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/lit/ - Literature

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19423559 No.19423559[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

DakotaChads...it wasn't supposed to end like this. I was supposed to be the one to save her, not some classical pianist Chang colonizer...


>> No.19423618

The two biggest pseuds in straya know each other, what a surprise

>> No.19423636

But can he play in the end by linking park

>> No.19423644

Here's my rendition of Crawling In My Skin I made freshman year of college.

>> No.19423649

he butchered that prelude
also she’s like a 7/10 generic arthoe at best, why do you fags simp so hard

>> No.19423655

This guy plays piano so much better than he writes. He should be pursuing something in music rather than literature.

>> No.19423660
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>> No.19423664

This. I'm starting to realize Waldun might not be the hack we've been making him out to be all along. He could be an artist, just not a writer.
>A 7/10 is not desirable

>> No.19423666

she’s short and fat and her face is plain anon. how low are your standards?

>> No.19423675

Checkmate pseuds. Arthoes don't care about your classics. Should've picked up a classic instrument to fit in the aesthetics of dark academia.

>> No.19423682

Im going to be so mad if that chink bitch smashes her, im not even trolling that video legitimately made a mad

>> No.19423687
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Yeah, no. Emmie is the true queen of lit.

>> No.19423719

god i'd love to spray a load all over her

>> No.19423728

You guys know that sound a woman's hand make when she's wearing rings. Like when she places her hand on a wooden table. Or maybe it's really the sound her nails make when they clack on a surface. But you know that sound I'm describing? It's a very feminine sound. I think it's the most beautiful sound in the world.

>> No.19423733

Married men also make that sound anon...

>> No.19423740

No they don't. This sound is completely feminine. I've never heard a man make it despite him wearing a ring or rings. When you this sound, you just know. It's like the click-clack of high heels. This sound women's hands make. It's beautiful.

>> No.19423806

Sounds like a whole load of fag cope to me anon. So what you like the sound of men? Its ok to be gay.

>> No.19423818

wait so waldun isnt actually an autist fag that cant talk to women? he seems socially compatent in that video.. I feel betrayed.....

>> No.19423823

emmie what? I want to see her

>> No.19423827
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/lit/ is a Kat board. get that gay gook and fat lolita wannabe out of here.

>> No.19423831

what a twist. Half of /lit/ getting cucked by Rice Cock Waldun, the chink twink himself

>> No.19423834

He looks tall

>> No.19423862

Doesn't he already have a girlfriend?

>> No.19423882

Yes. Her name is now Dakota Warren.

>> No.19423901


>> No.19424834

yes it's a shame he basically dropped something he is proficient in to pursue a career in a field he has absolutely no natural ability for.

>> No.19424991
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this is genuinely gonna revive the waldun fandom
I'm calling it now

>> No.19425024

Is it just me or was that not that good? It sounds like he's had a lot of training but he still makes a bunch of mistakes and it doesn't sound musical for lack of a better word. Don't get me wrong it's better than his writing kek.

>> No.19425052

Women can't tell the difference. I assure you she was so fucking wet

>> No.19425168






>> No.19425229

no she wasn't..... fuck you all fucking cucks i hate this place fuck you

>> No.19425257

How does a bitch who reads Cioran could be so basic and braindead?

>> No.19425272

literally her opinion on the trouble with being born is: "this book made me hate life for a minute" -chuckles "but then you realize it is so pessimist haha" "no need to be like this" chuckles.
the fuck were you waiting for

>> No.19425273

>fuck you all fucking cucks
You are obsessing over an e-thot. Kek. Reevaluate your life, anonymous.

>> No.19425278

yeah he hammered through it, he clearly hasn’t practiced in a long time. it was very autistically upbeat and mechanistic playing, not at all nuanced, not at all musical.
>t. asian american who suffered through piano lessons for my entire childhood

>> No.19425294

Kek wtf? Link the video
I really doubt that she has finished the book.

Checkout this review by an Indian grill. Look at her face. You know she has read the book and now it is destroying her from the inside


>> No.19425307

here it is. it's like in the first 5 minutes of the video. i had some kind of hope for his content but is objectively shit.


>> No.19425320

She didn't even discuss what is in the book or quoted any aphorism. Fuck these NPCs

>> No.19425345
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why is she dressed like a puritan

>> No.19425375

what a cutie, love the pajeet-tier audio too, but once we're married she'll only be reading YA

>> No.19425434

He really is not that good, abysmal on the dynamics.

>> No.19425437

Being impressed by an asian playing a little bit of piano is like being impressed by an america eating very large portions

>> No.19425457

Well that was underwhelming

>> No.19425464

I actually found it adequately whelming.

>> No.19425509

>"no need to be like this"
Absolutely the right approach to Cioran.
The weightlessness of being a good looking woman in her early years experiences is something so alien to a Romanian man who is being depressed for his own enjoyment, that any further attempt to reconcile these two points of views would be a waste of time.
So when this thot proclaims: "lol whatever no need to feel down about this shit" she btfo'ed every nihilism fag completely without any further need for engagement.

>> No.19426161
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Cioran knew the shallowness of these creatures from a very young age. His only concern was their bodies.

> I was still in the Lycée, mad about philosophy and about a girl in the Lycée as well. One important detail: I did not know her personally, though she belonged to the same milieu as I (the bourgeoisie of Sibiu, in Transylvania). As often happens with adolescents, I was both insolent and timid, but my timidity prevailed over my insolence. For over a year this torment lasted, culminating one day when I happened to be reading some book or other, leaning against a tree in the town park. Suddenly I heard giggling. Turning around, I saw — who? Her, accompanied by one of the boys in my class, the one scorned by us all and nicknamed The Louse. After more than fifty years, I remember perfectly how I felt at that moment. I forgo the details. The fact remains that I vowed on the spot to abjure “sentiments.” And that was how I became a frequenter of brothels. A year after this radical and commonplace disappointment, I discovered Weininger. And found myself in the ideal situation to understand him. His splendid enormities concerning women intoxicated me. How could I have been beguiled by a subbeing? I kept asking myself. Why this torment, this calvary, on account of a fiction, a zero incarnate? A fated figure had come at last to deliver me. But that deliverance was to cast me into a superstition that he himself condemned, for I was drifting toward that “Romantik der Prostitution™ incomprehensible to serious minds and a specialty of eastern and southeastern Europe. In any case, my student life was passed under the spell of the Whore, in the shadow of her protective, cordial, even maternal, abasement. Weininger, by supplying me with the philosophical reasons for detesting an “honest” woman, cured me of “love” during the proudest and most frenetic period I have experienced in my life. I did not foresee a time when his indictments and his verdicts would no longer count for me except insofar as they would occasionally make me regret the madman I had been.

Anthemas and Admirations

>> No.19426402

new waldun video: he asks "so you want to study humanities" and then rambles about "you know i was in stem, but all the mad people are in arts" for 6 mins for a justification to shill his essay writing program.
what a fucking gift


>> No.19426460
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>Her, accompanied by one of the boys in my class, the one scorned by us all and nicknamed The Louse.
>And that was how I became a frequenter of brothels
Pic related the Louse.

>> No.19426498

You wouldn't get it

>When I was barely adolescent, the prospect of death flung me into trances; to escape them, I rushed to the brothel, where I invoked the angels. But with age, you become used to your own terrors, you undertake nothing more in order to be disengaged from them, you become quite bourgeois in the Abyss. — And although there was a time when I envied those Egyptian monks who dug their own graves in order to shed tears within them, if I were to dig mine now, all I would drop in there would be cigarette butts.

-Cioran, All Gall is Divided

>> No.19426527

he truly is a polymath
waldunchads, you were right all along. i kneel

>> No.19426530
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Waldun made a video (pic related) "drinking whisky" with a mega pseud and she commented on his video that she wanted to be in the next episode. (They both go to the same university and are majoring in literature). This is the crossover we didn't ask for but truly deserve.

Waldun is a repressed homosexual and Dakota is sexually aggressive but in a very immature way. He is a natural attractor for certain types of females (i.e. dumb but nice girls that weren't hot until after high school, fag-hags, (((thoughtful))) girls, arthoes, etc)--as he is entirely non-threatening due to a lack of core confidence (which comes off as sensitivity). You can decide for yourself which of the aforementioned categories Dakota fits into.

My guess is some sort of relationship may develop which could force his repressed homosexuality to the fore...we could potentially see confirmation of the HH within the coming months (but it's still likely it will come toward the end of his undergrad as it does with most people in similar situations).

>> No.19426544

I strongly advise Waldun to stay clear of such a wanton harlot.

>> No.19426554

he doesn't actually care, he just wants the validation of a white person with at least some artistic inclinations

>> No.19426600

He's half white (one of his parents is Eastern European...probably one of the ones where the Mongolian rape ancestry shows thorough).

>> No.19426625
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e m m i e is the true queen of /lit. Doesn't wear make-up for most of her vids--doesn't even shower for some of them. Drives around with her mom and brother visiting "little free libraries" harvesting books. Doesn't offer up contrived advice that ape retarded platitudes like "don't be intimidated to read" or "it's ok to be a smart person" bullshit.

She's the queen.

>> No.19426631

her eyebrows are tragic

>> No.19426638


>> No.19426648

/lit/ is a Kat board.. This sloppy dog you've posted is mannish in appearance and taste.

>> No.19426674

Based Waldunscholar

>> No.19426684

the weird thing about rich zoomers is that they have both the zoomer problem, they live entirely in a simulated fantasy world made of a slurry of earlier culture strained through internet and pop media, and the moneyed problem, they have the money to live out their stupid desires

i was saved from getting a phenomenally gay tattoo by being too poor when i wanted one for it to be practicable. by the time i had money i no longer wanted my hilariously bad tattoo idea. but rich people can start dressing like "dark academia" RIGHT AWAY

and now, they can start dating other fruits like themselves who have fallen down a similar money+stupid hole. now you can get a dark academia tattoo on your forehead, dress like a gothic lolita, and meet a turtleneck-wearing slope who has taught himself on social media that you are the ching to his chang, in the same exact way he figured out which cigarette brand to get deliberately addicted via twink fashion blogs

now i just want to know, what happens next? can rich zoomers who live a LARP together create a fully LARP child? will we start seeing the first dark academia-themed children in a few years? or do these people wake up from their fruity daydream after they get their first wrinkles and the instagram glamor wears off?

>> No.19426695

truthful effortpost, kek'd out loud at slope

>> No.19426731
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>> No.19426769

I like how Waldun thinks him being in high school counts as previously having been in STEM. Maybe he went to some weird ass high school where he did do a STEM specialization, but I still highly doubt it was as rigorous as he pretends it was.

>> No.19426776
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She can be a 10 whenever she wants.

>> No.19426784

If anything the HH hypothesis is being refuted as we speak. It's very obvious Waldun and Dakota fucked, or at the very least she made him lick her clit to orgasm.

>> No.19426794

>will we start seeing the first dark academia-themed children in a few years?
I kek'd.

>> No.19426823

It's more that she is one blank stare away from being mistaken for having Down's Syndrome. Her eye are almond-shaped and almost too far apart. She looks like a Downie.

>> No.19426838

Completely the opposite. Putting genuine effort into a relationship with someone like Dakota, that motivated by sex alone, is a huge indicator you're a repressed homosexual.

I'm not saying Waldun wont take a dip into what he probably thinks of as "her seafood butter" but I am saying he's as safe of a target as someone like Dakota, whose sexual immaturity comes through by how aggressive she (awkwardly) presents herself to be, could hope for.

>> No.19426845

>dark academia themed children
Gays and trannies already do this to their children. They "force" them to be gay by social coercion and subliminal messaging. I mean to be fair it's the same way we enforce most social mores, so it's not really surprising that gay family will raise gay children.

>> No.19426847

that isn't motivated by sex alone*

>> No.19426859
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Based analysis anon. I feel mean for saying it, and I hope Emmie herself doesn't read this, but her rat fans are getting too comfortable on this board and they need to be knocked down a peg. Emmie is a stupid whore and she has shit taste in books, and her eyebrows need to be trimmed. I hope she deletes her channel.

This board belongs to Kat and no one else.

>> No.19426866

Kat's given up, she's old news

>> No.19426893

>I feel mean for saying it, and I hope Emmie herself doesn't read this
I feel mean for the Downie thing. I hope she doesn't see that either. But I just noticed there was something slightly off about her. Yes she is cute, but the longer I looked the more off-put I become. I finally noticed it was her eyes. It was really this photo that did it for me >>19426625. So maybe she just isn't photogenic. Most people aren't anyways.

>> No.19426910
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Don't feel bad anon, they started it. If they weren't so brazen with their attacks on Kat then it would never have come to this. You have to do what you have to do.

>> No.19426981

I don't support Kat though. She is a rat-faced tranny. I am team Dakota.

>> No.19427009
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Well you would never see Kat associating with a midwit chink who talks with a speech impediment anon, you're on the wrong side with this one. Shame.

>> No.19427025

She's live now:

>> No.19427121
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>> No.19427122

His playing is painfully average, listen to more piano music.

>> No.19427124

I did not expect him ti sound like that LOL

>> No.19427156

>His playing is painfully average
And his writing is laughably horrendous

>> No.19427158

is dakota into him?

>> No.19427180

doing is almost always better than not doing.

>> No.19427208


>> No.19427259

Trying it is a necessity to making it.
Why would he have to be good at playing the piano, it's a useless standard. It's cool he plays and sings and writes - shall he inspire fags who otherwise die in front of their computer

>> No.19427261

Prove it