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19423412 No.19423412 [Reply] [Original]

Was he right about more than people are generally willing to admit?
Especially "Society and its Discontents"

Look at nofap cult -

>guilty about their fetishes
>over the years, algorithms allow companies to get really precise about people's preferences / behavior
>see so called "degeneracy" more often as the demand increases
>nofappers project guilt of weird fetishes and try to convince everyone there's a conspiracy against them because they can't admit they're easily controlled by their base instincts and are choosing to indulge themselves
It's the equivalent to overweight people blaming ice cream parlors for their own sugar consumption.

>> No.19423437

One you're not perfect at all. This is where the saying don't tempt an honest man comes from. Two you're viewing this from one angle. People generally aren't sexually secure ever and even ones w the most opportunities grow and change.

>> No.19423456

Sounds like you made this thread specifically to project your insecurities over people quitting porn with nofap.

>> No.19423462

Jew so assume every grain of truth is used to sugar coat lies and subversion as was probably said better by a non Jewish philosopher anyway

>> No.19423467

there's literally people and literature which promote degeneracy and sin. porn is used as a political weapon more than anything, what the fuck, were you born yesterday or something? it's alright if you're guilty about fapping man, but don't search for it's justification as there is none. It's a highly disordered action that goes against natural reason. Read libido dominandi.

>> No.19423753
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I've noticed that many people who find it expedient to recommend Libido Dominandi (written by a catholic theologian) are the same who under other circumstances will warn against the Jesuits as being the satanic shadow rulers of the catholic church.

from the book:
>Sexual revolutionis contemporaneous with political revolution of the sort that began in Francein 1789. This means we are not talking about sexual vice when we use theterm sexual revolution, as much as the rationalization of sexual vice, followed by the financial exploitation of sexual vice, followed by the politicalmobilization of the same thing as a form of control

If we're going to look at this through the paradigm of pornography being purely a psy-op, then it stands to reason nofap could be as well.
The aforementioned book presupposes that
are what make pornography a vice.
I'm not yet convinced. The jury is still out on the validity / usefulness of christian morality.
But I'll continue to read.

>> No.19423825

That's his one solid book, and your example is spot-on.

>> No.19423909

>The jury is still out on the validity / usefulness of christian morality.
are you sure about that?

>> No.19423926
File: 32 KB, 528x360, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do not in general have the impression that sexual abstinence helps produce energetic, independent men of action or original thinkers, bold liberators and reformers. Far more often it produces well-behaved weaklings who later merge into the great mass of those who habitually, if reluctantly, follow the lead given by strong individuals.

>> No.19423965

the most jewish shit I've read in a long time. it absolutely reeks of contempt for christianity.

>> No.19424003

not saying anything very different to Nietzsche. is he Jewish?

>> No.19424054

spiritually speaking, yes.

>> No.19424058

Freud didn't write that.

>> No.19424059

Yes he did. WTF. It's from Civilisation and its Discontents

>> No.19424067

Nofap doesn't seem to think that there's "a conspiracy against them"; they just think sex addiction is a lucrative vice for pornographers and then attribute a bunch of random quasi-superpowers to not fapping.

>> No.19424069

I don't remember that phrase but I want to believe you. Do you remember what chapter it's from?

>> No.19424080
File: 368 KB, 800x1349, 800px-JamesIEngland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if he was talking about what 0 pussy does to a mf and it was lost in translation (cultural context of a different time period or languistically )Contrary to the accusation of having made this thread as a projection,
Look at how nofap is almost always discussed under the guise of
The benefits are touted as being due to semen retention, but I have yet to be privy to A SINGLE instance of people who, after successfully nofapping their way into getting a gf, are now trying to reconcile the cost of dumping their loads / kunadlini energy / jing / mana into a vagina.
Closest thing is
>"lol its fine. you absorb stuff from her and it's an even trade of fluids"
That is not quite how it works.
IF there are benefits to semen retention (which I suspect there are), why does nofap not lead people into tantric practices so that they can have sex without spilling the cup of hermes, so to speak?

I meant the validity / usefulness to me as an individual.
I cannot force myself to have faith, but have not ruled out making use of Christianity as a model
to use as my autopilot philosophy.
i.e., st agustine makes some compelling arguments but it's not quite enough to convert me

>> No.19424086

Oh you know what, sorry. It's from an essay called 'Civilized Sexual Morality and Nervous Illness'. It was tacked on at the end of my copy of Civilisation and its Discontents.

>> No.19424175

>The benefits are touted as being due to semen retention
yeah that's just bullshit. the effects on the mind and soul are real, however, when seen in proper context. Christianity comes into play heavily here by condemning the action as gravely disordered, thus damaging to one's soul (or psyche if you wish). By not doing it for a long time you begin to heal. Talking from experience here. Uninronically, after coming back to church, after not fapping, after attending mass earnestly (it was difficult at first), I met women and I married one of them. Not saying that it's how it's gonna end for everyone, but marriage was my goal and I achieved it. Did nofap/christianity help? Definitely.
>but it's not quite enough to convert me
doesn't come easy, faith is a gift after all. try pascal.

>> No.19424270

>Was he right about more than people are generally willing to admit?
he is the origin of the very concept of the subconscious. his good ideas were so successful that they are now taken for granted, which leaves only his bad ones to be associated with him and be memed. this is what is meant by the statement "Freud is the most influential psychologist of the 20th century."

>> No.19424289


>> No.19424386

>Figure out that a lot of fucked-up people were raped as a kid
>Write about this
>The rich dont want to admit they rape their kids and pressure you into writing bullshit
>It's still incredibly correct and influences psychology for decades
Freud was the most based man in psychology ever.

>> No.19424811
File: 17 KB, 456x384, bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this... this is a good old fashion filtering... devastating... blissfully unaware... I just want to savor it. post moar, bro

>> No.19425122

isn't this a debunked feminist meme that emerged during the 80s pedo panic

>> No.19425539

He was extremely redpilled and based.

>> No.19425563

He wasn't anti-drive. The ideal outcome of the oedipal complex is to channel the energy into accepted endeavors. The whole idea of suppressing - abstaining - negating the drive is silly. You won't transform the diverted drive into creation just by wanting it or nofapping either.

>> No.19425570

I'm going to inform you that Freud did not want to be your metaphysical framework.

>> No.19425573

>Predicts step-mom porn, rule 34 and other degeneracy of the modern world
Absolutely BTFO's every single psychologist till this day. How do I be so great bros?

>> No.19425579

By stealing from stories people aren't supposed to follow first in a society which empowers individuals.

>> No.19425969

But that's how he conceptualized it anon

>> No.19425974

Didn't his methods cause his daughter to commit suicide? Nothing says Jew like screwing another Jew over, you get Torah bonus points for family members.

>> No.19426429
File: 131 KB, 1897x513, 1633028001977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19426553

Imagine the best examples you can give of Freud's revolutionary thought is Carl Rogers and a fringe idea about neurons lmao.

>> No.19426703

>he is the origin of the very concept of the subconscious
He didn't.

>> No.19426733

lets not kid ourselves, virtue is as much will as it is environments. So its no epiphany that pressures will sometimes be put on environmental things. You may bring up blame, guilt or whatever but those emotive signals are facade to the mechanistic actions of the systems underneath. If im wrong blame Lacan and all the cope generated since

>> No.19426829

I see a lot of myself in his diagnoses, more than I would ever admit to another person. I wonder how many people are like me. I also wonder how much of what he has said has always been true and how much is kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.19426860

Looks like someone failed NNN.

>> No.19427050

Imagine being such a pseud that you'd think people will be impressed when you call a foundational principle of neuroscience "fringe"
and poo-poo the most influential clinician of the 20th century.

>> No.19427766

Are you aware of what the hysterical clutch of virgins are up to in the Catholic church? Oh right, losing their virginity in the asses of young boys. Absolute abstinence is deviant from nature, it is in it's very essence unnatural and results in very maladapted individuals.

>> No.19428214


>> No.19428224

No, because his therapeutic methods were shown to be ineffective, and the source for psychoanalysis was dude trust me lol.

>> No.19428266

Freud coined a lot of terms we use today,mostly unknowingly. Coping mechanisms like denial, projection, displacement etc.

As well as the concept of mommy/ daddy issues people seemingly embrace yet deny in the same breath. Ideas of the pressures of societal norms(super-ego) on the psyche. Origins of fetishes and the list goes on.

>> No.19428328

Carl Rogers? Lmao

>> No.19428723

Nofap was way more prevalent during Christian times