. Two are married now to very odd nerdy men. Unfortunetly this style of parenting is worse for the boys. My father is really, truly, the oddest man I have ever met, absolute turbo autist and I'm not being mean, I love the man. But really when you think about it, this is a good solution, overall.

>> No.19428665
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I’m sorry to hear that, anon. If you haven’t already, consider therapy. I’m not memeing — I’ve gone myself and it helps a lot. Learning to identify and counteract bad thinking patterns makes a world of difference. Light therapy is also nice (literally just sitting under a sun lamp for a few hours). You’d be astonished how things change.

>> No.19428670

>Unfortunetly this style of parenting is worse for the boys.
brutal my father is the same and im outcast virgin lol

>> No.19428743

>Date girls
>Don't have sex with them for a full year of dating
>If they dump you, bullet dodged
>If they make it, you have some assurance they will be worth it
It's not hard, OP

>> No.19428757

>Date girls
you see this is anon and his circlejerk of outcasts' issue is

>> No.19428762

t. virgin with no sexual experience

>> No.19428768

yes my man, considered it actually. it doesn't help that over the past month i've not had a day off and was doing 12h night shifts. the end is in sight however, should start recovering quite soon. Will look into the sun lamp thing. also, read this and it was a massive fucking realisation, some anon posted it in the thread that got deleted by fucking jannies https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.97302/page/n237/mode/2up

>> No.19428779

>Will look into the sun lamp thing.
Double-check this, but the details I’m following are:
>10,000 lumens
>full spectrum light
>keep between 3-4 feet away from the eyes
>no more than 2 hours at a time to avoid eye strain or damage

>> No.19428782

I’m dating a woman now, and others before her

>> No.19428794

The older I get the more these kind of posts seem to be written by teenagers

>> No.19428842

I dated my gf for 5 years, living with her for 3 of those before we had sex for the first time. We now have an extremely secure relationship of trust and mutual respect.

>> No.19428860

cheers buddy, will see how it goes.

>> No.19428864
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>hs gf sucked my sweaty dick
>now she kisses her husband every day
Its funny if you think about it.
That mouth had my sperm in it.

>> No.19428876
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Give up on family

>> No.19428905

the truly sad thing about all this is that
>the woman cannot offer her virginity to you
>the man cannot unknown the women he slept with before
>the thoughts of both about each other seeping into their minds from time to time
we are living through very hard times, frens

>> No.19428927

Let it go, idealist.
Man's an animal. The gods that inspired cooperation were phantoms the whole time. Get down with the sickness.

>> No.19428947

>Let it go, idealist.
you do realise that the ideal was a common thing not too long ago?

>> No.19428963

Some places, sometimes, but always an aberration. Leave us alone to our devices and we listen to the libido.

>> No.19428980

>Leave us alone to our devices and we listen to the libido
No, we become animals.

>> No.19429100

Bro, you're retarded. When she's insecure about it you didn't show enough affection and desire for her. She brings that up as a result. She doesn't feel loved and THEN thinks about stuff like that.
When you weren't an autist you would just say "Yeah, I was with these girls, but they don't even matter. They are boring and you look better anyways."
This could be so easy, but instead you decide to tell her everything you talked and made with your exes. Like I said, you're retarded.

>> No.19429166

*shoots you*

>> No.19429275

Checked and wrecked.

>> No.19429502

Absolute state of the west. This is what you pay to get """sexual liberation"""

>> No.19429900
File: 1.19 MB, 1092x1720, 409ADB9E-100D-49E5-AF2F-93D8071D9514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I was the only who had a problem with this. It seems its more common than I thought. Im glad.

As a 26 year old virgin and being rejected by my crush at university, I am starting to care less about it and the meaning of romantic relationships in general

I will only get older and I feel like I am wasting time. I will start fucking when I can. Been considering messaging some friends I have and just directly propose to hook up. Idgf

>> No.19429918

here's a better suggestion
find a qt virgin girl and take her virginity, later marry her.
one thing I regret was rushing into it at 19

>> No.19429936

Just remember to take pussy off the pedestal. Yes women can reject you in the sense that they can say no to your advances, but they can't "reject" you in any deeper way that means something profound about who you are. And if you are an average man, you don't cleanly separate the two forms of rejection.

Don't start from a position of assuming women are special or that they will change your life or that "every worthwhile man can get a woman" or anything like that. Ironically and unfairly, the best way to get rid of this kind of nonsense thinking is to have sexual and romantic experience. But you can still get there without it, and equally paradoxically, this will make you more likely to get that experience because you won't radiate desperation and anxiety.

PUA, MRA, and "incel" culture shit are useful and catchy for a reason: they take the pussy off the pedestal, for better or worse. Normies can't understand that because most normies are losers who see incels/MRAs as an opportunity to show a nearby pussy how obedient they are by shaming an outcast and claiming superiority over at least him. But you can take what is valuable about misogyny (the reality check that women are just people, and not very good ones at that), without the resentment.

If you want to hook up, hook up, but don't do it with a cavalier "fuck it, I might as well be a weirdo then!" forced not giving a shit, because that is really just an inverted version of your anxiety and shame. Genuinely, truly take the pussy off the pedestal, detach your worth as a man from whether or not you get laid or women like you, and then approach getting laid and making women like you in an intelligent, non-resentful, strategic way.

But above all, don't let women get you down. They have so many superficially exciting options that rejecting someone like you is meaningless to them, it's like a terminally unhealthy junk food addict rejecting a home-cooked meal because they are racing off in Chad's El Camino to get MSG injected into their eyeballs at a $600 sushi restaurant where the fish walk out and cut themselves up in front of you. Every random 5-6/10 girl now experiences this as her baseline for dating, your "crush" was like a bug on her jezebel windshield. You can't take the rejections of such people or your invisibility to them as meaningful.

>> No.19429971

I feel for you young guys. I am a gen xer and faced these issues a long time ago. I remember the agonising intensity of these feelings of jealousy. It fades as you get older.
There's the option of going to Asia and finding a virgin, in places like Japan, Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam you can manage it.

>> No.19430343

Chastity is a blessing from God.

>> No.19430609

Why do you guys even care about ephemeral pleasures? You guys are pathetic for being jealous about whores. The absolute state of lit.

>> No.19430956

Have you guys noticed that you can sometimes tell a girl from the way she types? They don't use capitalization and often neglect punctuation too. Also trannies do this.

I don't care about the rest of this thread, didn't read it, already forgot what the OP said

>> No.19431002
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>willingly interacting with w*men in 2021
Imagine falling for such bamboozling

>> No.19431048

If you were in Italy you would have to ask a fathers permission to marry a lot of girls, all that old school stuff.

Outside of the English speaking world they don't have meme feminism, demonisation of men constantly in the media, insane divorce laws, cultural encouragement of women to divorce for no reason, all of the clown world shit.
It's all part of the strategy to weaken the 1st world in preparation for the wierd technological post-reality.

>> No.19431072

that doesn't really make sense

>> No.19431101

>I'm supposed to venerate and protect
i think your first problem is thinking women should be "venerated". this is some madonna-whore complex shit, and it's everywhere in this thread.

women are animals, just like you. but they are prettier and have holes that feel good. find a nice girl. fill her holes. feel good. enjoy your life together.

>> No.19431107

Holy cope.

>> No.19431124

you're an animal, libcuck

>> No.19431137

I'm from Central Europe (supposedly "based and tradpilled" region according to outsiders) and the whoring is just as bad as it is in the western world. Girls start fucking at 14 and rack up 10-25 dicks by the time they finish fresman year in college.

>> No.19431149

based is a nigger word that means high on crack so they're not wrong

>> No.19431156

and what are you?

>> No.19431191

which part did you not understand?

>> No.19431218


>> No.19431853

In Italy the girls are as whorish as anywhere else man
>t. italianon

But really, reading all these posts (some quite insightful) I'm given the impression that many anons simply are incapable of getting the puss and are frustrated by it, rightfully so, but the fault should be found within yourself instead of in others. I've experienced some emotional disappointments myself, and what I realized is that it's much easier changing yourself instead of changing the world. You may hate women all you want, even with legitimate reasoning, but at the end of the day that sentiment doesn't really do much, no? Yeah you hate women, so what? How does that benefit you? This message goes out to all those who hate women on an obsessive level: don't, it's just a massive waste of time and very painful and tiresome to be bitter and angry all the time. You'll look back at those years and wonder: "Christ, did I really just erode myself from the inside out over a whore?". Yes I'm telling you to get over yourself, no I don't know how you can do that, wish I knew, all I want is to remind you to keep your eyes on the prize in case you let your hate supercede everything else in your life. I know I've let hate screw my own life, not irrepairably but it put quite the dent

>> No.19432044
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Threads like this make me so incredibly depressed.
> t. dating a roastie

>> No.19432052

I married a femcel, living my best life

>> No.19432461

Why are you dating her? How many men has she fuck? How did you find out?

>> No.19432467

What was the reason of her femceldom? Is she ugly or just retarded?

>> No.19432472


decidedly unbased, cringe even

>> No.19432484
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>> No.19432551
File: 88 KB, 521x409, 1_bmmavR32Dth-qwBtMwsyCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you care == self-imposed suffering, and on some level you know this yet you continue to punish yourself. why?

>> No.19432557

Because "lmao why do you care jfc just have fun" is the philosophy of trannies and I always do the opposite of what trannies do, which is I why I am healthy and loved.

>> No.19432577

Shy, awkward, all girls school then went into college course made up of mostly women

>> No.19432623

Nice, man. You’re very lucky

>> No.19432632

>Dating women in the year 2021?
Don't. Just stay an incel.

>> No.19432650

"lmao why do you care jfc just have fun" is a decadent path to godless suffering, I'm saying inward-looking hyper-fixation on any one thing invariably distorts your perception of that thing as it exists outside your mind.

>> No.19432658

god bless and godspeed

>> No.19432659

haha thanks man I know

>> No.19432678

Read Elementary Particles. Some of the character are post-wall roasties.

>> No.19432706

>Two are married now to very odd nerdy men
What about the other two?

>> No.19432713

No you dumb nigger. The girl whose virginity you took at 16 would become your wife and that would be it. Literal fucking peasants had what (a young, virgin wife) not even billionaries can get today.

>> No.19432730

>If you were in Italy you would have to ask a fathers permission to marry a lot of girls, all that old school stuff.
Fucking moron. It's one of the countries were girls are the most demanding.

>> No.19432783

Why would one willingly interact with women in this day and age?

>> No.19432792

I was aiming to do what >>19426472 suggested, but instead I found my current gf. The thing that's made me stay is that she turned out to be a virgin (hymen's can't lie). Virgins exist in unassuming women, just gotta keep your spirits up, go into dating with an open mind. One more bit of advice to send you off is not to let go of your current values. Being dismissive of women and discarding ones you deem unworthy is an extremely valuable strength if you use it wisely. It lets you turn dating into the man filtering through the good and the bad women, as opposed to the conventional paradigm of women picking which men they'll let fuck them. You deny them any possibility from the get go, they're going to work to get it.

>> No.19432819
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Anna K is a bad book for coping with cuck culture. Anna's husband is a massive cuck who shakes the hand of the man fucking his wife then cries when his whore wife is sick. Tolstoy portrays Anna as a victim when she's really just a stupid whore married to a faggot. The Levin/Kitty storyline is good however, and it portrays the /lit/izens ideal romance: one where a depressed nihilist courts and eventually marries a virgin tradwife who converts him to Christianity and gives his life purpose. Very comfy.

>> No.19432858

>Tolstoy portrays Anna as a victim
I bet he felt great satisfaction cutting her head off with that train

>> No.19433197

>a young, virgin wife
Please please please, let me get what I want this time, lord knows it would be the first time

>> No.19433783

the catcher in the rye somewhat

>> No.19433940
File: 15 KB, 600x459, 49C9EFD1-F0DB-4C16-AF2E-5653A7DC15AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hymen's can't lie
bruh the hymen doesn’t break during sex
it can tear but if it does it grows back
it’s not the fucking seal on a pringles can

>> No.19433967

Yeah, I agree.
What part of my statement is this refuting except the genie is out and its NEVER going back in?

>> No.19433971

>Not sure if clueless virgin or seething roastie

I swear the story changes each time, it used to be
>Muh horseback riding!!
>Muh hymen can break from masturbation
>Muh born without a hymen

And now it's
>Muh regenerative shield
>Muh impenetrable shield
>Muh blood is just period blood even though there's less than a typical period and it's not as dark

>> No.19433993

women: experts on the flaps in their pussies, and nothing else, since the dawn of agriculture

>> No.19434199

>. find a nice girl. fill her holes. feel good. enjoy your life together.

>> No.19434225

>or die alone and miserable.
No offense but even if you picked a roastie she will most likely make your life hell and inevitable divorce you. Maybe get some life experience before handing out baseless advice. Both systems are terrible.

>> No.19434230

>There's a someone I call my wife in my life, but I don't care about her. She's here to give me kids
You're a bigger cuck than will smith. Terrible life you live.

>> No.19434234

But you're 18 do you plan to be together until 80?

>> No.19434247
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Bullshit any woman with a tv is a whore.

>> No.19434260

This entire post is cope. Only a handful of men are having all the fun. It's why most men are frustrated. Nothing to do with Inner strength or self-worth or other postmodern self help guru crap.

>> No.19434306

lmao completely defeats the purpose of the viel

>> No.19434791

It's all so tiresome. I genuinely feel sorry for the guys in such a predicament. I've been there, I know how easily you fall in, how hopeless it all feels, and is. All the pick-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps-motivational-speaking won't change the fact that life is a 0-sum game. That even if every guy stuck in the no gf limbo improoooved and did all the things you're meant to do, it would not solve the problem, as some guys would do better, and thus you'd still have millions, possibly billions, of guys who are no better off. It's something I don't like to think about; there's no real solution, and no one likes to hear someone admitting defeat and arguing their loss with statistical data to back it up. I'm not coming from a self-defeatist angle though, I'm an outsider, agreeing that it's fucked, and that all you really can do is live life as a good man. Don't fuck dozens of women. Stick to one. Save some for the others. Don't give women what they want. They're spoiled children, and it's time men start rearing them back in line. Something something good men do nothing...

>> No.19434799

>the part where Agamemnon tells Achilles he never fucked Briseis really hit close to home.
same. Men who say it doesn't matter are going against their nature, or maybe it is in their nature to be gay.

>> No.19434811

Women don't even realize the contradiction. Women thrive on cognitive dissonance. They can be completely naked and carry a neon sign that says CHAD FUCKS ME FOR FREE, and then say "I only do this because I love fashion! I do it to feel good! It's not about men!"

Same reason they can demand to be treated as equals while crying and asking for special help in everything.

>> No.19434819

I renounced women 8 years ago and have not talked to a single one since.

>> No.19434831

Most young men me my friends included have completely given up. Like we don't even bother. Its sad seeing so many young men just stay home play videos games and hang out on discord all day. There's nothing we can do.

>> No.19434837

Roflmao so many incels in this thread y'all need to get LAID hahaha

>> No.19434857
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I am convinced that unless you met your girlfriend in early college then you should give up on dating/marriage. Once you get into your mid to late 20's all that's left are single mothers and women who've been dicked down by dozens of other men. Bros just take the /whoremax/ pill and bang whores for cash. Don't spend a second of your time and certianly not a penny of your hard earned money on some stupid 26 year old roastie, trying to impress her and make her laugh just so you can fuck her. It's not worth it.

>> No.19434859

This was me and now that I'm doing okay with women I can't undo the damage, I just don't care about them and I'm going through the motions with these relationships. I don't know what to do because if I stop then I am just giving in and never loving again. But the only other option is to keep faking it and that isn't fair to the women in my life.

I just wish I had had the chance for normal love and relationships and not all the pain and confusion I had before earning the right to date. It fucked me up too deep to fix.

>> No.19434863

A woman who has had sex even once before you is spoiled beyond repair

>> No.19434864

>on some stupid 26 year old
This hit home. Why is it always a 26 year old? Because that's when they're willing to date you finally.

>> No.19434877

I agree, and every woman being such a woman is why I gave them all up years ago.

>> No.19434951

in my early college years and very heavily weighing my options for this reason

>> No.19434989

I wish sexbots were real

>> No.19435024

Holy shit the level of insecurity and faggotry in this thread is mind boggling. How low does your self esteem have to be in order to start thinking about other guys whose dicks have been in the girl you’re fucking? Jesus Christ… If a bitch is letting you stick your cock in her, and instead of enjoying how it feels you’re worrying about how big you are compared to the last guy, you might as well just stay an incel. You’re too thin-skinned for sex.

>> No.19435036

If a girl is not a virgin when you're dating her she's literally no better than a prostitute

>> No.19435053


>> No.19435059

I have a lot of contempt for the incel state of mind too, but what you're saying is equally disdainful. Vulgar.

I think it's a sign of masculinity to be at least perturbed if your wife has an extensive sexual history, but it's a sign of weakness to adopt the mentality exhibited throughout this thread.

>> No.19435065

Levin was lucky to be born in the 19th century
In modern times he would be an incel

>> No.19435068
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join us at /biz/ and overcome the animal lust

>> No.19435112

I doubt anyone cares about the body count of a woman they are just fucking, they care about the women they love

>> No.19435123

>If a girl is not a virgin when you're dating her she's literally no better than a prostitute
Yeah, she is better since she’s not charging you for the service. If you’re only willing to date virgins, I hope you’re religious because the only place you’re going to find virgin women over 18 is at church, and they are always funny looking and wear plastic earrings and cheap digital watches.

>> No.19435136
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>If you’re only willing to date virgins, I hope you’re religious because the only place you’re going to find virgin women over 18 is at church, and they are always funny looking and wear plastic earrings and cheap digital watches.
I'll just remain a volcel, and then an hero when loneliness becomes too overwhelming

>> No.19435153

>you retards will die lonely with "confirmed virgin" on your gravestones
just a hunch, but i actually don't think that will happen

>> No.19435166

>not charging you for the service


>> No.19435399

>If you view sex through this quasi-spiritual lens, then of course you’ll agonize over it.
It is literally the way to create life, it puts a body and soul on this earth where before there was nothing. It is a negation of death and decay, it is magic, we are arrogant to say it's not.

>> No.19435459

>Only a handful of men are having all the fun.
Either the last few generations were unimaginably dysgenic in such a short period, or this is simply untrue. Normal people have relationships, they're not constantly putting notches in their bedposts. But I digress, most of you reading are in university and have the mentality of coveting a complete university experience with tiktok whores. You're making yourselves retarded.

>> No.19435461

>Bullshit any woman with a tv is a whore.
They blame soap operas for the reason why Iranian women have such few children.

>> No.19435467

2 and 30.

Got me ahaha

>> No.19435634

classic takedown

>> No.19435642

he's right, virgin. women aren't special and they poop and fart and think terrible thoughts.

>> No.19435700

Cozy incel thread :)

>> No.19435755

Nigga you can kind of control if it will be a boy or a girl. Read up on dawg. If she fugs you cowgirl style close to her ovulation it will more likely become a boy. This is science btw.

>> No.19435896

>They are the givers, not the receivers, of sex.
That is just your personal choice of semantics

>> No.19435909

>Some men in sexually liberated societies (Muslim immigrants from conservative families, men in small Christian communities and so on) are married off to relatives of family friends, something many of the men mentioned above see as a good solution.
This is possibly an option for me but I'm not sure if I even want to go through with it at this point
Being alone is fine. It has its shitty moments but overall it's not that bad and I don't know if the alternative is better

>> No.19435920

Exactly the same here, anon.

>> No.19435921

Tenant of wildfell hall

>> No.19435963

Don't see how that's relevant to OP, after marriage Helen refuses the advances of every man, even when she hates her husband and runs away from him.

>> No.19436057


>> No.19436089

Odysseus was a coward in many ways and this was hinted at many times during his myths, he is a smart tactician that got a fairly good ending compared to the other guys but hints of a more sinister side of his nature are hinted at many times. The time when Ajax killed him self after losing to a competition to Odysseus was him realizing the greatest warrior was a lying manipulative bastard. Odesseus also framed the man that got him into the Trojan war after their victory and had him killed unjustly for just doing his job. He isn’t a king of all Chads he is the pure personification of practicality. In the end of the odessey he comes to realize how terrible this can be when he attempted to test his father to see if he betrayed him while he was gone, only to realize how terrible it was to doubt his own father. There is a great spiritual element to sex and many civilizations have thought of it that way, based on the cringe anime picture you just posted I don’t expect a leftoid like you to have the soul required to understand that

>> No.19436100

>immediately equating not liking promiscuous women to insecurity
Roastoid detected

>> No.19436109
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Chad anon is definitely chad.

>> No.19436164


>> No.19436228
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>be me at Goodwill buying clothes
>Cashier has huge boobs and displaying cleavage
>She squirts a big PLOF SPURT of coconut cream lotion and rubs it on her jiggly cleavage
>I bite my lip as I watch
>I see the dry sweaty skin suck up the lotion
>She rubs the lotion up her neck and sways her head left and right
"Uh I have a husband. It just gets dry in there from all the sweat"
I wonder if she ever caved to animal urges and just left a customer suck her nips and her fuck her in the dressing room.

>> No.19436376

>Dating and relationships have been ruined for good. The damage that has been done to both men and women in sexually “liberated” societies is irreparable
But when being presented with a cure, you would say:
>Personally, I wouldn’t want that, since the men from these communities usually live boring lives
Because being an equivalent of a meth addict is so fun and colourful. You either don't do drugs or live bitterly after a rehab, that's it.

>> No.19436402

There is nothing Central about the Czech Republic, all whorish slavaniggers are Eastern Europe.

>> No.19436468

>Sex and Character
Refuted by modern science, also his metaphysics is shit

>> No.19436587

This, basically. I have no problem with the idea that my gf has been in relationships that didn't work out in the past - what counts is that they actually were relationships and she was serious about them, but people who participate in hook-up culture are something else.
The lack of self-respect, emotional maturity and romantic feeling which I think are a requirement for making someone pursue that kind of lifestyle even for half a year without recoiling in disgust is just staggering. Someone with that kind of past, even if they seem to have gotten over it, is the equivalent of a 'recovered' drug addict.

>> No.19436867

Here's your problem. Me and my wife have had an unspoken rule throughout our whole relationship, haven't even mentioned it. We have never explicitly went into detail about each others preceding love lives, both subconsciously recognizing its ability to cause tension. Only casually, through conversation, when the subject arose, or simply through anecdote, a certain past partner comes up. Throughout the years we both have built up a general idea of each others preceding love lives, yet by keeping each other in the dark we've become less jealous and distrustful. We often reiterate how sexually pleasing we find one another, this has also helped greatly in preventing feelings of inadequacy. The secret is being clandestine.

>> No.19437037

>Refuted by modern science,
Someone help me out with a soijak here, I am not the type to post soijaks but I suddenly understand their purpose

>> No.19437057

That's sad.

>> No.19437104

Probably cause I am sad... It must've seeped through somehow.

>> No.19437110


>> No.19437131

>chimeric baby bro
what did he mean by this

>> No.19437166

There’s more to life than women and playing vidya. You don’t sit at home playing vidya because you don’t have a gf.

>> No.19437173

He's taking about that new Netflix series
>Chimeric Baby Bro
Starring Chris Pratt (...he's so cool)

>> No.19437258

>it is magic
Bro you need to time travel at least 100 years back for anyone to believe anything is magic.

>> No.19437271

Someone explain plot please.

>> No.19437278
File: 89 KB, 821x583, CFC218B9-6181-4EF2-A16A-C1C11ECA8025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a great spiritual element to sex and many civilizations have thought of it that way.
And? Many civilizations thought disease was caused by bad karma. This is an argument from popularity and a God of the gaps rolled into one. If you have to resort to “muh ancient mysticism” to support your beliefs, then you’re no better than astrology thots and crystal bitches. We live in a material world. Go get your cock materially wet.

>> No.19437340

>Will Anna Karenina help me come to feel less like a pathetic cuck for dating women in the year 2021?
no, go see a fucking therapist, you stupid dumb fuck. I´m psychologist btw

>> No.19437440

>He isn’t a king of all Chads he is the pure personification of practicality.
These are synonyms. Chad bends the earth to his will. Simple as.

>> No.19437685

Not really. Katherine Oblonsky is a virgin, presumably, when she marries Levin and although Anna has an affair her previous relationship was probably her only one and rather sex less at that

>> No.19437694

Sexless rather

>> No.19437753

The last girl I was with was tormented by her past to the point of crying during sex, she was repulsed by her body count. Figured she was trying to better herself which was a start at least. Found out after a few months she had tried to set up an onlyfans account while we were together, and when I called her a whore she accused me of mysogyny. I have no lingering feelings about all that aside from a general jadedness about society

>> No.19437786

The numbers are on our side boomer. We're the most sexless generation and is getting worse. Only a handful of men are having all the fun. The rest of us are struggling. A relationship today is a hook up with a drunk bar slut no wife material at all. Even of you hit the jackpot no guarantee she'll stay.

>> No.19437799

>There’s more to life than women a
Imagine denying your own biology to larp as some stoic faggot online. No greater gift than raising a child.

>> No.19437807

>she had tried to set up an onlyfans account while we were together, and when I called her a whore she accused me of mysogyny
Kek, this anecdote is the perfect representation of contemporary western woman

>> No.19437826

Oh and it gets better--she had an Instagram account to promote it which her bloody mum followed. Her own mum could see that she was selling pictures of her hairy anus. Very odd.

>> No.19437828

Women regret their sexual history more than men but less and less men are participating in society and the standards of women are only going up and up. Just a wonderful recipe for overall misery.

>> No.19437874

Well from experience, in my country the situation isn't so bad but the more interesting girls tend to be art hoes or unstable. Honest to god, the two girls I really fancied from school are now doing porn, while the popular girls mostly settled with sporty guys they met there and married in their early 20s

>> No.19438052

This is awful advice. It just fucks with your head and makes it harder to love. Primo girls still exist but all of you are still too autistic to get them because you treat them like shit. The meme about girls wanting assholes only applies to whores that weren't worth dating in the first place.

>> No.19438066

>If you were in Italy you would have to ask a fathers permission to marry a lot of girls, all that old school stuff.
Incels have such a warped view of reality.

>> No.19438083
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The idea that sexual liberation was some 'event' that made everybody fuck and suck more seems ahistoric 2 me. People have been cheating on their spouses at about the same rate for at least a hundred years to give you an idea of how things have always functioned. The body itself was always liberated, the "sexual liberation" that's more noticeable is just that people talk about and are proud of being liberated as such.

I'm obviously not sayin that my body count would be the same in the 20s vs today. Mainly because I probably wouldn't live in a city, but I'd still probably wanna throw some dick at the fuckin grain-sellers daughter when she came through town like every other good ol boy in the county did.

I think poly people are disgusting freaks trying to turn every aspect of life into some utopian exercise in non-suffering, BUT monogamy is clearly not what we're built for. Our dicks are evolutionarily designed for gangbangs according to some. For the sake of keeping communities healthy we had to put it in the 10 big rules— note only the neighbors wife is off limits.

Anyways, I'm not pretending I think current ideas around sex are healthy or anything. I just disagree with the RETVRN kind of ideas that come about in reaction to the concept of vague sexual liberation as an event that turned women into carousel-riding whores and men into fratstar cockswains. See Moby Dick or Kate Chopin for some /lit/ evidence that the conservative view of the past is usually pretty far off the mark in a lot of ways. Me and my girlfriend were also some sluts out here getting ran through before we settled down together and that jealousy you talk about was a pretty big issue for her since I'm friends with a lot of people I hooked up with. It especially bothers her that I don't show this same jealousy. I think everyone just has to do what everyone did forever: fucking deal with it. Housewives in the 60s knew Peggy at the front desk was suckin off hubby and so did Peggy's man. They dealt with it, popping valiums and chainsmoking, or they left.

TLDR: It's always been fucked because we've always been like this. Men and women just make each other miserable in new ways now. From flappers spreading clap to trapstars clapping cheeks.

also i'm a fucking retard. don't know why i typed so much. just think the constant whining over "girls fuck too much nowadays" and wanting a trad gf or whatever is fucking gay.

>> No.19438095

>I think poly people are disgusting freaks trying to turn every aspect of life into some utopian exercise in non-suffering, BUT monogamy is clearly not what we're built for. Our dicks are evolutionarily designed for gangbangs according to some. For the sake of keeping communities healthy we had to put it in the 10 big rules— note only the neighbors wife is off limits.

lol, all evidence points towards monogamy being how we operated in pre-agricultural society and uncontacted and contacted tribes alike all operate in the same way

>> No.19438145

i could've distinguished between sexual and marital monogamy. even in societies where marital and social monogamy were the norm, sexual monogamy doesn't usually stick. people have and always will wanna fuck more than one other person.

also "all evidence" does not point toward that and tribal societies don't "all operate" that way lol.

>> No.19438206

>Everyone has always been a whore just like me!

>> No.19438259
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>Refuted by modern science
Something like this probably.

>> No.19439622

Honestly, get real problems. I have a beautiful and loving family as well, and like the poster you’re replying to, sexual history is so far down our list of priorities it might as well not exist as a concern.
I’ve never heard an IRL friend complain about this since I was in my early twenties. I think as you age these kinds of “problems” become less significant, and if they don’t, if you find yourself still dwelling on them, it shows more about your lack of psychological maturation than muh society.

Kissed mouth don't lose its fortune, on the contrary it renews itself just as the moon does.

>> No.19440043

Why is thread about Anna Karenina turned into a "how to cope with the fact that all women are whores"?

Anna Karenina had character. She had grit, she had charisma and beauty. She was forced into a marriage for a man who didnt love anybody, and she forced herself to love him as best as she could. She loved her son.
She fell for a guy, he was her weakness, he made her feel loved and affectionate which is what she needed at the time the most. So she made a mistake and she regretted it terribly. She regretted it so badly and felt so guilty that she commited suicide. Maybe she wanted to wash the shame of the sin, even tho that's not the way to do it. She was left all alone because everybody knew what happened and everybody judged her. Some people still cared for her but her self- destructiveness was too much.

Just be like Levin, guys. He's the main character of the book anyway, in my opinion. He had good intentions, like Anna, but never got caught into bullshit. Maybe that's some power of good men, to not get caught into bullshit. Cause even good women tend to get caught into bullshit.
The point is to love people, even tho there isn't much neccessarily to do about it. To be in such a way that love is expressed with every look you make, every word you say. That means if you stumble upon a whore, love her. In my case that would probably mean to smile in a shy way at her and get the fuck out of there.
What could Levin say to Anna? Tell her not to listen to gossips, that's shes not so bad? Maybe to think about her kid.

In the end, Levin got lucky, or maybe got what he needed the most, Katjuša. If there's a 1 woman character in some old book that's not a whore, then not all women are whores. QED

>> No.19440784

Microchemerism, or something. Essentially all the men who a woman has slept with keeps a part of their DNA inside her. It was immediately announced as pseudoscience by anyone who heard of it and called a conspiracy theory despite the research just starting. Coincidence, huh?

>> No.19440790

It's been proven for several animal species, they just won't allow it to be tested on WHORES.
I heard they are studying it somewhere in China though

>> No.19440818

isnt that how rape test kits work?

>> No.19440823

Even if it was scientifically proven beyond all doubt, you still wouldn't be able to say it in this sick gynocentric society that forces you to pretend fat disgusting non-virgin womyn are as valuable as virgins

>> No.19440829

Probably. The influx of decadence and degeneracy, while organic in the last ages of most Empires, has come frighteningly fast in modern ones. I mean think about it - if you have a child with a woman who has fucked another man, that mans DNA will be inside your child. Biggest blackpill right there, and probably why (((they))) are promoting hedonism this much. Personally I don't really care since I don't like being around other people regardless of sex, but it's definitely something a man who wants to settle down should look into. Racemixing with a Asian girl who still respects her own body would probably be the best choice, but a pyrrhic one

>> No.19441620


>> No.19441794

>if you have a child with a woman who has fucked another man, that mans DNA will be inside your child
Oh my fucking god, please tell me this is joke, no way incels actually believe this? Lol.

>> No.19441905

>she’s fucked twelve guys while drunk and high
When she was young and immature.
Not everyone is marrying at 20, or do you think people at that age are mature enough for the lifelong commitment of marriage? You're delusional, it leads to divorce.

>> No.19441908

In fruitflies, not humans.

>> No.19441922

In reality, incels don't even care about the past itself so much, there are two far more important factors: 1. They're envious, had no fun themselves during those years 2. They're insecure, knowing that most of those casual partners were better at sex
Essentially it's incel's fragile egoism

>> No.19441930
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Don't settle, adapt. Are you really going to be okay with your wife's past after years of marriage? I don't think I could live with knowing that my dear wife, permanent life partner and mother of my children, got her pussy blown out dozens of time before we met. I don't care if that's "normal" nowadays. I refuse to accept it. If you don't care about race then just leave wherever you are. There are plenty of places with less-fucked sexual dynamics. If you do care about race, look into "minority" white communities (ie Mormons if you're American, rural communities, etc). I've made my decision and feel content. Make sure you avoid regretting yours.
>it's hypocritical for non-virgin men to demand virgin women to marry
No it's not. Virginity means very different things for men and women.

>> No.19441949

no it doesn't

>> No.19442002

>No it's not. Virginity means very different things for men and women.
One girl I dated said I was a hypocrite for expecting girls to be a virgin while I'm not.

>> No.19442010

>Virginity means very different things for men and women
Why does every incel parrot this 1890 narrative?

>> No.19442086
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>durr it IS the same!
Of course she would say that. This is such a basic aspect of human sexual dimorphism. Men chase, women give. It's impressive to chase and be successful. It's not impressive to casually let dozens of men use your body.

>> No.19442096

Impression is entirely subjective, especially when the reproductive factors don't matter anymore in an era of pills.

>> No.19442099

Mansluts with incel mindset aren't really liked by women

>> No.19442106

>Mansluts with incel mindset
The posters here are even worse - incels with manslut mindsets. The lowest of the low.

>> No.19442125

>entirely subjective
The distinction is clear when assigning value to virginity. Male virginity = bad (more often than not), female virginity = always good.
kek, the pill doesn't erase basic human biology. Temporarily chemically castrating women doesn't magically assign them male sexual imperatives.
>ur an incel
>ur manslut
>women don't like you
Cool redirection. Didn't ask for your opinion, don't care what you think.

>> No.19442129

>female virginity = always good
You've never had a virgin girl, have you? They're awkward, shy, scared, unskilled, can't cum. Guys without crippling insecurity issues actually prefer girls with some experience in bed.

>> No.19442139

"Good" in reference to long-term relationship stability, which is what the thread is about; not immediate sexual prowess.

>> No.19442186

>can't cum
female orgasm is fake

>> No.19442442
File: 71 KB, 500x449, 647888A2-8AB6-4DEE-8951-B3EC25AD57A2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female orgasm is fake
Imagine not knowing how it feels for her whole body to tremble on your hard cock. Imagine having never cum from the vibrations. Imagine never letting her fall onto your chest and sigh. Imagine being so deep into denial.

>> No.19442461

female orgasms were invented by lifestyle magazines

>> No.19442480

Bruh I’ve literally had women squirt on my face. You’re coping hard.

>> No.19442498

This. I've had 6 bitches in bed and only one "came", looked stupid and fake. Based on empirical research I came to conclusion that female orgasm is a myth.

>> No.19442501


>> No.19442521

It's piss you braindead simp

>> No.19442540

But my gf is too young to read magazines and she still orgasms.

>> No.19442548
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Things I've learned from this thread
>girls can't cum
>girls collect cum DNA
>"mansluts with incel mindsets"
>"the chimeric baby bro"
/lit > literature board... guys... come on...

>> No.19442558

All true. Maybe you should go back to Twitter and consoome more gynophilic propaganda.

>> No.19442638
File: 236 KB, 634x650, 1622055781319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know me. I don't even browse Twitter! HA! I had to Google "gynophilic" and I've got FIVE houseplants, dickhead. And they're all in good shape. I whisper sweet little nothings to them whilst petting their leaves. They're big and strong and green. They're sprouting like rats on Carnaval! I give them names and inform them of the day's proceedings. What have you got to show for your life? tfw you will never be green-fingered God of Nature like me. I understand your sorrow. You seem easily triggered and bitter, you seething poltard incel. Stop drizzling spit whilst you're talking you deformed little midget! Go back into your little hovel, crawl back into the hole you came from, you pre-pubescent goblin. x

>> No.19442652

What twitter does to a mf

>> No.19442704
File: 252 KB, 1024x667, FDCB0D3A-05FC-4B80-BCED-265B0E658F89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they cum so hard they piss themselves.

>> No.19442718

Sauce on the pic tho for real

>> No.19442731

>dirty whore sprays you with her diseased whorish urine
>this is the magic of female "orgams"
what a magical creature woman is

>> No.19442738

I hate women

>> No.19442743

This post goes very hard

>> No.19442850


>> No.19443034

Sorry senpai, saved it from a groupchat. No fucking clue where the original came from.

>> No.19443039

Have you considered men?