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/lit/ - Literature

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19424622 No.19424622 [Reply] [Original]

I liked this a lot, what are some stories with a similar post apocalyptic vibe, I honestly don't care which medium.
and why is /lit/ so mean to Cormac lately?

>> No.19424636

>why is /lit/ so mean to Cormac lately?

Because he's genuinely a poor novelist. The illusion is wearing off. Let me be the first to say that I was so disgusted with Blood Meridian that I couldn't finish it. The man has no respect for storytelling; he writes as if he wishes he were behind a camera, filming a sweeping landscape. He is not interested in people, or drama. He missed his calling as a cinematographer.

>> No.19424666

>/lit/ so mean to Cormac lately?
Too many newfags here. And general dumbasses like this guy>>19424636
You wouldn't know drama if it came and slapped you in the face. It is not on CM that retards can't read between the lines.

>> No.19424678

>why is /lit/ so mean to Cormac lately?
Experimental author that unlike Pynchon and Joyce is actually accessible enough for the average retard around here to try and read it and realize his monkey brain can not comprehend.

>> No.19424684

Not an argument, Satan. My point stands, proud and triumphant, over your palaver.

>> No.19424698

Your don't have any point at all and the redditspace gives you away>>19424636

>> No.19424710

pseud take

>> No.19424799

>oh you like writing descriptions of the scenery chapters take place in? you must be a failed cinematographer
Dumbest opinion I've read on /lit/ for the week, good job anon

>> No.19424822

Nice try. Those tedious landscape shots are at least half the page count. You've obviously never read the book.

>> No.19424831

You mean a paragraph? Brainlet. You corncobs are all the same. Let me guess - Blood Meridian is the first "literary" book you ever read. The second? Yep, I'm guessing Crime & Punishment.

Why is this board so predictably plebeian these days? Is it everyone coming from /pol/ and /tv/?

>> No.19424838

Stick to the other thread redditor. Your reddit is showing.

>> No.19424846

Let me guess, you never read anything and you came over from reddit only two months ago and are desperately trying to fit in.
It's like they manufacture you retards in factories. No self awareness and always the same mistakes.

>> No.19424847

Why do you come to this board if you manifestly cannot read? Corncobs really are the lowest of the plebs.

>> No.19424852

Nice try poltard, you've already betrayed yourself. Now that you've been revealed, are you prepared to issue a mea culpa?

>> No.19424865

Go back to your safe space newfag jew. Your juvenile attempts will only set you up for more mockery.

>> No.19424899

>he cannot distinguish between a reddit space and para break
Everything from the way you type, your dumb complaining, your inability to tell a reddit space from normal breaks and even the way you are handling this thread, screams reddit. Seems like an ancestral problem; the self hate will manifest in some way. If it isn't against your jewry, it is against your identity online. Reddit still hasn't left you.

>> No.19425157

>Blood Meridian was his first big boy book

KEK. This board is full of highschoolers isn't it

>> No.19425159

the road kinda sucked imo but at least it was short
BM however is great

>> No.19425216

>another redditspace
Is it filled with highschoolers now? Yes it is. Look in the mirror.
Even 2 years ago you wouldn't be getting away with the garbage you post, retard. The dissent against CM is literally because of highschoolers. Want proof? Look at BM's position before and after the election tourism in '16. Your reddit attempts at revisionism won't convince anyone.

>> No.19425354

>dissent against

More proof McCarthyites are cultists. A shame more people have realized your emperor is strutting naked. Keep coping as his work degrades over the years until every tastemaker in the world pisses joyfully upon his ouevre.

>> No.19425361

The only one coping is you reddit retard. Your fantasies are gonna stay just that. McCarthy's rep is questionable only to newfags and only on this board. The train has left. The greater opinion is already out there. Sulk in your filth, that's your cult.

>> No.19425552

Why are you guys so obsessed with reddit? What even makes someone a reddit poster? 4chan hasn't been underground for like 15 years.
I'll admit I use reddit occasionally and I would bet that more than 75% of this website is the same. Both sites are extremely similar in how they act even if the opinions differ. You say something that doesn't follow the crowd, get called a fag or shill on here, redditors drop some passive aggressive bullshit. End result is no one ever actually defends their opinions with reasons.
To use a post in this thread as an example >>19424636. Based on further replies he doesn't like the descriptions of the scenery. Instead of saying that he goes full contrarian retard, and then instead of people ignoring they give retarded replies like pseud and cope. Every person involved is failing.
I know not everyone here is looking to have meaningful conversations amd that's fine. I shitpost now and then. But why do you guys defend your shitposts like they're your actual beliefs, and if they're your actual beliefs why do you express them so badly?
Using two line breaks has always been normal and uncontroversial here when the post is long. I don't know why that's become taboo recently and I would have done it if I didn't want to at least try and prevent the typical modern response to longposting.
I actually know the answer to every one of my questions and I can already predict every reply so I don't know why I'm bothering to post this.

>> No.19425586

>Using two line breaks has always been normal and uncontroversial here when the post is long. I don't know why that's become taboo
It is not taboo. The space after greentext is a sure sign of redditspace however. There is a reason why the text changes color. Redditors on reddit space the quoted text from the post because the system recognizes it as such, otherwise the quote and the post will be indistinguishable. 4chan already has different text colors, so a space after greentext is redundant. Recently transitioned redditors don't realize this however, and it becomes even more embarrassing when they start accusing things of being reddit.

>> No.19425663

>t. newfag

This has never been uniform. Users have spaced after greentext for years and years. You are really delusional and out yourself as a newfag when you argue otherwise.

>> No.19425688

>This has never been uniform. Users have spaced after greentext for years and years
There is a steady inflow of newfags at all times. They stopped calling your newshit asses out and it snowballed then. Most of us know a redditspace when we see one, I wasn't even the first to notice the pattern in the first place. The site itself has gotten too forgiving there. Find me one from 2014, newfag.
>You are really delusional and out yourself as a newfag when you argue otherwise.
Sure showed me bud, with FACTS and LOGIC.

>> No.19425706

>"N-n-no n-o-o i am not new END OF. Believe whatever bullshit i say."
Hahahahahaha, look at all this jewish cope.

>> No.19425736

>t. came here in the 2010s


>> No.19425750

>t.came here in 2020s

>> No.19425831

Thanks anon. I've seen I don't know how many posts saying reddit spaced when it's just 2 paragraphs and it's confused me. I guess my last sentence was wrong.
Here are some examples. This has never been standard, though it's always happened.

Ipsum kekem

One quote or implying then double line space. Not good.

Ipsum kekem.

An entire greentext story then double spaced. Normal and has always happened. Pointless and pedantic but that's the way it is.

>> No.19425976
File: 25 KB, 600x338, AAO9XbO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Road is not one of my favorites. I had to read it in high school (looking back I wonder if I shouldn't have picked animal farm instead) and I consider it extremely overrated and sad. For that reason I have never bothered with Cormacs other books. On top of my issues with the book, the post apocalyptic genre has been done better elsewhere by others and I think it's funny that some think this is the pinnacle of the genre

Putting aside my problems with the book, other post apocalyptic books you may or may not be interested in
>alas, Babylon
>on the beach
>a canticle for leibowitz
>the long tomorrow
>the postman
>I have no mouth and I must scream

>> No.19425981

>he writes as if he wishes he were behind a camera, filming a sweeping landscape
Ok, gonna read it.

>> No.19426109

Yeah it sounds better than it is. I genuinely think he may have had a talent behind the camera. I think his sensibilities would've fit better in film than literature.

>> No.19426113

Nobody asked.

>> No.19426283

>why is /lit/ so mean to Cormac lately?

Leftists generally hate McCarthy because McCarthy draws from a lot of the western canon including a ton of Christian literature. They desperately want to tear him and his inspirations down.

>> No.19426296

>McCarthy draws from a lot of the western canon
>literally writes a subversion of the western genre
>/lit/: yay!

>> No.19426299

no no anon, don't you get it, it's just pretending to be post-apocalyptic for deconstruction, so we can like it

>> No.19426319

>he writes as if he wishes he were behind a camera
>bruh wtf is ekphrasis
>what is portrait writing
>what is the sublime
>what is the picturesque
>what is imagism
Considering the influence visual mediums have had on writing how is this an actual criticism of anything?

>> No.19426333

>so underread he won't ever grasp the allusions
>quoting the blurb on the book as if that is all

>> No.19426339

it's literally one guy trying his best to push a meme but it's not working.

>> No.19426452

no it's just gay, like you

>> No.19426492

Better gay than retarded.

>> No.19426523

>better gay than
Haha you really are a faggot

>> No.19426531

Atleast not retarded, like you. Newfag. Heh

>> No.19426584

>a-at least
You're a fag. You like Mccarthy. Mccarthy is for fags. Nothing more need be said

>> No.19426593

You are newfag. You hate McCarthy. Only newfags hate McCarthy. Nothing more need be said

>> No.19426608

All legacy "leftist " media loves him. NYT, Huffington, etc. He's approved by all actually.

>> No.19426616

All insecure dilettantes love him. Only about 10% of his fans genuinely love him and that without Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.19426633

All insecure retards hate him. Only 10% of them really hate him because only they have read something from him. The rest are teenagers like you.

>> No.19426635

I've been here for years and read the road before people here had an extreme boner for it

Mccarthy is the most overrated of the fiction writers on here

>> No.19426641

>i have been here for years
And I am Batman. Hahahahahaha

>> No.19426647

>read the road before people here had an extreme boner for it
/lit/ never had a boner for The Road.
Imagine being so retarded you sabotage yourself in the same post baka

>> No.19426661

>lit doesn't have a boner for it
You've not been here long. There are threads like ops where it's praised. And then if someone makes a single negative point against it fags come out of the wood works
So gay, just like you

>> No.19426672

/lit/ more has a boner for BM though. Most Cormac fans seem to consider The Road one of his lesser works.

>> No.19426681
File: 65 KB, 462x627, 3AFDDDA8-BFB3-47A9-B632-2CCE1873F0F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you haven’t watched Steve’s three part takedown where he points out glaring logical flaws in the storytelling and character psychology

>> No.19426683

You literally started posting on this board this year, newfag retard. You are the same guy larping as a jew 5 hours ago. How fucking pathetic!
Even McCarthy's fans don't defend The Road incessantly. Always been like that. Stop embarrassing yourself retard.

>> No.19426685

>this retard is still here

>> No.19426711
File: 54 KB, 657x527, 1635829767211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The road is an abortion as is all of Mccarthy work.
It's memed up by a few pseuds because they can just barely comprehend it so they think they are special
Meanwhile they avoid anything Mccarthy himself deconstructs thus missing out on key parts of Mccarthys work its self simply because they find said books beneath then
On top of this they are afraid to read anything of any real length or difficulty because they know if they do they will be outed as the brain dead husks they truly are

>> No.19426723
File: 33 KB, 324x500, Riddley Walker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19426725

>that English
You can't even speak the language that he writes in lmao. We can see the poster count below so cut the samefagging.

>> No.19426734

Are you on a crusade to prove that you are retarded? You can barely string sentences together anymore. Your newfag reaction to being insulted has gone from amusing to sad.

>> No.19426740

>You can't even speak the language that he writes in lmao. We can see the poster count below so cut the samefagging.
Which is it? Can he not speak English or is he samefagging?
Or do you not know because you are too retarded

>> No.19426750

>samefagging again
Holy fuck! This is sad. Gonna report you for underage. No way an 18 year old commits these errors.
The post was clear to non-retards, so not you.

>> No.19426752

Deconstruction is the biggest meme out there
I guarantee most fans of blood meridian have never read the searchers or Shane

>> No.19426757

You are coping that many itt do not care for your favorite author.

>> No.19426770

You spend 10 hours embarrassing yourself over a writer you likely did not read. There is only one guy coping here and it is you. You can't even read plain english and can't even pretend to be someone else. Fucking lol.

>> No.19426779

Again YWNBAM and your delusion about Mccarthy proves it

>> No.19426782

BM is not a deconstruction. Who even spouts that nonsense? It's like idiots can't even regurgitate Bloom's opinion without twisting them.
Searchers is good.
Shane is shit.

>> No.19426797

Delusion? Lol. It is really funny how almost every third Mccarthy thread has a chud losing his marbles and is made to look like a complete idiot. I just visit for the laughs and take the piss outta them. You have the added bonus of being new and particularly dumb, so all the more funny.

>> No.19426841

I love his prose. More writers like him. Something with vivid descriptions like in his books.

>> No.19427217

Mccarthy is an imitation of true authorship. What i mean is he's got the writing chops, he has got some acceptable themes/ideas in his works but he is not a real author but he is a very intricate imitation of great literary spirit. He's not bad or awful or mediocre. Yet he's THE greatest author since last few decades. What does that mean?